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453 A Pair of Cold Hands

A pair of cold hands pressed against Sheng Chuncheng's cheek. Sheng Chuncheng was so stimulated that he exclaimed "Ah". He opened his eyes and saw Sun Hong, neatly dressed, sitting beside his bed, looking at him with a smile.

Hold him.

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "What?"

"Lazy man, it's time to get up, it's already past eight o'clock." Sun Hong said.

"What can I do when I get up?" Sheng Chuncheng asked. Last night, Mrs. Yu and the others had been tossing her for most of the night. She only had more than four hours of real sleep, so she was sleepy.

Look at Sun Hong, her eyes are still red and swollen, and she looks like she hasn't had enough sleep.

Plus today is Saturday, "Do you still have a video conference to hold?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"No." Sun Hong said... 5

"Is there any work to be arranged?"

Sun Hong still shook her head: "It's Saturday, let them go."

Sheng Chuncheng burst into laughter: "You just don't want to let them go, what can you do? You are locked up here."

"If you don't want to let them go, I have a hundred ways to control them," Sun Hong said.

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head and sighed: "Is it harder to be your subordinate than to be a long-term laborer for Zhou?"

"No way. Go and ask in our branch. People from other branches want to be transferred to our branch and want to be my subordinates." Sun Hong said proudly with a "hum".

Sheng Chuncheng became interested. He sat up and asked, "How do you do it? Are you so skilled at driving it?"

"No." Sun Hong said, "It's actually not difficult to do this. As long as you have the will to see them. Just like a child, positive education will definitely make you a genius. If you keep treating him

If you compare yourself with other people's children, your genius will fade away.

"Although your mother-in-law is uneducated, this is a good thing. In her eyes, her children are always her own. She never praises other people's children, only her own."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed.

"Really." Sun Hong said, "Everyone likes to be recognized. When you are a leader, you should not only focus on the shortcomings of your subordinates, find faults every day, and be the kind of domineering president with a salary of 250. You should see their strengths and reward them accordingly.

When it's time to promote, do it immediately. When it's time to promote, don't hesitate and promote immediately. Everyone will be convinced of you, and your cohesion will come naturally.

"Moreover, you will find that if you are always sure, even if your subordinates do something wrong, they will have the awareness to correct themselves and immediately understand that this is wrong. You will not agree with him doing this, and he will

I came to you for review. Just pick him up, spank him hard twice, then touch him and put him down gently."

Sheng Chuncheng felt that what Sun Hong said made sense, so he asked: "How do you spank them?"

"Of course it's reasonable and well-founded. Let him know where he went wrong and he won't do it again next time. After the spanking, it's very important to touch him twice. Hitting is a principle, touching is a favor. Put it down gently. It's your leadership.

The temperature." Sun Hong said and yawned.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at her: "Have you slept enough?"


Sheng Chuncheng was surprised: "Then what are you doing up?"

Sun Hong said: "My biological clock, I wake up naturally when the time comes. I don't like staying in bed, so I have to get up when I wake up."

"Then what?" Sheng Chuncheng asked, "What do you want to do when you get up?"

"It's nothing." Sun Hong said, "On my day off, I don't even want to disturb my customers. I've even eaten breakfast and done my hygiene. I really have nothing to do, so I can only come and talk to you."

As Sun Hong spoke, she yawned again. Sheng Chuncheng looked at her crying and laughing, and said, "Go back. Since you're fine, let's sleep for a while."

Sun Hong shook her head: "My bed has been made, I won't go back."

"Either you get in, I'll keep you warm here." Sheng Chuncheng said, "There's no other point. You just have to talk. On such a cold day, you can sit under the quilt and talk."

Sun Hong hesitated for a moment and then said okay.

She looked at her lower body, took off her pants, put them neatly on the back of the chair, wore a pair of underwear, and opened the quilt

, but it was not Sheng Chuncheng's side, but the other side, who sat in.

Her feet reached Sheng Chuncheng's waist. They were cold. She poked Sheng Chuncheng's waist with her toes and said to him:

"Be honest, don't have wild imaginations, or I'll twist you."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed and cursed: "What do you mean by a bird occupying a dove's nest? This is, this is my bed. You came in and you asked me to be more honest?"

"I came in to chat with you." Sun Hong giggled, "I'm not a sparrow, you're a dove, yes, that ugly bald guy."

Sheng Chuncheng said okay, okay, I am the ugly one, I am smelly shit, can I live without it?

"Go!" Sun Hong stabbed him hard and cursed: "I don't want to be in the same bed as shit, I don't have such a hobby."

After scolding, the two people laughed face to face.

Continuing with the previous topic, Sheng Chuncheng asked: "As a leader, is it okay as long as you can see the goodness of the people below you?"

"It's not enough, but this is the most basic thing." Sun Hong said, "You have them in your heart, and they will have you in their heart. You are doing very well now."

"What's wrong with me?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"You have Xinxin, Xiaoan and Xiaotang in your heart, and they also have you in their hearts, so your place seems to be very harmonious now." Sun Hong said.

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, this is true.

"Don't underestimate this, especially in the service industry like us, this is very important."

Sun Hong said: "The inner emotions of everyone in the store are tangible and intangible and will be transmitted to customers. Why do people want to go to some places so much after going there? In some places, people don't want to go after going there. No matter what you do,

It’s a big reward, no matter how good the deal is, it’s useless. Everyone just treats themselves as passers-by. The difference lies in these very subtle things.

"Human is an animal that seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. He will subconsciously avoid places that are unfriendly to him or feel uncomfortable. This is why two stores that are opened together, even if they sell the same thing, will

It’s very popular, but the other one is deserted and no one will patronize it. Your customers all regard themselves as passers-by, how can you have business?”

"That's right, such a phenomenon really does happen." Sheng Chuncheng agreed.

"Every company, store, or work unit is the same as a human being. Even if you are not injured on the outside, if you have internal injuries or any disease in your body, your face will still give you away.

The same goes for an organization. If there is internal intrigue and chaos, it will leak out and people will feel it."

"It makes sense!" Sheng Chuncheng shouted.

Sun Hong looked at him and said: "For you, now is really good. It's your honeymoon period. The internal staff is very harmonious. The company is also on the rise. Even if a company is on the rise, even if it has any problems, it will be covered up.

It is covered up by the superficial prosperity. You must be careful, how to maintain it is your problem. For you, the biggest difficulty is actually yourself."

"How do you say that?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"I've seen a lot of bosses, and they're all like this. They were fine at the beginning, but as the company grew bigger and the profits improved, the bosses started to drift away. They would look up instead of down, and they felt that the people below them had followed suit.

I can no longer follow him. His tone of voice has also started to become louder and louder. He no longer talks about how to make a good product every day, but likes to paint the pie.

"How many years will it take to get yourself listed, and how many years will it take to be as strong as you want? As a result, you are still bragging, but things are already starting to go bad down there. When the whole company collapses, the boss himself is still looking confused.

Damn, Sheng Chuncheng, you must not become such a person."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes. He looked at Sun Hong and said seriously: "If you find that I have such a tendency, you must remind me in time, even if you hit me, okay?"

"Okay." Sun Hong said, "I won't hit you, I will twist you."

As Sun Hong spoke, she pinched a piece of flesh on Sheng Chuncheng's waist with her two toes and twisted it hard. Sheng Chuncheng screamed in pain, and Sun Hong giggled.

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