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501 As soon as the live broadcast ends

As soon as the live broadcast ended, Xueer rushed over with August, Shanshan, Xiaomei and Xiaoya. Sheng Chuncheng's house suddenly became lively with singing and dancing. Various sound quality and decibels came and went, chasing each other, constantly stimulating

He, he felt like there was a constant buzzing in his ears, and there wasn't even a second of silence.

August, Xiaoya and the others have been live broadcasting for several hours from afternoon to now. They have talked so much and are not tired at all. When they get here, they are still chattering non-stop.

The same goes for Yanyan. Before they came, she had returned to normal and was more excited than usual. She kept croaking all night. Sheng Chuncheng laughed at her and said that she was a typical scar that healed and forgot the pain. She

He even talked back to Sheng Chuncheng and said, "Where is the scar? Why didn't I see it? Show me the scar."

The doorbell rang, and Sheng Chuncheng walked over and opened the door. As soon as Yanyan heard the voices of Xue'er and others pouring in from outside the door, she jumped up from the sofa and quickly joined their army of voices.

She took out her mobile phone and showed it to them. Inside was a video she had taken in the operating room in the afternoon, recording the entire operation process. Several girls screamed when they saw it.

Sheng Chuncheng heard that it was a video of a surgery, and was very curious. He wanted to go over and watch it. Yanyan, who was sitting on the sofa, stretched out her foot, kicked him away, and cursed:

"Look at whatever you want. You want to see everything. Is this something you can see?"

Several girls laughed. August looked at him, shaved his face and said, "Shame, Brother Shanda."

Sheng Chuncheng stood there laughing, staring at Yanyan, thinking, what's so mysterious about you? Is there anything else about you that I haven't seen before?

Yanyan looked at him, as if she knew what he was thinking. While several other heads were gathered together, staring at the phone screen, she made a face at him, and quietly gave him a "bang" with her lips.

, Sheng Chuncheng laughed.

"Sister Yanyan, is it really so painful?" asked Yanyan in August as she watched the pear blossoms in the video crying, crying and begging Dr. Mao for mercy, saying she couldn't do it anymore.

"Of course, you think I'm acting?"

Yanyan said. After speaking, she raised her head and said proudly:

"The pain is really painful, but now that I think about it, it is still worth it. From now on, this girl will be a person without menstruation. Are you envious?"

Several girls nodded together, and Yanyan continued to tease them: "Think about it, when you have to worry about your aunt every month, I can eat ice cream every day, isn't it fun?"

"I want to beat you to death!" Xueer glared at her.

"I want to, too," August said, "kill this alien without an aunt."

"I'm going to do it too."

After watching the video, Shanshan was the first to say, followed by Xiaoya, Xiaomei, and August who all said they wanted to do it. Xueer thought for a while and told everyone that our company should organize a group to go to this hospital.


Yanyan laughed and said, "If you can get medical insurance, what kind of group can you join?"

Xueer said: "This ring, didn't you say that this hormone ring has to be paid for at our own expense? We can buy this ring in a group."

The other girls all shouted "Hello".

Sheng Chuncheng was listening and laughing. He said yes, you should go to the gynecological hospital to do team building, and go out together to release the news. Your company will probably be the first in the country, no, no, in the world, and it will attract fans.

"Okay, okay." Xiaoya waved her fist and shouted.

Sheng Chuncheng scolded: "What's the matter? I'm really convinced by you. Why don't you envy me? You even envy me when you release a ring? You still want to follow the trend. You are really there for me."

Install the latest version.】

"I want you to take care of it." Xueer rolled her eyes at Sheng Chuncheng.

Xiaomei shouted: "Yes, let him take care of it. We will do team building and he will be responsible for the logistics. After we have the surgery, he can take care of us one by one."

"Okay, Xiaomei, this is a good idea." August said, "Brother Shanda, you take care of us, and we will give our aunt to you, okay?"

"I'll go!" Sheng Chuncheng scolded, "With so many aunts, I will bleed like a river every day for 365 days a year."

"Disgusting!" Xueer cursed, and then laughed wildly with several other girls. Everyone staggered around and almost went crazy laughing.

"Quiet, quiet, you all listen to me." Yanyan remembered it and shouted loudly: "I was lying on the operating table, and a good idea suddenly occurred to me."

Everyone calmed down and looked at Yanyan. Yanyan told everyone about the idea of ​​having a live broadcast in the operating room. Everyone became excited when they heard it. They all said that this idea was great. There were so many gynecological hospitals, and they would not hesitate to spend money to do it.

For advertising, the operating room of a gynecological hospital has so many products to promote. Once this live broadcast room is launched, it will definitely become popular.

"We are the first in the country to do this," Xiaomei said.

"Save it, wake up." Sheng Chuncheng shouted from the side, "If you unbutton one more button in the live broadcast room, you will be suspended. Are you allowed to be so generous?"

"Rogue." Yanyan scolded, "You have such a dirty mind. How can this be the same? This is for popular science, do you think it's a low-budget movie?"

"That's right." Xiaoya said, "When we go to school, we have to take physiological hygiene classes. Why don't we throw away all those textbooks?"

Sheng Chuncheng was not convinced, and he said to Yanyan: "Since it can be broadcast live, why didn't you even show it to me just now?"

Xue'er rolled her eyes at him and asked, "After all, you still want to see Yanyan, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng was speechless for a moment, his face flushed slightly, and the other girls burst into laughter.

Yanyan helped him excuse, Yanyan said:

"I'm doing this as a souvenir for myself, and of course I can't show it to others casually. If you really want to do a live broadcast, you must deal with it. All the places that should be blocked must be blocked. First of all, the patient's face must not appear in the picture, and his identity must not appear on the screen.

It must be kept confidential. To what extent, the patient and family must agree in advance, and only the process of childbirth, fertilization, and abortion will be broadcast. I think it should be okay."

Xue'er thinks Yanyan's idea is a good idea, but Sheng Chuncheng's reminder is also right. Xue'er said:

"I will communicate with the platform tomorrow to see their opinions. If they think it can be done, we can continue to implement the hospitals and patients that can accept it."

Shanshan raised her hand: "Don't find another patient. It doesn't matter if I start the live broadcast, live the whole process of the broadcast, or expose my face."

Shanshan thought to herself, what's the point? She was taking a big class at the Academy of Fine Arts and acting as a model for the students. Dozens of students surrounded her, and she couldn't just look wherever she wanted. There was a teacher who said it well, only dirty thoughts

Only dirty people will see everything as dirty. Even the fine statues of Venus and David have to be mosaic-ed.

This chapter has been completed!
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