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580 Sheng Chuncheng Talks to Tao Zi

Sheng Chuncheng and Taozi said: "It's just a dream, nothing to be afraid of."

"But, I dream about it every year." Taozi said.

Sheng Chuncheng thought for a while and continued to talk to Taozi:

"Maybe this dream really scared you when you dreamed it for the first time, and you associated it with peach blossoms. As a result, when the peach blossoms are about to fall again the next year, you will think of this dream and soon

I'm afraid of dreaming about it again. The more you think about it, the more you will dream about it. It doesn't mean that you think about it every day..."

"No, I think it's not just a dream." Taozi shook her head and said firmly: "It's fear, I'm very scared. I lie here, close my eyes, the wind blows, and the peach blossoms behind me are rustling.

Every time I fall to the ground, I feel like I am withering away like this, and growing old like this..."

As Tao Zi spoke, Sheng Chuncheng thought to herself that peach blossoms didn't have much poetic meaning to Tao Zi either. The strange thing was that she was so obsessed with peach blossoms that she even substituted herself into them.

The peach blossoms brought her nightmares, but she decided to plant so many peach blossoms here. She lay here every day, closed her eyes, listened to the colorful falling flowers behind her, and was constantly afraid. Is this self-abuse?

Taozi continued: "As I lie here, sometimes I am afraid to open my eyes. I am afraid that when I open my eyes, I will see my head full of white hair, and then my hands and face will be covered with wrinkles."

Taozi turned her head as she spoke, looked at Sheng Chuncheng and said, "Do you know what I hope for most at this time?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head, and Taozi said: "What I most hope is that someone is whispering and whispering to me in my ear. He kissed me awake. The fact that he still loves me so much means that nothing happened and I am still

She is still young and beautiful, so I can open my eyes with confidence."

Sheng Chuncheng thought of one thing. Apart from Taozi, almost no one came up to the attic. Old Ni was outside all day long, and the nanny was not allowed to come up. Since he came here, Taozi hung a wind chime on the door and pushed it by himself.

As soon as you enter the door, the wind chimes will jingle, and Tao Zi will know that she has arrived.

At this time, she would either call her over, or just wait for him to walk over. Every time she walked here, she would lie here with her eyes closed.

Sheng Chuncheng felt that she was probably waiting for him to help her relieve her inner fear. Although he would not whisper in her ear, as long as his voice and behavior were normal, she could know what she was most worried about.

If nothing happens, you can open your eyes.

Sheng Chuncheng thought, this must be the case.

"I'm really afraid that I will grow old. I will already be old before I have anything worth remembering in my heart. That is such a terrible thing," Taozi said.

Sheng Chuncheng handed over the tissue, and Taozi said "thank you", took it, folded the tissue several times, folded it into a square, and then pressed it gently at the corner of his eye.

She said: "Many people were dancing in the square. When I passed by them, I looked at so many old ladies and thought to myself, who would have thought that these people were once as young and beautiful as me, but now

, what do each of them look like? When I think about myself one day being old and being among them, I feel so terrible, what’s the point of living.”

Sheng Chuncheng said: "This is not necessarily true. Old people also have their own happiness."

"What happiness? Two wrinkled people are together. You look at me and I look at you. What you see must be disgusting, right?" Taozi screamed.

"Not necessarily, there is still love." Sheng Chuncheng said, "Would you like me to tell you a story?"

"you say."

Sheng Chuncheng then told Taozi about Teacher Li and Teacher Xu. Taozi listened quietly. After listening to her, she said:

"You are all making this up. You got it from the Internet, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng shook his head: "No, it's true. Both of them are our guests."

"That's great, I really envy them." Taozi said, "If you have a chance, can you introduce me to them, so that I can have some confidence in the future, even if I just look at them and envy them, it's good."

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, "Actually, you can do it too."

"How is it possible that you let Lao Ni and I hug each other and sleep together every day?" Taozi frowned and smiled bitterly: "And you let him drive into my body like a nail? Don't be too disgusted."

Sheng Chuncheng was silent. He originally wanted to say, in fact, everyone chooses their own path, and you can choose again. After thinking about it, he didn't say, what do you mean, are you trying to undermine Lao Ni?

"By the way, my sister will arrive in Hangzhou tomorrow and I will take her to your place, okay?" Taozi asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

The two of them sat and chatted. Unknowingly, they sat there for more than an hour. Sheng Chuncheng looked at the time and quickly stood up to say goodbye. He had to go to Mr. Lan's place.

After getting off work in the evening, Sheng Chuncheng left the subway station and rode his bicycle. When he almost reached the door of Ducubic, he couldn't help but transfer to the live broadcast base.

He arrived upstairs at Xueyan's company. At this time, all three live broadcast rooms were open, and the company was still as busy as ever. Sheng Chuncheng walked in and saw Xue'er standing outside Xiaoya and Xiaomei's live broadcast rooms, holding hands on each other.

chest, looking at them.

Xueer holds a pen between the index finger and middle finger of her right hand. There is a shelf next to it. There is a whiteboard on the shelf. When she has something to say to Xiaoya and Xiaomei in the live broadcast room, she puts it in her hand.

I used my pen as a baton to point. If I still didn’t understand, I wrote a few big words on the whiteboard. When Xiaomei and Xiaoya saw it, they understood.

They don't like to use headsets to connect. Xueer's practice tells her that the instructions in the headsets can easily interrupt people's thoughts and are not conducive to the relaxation and naturalness of facial expressions. It is better to use a whiteboard. Just take a look and see for yourself.

You can adjust it slowly, and you can also think about the wrong parts, organize the words in your mind, and then correct them.

Yanyan and August don't need a whiteboard. They are both smart enough. Xueer only needs to remind them with a gesture, and they will understand. Especially Yanyan, if she says something wrong, the assistant next to her will whisper to her,

She was able to find the right words and opportunities right away and come around on her own. Xueer stood outside her live broadcast room, more worried about her and not to go too far with her words.

Sheng Chuncheng walked over. Although the two hadn't seen each other for several days, Sheng Chuncheng saw that Xueer's face was the same as before. There was nothing wrong or better about it.

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "Where have you been these past few days?"

"I didn't go anywhere. I just drove to my hometown in Wenzhou to visit my parents. Then I went to Xiamen to visit his parents. I was basically on the road for four days."

Sheng Chuncheng nodded: "Okay?"


Sheng Chuncheng looked at Xue'er, and Xue'er turned to look at him and asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

Sheng Chuncheng didn't say anything or continue to ask. There was a knot in his heart. Many times, "not bad" was synonymous with "not good", especially for Xue'er now.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the office and sat down on the sofa. After thinking about it, he clicked on Yu Dazi's WeChat account and asked:


Yu Dazi came back quickly: "The house is in a mess."

"Okay? I mean this trip."

Yu Dazi replied: "It's okay, it's just that when we are together every day, I feel like it's hard to talk."

This chapter has been completed!
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