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063 The driver's surname is Yu

The driver's surname was Yu Dong. He told Sheng Chuncheng that he was the concertmaster, or first violin, of the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra.

Sheng Chuncheng was startled and asked, "The violin player is also driving an online ride-hailing service now?"

"Then what can I do? I have colleagues who are also delivering food."

Yu Dong said: "From the beginning of the epidemic to now, we have had no performances for almost a year, no performances, and rehearsals have been reduced. The monthly rehearsal allowance is pitifully small, and there is no rehearsal and performance allowance at all. The rest is basically

My salary and food may not be enough, and I can’t afford to pay off my mortgage, so I can only drive an online car-hailing service.”

"Aren't you taking care of students? I heard that if you take care of students, you can earn a lot of money," Sheng Chuncheng said.

"I have taught two students, but I don't dare to teach more. The pressure and competition for the concertmaster of the orchestra are quite high. You can't lose the position of concertmaster just because you teach students, right?" Yu Dong said, "These two students

, the class hours are fixed, and you can’t say, come on, I’m short of money, please come and take more classes.”

Sheng Chuncheng had no idea about the orchestra at all. He asked: "Are you usually very busy? The orchestra usually does not perform at night and has a lot of time during the day."

"That's now. Now I have a lot of time in the evening." Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's not like this in normal times. Let me tell you, in normal times, we rehearse from nine to eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon.

We are still rehearsing until five o'clock. Like our principal, because there are a lot of solo performances, we have to rehearse in the evening. How much time do I have?"

"What is solo playing?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"It's a solo. In a symphony, the principal will perform a lot of solos. When the score is difficult, that is, when the solo part is very difficult for me, the rehearsals will be endless, and there will be no improvement at all. After get off work hours, the performance time is fixed, if you can't be 100% sure of winning it before then, you're dead."

Yu Dong said, Sheng Chuncheng nodded, he could understand this, Sheng Chuncheng said:

"Then you have time now, so you can take care of more students."

"How dare you?"

Yu Dong glanced at Sheng Chuncheng and continued:

"What if next month, the epidemic will be over and everything will be normal? Do we also have to be responsible for other students? It is impossible to say that I have studied with you for two or three months, and you go and tell them, I'm sorry, I can't teach

You can't arrange it on time, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded. This is true. Although he doesn't understand the violin, he also knows that it is difficult to learn the violin. Even if he studied for a year and a half, he would only learn a little bit. And for people like Yu Dong, the fees must be very high.

, those students who can come to worship him as their teacher, nine times out of ten, expect to take the art exam. If you don’t teach half of the lessons, won’t this delay their future?

"So, I'd better drive this online car-hailing service honestly." After listening to Sheng Chuncheng's words, Yu Dong smiled bitterly and said, "Otherwise, my house will be taken away by the bank. My wife and I will just

I’m going to live on the streets.”

"Then you are still better than me. At least you have bought a house, and I still have nothing." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"No, brother, listen to me, if you don't have a lot of money and can't afford to buy a house in full, you must not buy it. Otherwise, what you buy is not a house, but an extra ancestor and a grandpa."

Yu Dong and Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Why?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Before I bought a house, my wife and I were very romantic. When there were no performances, we would go out to eat, go shopping, watch movies, etc. on the weekends. When we were happy, we wouldn't go back to the dormitory and just go to the hotel to get a room.

, when on vacation, two people will drive out for a self-driving trip, how cool is that?

"At that time, I still had a little savings in my pocket, and I never felt any financial pressure. I spent whatever I needed to.

“After I bought a house, it was over. My deposit was immediately wiped out. I also had a lot of debt. I had to pay it back every month, but there was no timetable.

"The self-driving trip was canceled at the first time. I didn't dare to go out to eat on weekends. I also stopped going to movies and shopping. But I didn't have to buy a house anymore. I could only buy food and cook it at home. When I didn't have a house, I thought I was in my own house.

It is such a pleasure to cook and eat at home. After getting a house, I realized how embarrassing and miserable it is not to dare to go out.

"After the two of us finished eating, you looked at me and I looked at you. Their faces were full of sorrow. My wife didn't even dare to enter the mall. She only dared to go to Douyin and Taobao to buy clothes, and her hands were shaking.

To buy shampoo, shower gel and cosmetics, she only dared to go to Pinduoduo to buy the suspicious bargains. She always complained to me, saying that she felt like she was almost like a working girl now.

"I'm a working girl. I feel like I'm worse than a working girl now. A working girl dares to go out for a skewer and some cold beer in the middle of the night. Do I dare? Now, I can't even go to the market to buy vegetables.

You have to shop around to see whose vegetables are cheaper.

"Let me tell you, if anyone comes to send us invitations now, it is to provoke hatred. What he can get is definitely not our blessing, but a hundred thousand fuck yous. This is not on our snow.

Did you add more frost?

"Such a life is not what people should live. The quality of life is nothing at all. If you live a life without quality, you will be miserable, and your dignity will be lost, really.

"Two years ago, if you had told me that one day I would drive a taxi, I could beat you up. I say this not because I despise driving a taxi, but because I think it is impossible for me to do it.


"Who am I? I am the one who struts onto the stage after every performance, after all the members of the orchestra have come on stage. Before the performance, I am responsible for tuning the orchestra and sitting closest to the conductor.

The conductor had to shake hands with me when he came on stage and when he left the stage. When the performance was over, the conductor had to point his finger to me. I was wearing a tuxedo, stood up, with my back straight, nodded slightly to the audience, and accepted everyone's applause.

"How could such a arrogant guy drive a taxi? How is it possible? Look at the result, haha, no, he did it, and he worked very hard.

"Brother, there is a very vivid word, house slave. I am a slave now. The only possibility of being a slave is that others will abuse you. There is no chance for you to make your own choices.

"Last month, the two of us finally made up our minds and wanted to sell the house. But now the houses in Hangzhou are simply unmarketable. Don't look at what those people are talking about. Why is the house price here rising again? Where is it?

Thousands of people are vying for accounts, and they are all trustworthy.

"From the time our house was put up until now, we haven't even had a single person to look at the house. If we can't sell the house, we can only continue to pay it as an offering to our ancestors.

"Brother, I tell you as someone who has been there and is about to climb ashore. Don't jump down. There is really an abyss down there. There will be no miracles. It won't be like those in those martial arts movies where you will fall off in one fell swoop.

There are adventures below the cliff, where you will meet a fairy sister and a ghost!"

The two of them walked all the way, and Sheng Chuncheng listened to Yu Dong complaining all the way, which showed how aggrieved he felt. When he met someone who also liked chatting in the car, he talked endlessly.

However, while chatting like this, Sheng Chuncheng felt that he and Yu Dong, Chief Yu, were quite able to chat. If he had time, he could ask him to have sex. He still had this ability.

When the car arrived at the gate of the community, Sheng Chuncheng was about to get out of the car. He wanted to add WeChat to Yu Dong, but he thought that he was carrying a blind mobile phone and it was inconvenient to use it. Sheng Chuncheng asked Yu Dong if he could add WeChat?

"Okay, by the way, if you need music for your short video or something, you can come to me and I can do it for you for free," Yu Dong said.

Sheng Chuncheng said thank you, thank you, what is your WeChat ID?

Yu Dong told Sheng Chuncheng a phone number and the same WeChat number. Sheng Chuncheng remembered it and said to Yu Dong:

"I'll call you when I get back, but my phone is out of battery."

Yu Dong made an OK gesture, started the car and left.

When Sheng Chuncheng returned home, Ding Huamei immediately came over and asked, "Hey, what do Yang Guifei's parents want from you?"

"Don't argue, don't argue, we'll talk about it later."

Sheng Chuncheng was afraid that the phone number in his mind would be forgotten, so he interrupted Ding Huamei and hurriedly ran to the bedroom and picked up his Huawei mobile phone from the bedside table.

"Crazy!" Ding Huamei cursed.

Sheng Chuncheng opened WeChat, pressed the number, clicked Add Friend, entered Yu Dong’s phone number, and clicked Search. The results that came out made Sheng Chuncheng a little unconvinced. The name displayed above was "Yu Dazhi".

Sheng Chuncheng was hesitant and sent the request. After a while, the other party added him. Sheng Chuncheng asked: "Is it you, Chief Yu?"

Yu Dazi replied: "Yes, it's me."

Sheng Chuncheng laughed while holding his cell phone. Ding Huamei glanced at him and cursed again:


This chapter has been completed!
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