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415 walk into the store

Walking into the store, Sheng Chuncheng saw Mr. Mi sitting on the sofa in the front hall and quickly walked over.

Mr. Mi asked: "Xiao Sheng, the person who just sent you back is..."

Sheng Chuncheng blushed and said quickly: "He is a member of our store and a friend. He just took me to see a house. We are looking for the location of a new store. I will ask these members to help us find it."


Mr. Mi nodded: "How is it?"

"That place is really nice, but..."

Before Sheng Chuncheng could finish what he said, Mr. Mi stood up and said to Sheng Chuncheng: "Come on, take me there to have a look. I came to you today to talk about this matter."

The two of them walked outside and got into Mr. Mi's car. Sheng Chuncheng gave instructions and walked again along the road he and Yanyan had just taken back and forth.

As the car drove along Tianmu Mountain Road and approached the Gudun intersection, Sheng Chuncheng pointed to the glass house on the right and said:

"Mr. Mi, this is the building."

"Yes, this is Vanke's house." Mr. Mi said, obviously she was familiar with this house.

Without Sheng Chuncheng's guidance, Mr. Mi knew where the entrance to the underground parking lot was and drove in. The two of them got out of the car and found that the underground parking lot was very large. Today was a work day, but there were still many empty parking spaces.

Mr. Mi nodded and said, "Parking is quite convenient. We can't go to places where parking is inconvenient."

The two people walked to the elevator hall and entered the elevator. Mr. Mi asked which floor it was on. Sheng Chuncheng thought for a while and found that there was a high step up there, but it didn't seem to be the second floor. It should be the first floor. Sheng Chuncheng said: "The first floor."


Mr. Mi pressed the button on the first floor, and the elevator arrived and opened. It happened to be on that platform. On one side were Western restaurants and Japanese food shops, and on the other side was the place they were planning to rent.

Mr. Mi walked to the stairs, looked down, and saw Starbucks at the bottom of the stairs. He turned around, and before Sheng Chuncheng could speak, Mr. Mi pointed to the inside of the glass door and asked:

"Is it here?"

Sheng Chuncheng was surprised and asked: "Mr. Mi, do you know?"

Mr. Mi smiled and said: "This is the only place here that is empty."

As she spoke, she walked to the glass door, looked inside against the glass, and asked, "How big is it?"

"More than 1,200 square meters."

"Just right."

"Do you want me to ask their director to come over, open the door and take a look?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

Mr. Mi said: "That's not necessary. Isn't it frame-type inside? It's still rough. What's there to see? I don't know how to decorate. If you want to see it, Mr. Liu will ask Mr. Zhang to come over and take a look."

Mr. Mi looked at the two stores opposite and said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"Let's just go here. It's quite suitable here. Take a look. Wouldn't it be nice to eat steak or sea urchin after a massage? Or after you finish eating over there, come over here and do it. That's fine too. If you want to drink coffee, that's fine.

Let us waiters go down and help buy a drink."

Sheng Chuncheng was thinking, is this all included? Should I also go to Citibank to deposit money?

Sheng Chuncheng said: "But the rent here is very expensive."

"How expensive?"

"One hundred and ten thousand a month."

"That's three yuan per square meter per day, right?" Mr. Mi asked.

Sheng Chuncheng did a quick calculation in his mind and he was right.

"It's quite reasonable. If you consider that it's still during the epidemic, it's a bit expensive, but the epidemic has not had a big impact on us now." Mr. Mi said, "Take it, renting a house is not 100% to your liking.

Yes, I think this place is quite suitable."

"What about the rent?"

Mr. Mi looked at Sheng Chuncheng and asked, "So what? We can't afford to rent it?"

Sheng Chuncheng laughed, and he immediately thought of Yanyan. Mr. Mi asked:

"why are you laughing?"

"The client who brought me here just now scolded me because I thought the rent here was too expensive," Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Oh, what did she scold you for?" Mr. Mi asked curiously.

"She said, the first thing I have to consider is whether the place is suitable, not the rent. As long as the place is suitable, the next step is to consider how to start a business. As long as the business is up, rent is not an issue." Sheng Chun

Cheng said.

"She's right." Mr. Mi said, "That's right."

Sheng Chuncheng scratched his head: "Are you women so happy?"

Mr. Mi laughed and said: "Maybe we all know where we like to come. Don't worry, if I bring Mr. Liu here, he will also make such a decision. Think about it, Xiao Sheng, now the whole country

There are B&Bs everywhere and they can hardly survive, so why are our prices several times higher than others, but our business is still booming?"

Sheng Chuncheng had never thought about this, so he asked: "Why?"

"Because we are dealing with a specific group of people, and our target customer group is, relatively speaking, the least affected by the epidemic. On the contrary, precisely because of the epidemic, they need our small scale, safety, and no need to compete with other companies.

Hotels where guests or larger groups of people come into contact.

"'Everyone Slims' is also targeting a specific group of people. Your friend is right, as long as you can serve their hearts, their wallets will be open to you.

"Because of the epidemic, these target customers have less money than more places to spend money. Yesterday, a friend of mine complained to me, saying that now she can't go to Hong Kong or abroad. She used to spend a month

I used to swipe 40,000 to 50,000 by card, but now it's 20,000 to 30,000, and there seems to be no place to swipe it."

The two people were talking as they walked down the steps. When they reached the bottom, Mr. Mi looked both ways, then up, towards the steps they just came down from, and said:

"Yes, this is it. Let's go."

The two people walked up the steps. As they walked, Mr. Mi said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"Xiao Sheng, as a corporate legal person, it is right for you to consider rent and costs, but sometimes, you have to look further and not look too small instead of big."

Sheng Chuncheng said modestly: "How to say this, Mr. Mi will teach me."

"I can't tell you how to talk about it, but we are here to build the flagship store of 'Everyone Slimming'. What is a flagship store? A flagship store is also an image store, which represents the image of our company. Our company is positioned in

Which grade must be visible in the flagship store, so this matter must be considered comprehensively and enlarged.

"Even if this store is losing money because the rent is too high, as long as our other stores are profitable, it is a good deal for us. Because this store has improved our overall brand image, this is

Compared with the big ones, how much money this store makes is secondary to the small ones.

"We are in the service industry, and the service industry is not afraid of the deep alleys because of the aroma of wine, but the deep alleys. The most important thing is face and form, not to mention the small profits but quick turnover. Instead, we have to pay attention to the

In addition to products, for example, if you set up a roadside stall on the street to sell LV, what will happen? You can only sell the genuine goods as fakes, and no one will buy them.

"Does that mean we can't sell LV on the street? Yes, let's try another way. Instead of setting up a stall, we can be like the friend in front of you who drives a Porsche or Ferrari and sells LV in the trunk of the car. Tell everyone, because she

There are so many bags at home that have been given by others that I can’t fit them all away. If I want to deal with a batch of them at a low price, it will be believable and many girls will come to buy them.”

This chapter has been completed!
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