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074 Residential Backdoor

There are small restaurants on both sides of Danhua'an Road at the back door of the community. Sheng Chuncheng and Ding Huamei found a Hunan restaurant, went in and sat down, and the two ordered a fish head with chopped pepper, a small stir-fried pork, a spicy and sour chicken offal, and another

Add a steamed egg.

The two of them also ordered two bottles of iced Qiandao Lake beer, and sat facing each other to eat.

Sheng Chuncheng thought about it and told Ding Huamei that Chunni and Chunming were coming to Hangzhou during the summer vacation.

Ding Huamei asked: "Is Chuni coming to Hangzhou to work?"

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned for a moment and asked, "Did she call you too?"

Ding Huamei nodded and said yes, "Hit more than one, I think her idea is right."

"What do you mean?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"Evaluate yourself correctly. If you know that you are not good at studying, then stop studying as soon as possible. Don't spend money and time to get some crappy high school diploma or some Pheasant University diploma. That kind of diploma is nothing but waste paper.

There is no difference, it is better to come out and make money as soon as possible.

"If you really make money, then it will be easy to go back and study for an on-the-job undergraduate degree, a part-time postgraduate degree, an MBA, or a master's degree. Our boss is just like that, he has been carrying the burden everywhere since he was 16 years old.

I went to the market to pull teeth, and now, haha, I have a master's degree, and I even recruited a doctor and a returnee from overseas."

Sheng Chuncheng's face turned cold and asked: "That's what you think?"

"Of course, I regret that I didn't evaluate myself correctly so early like Chunni, and that I went to a shabby university for a few years, which was a waste of time." Ding Huamei said.

"Then have you ever thought about your current job? When they first recruited people, they also had requirements for a bachelor's degree. If you don't have a diploma from that crappy university, you can only work in a factory or something like this.

Work as a waiter in a small restaurant?"

"I just work part-time. I don't think my current job is much better than that of a working girl. As for my job content, a primary school graduate can actually handle it," said Ding Huamei.

"Can this be the same? Even if we are doing the same job, it will be different in different environments." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"What's the difference?"

"Let me tell you, have you seen that some doctoral students from Peking University and Tsinghua University took the civil service exam? After passing the exam, what did they do in the workplace? Was they to become leaders as soon as they entered? Of course not. Once they entered, they swept the floor every day and helped the elders.

Comrade serving tea and water, or filling in forms, etc., these are yes, they are all things that a junior high school student can do.

"But as people work, they have the opportunity to become section chiefs, division chiefs and directors. At that time, those who graduated from junior high school still worked in factories or as waiters. They were doing the same job, but in different places.

There will be different results. One has a chance, from sweeping the floor and pouring water, to a chance to become a section chief, and the other never has a chance.

"This is because the starting point is different, and the final results will be very different. Those Ph.D.s from Peking University and Tsinghua University, when they take the national examination, they are not fighting for the opportunity to sweep away the trouble, but to fight for the position where they can stand.

The opportunity at the starting point, where the starting point is, the number of people who can stand is limited."

When Sheng Chuncheng was talking, he thought of Sister Chen. He knew that Sister Chen must have come from sweeping the floor and serving tea and water, but as she walked, she became the top photo on the official website.

, after living in the house on the top floor, she worked hard to get that starting point first.

Ding Huamei looked at Sheng Chuncheng and fell silent. She felt that Sheng Chuncheng's words were reasonable. It wasn't that she didn't want to take the national examination, but she knew that with her own strength, it was impossible to compete with others.

Without the starting point mentioned by Sheng Chuncheng, if he could really enter some agency, Ding Huamei believed that he might not be able to do that job.

But Sheng Chuncheng is right. If he can't get that starting point, his destiny will change. Many possibilities will be eliminated bit by bit. Working as a receptionist in such a private dental clinic is already considered good.

the result of.

"Also, you see some people who went abroad to work hard for a few years and got a doctorate in finance. After returning to China, they entered an investment bank and got a doctorate in finance and an investment bank. Isn't that very high-level?

"But do you know what they do after they get in? They are not even qualified to write reports. They just print and bind documents every day. What they do is similar to the girls in the print shop, but are they the same as the girls in the print shop? Are they the same as the girls in the print shop?

After working for a few years, the most amazing thing about my little sister is that she became the boss’s wife. Most of the time, it was from little younger sisters to older sisters.

"Those people are already flying around the country and the world with a suitcase full of documents. The money they make in a year is enough to open a dozen printing shops."

Sheng Chuncheng talked about this. He met one of her students at Teacher Zheng's place. She got her PhD from Princeton and joined a well-known investment bank in Shanghai. She complained to Teacher Zheng, saying that she was doing what she was doing every day.

, which is the job of printing and binding documents, and I feel that all my books have been read in vain.

Teacher Zheng told her that now you have to know how to cook in the kitchen before you are qualified to go to the hall, and you must first learn how to bind documents before you are qualified to draft documents. There is nothing to complain about. Your bosses also came here like this.

What else should I do? You go sit and drink coffee and let them come and bind the documents?

"Then what?" Ding Huamei asked coldly.

Sheng Chuncheng was stunned and asked: "What then?"

"You told Chunni not to give up and to get into college, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded.

"She went to college and you supported her, right?" Ding Huamei continued to ask.

"Of course." Sheng Chuncheng said.

"Then Chunming will also go to high school and live on campus. It will be you who supports him, right?"

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Ding Huamei and felt that there was something in her words.

"When Chunni reaches her senior year, I don't know whether you will let her continue to graduate school. At this time, Chunming will definitely be a freshman, and you will support him, right?"

"Maybe so." Sheng Chuncheng said, "I promised my father."

"Did you promise your father? Isn't your father gone? When did you promise?"

Ding Huamei asked, Sheng Chuncheng was silent, yes, his father is no longer around, when did he agree?

He was standing in front of his father's new grave. At that time, he felt that his father had been watching him and waiting for him to speak. Although his father had turned into ashes and was buried in the bamboo forest in this mountain col, he had always been

He didn't feel relieved that he didn't leave.

Sheng Chuncheng clearly remembered that he told his father in his heart at that time, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Dad, Chunni and Chunming, and I will also take good care of my mother."

The wind blew in the bamboo forest, which made a rustling sound. Sheng Chuncheng felt his father and nodded with relief, and he finally walked away with the wind.

After his father left, the uncle let out a long sigh and said to him: "Chuncheng, you'd better go to Hangzhou with me. There will be no way out here."

Ding Huamei then asked: "Then you continue to support Chunming until Chunming graduates from university. At that time, you still have a mother at home who is older and her health is not good. At this time, you will need to take care of her.

,Is it right?"

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Ding Huamei and was silent. He felt that Ding Huamei looked a little strange.

The couple who had been close to each other just now, now separated from each other, became distinct. One was sitting there, and the other was still sitting here. Their eyes were facing each other, and something was slowly rising from between them.


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