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433 Talking on the phone while wearing a mask

When talking on the phone while wearing a mask, there will be a smell in the mask that will not dissipate for a long time, which Sheng Chuncheng hates. When he and Sun Hong were talking on the phone, he took off the mask. Anyway, most of the people on the subway are already gone.

Wear a mask.

When Sheng Chuncheng was on the phone with Sun Hong, he saw two girls sitting not far away from him, holding mobile phones in their hands, whispering to each other, looking at their phones from time to time, and then at him. The two of them were eating.


Let me go, you are really a celebrity. It turns out that this is what celebrities are like. Sheng Chuncheng cursed in his heart. He leaned his back against the pillar, changed his direction so that he was facing the car door, and then called Wan Jiangang.

When the call was about to be made, Sheng Chuncheng hesitated. If he was looking for someone at this time, would he be the one to be teased? After much hesitation, he finally dialed the number. If you make fun of someone, make fun of him. Never mind him.

I have already promised Sun Hong, but I can't just turn around and act like a fool.

The phone rang twice and was picked up. Wan Jiangang's voice came from the phone:

"It's rare, Xiao Sheng, if you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, are you looking for something to do with me?"

Sheng Chuncheng was right. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He finally met a normal person who didn't care about gossip.

"What's the matter, tell me." Wan Jiangang said.

Sheng Chuncheng said bluntly: "Actually, it's not me who is looking for you. It's a good friend of mine, a president of Hangcheng Bank. She really wants to get to know you and wants me to take her to meet you."

"Okay." Wan Jiangang readily agreed, "Well, Xiao Sheng, I'm about to go to our factory in Xiasha. If it's convenient, how about you bring your friend to our factory in Xiasha? Let's have lunch together. What's the matter?

We can talk about it while eating."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, I will bring her over at about ten o'clock.

"Yeah, I'll send you the location of the factory. Go to the factory gate and tell the security guard that you have an appointment with me, and they will tell you where I am." Wan Jiangang said.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, thank you Mr. Wan.

After hanging up Wan Jiangang's call, Sheng Chuncheng immediately called Sun Hong and told her the matter. Sun Hong said yes, then you wait for me in the store. I will pick you up at 9:30 and pick you up from your store.

It takes about half an hour to get to Xiasha, which is just right.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

At half past nine, Sun Hong came to pick up Sheng Chuncheng, and the two of them walked to Xiasha. Sun Hong asked Sheng Chuncheng: "Others said that Wan Jiangang is a bit awkward and not easy to talk to. Is that right?"

Sheng Chuncheng said no, "I don't have much contact with him, but I don't find him difficult to deal with."

"We haven't had much contact, but he agreed to meet with you just after a phone call. Why do you have so much respect?" Sun Hong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "What's wrong with this? It's just a meeting."

"You speak so lightly. Do you think you can meet these elders if you want? Do you know how many people want to meet him? If he could meet everyone, he would be a Bodhisattva all day long, sitting there and seeing the light.

You don’t need to do anything else.”

Sun Hong turned to look at Sheng Chuncheng and continued: "Do you know how much business their Wanhui Group does in a day? Convert it into time. How much does Chairman Wan Jiangang earn per minute? For them,

Time is really money, and a moment is worth more than a thousand dollars. Come on, if you have any secrets, tell me honestly and provide me with more information for reference."

Sheng Chuncheng agreed that he would tell Sun everything about how Mr. Fang contacted him to give Lao Wan a massage, how Wan Jiangang asked him to try to get his daughter to talk to Lao Wan on the phone, etc.


After hearing this, Sun Hong sighed: "No wonder."

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "What's so surprising?"

"It turned out to be a palace drama. You helped Wan Jiangang seize the throne. No wonder you gain so much face." Sun Hong said, and Sheng Chuncheng laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Sun Hong said, "What I said is true. Wanhui International is just a business kingdom, and Lao Wan is the old king of this kingdom. The old king favors his young new queen, but in his heart

Unable to let go of his son, the prince, the old king was hesitant between the new queen and the prince, unable to make up his mind to whom to pass the throne to.

"The prince made a trick and caught the old king's weakness in liking his granddaughter. He used his daughter to impress the old king and set up a trap to get the old king out of the queen's control and meet with them. After the two met, they settled their differences and the king finally decided

, passing the throne to the prince. Do you think it is such a story?"

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it and realized that this was really what happened. He said that Wanhui International was like a kingdom and Lao Wan was a palace. It was really a bit like it. Lao Wan not only had the East Palace and the West Palace, but also the real old queen and the counterattacker.

The new queen, the new queen returned to Lao Wan, and included two concubines, Xiaoya and Xiaomei. Let me go, it is really a palace drama.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "When you put it like that, it really sounds like it."

"Originally, if you help the prince succeed in seizing the throne, you will make great contributions and you will naturally gain a lot of face." Sun Hong said.

Sheng Chuncheng thought to himself, why did Wan Jiangang reward him with two hundred thousand yuan for his great contribution, and Ding Huamei kidnapped most of it? Am I wronged?

They arrived at No. 6 Road, the gate of Wanhui Group's factory. Sun Hong parked the car in front of the closed automatic retractable door. A security guard came over and asked them who they were looking for. Sheng Chuncheng said that they had made an appointment with Mr. Wan.

The security guard looked at him, doubtful. Sheng Chuncheng took out his mobile phone, clicked on the WeChat record with Wan Jiangang and showed it to him. It showed the location Wan Jiangang sent him.

When the security guard saw it, he immediately became enthusiastic and told them that the white house, if you see it, is the administrative building. Park your car at the door and go up to the second floor.

He turned around and called to his colleagues in the duty room: "Open the door, open the door, it's Mr. Wan's guest."

The automatic retractable door slowly opened in front of them, and Sun Hong drove in.

They stopped the car in front of the office building, got out of the car, and walked up the stairs to the second floor. The first room they went up was the factory office. A little girl in work clothes saw them and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Sheng Chuncheng said, find Mr. Wan and I have made an appointment with him.

"You are Mr. Sheng, right? Mr. Wan has told me that he is in the workshop now. Can you go to the conference room and wait for him for a while? He will be back," the little girl said.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

The little girl led them along the corridor to the end, where they found a small conference room in the factory. The little girl led them in, warmly invited them to sit down, poured them tea, and then left.

Sun Hong looked at Sheng Chuncheng and nodded: "It looks like there is something going on here. Yes, you do have a lot of face in front of Wan Jiangang."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed loudly: "Why are you here again?"

"That's right, we are here to find him. Whatever he wants to do, he can go by himself without worrying about us. If we don't find him when we arrive, we will naturally ask, and the office will let us wait there," Sun Hong said,

"This person left for a while and had to explain to the office. If you don't have the reputation, who has more?

"Let me tell you, when I started doing business, it was normal for me to go to someone's place and sit there for a whole day without seeing anyone, and I wouldn't even give you a sip of water. The most outrageous thing is that once I went to someone's workplace,

When I wanted to see their boss, the person in the office stopped me and went to inform me. Then he came back and told me that the boss was busy right now and asked me to wait.

"I sat there stupidly and waited all afternoon. My boss didn't ask me to come over and asked the people in the office. The people in the office didn't even ask, but just asked me to wait impatiently. As a result, I waited until I got off work in the evening.

, the boss came over, saw me asking about it, and said sorry, he had forgotten about it.

"Maybe because I was pitiful after waiting all afternoon, the boss told me, sorry, I have a bureau now and I have to rush over. I don't have enough time. How about you come back tomorrow morning? What can I say? The only thing I can say is

Say yes.

"I went there again the next morning, and what do you think the result was? Grandma, the boss had already gone on a business trip. In his office, I couldn't hold it in, so I started crying on the spot. It was so embarrassing.


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