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049 When everyone talks about Wenzhou people

When everyone talks about Wenzhou people, they think they are very rich. They have fought in the north and south, speculating in real estate, garlic, ginger, gold, crude oil and Bitcoin. It is said that when Wenzhou people go to a certain building in the north, they always point their fingers at the sand table.

Light this building, this building, and this building, we all want them.

They went to a restaurant to eat, and found that the table in the restaurant was uneven and wobbling. Without saying anything, they took out a wad of money from their bag, stuffed it into the table legs, and leveled the table.

That restaurant was a noodle shop. Wenzhou people just went in and ate a bowl of noodles that cost 18 yuan. After eating, they paid for the noodles and left, leaving the pile of money there.

There is also a legend that a person from Wenzhou went to an entertainment city and tipped a young girl, not by a piece of paper, but by a ruler. He took the money out of the bag one by one, piled it on the table, measured it with a ruler, and said, "I'll give it to you today."

A tip per foot per person.

The legendary Wenzhou people are not only rich, but also a bit like two hundred and fifty.

Xue'er is from Wenzhou. Xue'er said that compared with people in other places, we in Wenzhou are generally rich. When I was in school, all the classmates in our class were very rich, but I didn't have any money.

Our family is very poor. Of course, this poverty is relative. Compared with other people, we have no money, but we are not hungry yet.

Xueer's parents are not very talented, and their family came from the countryside to the city. They don't have a factory, they don't open a shop, and they don't have relatives who work hard abroad. From time to time, they send money home, and their parents are relatives.

I work in a factory and get paid.

There are three elderly people above her, but her grandfather is no longer here, and there are four children below who want to go to school. Therefore, based on her parents' income, the family is still living in a tight situation.

When Xueer was in middle school and high school, she didn't even dare to go out to play with her classmates. When her classmates called her for their birthdays, she found reasons not to go. When their classmates went out, they would go shopping, eat out in restaurants, and then go to karaoke or college.

Take a bath and eat in the bathhouse.

When a large group of people go out, everyone is A. It is normal to spend hundreds or even thousands at a time. If she doesn't have this money, how dare she go anywhere.

For a period of time, Xueer felt very low self-esteem because of this. She felt that she could not hold her head high in front of her classmates. They were annoying them, so she had to spend all her time and energy on studying. She had the best academic performance in the class, so

, no one dares to underestimate her.

Xueer and Sheng Chuncheng said that people are like this. When you are with many people, you must do better than others in a certain aspect so that you can achieve a balance, whether it is for others or yourself.

Only then can I retain the last bit of pride and feel that I am not so rubbish.

She said so, but Xueer's feeling of poverty was unforgettable. She vowed that she would make money in the future and become very rich. What her parents did not give her, in turn, she could give to her parents and children.

Why must we be proud and valued of our parents, but we cannot let our parents be proud and valued of ourselves?

After graduating from high school, Xueer was admitted to university. Although it was a university in Xiasha, Hangzhou, it was not a key university. Apart from Zhejiang University, there were no other 985 or 211 universities in Hangzhou, but in their middle school, it was already considered a good one.

Well, in their class, there were only a dozen or so people who could reach the score line, and Xueer was only one-tenth of this number.

That summer vacation was the most relaxing one. There was no homework and no need to read any more books. Xueer spent the whole vacation thinking about how to go to college in Hangzhou. The time was not as tight as in middle school. She could be in school by herself.

How to make money, first find a way to earn living expenses and then talk about it.

After leaving home and arriving in Hangzhou, Xueer went to the Sijiqing Clothing Market on the first weekend. There were many fellow Wenzhou people in the market. Xueer went to get close to them, especially the male bosses. Seeing such a cute little

The girls all kissed her, and she quickly became familiar with them.

Xue'er doesn't look for those popular models or best-selling models. She knows that even if she wants these styles, others won't give them to her. They don't have enough to sell them. Xue'er uses her own eyes to pick out those styles that she thinks are very popular.

Good overstocked goods, and then negotiate a very low wholesale price with them.

She had no money and didn't dare to buy goods. She was afraid of being overstocked, so she left copies of her ID card and student ID card with them.

For each style, Xueer picked the size that she could wear, and took a sample of each style and color. These overstocked goods were worthless in the eyes of the boss. Xueer told the boss to help them take them to the school for sales.

Just let her take it away without paying.

Xueer returned to the dormitory with a large bag of samples, and opened a clothing store in the dormitory. She went out and called the students from other dormitories, and she showed them one by one. She looked good in her clothes. This was also her

The reason for taking your own size.

The price Xueer quoted them for these clothes was a little higher than the price she had negotiated with her boss, but it was much cheaper than the prices in clothing stores on the street and even online. At that time, online shopping was not as crazy as it is now.

If someone wanted it, she would collect the money first. After two or three days, she would go to Sijiqing to buy the goods that had been ordered.

Of course, the business was not very good at the beginning. The area was too narrow. She only found students from their building. Then, Xueer found students from other buildings as well. Her own school was not enough, so she went to other schools nearby.

Looking for schools, there are so many universities in Xiasha University Town. Later, at night, their dormitory was crowded with people, all coming to look at the clothes.

Xueer laughed as she spoke. She said that other students in the dormitory had objections and said they were too annoyed. There were so many people coming and going all day long that they couldn't even read. In fact, they were all playing games no matter what they were reading.

, they all go to the classroom and library to read books. They are just jealous when they see Xueer making money.

Xueer went to coax them, treated them to late-night snacks and snacks, and gave them cosmetics, so that they would have no objection. In turn, she helped Xueer sell clothes. There were six beds in a dormitory, and at night, they would have sex in front of the bed.

Use ropes to hang clothes one by one, and the entire dormitory becomes a large clothing stall.

Xueer couldn't help but laugh when she thought about the scene at that time. She said it to Sheng Chuncheng with a smile.

Some of those classmates from other schools were Xue'er's customers at first, and later they were still Xue'er's customers, but they were also intelligence agents. Xue'er made an agreement with them that they would bring their classmates over to buy, and Xue'er would give it to them.


These people came over in groups, and even the dormitory housekeeper down below was surprised why so many people came to see Xueer every day.

Haha, Xueer and Sheng Chuncheng said that I was going to flatter the dormitory aunt again and bribe her with small favors.

Xueer's informants not only earned money to buy clothes, but also earned their own living expenses, so they became even more energetic.

When Xueer made money, the first thing she did was buy herself a good mobile phone and computer, and set up a QQ and WeChat group. Whenever there was a new style, she would wear it, take pictures of it, and put it in the group. In this way, other schools

As an informant, you can open the group for others to see, which can attract more people.

Xue'er's business grew bigger and bigger. Later, she had to go to Sijiqing every day to get goods, and also went to other schools to deliver clothes to people who bought clothes. Xue'er would definitely be too busy by herself, so she took her colleagues

The people in the dormitory have all become her subordinates, taking turns to go to Sijiqing to help her pick up goods and go to other schools to deliver goods. There are six of them in one dormitory, just like a company.

Xueer basically has five permanent employees in the school, as well as many part-time intelligence agents who receive kickbacks?

Later, she didn't have time to go to Sijiqing every day to pick up goods. She also hired a Dada rider, who was a courier in the same city.

After preparing the goods for her, the rider would go to each store every day to pick up the goods and then deliver them to Xiasha Lai.

"Brother Shen!"


When Shen Changqing walks on the road and meets familiar people, he will say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who it is.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

Regarding this.

Shen Changqing has become accustomed to it.

Because this is the Demon Suppression Division, an organization that maintains the stability of the Qin Dynasty. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, it also has some other side jobs.

It can be said.

Everyone in the Demon Suppression Division has a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it over time.

The Demon-Suppressing Division is huge.

Those who can stay in the Demon Suppressing Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppressor Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy and the other is the Demon Slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Slayer Department starts from the lowest level as a demon slayer.

Then he will be promoted step by step, and eventually he is expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest level among the demon slayers.

Possess the memory of the previous life.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Demon Suppression Division.

It didn't take long for Shen Changqing to stop in front of a loft.

Unlike other places in the Demon Suppressing Division that are full of chills, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different kind of tranquility in the bloody Demon Suppressing Division.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing only hesitated for a moment before stepping in.

Enter the attic.

The environment just changes in vain.

The fragrance of ink mixed with the faint smell of blood hit his face, causing him to frown instinctively, but then relaxed it quickly.

There is almost no way to cleanse away the smell of blood on everyone in the Zhenmo Division.

This chapter has been completed!
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