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588 car is driving

As the car was driving, Sheng Chuncheng closed his eyes and thought. Xiaotian finally shut up and stopped talking, which made Sheng Chuncheng secretly relieved.

A few hours ago, when Sheng Chuncheng took the subway to Mr. Lan's place, he thought that today would be a normal day and nothing would happen.

But as things evolved, everything happened naturally.

Mr. Lan today is different from that day on the roof of Dongfang Runyuan. He did not beg or force him at all. Everything happened voluntarily by Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng thought that when he was taking off his clothes, Mr. Lan was still

I tried to stop him and told him no, although the no was false, it was still a gesture.

Sheng Chuncheng still can't figure out why he acted like that at that time and had the idea of ​​"sacrifice". The most basic thing about "sacrifice" is that it is an "offer", which is something you take the initiative to offer, and

No one needs you to "sacrifice".

Do you regret it? Sheng Chuncheng asked himself. He knew very well that he had no regrets at all. Even really, even though the age difference between the two of them was so big, Mr. Lan still surprised him. She gave him a completely different feeling.

He felt her need and like. This need and like were not concealed at all, so frank and clear, and could be seen at a glance. No, no, not seeing, but feeling, not feeling with the heart, but with the body.

Feel, his body, feel the needs and likes of her body, welcome it, everything comes naturally.

Sheng Chuncheng knew very well that if his affair with Mr. Lan was exposed in front of the world, many people would be shocked and would not understand that such a young man had a relationship with a woman with such a big age difference. If not

How is the buying and selling of money possible?

Sheng Chuncheng felt that if the protagonist of this matter was not himself, but another person, he would be shocked when he saw this matter, and would find it absurd and ridiculous.

Just like when Xiao Zhang asked him if Mother Zhong liked him and said that he didn't want to work hard, he felt ridiculous. But now, what's the difference between him and Xiao Zhang? The biggest difference is probably that one has already happened, and the other

One, it didn't happen at all.

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Do you regret it?

Sheng Chuncheng asked himself again, and the answer was still no. He felt that he did not regret it. Even if others, and even himself, thought it was ridiculous, he still did not feel regretful.

After experiencing it, he had to admit that it was still a wonderful experience. Just as he was holding a young and beautiful body in his arms, and he was so eager to insert that young body, he entered Lan slowly and controlled his own rhythm.

When the body is in general, his feelings are pleasant and novel.

It seems that only now does Sheng Chuncheng realize that he still has this side of himself, and that he can be in harmony with a woman like Mr. Lan. It seems that people's understanding of themselves is always lacking, and people's ignorance of themselves,

Maybe even bigger than ignorance of the universe.

Action always comes before thought and reason. People often think and realize things after everything happens. People always use impulse to explain behaviors that they cannot understand. But Sheng Chuncheng feels that no matter what happens,

At that time, or now, he didn't feel that he was impulsive at all.

Sheng Chuncheng remembered that Mr. Lan had mentioned their relationship and used the word deformed. Sheng Chuncheng had to admit that his relationship with Mr. Lan was undoubtedly deformed and alien. As long as it was inconsistent with the behavior of most people, this kind of

Behavior would be considered deformity. When thinking about it this way, Sheng Chuncheng felt that even the word deformity had become neutral.

Sheng Chuncheng asked himself in his heart, what is the relationship between him and Mr. Lan? Of course it is not a financial relationship. Mr. Lan is indeed his client, but his service items do not include this. They are not above this.

There is no transactional relationship.

Is it love? Sheng Chuncheng thought weakly. He felt that he could use gratitude. He was indeed grateful to Mr. Lan in his heart. Only with gratitude would he "sacrifice", but he did not admit that there was an element of love. If there was, then he should often

He would only think of Mr. Lan. He had loved Xue'er, Yanyan, Sun Hong, and for a while, Shanshan, but he really didn't feel that he had loved Mr. Lan.

So is it to satisfy his own desires? Sheng Chuncheng doesn't think so. Although he doesn't have a girlfriend, he is not the kind of person who can't get sex. If he needs it, he will make a request to Yanyan, and he feels that Yanyan will still satisfy him.

In the sunroom on the top floor of Dongfang Runyuan, if he went one step further and leaned over to suck Taozi's breasts, he was sure that Taozi would definitely welcome her.

The closeness between a man and a woman never stops at the breasts. As long as his lips come into contact with her nipples, he feels that everything will get out of control and will continue until he resists the final destination between men and women. This is also

The reason why Sheng Chuncheng didn't dare to lean down, even if Taozi said to feed him, was because it was tempting.

If in order to satisfy his own desires, Sheng Chuncheng thought, Yanyan and Taozi are both younger and prettier than Mr. Lan, and even Yanyan's skills are more professional and exquisite. Why don't he find them to satisfy himself?

Mr. Lan?

This doesn't make sense either.

So what is the relationship between him and Mr. Lan? Sheng Chuncheng asked himself over and over again, but there was no answer over and over again. What he finally fell into was always that statement. People's understanding of themselves is always lacking, and people's understanding of themselves is always lacking.

My own ignorance may be greater than my ignorance of the universe.

Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help but sigh.

Xiaotian didn't look back and immediately asked: "Are you awake, Mr. Sheng?"

Sheng Chuncheng's scalp suddenly became numb. He felt that Xiaotian would have a lot of words coming soon, and they would bombard him one after another.

Fortunately, when Sheng Chuncheng opened his eyes, he saw that the car was already on Tianmushan Road, approaching the Gudun intersection.

"Wake up." Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaotian said.

Sheng Chuncheng walked up the steps and saw Xiao An standing at the door of the store. Xiao An saw him and asked strangely: "Why are you back now?"

"Why, it can't work?" Sheng Chuncheng said, "I haven't even eaten dinner. I'm almost fainting from hunger."

"It's so sad. I'll have someone do it and send it to your office." Xiao An said.

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said yes. Xiao An was about to walk away when Sheng Chuncheng stopped her.

Xiao An turned around and Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"Is there any news about Xiao Zhang?"

"No." Xiao An shook his head and said, "The world has evaporated."

Xiao An took two steps and then turned back and said to Sheng Chuncheng, "Jing Jing is here. It's on the terrace behind."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

"And that baby." Xiao An said.

"The baby is here too?" Sheng Chuncheng asked. Didn't she leave a note for herself yesterday, saying she would see her on Wednesday, meaning she would only come over tomorrow?

Xiao An nodded: "Yes, just the two of them, on the terrace at the back."

Sheng Chuncheng said okay, I will go and say hello to them first.

This chapter has been completed!
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