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448 Sun Hong Enters Through the Gate

Sun Hong came in from the company's gate and when she walked inside, Mr. Zhu saw her through the glass. His eyes lit up and he thought to himself, it's her!

Mr. Zhu had explained to HR that if she thought the applicant was okay, she would ask the applicant to come over and talk to her. As a result, from yesterday to today, the HR personnel who had called out all the applicants were all wrong and rejected.

He scolded her and felt aggrieved, saying that in her opinion, these applicants already met their requirement of having good facial features.

Do you use yourself as a reference for your standards? Mr. Zhu scolded in his heart, this pig-like idiot with regular facial features. That is a statement to the outside world. Can I say in the recruitment notice that he is required to be sexy and as beautiful as a fairy?

But you don’t know what the assistant to the general manager does. She is by my side every day. She wants to accompany me to various public occasions and wine bureaus. You must always be able to do it. She also flies here with me.

When I'm on a business trip there, I always have to watch it by myself. I think it's eye-catching first, right?

As a result, Mr. Zhu began to pay attention to the applicants who came in. When he was fine, he would sit there and look outside the glass. When he saw Sun Hong coming in, his eyes lit up and he felt his heartbeat speed up.

He stared at the phone on the desk in front of him. He was quite sensible in terms of personnel. Before asking someone to come over, he would give him a phone call and ask if he had time. Mr. Zhu was looking forward to the phone on the desk ringing, but the phone always didn't.

When the phone didn't ring, Mr. Zhu couldn't bear it any longer, so he picked up the phone and called, telling HR:

"This girl who just came to apply for a job, please ask her to come over."

Sun Hong walked to the door of Mr. Zhu's office. The glass door was open. Inside the door was a man in his thirties, sitting there, concentrating on a piece of information on the table.

Sun Hong stretched out her hand and tapped the door twice. Mr. Zhu raised his head, looked at her and asked, "Are you..."

Sun Hong smiled: "I'm here to apply for a job. Just now, HR asked me to come here. Are you Mr. Zhu?"

Mr. Zhu's face showed a look of realization, he said "Oh", stood up and said welcome.

The man came over and shook hands with Sun Hong. At the same time, he saw that the other person's fingers were white and slender. Mr. Zhu invited her to sit on the sofa.

The two sat down and chatted. Mr. Zhu asked Sun Hong some personal information. Knowing that she had just arrived in Hangzhou from Shanghai yesterday, he asked:

"Is your boyfriend in Hangzhou?"

Sun Hong shook her head: "No, I don't have a boyfriend.

"No way? You lied to me?"

"No, I really don't have a boyfriend." Sun Hong said.

"Are there any classmates or relatives in Hangzhou?" Mr. Zhu asked.

"No." Sun Hong still shook her head, "I don't have any acquaintances."

A trace of unnoticeable excitement slipped through Mr. Zhu's eyes, but Sun Hong noticed it and she frowned slightly.

Sun Hong asked Mr. Zhu, what kind of business does our company do? Mr. Zhu started talking and talked non-stop, talking about their business model, the company's team building and management, and the company's ambitious goals.

Mr. Zhu spoke very excitedly, but Sun Hong was suspicious after listening to it. What kind of online direct sales company? The more Sun Hong listened, the more she felt like a pyramid selling company. The layers of distribution and reward systems, weren't they just like pyramid schemes?

Moreover, Sun Hong felt that Mr. Zhu's purpose was not simple. Sun Hong had such a sensitivity. Beautiful girls would have such sensitivity. They could smell the smell of a pig wanting to have sex.

After being patient and listening to what Mr. Zhu said, Sun Hong stood up and said goodbye. Mr. Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then said to her, okay, that's it, you wait for us to notify you, and we will determine the candidate as soon as possible.

Sun Hong smiled and nodded and said yes, thank you Mr. Zhu.

Sun Hong said goodbye and went out. When she passed the Qizui door, she hesitated for a moment. Instead of turning in and saying hello, she walked directly outside. When she reached the door, she rejected the company.

Although she has not yet found a job, and she is still like a lost dog in this city, she does not know how to do pyramid schemes, let alone work for pigs.

As soon as Sun Hong walked out, the phone on the table rang, and Mr. Zhu asked her to go over.

She walked into Mr. Zhu's office. Mr. Zhu handed the registration form that Sun Hong had just brought over to Qiaozui and told her that this was the one that could be settled.

He raised his lips and said, "That's it. I think it's pretty average."

Mr. Zhu was a little impatient and cursed: "Are you going to hire an assistant or me? Is it okay? Is it you who has the final say or am I the one who has the final say?"

He raised his lips and then flattened his lips: "You are the boss, you have the final say."

"It's good that you still know." Mr. Zhu said, "Call her immediately and tell her that she has been admitted and can come to work tomorrow."

When she walked to the door with a raised mouth, Mr. Zhu called her back again. He was worried that the curled mouth was playing dirty tricks, so he told her:

"Call here, using the phone on my desk."

He raised his lips and raised his eyebrows, but still picked up the phone on the table and called Sun Hong.

At this time, Sun Hong had just walked out of the gate and was standing under the awning at the entrance of Jiade Plaza. She was holding her mobile phone and checking how to get to West Lake Cultural Square. A call came in and she answered it. There was a raised voice on the phone.


"Excuse me, are you Miss Sun who just came to apply for a job with us?"

Sun Hong said yes.

"Oh, Miss Sun, I just interviewed you. I'm informing you now that you have been accepted by our company and can come to work tomorrow."

Sun Hong said: "Thank you, no need."

The other party was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What did you say?"

"I mean thank you, no need." Sun Hong said.

When she was talking on the phone with her mouth raised, Mr. Zhu was staring at her. He didn't need to press the speakerphone, he could hear Sun Hong's voice on the other end of the phone. He heard Sun Hong say "Thank you, no need" twice, and quickly

He stretched out his hand, put the back of his hand against Qiaozui's cheek, covered the microphone with his palm, and said to Qiaozui:

"Ask her if she has any requirements in terms of treatment?"

He let go of his hand and raised his mouth. He was about to repeat this sentence to Sun Hong, but he heard a busy signal coming from the other side.

He looked at Mr. Zhu blankly with his lips curled up, and said to him: "She died."

"Idiot, then you can hit me again!" Mr. Zhu roared, his lips raised and he trembled.

Sun Hong asked the security guard at the door for the direction of the subway station. Just as she was about to leave, her cell phone rang again. It was the same call she had just made. Sun Hong picked up the call.

He turned his head on the phone and stammered: "Hey, I'm sorry, Miss Sun, why was the phone disconnected just now? I just wanted to ask if you have any requirements in terms of treatment?"

Sun Hong said without thinking: "No request, just what I said before, thank you, no need. Also, the phone was not disconnected just now, I hung up."

After Sun Hong finished speaking, she hung up the phone again. She looked at the phone, whistled, feeling a little proud, and cursed again, "Go to hell!"

This chapter has been completed!
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