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518 Why, I can't even go in

"Why, I can't even go in?" Shanshan asked again.

Sheng Chuncheng came to his senses, stepped aside and said, "Come in."

Shanshan walked in and the door closed behind her. Shanshan specially sprayed perfume today. It was a familiar scent to Sheng Chuncheng. It was also the scent that inspired and stimulated him in Aqiang's studio night after night. Shanshan

When she approached him, Sheng Chuncheng felt a little dizzy and looked dazed.

Just like that night, Shanshan hugged him unexpectedly, and tonight too, before Sheng Chuncheng fully understood what was going on, he and Shanshan hugged each other. In fact, there is no need to understand that Shanshan appeared here at this time.

, as long as they are normal people, everyone knows what will happen next.

Sheng Chuncheng always thought that he could face Shanshan calmly and calmly, but when this soft body really fell into his arms, that moving face greeted him with surprise and search.

, Sheng Chuncheng heard a crisp sound somewhere in his body, and his whole body was instantly disarmed.

The two people hugged, kissed, and moved towards their destination tonight. There was almost no need for verbal hints or guidance. Both of them were already familiar with this space. Sheng Chuncheng was in this space every day,

It's impossible not to think it's not familiar. Shanshan has simulated and imagined this space countless times, imagining a scene like this tonight.

Now, everything has become a reality. When the two of them moved to the door of Sheng Chuncheng's room, Shanshan pressed Sheng Chuncheng against the door and asked softly:

"Honestly, were you faking it in the studio?"

Sheng Chuncheng was confused and didn't know what Shanshan was talking about. To Sheng Chuncheng, who was already reacting, he actually didn't seem to hear anything. All he needed was to reach his destination impatiently.

Shanshan smiled softly: "Blind man, I mean you, you were pretending to be blind in the studio."

No matter how confused Sheng Chuncheng was, he was stunned at this moment. He turned around and pushed Shanshan against the door, asking, "What are you talking about?"

Shanshan kissed him, shook her head and said, "No nonsense, I know, you can pretend to be the same and not see anything, but when you look at me, your eyes betray you.

I see myself in your eyes, I see myself burning in your eyes."

"Nonsense." Sheng Chuncheng said, but he felt a little weak in his heart. He thought of those nights and his eager eyes. It would be strange if he didn't betray himself.

"It doesn't matter. Now I see myself in your eyes. That's enough. I don't care about the rest."

Shanshan said, and before Sheng Chuncheng could tell, she blocked Sheng Chuncheng's mouth with her red lips.

The two continued to kiss until their mouths were dry, and Shanshan whispered: "Hold me over."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

Shanshan's hands were wrapped around Sheng Chuncheng's neck, and Sheng Chuncheng carried Shanshan into the room.

Both of them were a little impatient and in a hurry, but fortunately, they were not novices, and the two of them quickly saw everything at a glance. Sheng Chuncheng felt like a nail, a hard nail. He thought of their night, when he

It was a shameful defeat.

He seemed to hear Shanshan's disdainful voice.

Sheng Chuncheng had an idea in his mind. He seemed to be trying his best to prove to Shanshan that the last time was just an accident and that he was not what she thought. He felt like a nail, really a nail, an extremely sharp one.

A nail, he thought hard, and felt that today he could prove that he was like a nail.

Shanshan snorted and looked at Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng's eyes met hers and quickly moved away. Shanshan smiled softly, and Sheng Chuncheng's brain suddenly broke. He thought of what Old Tang said to him in the afternoon.

, the peak of spring turned into a shocking season, and the following suddenly plummeted thousands of miles.

Shanshan was a little stunned and exclaimed "Yeah". Sheng Chuncheng's face turned red with shame and he felt so embarrassed that he fell to the side, his body trembling non-stop.

Shanshan asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head and kept mumbling: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

"What are you sorry for?" Shanshan frowned and asked, and she began to wipe her stained thighs with paper.

Sheng Chuncheng didn't know what to say. He had no way to tell Shanshan. At that moment, he saw Aqiang. He saw Aqiang sitting there quietly, counting himself. At that moment,

Shanshan's face suddenly transformed into Aqiang's face. Looking at him, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help but feel shocked, and his whole body plummeted.

Shanshan came over, hugged him, and said softly to him: "It's okay, don't be anxious, take your time, I will help you."

The more Shanshan comforted him, the more Sheng Chuncheng felt extremely ashamed. He moved his body and wanted to get away, but Shanshan hugged him tighter and clamped her lower legs around his legs to prevent him from leaving.

The more this happens, the more Sheng Chuncheng feels ashamed. He wants to tell Shanshan, no, it's not like this. I usually wouldn't be so useless, but I feel like I can't say a word. What can you say? Part 1

You have been defeated once, and this time again, how can you still say that you are actually very brave?

Can he tell Shanshan that last time it was because the smell like a manhole came out from deep inside your body? This time it was your face, and suddenly it became Aqiang's face? Can he say that? If he is like this

If he did, Shanshan would definitely become furious and scold him bloody.

Shanshan coaxed him like a child, holding his hot face in her arms and saying to him:

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be nervous, I will help you."

In the rest of the time, Shanshan really kept helping him. But this night, strangely enough, Sheng Chuncheng always looked like a wilted bird, with his head drooped and listless. Until both of them were gone.

Faith fell asleep unconsciously.

When Sheng Chuncheng woke up, it was already dawn outside. He looked around and saw that Shanshan didn't know where she was going. For a moment, he felt that Shanshan was just his imagination and she was dreaming. He sniffed and could still smell

Take a look at the smell of Shanshan's body and see the mess of white paper on the ground in front of the bed.

Sheng Chuncheng took a breath and realized that all this had really happened and was not his dream. In reality, he had once again shamefully become a deserter.

Sheng Chuncheng lay there on his back, pricking up his ears to listen, but there was no movement around him. He sat up, got out of bed, and walked to the bathroom to see that there was no one there. He walked to the living room again and still didn't see Shanshan.


Only then did Sheng Chuncheng conclude that Shanshan had left.

Sheng Chuncheng walked back to the bed and lay down. It was still early, it was only after six o'clock. He could still take a nap, but he was not sleepy at all. He thought about everything last night, except for the shame that still couldn't be dismissed.

In addition, I also felt that I seemed to be messing up something.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

With a "ding" sound, his cell phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was a WeChat voice message sent by Shanshan. Before Sheng Chuncheng had time to open it, there were two more "ding ding" sounds.

Sheng Chuncheng opened WeChat, and the voices were playing:

"Don't worry, I won't pester you."

"I won't argue with Yanyan, I just hope you can behave better next time, haha."

"I just came to mark what is mine, hehe."

Putting down the phone, Sheng Chunchang let out a long sigh. He thought again that his breath was actually quite shameful.

However, he fell asleep quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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