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509 no work points

There are no work points and no food rations, but people still want to live, what should they do?

It was actually much more difficult for people to survive at that time than it is now, because everything was blocking you, you had no way to go, and you didn't have much choice. Unlike now, you can go out and do whatever you want.

Even if you find a job, there is still a way to survive. There was no job at that time, and there was no job at all.

Don’t say we don’t have money, even if we have money, it’s useless because we don’t have bills. At that time, what didn’t require bills? In addition to bills, there were also food stamps, oil stamps, cloth stamps, sugar stamps, salt stamps, meat stamps, soy sauce stamps, and soap stamps.

Cotton stamps, tofu stamps, match stamps, cigarette stamps, etc., all the necessities for people's livelihood. In addition to money, you also need tickets. Without tickets, you can't buy them. You can only buy them on the black market.

Like us educated youths, we have lost the qualification to receive tickets in the city. When we go to the countryside, most of the farmers' tickets are gone, and they only have a small amount of necessities, and the production team will issue invoices. In the case of grain and oil, they are only distributed in kind, without tickets.

We lost contact with the production team, lost work points, and lost everything.

What should I do? It's very simple, find a way yourself, if you don't want to wait to die.

The two of us set out to grow vegetables in the courtyard of the Educated Youth Point. We were not allowed to plant outside. The land outside was owned by an owner and would not be planted for you. If you planted it, it would be plowed out.

In the Educated Youth Point, because it does not belong to the commune, the commune does not care about it, and it no longer belongs to the forest farm, nor does the forest farm care about it. The educated youth area originally had an "Educated Youth Office" in the county to manage it, but at that time several people were fighting over it. It turned out that the "Educated Youth Office"

"All the people were killed, and no new ones came up.

As the number of educated youth became fewer and fewer, the "Educated Youth Office" became dispensable. It was better to just leave an empty frame there. The actual staff either did not exist or were transferred to do other things.

However, there are fewer and fewer educated youths, and we have not yet arrived. There are only two of us in the educated youth camp, but it cannot be revoked. If you revoke, you will have to arrange work for us, and the county forestry farm cannot say that it will take this land back. In this way, we are here

In addition to surviving on its own, it actually became self-management, and the educated youth spot became an independent kingdom with no one in charge.

We reclaimed all the open space in the yard to grow vegetables. In addition to eating them ourselves, we also picked them to sell in the Chemical Industry Village. Every day, we went up the mountain to chop firewood, loosen the wool, which is the masson pine needles that fell on the ground, and pick some.

Go to Chemical Industry Village to sell them, or exchange them for food stamps and oil stamps.

Especially in the canteens of several chemical plants, we sent firewood and pine wool, and they gave us rice oil and flour, and that was how we exchanged it.

We also go to the river to catch fish, touch snails and river mussels, and sell them to the Chemical Industry Village. If the quantity is large, we send it to the canteen.

In the spring, you go up the mountain to pull spring bamboo shoots, in the winter you go up the mountain to dig winter bamboo shoots, and in the autumn you go up the mountain to pick up pine fungi. The destinations of these things are the same: they are turned into money and other bills, or in kind.

After we had a little money, we raised two pigs. We couldn't afford to raise more, and we didn't have much food for them. At that time, there was no pig feed for sale, so the pigs had to eat pig grass. Two pigs needed to eat pig grass every day.

, you need a lot of them. You have to pull out the pigweed, cut it, and cook it in a big pot, which is very labor-intensive. It is not easy to raise two heads.

When the pigs are raised until the end of the year, ask the butcher to kill them. Part of the pork is sold, and the other part is salted into bacon. In this way, you can taste the meat every month in the second year.

Meat coupons are the hardest thing to get and cannot be exchanged at all. Everyone only has a few taels of meat coupons every month. It is not enough for them to eat, and there is no way to exchange them for the extra ones.

There are also raising chickens and ducks. Anyway, there are a lot of houses in the educated youth areas. Eggs and duck eggs are also sold. This is a good thing and the most popular.

After the production of our vegetable fields and breeding became stable, I feel that life has become a little easier. At least I can plan for it. I no longer have to eat one meal but not another. It has been like this for more than a year, haha, Teacher Xu actually


At that time, family planning had not yet been implemented, and no one took care of the pregnancy. We did not get a marriage certificate, and no one took care of it. This was how it was in the countryside. There were many couples living together without a marriage certificate.

It's just that a child is born into a black family, and a black family is a black family. We ourselves are almost the same as black families, so why do we care about another little black family?

That educated youth spot became our home. When my son came back that year, he said he was in Göttingen. Oh, this is a city in Germany. My son’s family was there. My son said they had just bought a new house.

, a single-family villa, he said that we would live there for a while. When he said that he bought the villa, he was very proud.

Teacher Xu laughed at him, what's so great about a villa? You were born in a villa when you were a child. We are a wealthy family, and we live in a villa with several houses connected. Haha, it's true. The educated youth point is that it's not a villa.

What, if it’s not a big family, it’s just our family of three in a house of several hundred square meters.

Teacher Li laughed when he said this, and Sheng Chuncheng also laughed. Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"Teacher Li, how did you leave there?"

"Go to college. We both got into college, so we left there with our son and came to Hangzhou to study at college." Teacher Li said and laughed, "I laughed to death when I talked about going to college. It was very accidental.

"That day, Teacher Xu was carrying a load of vegetables and her son, who could already walk. He was holding her by the corner of her clothes, and they went to Chemical Industry Village to sell vegetables. I got up at three or four in the morning and went to the fields to collect vegetables.

, the bundles were tied with straw and put in two dustpans. At dawn, they carried them to the street, and I went to my room to sleep.

"After the vegetables were sold out, she took her son on the street and walked to the door of Xinhua Bookstore. She saw a lot of people queuing up. She was curious, so she went to ask. She was told that the country decided to resume the college entrance examination. That

It was already October 20th. In December of that year, that is, more than a month later, the college entrance examination would begin. These people were all queuing up to buy textbooks.

"Yes, the college entrance examination is now held in the summer. In the first year when the college entrance examination was resumed, in 1977, the college entrance examination that year was held in winter, in December.

"She asked someone if anyone could take the college entrance examination, and they told her that it had been written in the newspaper that workers, peasants, soldiers, students, and businessmen could all sign up to take the college entrance examination. Teacher Xu suddenly realized that this might be our only chance to leave here.

She immediately bought a complete set of teaching materials and reference materials and hurried home.

"When I heard the news, of course I was very excited. The registration was done in the county. We went to the county seat that afternoon, but failed to register. We came back again. The people at the registration office said that if you are an educated youth, you must first go to the commune.

Once you have issued a certificate, you can register with the certificate.

"We ran to the commune to get certificates. When the people in the commune saw us, they were shocked. They thought we had disappeared long ago, but they didn't expect that we were still there. There were actually educated youths at the educated youth spot.

"The people in the commune heard our request and said that we were going to take the college entrance examination. They didn't make it difficult for us. They immediately issued us certificates. They were two foreigners, so they made it difficult for us and insisted on keeping us in the local area.

It’s also a trouble, aren’t you right?”

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