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528 Now, there is a very bad phenomenon

"Now, there is a very bad phenomenon and it is also very dangerous."

Professor Zheng said: "There are some so-called big Vs who set the trend and rhythm on the Internet. They talk nonsense all day long and confuse some people, including some bastards in the system, to follow him and yell. They dress themselves up as positive energy.

, I want to classify the entire entrepreneurial class, especially private entrepreneurs, into four types of elements, all of whom are guilty of original sin."

Of course Sheng Chuncheng knew who Professor Zheng was talking about. He himself had watched the videos of these people on the Internet, and they all spoke with a righteous look on their faces. He had also followed them below and cheered. Especially since he had not started doing it yet.

When running a company or a massage parlor, it is especially easy to be led away by these people.

When I started my own business and realized how difficult it is to start a business, I began to doubt and become wary of these people's views.

I feel that in this society, it is always easier for people to stand and talk without back pain, which is why they can be so loud. But for those who really do things, how can they have so much time, the pressure on them is so great, and there are so many things below.

People have to pay wages and eat. Damn it, do I have time to listen to your nonsense? Come to talk nonsense with you?

"Oh, these people have hats flying all over the place. The biggest hat is the loss of state-owned assets." Professor Zheng said, "Damn it, do you know what the historical background was at that time? Do you know what the state-owned assets you mentioned are composed of?"

Talking about the issue without considering the historical conditions at that time is nothing but nonsense. Apart from instigating a bunch of losers and gangsters to hate the rich, what else can we do?

"Lao Zong's Wahaha was first a school-run enterprise, and Lao Lu's Wanxiang Group was first a community enterprise. Why? Because at that time, there were no individual enterprises at all. If you want to start a business, you must start from these places.

, is called wearing a red hat. Then you say that they later took off their hats, or restructured their companies and turned them into private enterprises, which was a loss of assets?

"Do you know what the assets of Lao Zong's school-run enterprise at that time were? It was a human-powered tricycle. Lao Zong started his business by selling popsicles on this tricycle. Later, he returned it to the school, which was worth millions.

There are more than just three-wheelers. Do you call this a loss of assets?

"Lao Lu's commune and brigade enterprise was simply a mess. It couldn't be run anymore. The assets of the enterprise that were going to be abandoned were already negative assets. The money owed was more than the assets. Later it was restructured. This whole process, you

Do you know how much money Lao Lu gave back? How to calculate this account?

"Including Liu Chuanzhi's Lenovo, he said how many shares Lenovo originally had in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the restructuring caused a loss of assets. Then you know when Liu Chuanzhi started Lenovo, what the Chinese Academy of Sciences took out was two bungalows, more than ten or two hundred thousand yuan, this is

All the investment from the Chinese Academy of Sciences was paid. How much money did Lenovo give back to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?

"Let's put aside the special historical conditions at that time and settle the accounts. Is this account fair and reasonable? By the way, do you know Liu Chengcheng?"

Professor Zheng asked. Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, "Is he the original mayor of Hangzhou City? I heard Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhang talk about it."

"Yes, that's him. He was the one who experienced that wave of corporate restructuring." Professor Zheng said, "When we had a meeting together last year, Liu Chengcheng said something fair. He said that the current trend is not advisable. These people like

They are deceiving the public with their lies, but if you dig deeper, they actually want to deny the entire reform and opening up. What is he doing when he talks about the positive energy and Chongqing is becoming famous?"

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【Wandering in the Vast Daytime】 【】

"What is he doing? I know he is spreading rumors to cause trouble!" Professor Zheng said angrily, "The Internet has memory. When the central government made a decision to deal with Bo, he was so angry that he posted a picture on Weibo

, said that "the mountain city is crying" to revive Bo's soul. It turned out that the picture he used was a picture of supporters of the Democratic Progressive Party when Tsai Ing-wen was defeated in Taiwan.

"In this way, he is able to frame DPP supporters on the people of Chongqing. This is the usual trick of these people. They are grafting ideas onto others and stirring up trouble. It's so bad! Liu Chengcheng is absolutely right,

The biggest skill of such people is to use excuses to make excuses. What they want to deny in the end is actually the entire line of reform and opening up.

"At the meeting, Liu Chengcheng recalled the situation of the restructuring at that time. He said that at that time, there was no profitable factory in the entire secondary light system in Hangzhou. There were no jobs in the factory, workers had no wages, and retired workers could not get their wages.

, there was no place to reimburse medical expenses, so everyone came in groups from time to time, either to go to the Erqing Company or to go to the city government.

"At that time, our government was very poor. There was no one, not a single entrepreneur who had the ability to start a business. Secondly, there was no money. Even teachers' salaries were still in arrears. How could there be money to help these enterprises. But

The problem cannot be delayed indefinitely, as delaying it will only lead to a larger social problem. It can be said that we are really at a loss.

"Under the conditions at that time, there was really no other way except to introduce these enterprises to society and carry out restructuring. But at that time, even if they were introduced to society, it was not that easy to promote. These enterprises had no people at all.

Willing to take over.

"At the meeting, Liu Chengcheng also cited the example of Ban Mu Tian's merger with Qunying Garment Factory. He said that he and several leaders of Erqing Company personally approached Mr. Zhang of Ban Mu Tian. At that time, Ban Mu Tian was in

The specialty store on Yan'an Road has just opened and business is very good.

"They approached Mr. Zhang and wanted them to use half an acre of land to annex Qunying Garment Factory. Of course Mr. Zhang was unwilling. Why? It was simple. They really wanted to build a factory at that time, and the land in the development zone only cost a few thousand yuan per acre.

You can build a decent factory with 200,000 yuan. If you invest 200,000 yuan in Qunying Garment Factory, you don't know whether it can start operations normally.

"Besides, there are so many workers in the factory, which is a burden. If they open a new factory and recruit migrant workers, they can recruit as many migrant workers as they want. If they are not satisfied, they will let you go. These workers in our Erqing system are very capable

There aren't many, but everyone considers themselves to be bosses and they can't be fired. If a factory like this takes over, it would be unlucky.

"Everyone can settle this account. At that time, Mr. Zhang, we really did his job many times and gave many people a lot of high hats. As for him, he gave us face and finally agreed to merge Qunying Garment Factory. The agreement was signed

When it was dropped, Erqing's comrades and I were really relieved. To be honest, at that time, we felt like we had finally gotten rid of a burden.

"As for the increase in value of the land later, people used it to develop sports and leisure products markets. That was a later matter. The appreciation of the land was also a later matter. At this juncture of corporate restructuring, no one knew that the land would one day become a commodity.

, If we knew, we would just sell the land directly.

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【Wandering in the Vast Daytime】 【】

"But it is true that even if we wanted to sell it, no one would buy it. It took more than two years for the entire second-light system to be restructured. It can be said that every year has passed. After the entire reorganization was completed, I felt like I had lost a layer of skin. Including

Mr. Zhang and others who were able to take over these enterprises took great risks at that time.

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"We can't put aside the historical conditions at that time to settle the accounts, and use the subsequent increase in land value to settle the previous accounts. We feel that the government has lost money, the state-owned assets have been lost, and the bosses have made money. How can we calculate like this?

"Those who are leading the trend, where were you at that time? Since you think there is such a big profit to be made, why don't you come to me? I'd rather you come to me. I'll give you all the difficult businesses I have.

, Do you want it? All enterprise restructurings are open to the public. We welcome enterprises with capabilities and conditions. You are so powerful, why didn't you come then?

"To put aside the historical conditions and environment at that time and use retrograde techniques to talk about specific issues under specific historical conditions is either ulterior motives or bad, or it is trying to muddy the water and fish in troubled waters."

Professor Zheng shook his head: "I think Liu Chengcheng is still kind. These people are not that simple. Their biggest purpose of sensationalizing is actually profit, defrauding the traffic of the masses and enriching his own wallet. They will not care about the problem."

The ins and outs and truth.”

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