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429 people are still on the subway

While still on the subway, Sheng Chuncheng called Professor Zheng and asked her if he could go to her place this afternoon.

Professor Zheng seemed to know what Sheng Chuncheng wanted to do. The young voice asked: "Boy, why are you joining in the fun of a war? Are you afraid that the world will not be in chaos?"

Sheng Chuncheng laughed and said yes, "There are many things I don't understand and I want to ask Teacher Zheng for help."

Professor Zheng said: "Let's wait for another day. Today I have to go to the hospital for a meeting, which will last all day."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, I will go another day.

Putting down the phone, he was thinking that he was the only one who liked to join in the fun. With such a major event happening in the world, Professor Zheng was probably more excited than him. The meeting in the courtyard today must be related to the Russia-Ukraine war.

Sheng Chuncheng's guess was correct. It was really like this. Professor Zheng and his college organized everyone today to conduct an emergency sand table simulation to see how much impact the successive waves of Western economic and financial sanctions would have on Russia. Russia

Can the financial system withstand the crisis? Will the ruble collapse and become a piece of waste paper as the President of the United States announced?

This wave of economic and financial sanctions is coming with great force. The United States, leading the Western countries, can be said to have brought out almost all the weapons it can. It can be said to be comprehensive and devastating. The sanctions have even reached

It’s so funny that even Tchaikovsky’s music and Russian cats are boycotted by the West.

Professor Zheng joked: "Why didn't they also sanction Mendeleev and deactivate the periodic table of elements?"

From suspending Russia's use of the SIFT international settlement system to major Western banks freezing Russian government enterprises and all accounts of citizens. Even countries like Switzerland, which have always been known as neutral, have been involved, which is staking their financial credit.

If this continues, the consequences will surely be endless.

Professor Zheng said: "These fools in Switzerland are digging their own graves. The entire banking system in Switzerland relies on neutrality and credibility to survive. If they continue to mess around, who will dare to deposit money in Swiss banks in the future? They

It’s not just Russian money that’s in their coffers. I can guarantee that they will realize their stupidity within a few days.”

Faced with this overwhelming blow, what countermeasures will Russia take?

Professor Zheng and his colleagues have long made the judgment that once what happens today, the West's intervention will include military and economic and financial aspects. Militarily, Russia will definitely have to prepare for a head-on conflict with NATO.

The President of the United States, before Russia decided to carry out special military operations, inexplicably announced that the United States and NATO would not directly declare war with Russia.

Although the words were high-sounding, saying that they wanted to prevent a direct war between the two nuclear powers and triggering the Third World War. However, such a statement still shocked the whole world. Everyone felt that this was not a disguised attempt to encourage Russia to take military action, nor was it a disguised attempt to encourage Russia to take military action.

Has Ukraine been sold?

This also makes it more concrete that this war is destined to be a proxy war, and poor Ukraine has become a pawn of the United States and NATO.

Encouraged by the "rock-solid" promise of the United States and NATO, they went to the battlefield. They rolled up their sleeves with their chests uncovered and stepped forward with a straight figure, pretending to be about to start a group fight. When the fight actually started, Ukraine looked back and saw that behind them

All the older brothers had fled, leaving me alone, skinny and skinny, standing there alone, facing the burly man with thick chest hair in front of me.

From the very beginning of the special military operation, Russian troops entered Ukraine from both the eastern and western sides. It can be seen that Russia's actions in eastern Ukraine are substantive, and the purpose is to eliminate Ukraine. It has been stationed in Ukraine over the years.

Here, Ukraine's most elite troops and the Azov Battalion with Nazi characteristics are fighting against the pro-Russian militia groups in eastern Ukraine.

But in Usi, when the Russian army approached Kiev, it was a sheep attack. Heavy weapons were not used, and no large-scale battle took place. Usi's sheep attack was, firstly, to destroy the will of the Ukrainians, and secondly, the most important thing was

It is necessary to cut off the connection between Ukraine and Poland and prevent and deter the direct entry of NATO military forces.

In terms of economy, Russia zeroed out all the U.S. Treasury bonds they held before the war began and exchanged them for gold. It can be seen from this that Russia has already had plans for this day.

Be prepared. They know that the West is not a paper lake. As long as they launch special military operations, the West will definitely take retaliatory actions.

Of all the current economic and financial sanctions in the West, Russia must have already carried out military exercises, and they will have their own countermeasures. Professor Zheng and the others held the meeting to find out how hard the Western sanctions would hit Russia, and to see clearly how Russia would be affected

What are the countermeasures? And what experiences and lessons can we learn from it.

The dean asked Xiao Ma to bring a message to Professor Zheng, saying that it was the above task and asked everyone to open their minds. It would be best to simulate Russia's good response plan in this situation.

It is said that dozens of domestic universities and research institutions have started sand table exercises today and are also formulating simulation plans. A distant war has also begun to compete among domestic universities and research institutions.


The higher-ups attach great importance to this and define it as a mock exam. Professor Zheng and others are rushing to take the exam today.

It is also true that we must pay attention to the fact that the West has imposed comprehensive economic and financial sanctions on our country in the past and will definitely do so in the future. We must also be prepared for this and have our own countermeasures.

Everyone discussed it all morning. The dean asked Professor Zheng what he thought. Professor Zheng kept pressing on his mobile phone, and a row of words appeared on the projection screen in the conference room:

"I have two ideas. After the Bretton Woods Conference, currency and gold were decoupled, but the basic properties of currency have not changed, that is, they need to be backed. It used to be gold, but now it is national credit, or oil, etc. The U.S. dollar has become


"Because of this war, Russia's national credit has been temporarily destroyed. The reason why the ruble has plummeted is because there is a problem with the endorsement.

"The only way to prevent the ruble from becoming waste paper is to find a new backer for the ruble. Russia has more than 2,300 tons of gold reserves, which is more than us. The biggest advantage is their gold reserves.

It is not placed in the United States or in the underground vault of the Federal Reserve. Even if the United States and the West want to pursue Russian gold, it is impossible.

"Russia has the conditions to return the ruble to the gold standard and link gold to the ruble. With a new endorsement of the ruble, it can restore everyone's confidence in the ruble and stop the current downward trend of the ruble.

"Another idea is that Russia should give full play to its advantages as a resource-rich country. Europe is highly dependent on Russia's oil and natural gas. Not only these, Russia and Ukraine are also the breadbasket of Europe, including many key production materials.

For example, now, spring plowing is about to begin in the northern hemisphere, and Russia's potassium fertilizer exports account for 40% of the world's total.

"All of these are counterattack weapons that Russia can use. If used well, the ruble and Russia's economy can be stabilized. For a country that is not short of energy and food, economic and financial sanctions are not so terrible."

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