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496 Sheng Chuncheng Received the Text Message from Ding Huamei

Sheng Chuncheng received the text message from Ding Huamei and waited, but there was no movement.

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't bear it anymore and called Sun Hong to ask how she was doing. Sun Hong said it was okay and they should be on their way back now.

Sheng Chuncheng was overjoyed and quickly said thank you. Sun Hong smiled on the phone and said, if you want to thank Yanyan, just go and thank Yanyan. It was she who made everything go smoothly. It seemed that she was the right one to ask for this matter.

Sheng Chuncheng wanted to say something more, but Sun Hong said, I have guests here, so I won’t say more to you.

After getting off work in the evening, Sheng Chuncheng left the subway station and went to Xueyan's company first. However, he never had a chance to talk to Yanyan until the live broadcast ended. A group of people went to have supper together. Sheng Chuncheng and Yanyan were interested.

The ground fell behind the large group of people.

Sheng Chuncheng and Yanyan said: "Thank you!"

"Little things." Yanyan said lightly.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Xue'er who was walking in front, and whispered to Yanyan: "I'm wondering if I should confess this matter to Xue'er."

Yanyan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Then she might skin you. Don't make trouble over nothing, just let this matter pass."

Written by Sheng Chuncheng "Oh Oh".

The next day, Sheng Chuncheng went to the store. Not long after he arrived, Anjing came over with a man and a woman. Both of them were in their seventies. The old lady supported the old man, and the old man had a look on his face.

He was crooked, his cheeks were asymmetrical, and he kept shaking when he walked. It was obvious that he had suffered a stroke.

Jing Jing introduced that both Teacher Li and Teacher Xu were her patients. Sheng Chuncheng was shocked and thought, isn't she a sex therapist? How can this couple have sex at such an old age?

Teacher Li and Teacher Xu sat on the sofa, smiling slightly and looking at Sheng Chuncheng quietly. Jingjing seemed to know what Sheng Chuncheng was thinking. She called Sheng Chuncheng aside and whispered to him.

When Mr. Li was in his sixties, he had a stroke. After the stroke, they had no sex life. Mr. Xu has been taking care of him. The sex was gone, but their love was always there. Mr. Li always held Mr. Xu in his arms.


At the beginning, Teacher Li saw the introduction article on the Internet and secretly came to Jing Jing. He told Jing Jing that his biggest and possibly last wish in his life was to enter Teacher Xu's body again.

Jing Jing was very moved after hearing this, and she decided to help them. She helped Teacher Li to convince Teacher Xu. Teacher Xu loved Teacher Li very much. Since this was Teacher Li's request, she thought it was ridiculous and agreed to give it a try.

"The problem now is that Teacher Li has been taking medicine to treat high blood pressure for a long time. As you can see, her movements are not very stable." Jing Jing said, "Teacher Xu has ankylosing spondylitis. Because she has not had sex for a long time, it has also caused her

Atrophic vaginitis has appeared. Although atrophic vaginitis is probably caused by psychological reasons."

"Mr. Sheng, can we help them together? I will treat them with psychological antiperspirant drugs to stabilize some of their basic diseases. You are here to help them and restore their physiological functions?" Jing Jing said, "I

I am very confident and believe that their wishes will come true.”

Sheng Chuncheng listened and was very moved. He said, "Okay, whatever needs to be done, we will cooperate with you."

Sheng Chuncheng called Xiao An over and introduced An Jing to her. Jing Jing heard that Xiao An also had the surname An. She was very surprised and shouted: "This is the first time I have met someone with the surname An in mainland China. This surname is too rare."

Xiao An said with a smile: "Where we live, the entire village is named An."

"Is it Fujian? I know that our ancestors came from Fujian." Jing Jing said, "If I have the chance, I must go to your place and have a look, okay?"

Xiao An said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng told Xiao An the purpose of Jing Jing and Teacher Li and Teacher Xu's visit, and the two parties agreed to give them massages twice a week, with Sheng Chuncheng in charge of Teacher Li and Xiao An in charge of Teacher Xu.

Everyone went to the inner compartment and quietly asked Teacher Li, can we check you together?

Teacher Li said yes, I will cooperate with you whatever you need me to do, as long as my functions can be restored.

When Teacher Li said this, he looked like he was risking his life, and Teacher Xu's face turned red slightly.

Anjing asked Teacher Li to lie down on the massage table and took off his pants. Teacher Li's guy was drooping in the gray grass, as if he had fallen asleep.

An Jing put on rubber gloves and held Teacher Li's guy with his hand. Teacher Li was a little shy, but it was still quiet there.

Jing Jing said to Teacher Xu: "Teacher Xu, come and try, just like me."

Teacher Xu's face was flushed, and she held Teacher Li's guy with her hand. Strangely, Teacher Li's face turned even redder. Although it was still quiet there, his breathing became heavier.

Jing Jing watched from the side. When she saw this, she laughed and whispered to Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan: "Did you see it? There is still a reaction."

Sheng Chuncheng felt strange when he saw it. In comparison, Anjing was younger and more beautiful than Teacher Xu. If there was a reaction, shouldn't Anjing's hand be put on it? He would have had a stronger reaction? How could this be?

Jing Jing said to them: "Emotion is very, very important in sex. It cannot be replaced by being young, sweaty and beautiful. As long as Teacher Li still responds, there is a possibility of recovery. Mr. Sheng, Xiao An, let's work hard, okay?"

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaoan said together: "Come on, come on!"

After the inspection, Jing Jing and Teacher Li and Teacher Xu were sent out. Sheng Chuncheng said to Jing Jing:

"In the past two days, we have discussed a massage plan and sent it to you. If there is anything that needs to be modified or improved, please put it forward."

Jing Jing said yes, and Teacher Li also cupped his hands towards Sheng Chuncheng and Xiao An, meaning I'm leaving it to you.

Teacher Xu supported Teacher Li, and the three of them went out and arrived at the quiet car. Teacher Xu opened the back seat door, helped Teacher Li in and sat down, and habitually kissed his forehead when he sat down.

, as a reward. Then she closed the car door, walked to the other side, opened the car door and got in.

Xiao An and Sheng Chuncheng looked at their backs. Xiao An said: "These grandparents are so kind. Looking at them makes me confident in love."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed and asked, "When did you lose confidence?"

Xiao An rolled her eyes at him and walked away without saying a word.

Sheng Chuncheng stood there, and he was also thinking, yes, even though there are a lot of bullshit in this world every day, there are always good things happening, but many times, you don't know it.

This chapter has been completed!
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