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470 When Professor Zheng Said

When Professor Zheng was talking, the leader took notes in his notebook very seriously. When Professor Zheng finished speaking, the leader raised his head and asked her:

"Professor Zheng, regarding this Russian-Ukrainian war, do you think there is any other inspiration for us?"

Professor Zheng typed:

"I would like to make two more points. One is that our country has enacted and promulgated the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law. But I feel that the original intention of this law was to have a deterrent effect, but in fact, because of this law,

The laws and regulations are too general and vague, the information conveyed is not clear enough, and they do not play their due role.

"After the promulgation of this law, it did not reduce the attempts of relevant countries to impose various sanctions on us, nor did it act as a deterrent to the companies and organizations involved in the sanctions. This is an external law, not an internal one.

External laws, especially those to Western countries, must be in a language they can understand, be simple and clear, and respond directly and quickly.

"Russia's countermeasures this time can also teach us that the faster and more direct the counter-sanctions are, the greater their actual effect will be, and the more obvious their role in preventing the expansion of damage will be.

"For example, let me give you my own opinion. If our "Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law" is further improved, there is a clause in the implementation details, that is, any company or organization that participates in sanctioning our country, from the moment you participate

, automatically triggering the anti-sanctions provisions of the law.

"In other words, when you impose sanctions on me, all your rights and interests in our country will automatically lose the protection of our country's laws. For example, if you sanction Huawei on Google, all Google's software will no longer be protected by copyright and patent laws in our country.

Waiting for protection, if Microsoft participates in sanctions, your operating system will not be protected.

"With such an automatically triggered anti-sanctions clause, all companies and organizations will find ways to avoid participating in sanctions, and they will lobby their governments and politicians not to take up the big stick of sanctions easily.

"Rather than like now, where we sanction Huawei with one thing in front of the other and another behind its back, who is the biggest beneficiary? Is Apple laughing? Don't believe these guys in suits who look human."

"If you play the piano randomly, you will be passive and we will be criticized internationally. It will also be said that we do not pay attention to the protection of intellectual property rights." Someone shouted loudly.

Professor Zheng replied: "Be good and no one will blame you? If we keep our heads down, others will not hit us? The gangsters are carrying knives and are coming to kill you, but you still tell them that we must be virtuous."

To convince people, to convince people with virtue? The law is the final bottom line. This bottom line is drawn there, which is also a red line, so that they dare not move easily. If you move, it will harm the interests of our country.

"The United States can expand its national security unlimitedly, but we are still gentle and courteous, and we don't even dare to mention our own national interests?"

"I agree with this." Someone stood on Professor Zheng's side. "Many times, rights and peace are fought out tit for tat. It wasn't more than ten years ago now. The scale and size of our economy no longer allow us to hide our capabilities and bide our time.

, even if we don’t stand out, people will come looking for us, we can’t hide.”

The leader still memorized it carefully without commenting. After he finished memorizing, he asked:….

"Professor Zheng, is there anything else you want to say?"

"One more thing. Some of you here may know that I have been advocating the creation of an Asian dollar. Now my thoughts have changed. I think we can start from two aspects. One is to promote the BRICS

The organization is expanding its membership. Now regional powers such as Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Argentina are willing to participate in the BRICS organization. We must promote the expansion of its membership.

"There is also the promotion of the BRICS Development Bank and the issuance of BRICS currency. The outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war is precisely because of the West's indiscriminate financial sanctions on Russia, which has made everyone vigilant and the demand for de-dollarization has become stronger.

Russia's desire in this regard should be more urgent than ours, and we can just take this opportunity to promote the issuance of the BRIC currency."

Many people in the conference room agreed with what Professor Zheng mentioned. They felt that the euro has basically been defeated by the US dollar and this war. The whole world, especially developing countries, really needs a new stable currency.

The nature of the BRICS organization determines that once there is a BRICS currency, it will definitely

It will be welcomed by the majority of developing countries.

"What did the leader say?" Xiao Ma described the scene in the conference room to Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng asked anxiously.

Xiao Ma said with a smile: "Of course the leader didn't say anything. If he did, it would be an instruction. But then he asked Teacher Zheng to go to Beijing again, which shows that the leader must have reflected what Teacher Zheng said to his superiors.

I’d also like to hear Teacher Zheng’s opinion.”

Sheng Chuncheng looked up, his heart trembled, and he was startled. He saw that at some point, Professor Zheng had left the study and walked closer.

Xiao Ma sat on the sofa next to him, turned his head and looked around, said "Yeah", blushed and shouted:

"I'll prepare dinner while you massage."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed and said okay.

He wanted to stand up, but Professor Zheng motioned for him to continue sitting. She came over and looked at him, opening and closing her mouth. Sheng Chuncheng could tell that what she said was: "Boy, how is Nanjing?"

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said: "It has been opened and it went very smoothly."

"I'm talking about business." Professor Zheng sat down, holding the mobile phone in his hand, and the young voice rang.

"On the way here, I just received a call saying that business was good today."

Professor Zheng nodded: "You are still brave. The epidemic has not even ended yet, and you yourself have been imprisoned, yet you still dare to expand investment."

"I don't dare. It's the major shareholders who are bold. They still think this speed is too slow. They also say that now is the time when we can expand at a low cost." Sheng Chuncheng said, "Our President Liu said that for us, this is

It’s an opportunity, and he asked me to seize it and open branches in Shanghai and Ningbo.”

"It's true or false. From an investment perspective, now is indeed the cheapest time to rent. It's a good opportunity for you, but you still have to be cautious." Professor Zheng said, "Now all economic figures are declining, which is ugly.

, but the total deposits of urban and rural residents are increasing. Do you know why?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head.

"It reflects two points. First, rich people no longer dare to spend. Second, the desire and channels for investment are gone. After thinking about it, I think it is safest to keep money in the bank."

Professor Zheng said: "It has been almost three years. Those who have had a hard time are now even more miserable, and the poor will only become poorer. The rich, who did not have a hard time before, are now afraid. This means that even after the epidemic is over, what everyone imagined

There will be no retaliatory consumption.

"This is also true from history. The economic recovery period will be very long. At this time, everyone's life is the most unstable and difficult. It seems that nothing can be done well, and the money in the pocket is getting less and less.

Prices are getting higher and higher, and it is difficult to make ends meet. An industry like yours is not a necessity of life, so you must be prepared for this."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng stood up and walked behind the sofa where Professor Zheng was sitting. Professor Zheng leaned his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes.

Eyebrow Master Niang

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