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073 Ding Huamei Looked Outside

Ding Huamei looked outside and saw that the sky was getting dark, and continued: "Let's escape right away while it's dark, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng didn't understand and asked: "Why?"

"You fool, if you don't run away, are you still waiting for the police to catch us? Waiting for Brother Dong and the others to come to your door?" Ding Huamei asked.

Sheng Chuncheng responded with an "oh oh", and the two of them immediately got up and started packing their things. Halfway through, Sheng Chuncheng thought of it and said:

"The police shouldn't be able to find this place. All my clients and I are talking about Jingfang District 2, not Jingfang District 5. Besides, for our house, we signed an agreement directly with the landlord and did not go through an intermediary.

Except for the landlord, no one knows that we live here, and Brother Dong and the others only know that I live in Jingfang 2nd District, not here."

Ding Huamei thought it made sense, so she sat down and stopped cleaning up.

Sheng Chuncheng said: "Moreover, now whether you buy a train ticket or a bus ticket, you need an ID card, and you have to show a green code when you get on the bus. If we escape, the police will catch us, and they will know right away. Maybe we just

Get out of the car and the police will be waiting for us under the car."

As soon as Sheng Chuncheng said that, Ding Huamei remembered the scene she had seen on TV. Several policemen with loaded guns were waiting for the suspect to surrender. Ding Huamei felt that what Sheng Chuncheng said made sense, so she said okay, never mind him.

, we are right here, if they really want to catch us, just let them come here.

Sheng Chuncheng also sat down. He looked at Ding Huamei and said seriously:

"However, we still need to prepare."

"How to prepare?" Ding Huamei asked.

"That's it, collusion. The two of us have to say the same thing, so that the police will believe us." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Ding Huamei nodded and understood. She asked Sheng Chuncheng, what should we say if we were really taken away?

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Ding Huamei and said seriously: "If the police really come, don't admit anything and blame everything on me. It was my idea to dress up as a blind masseur and fake identity."

I had to find someone to make the certificate myself.

"Just say that you go to work every day and you have no idea what I do at home or outside. Remember, you have to insist that you have no idea about me pretending to be blind. Do you know?

?This way you can get away, and the police have no other evidence, and they can't do anything to you."

"What about you? What should you do?" Ding Huamei asked.

"Don't worry about me. If you want to die, one of you will die. Let's not involve both of us. Besides, you are a girl. If you really want to go to prison, how can you bear it? I am a man. I have no problem. I can bear it.


Ding Huamei listened and hugged Sheng Chuncheng. She was so moved that she felt that Sheng Chuncheng was the kind of person who would tell her, "You retreat first, and I will cover you" when danger comes. He was the kind of person who would use his own strength.

Protect your own life.

Why are you so good? Chuncheng. Ding Huamei thought in her heart. At the same time, she felt that she was a little relieved. With Sheng Chuncheng's protection, she would not go to jail. Ding Huamei felt relieved for a while, and she immediately

He scolded himself, bah bah, why are you so selfish?

The two people hugged each other, giving off a feeling of separation, as if Sheng Chuncheng was about to go to jail, while Ding Huamei would be outside, waiting painfully for his return. Such hugs and kisses gave the feeling of a ritual,

They themselves were almost moved.

Sheng Chuncheng and Ding Huamei said: "I am no longer here, you have to help me take care of my mother, and my brothers and sisters."

Ding Huamei nodded: "I will."

The two people fell down, as if this was their last night, which became long and lingering. Both Ding Huamei and Sheng Chuncheng were satisfied as never before.

Sheng Chuncheng leaned on the bedside, and Ding Huamei snuggled in his arms. After the release, people's mood relaxed. The nervousness just now was gone. The two of them did not speak, each was thinking about his own thoughts, and Ding Huamei was thinking about it. Then he suddenly laughed.

Sheng Chuncheng was surprised and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Am I laughing at us? Are we stupid?" Ding Huamei continued to laugh, "Yes, that's right, we are too stupid."

"What's wrong?"

"What you gave people was a copy of the ID card, not the original. Once the original is scanned on the machine, they will know whether it is genuine or not. Who can see the copy?" Ding Huamei asked.

"But, but, if you get this to the Social Security Bureau, they are not all connected to the Internet now. If you take a copy of your ID card and compare it with the information in the system, you will see that the two photos are different." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Who will compare? It's enough to enter an ID number and the information will be the same. Who will look at the photo?" Ding Huamei said, "You think you are going through security on a plane, and the people inside have to take it with you Look at your ID card, then look at the computer, and then look at the ID card?"

Sheng Chuncheng said: "I have never flown on a plane, how do I know?"

"You haven't sat with me before, of course I know. I not only know this, but I also know other things."

Ding Huamei sat up, turned around, sat there and said to Sheng Chuncheng:

"Let me tell you, when someone comes to our hospital and comes with a medical insurance card, I just swipe it. No one will compare it with the medical insurance card. There are also family members who swipe it, but who cares? ah.

"Social security is even more serious. For social security, you hand over the money to someone else. You don't go to him to collect the money. Where you go to collect the money, you have to worry about pretending to receive it. What fool would pretend to be someone else and pay the money to someone else?" Did it go into someone else's account? Even if there is such a fool, you deserve it. Who cares about you?

"Let me tell you, Social Security and the others are looking at your ID number. If you enter it, the information that pops up is correct. If your name matches, they will handle it for you. If it is a fake ID card, enter the number. , the information won’t pop up, yours, the others are the same, but the photos are different, what does it matter?

"Besides, this photocopy is different from the one on the computer. Is there anything strange about this?"

Sheng Chuncheng listened to Ding Huamei's words and felt that her analysis was reasonable. Sheng Chuncheng also sat up. The two of them looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

After Ding Huamei finished laughing, she laughed again. Sheng Chuncheng asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Are we two too pretentious? After talking for a long time, do you really think that someone will help you buy social security? Are you stupid, scaring yourself here?"

Ding Huamei said, Sheng Chuncheng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. It's true. Brother Dong most likely just said that at the time, just for fun, and forget it after playing. How could anyone really hire a blind man? If you want to be a military advisor, they are part of the underworld. If you have a blind military advisor in the underworld, you won't be laughed at. You don't have to hang out in the world.

"I'm starving, I'm starving."

Ding Huamei shouted. After relaxing, the two of them realized that they hadn't even eaten dinner. When Ding Huamei shouted, Sheng Chuncheng felt that he was about to starve to death.

"Shall we go celebrate?" Ding Huamei said.

"What are you celebrating?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"To celebrate we found two fools, we scared ourselves half to death." Ding Huamei said with a smile.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, let's go celebrate. Sheng Chuncheng was told by Ding Huamei, how can a person who is really relaxed and in a good mood go to the kitchen instead of going outside to have a good meal?

This chapter has been completed!
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