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082 wait till

After Sheng Chuncheng finished massaging the old man and it was time for lunch, Brother Dong and the others still ordered a bunch of food. Brother Dong asked Sheng Chuncheng to sit down and eat. Tiao'er wanted to pour wine for Sheng Chuncheng. Sheng Chuncheng said no, no.

, I really can’t drink today. I have guests in the afternoon and I have to work. I can’t go to the guests smelling of alcohol.

Brother Dong said, don't drink. He turned around and scolded those people. Don't drink either. Aren't you all going to work in the afternoon? Learn from military advisors and work as if you are working.

Tiao'er and the others had already poured wine into the glasses. When they heard this, they picked up the glasses and poured the wine back from the mouth of the bottle.

Brother Dong said to them: "This is what reasoning says. We, we used to do business without capital, whether it was earthmoving or sand and gravel, we didn't need to invest a dime. The money, put it there."

,That loan shark also used other people’s money..."

Tiao'er said: "Debt collection and debt collection are also business without capital."

"Yes, yes, that's what reasoning says. Now it's different. It's different. Making cabinets and putting up cabinets costs money. Money. Paying for someone else's property. Drinking wine also costs money. Going to that, that laundry room also costs money.

Money, what do you mean by making it clear? This, this is called investment, that’s what reasoning says, if there is investment, it means serious business, just do it well for me."

Brother Dong glanced at everyone and asked, "Can you introduce me?"

Tiaoer shouted: "Just do it, just say it like this (just say it like this)."

This shows that everyone understands and needs to work hard.

What Sheng Chuncheng wanted to go to in the afternoon was to Mr. Lan, but not to Mr. Lan's house in Dongfang Runyuan, but to an office building on Binhe Road in Binjiang. Sheng Chuncheng had never been there before.

And this time was special. Mr. Lan was on the phone and specifically told him to go there right after lunch and go early. He also told him that they had booked both this afternoon and evening, and that they would have dinner there.

When Mr. Lan and Sheng Chuncheng were on the phone, Sheng Chuncheng heard another person chattering behind him, which should be Mr. Yun's voice.

Sheng Chuncheng was a little confused. This massage was not over after the massage. It only lasted for more than an hour. What did it mean that it was included in the afternoon and evening? Do you have to finish the massage once and then do it again? What's the point of having too many massages?

People can’t bear the meaning, right?

Doubtless, Sheng Chuncheng agreed. After all, it was cost-effective to serve them once and outperform eight or nine other customers, even if he spent the afternoon and evening there.

After leaving Brother Dong and the others, Sheng Chuncheng took a taxi and went to Binhe Road. He walked from Qingyin Lane to the other side. The road was not close and a taxi cost fifty or sixty yuan, but it didn't matter. Mr. Lan and the others paid him every time.

When I went there, I would pay another hundred yuan on top of the massage fee, saying it was for travel expenses. Even when going to Dongfang Runyuan, Sheng Chuncheng had to ride a bicycle.

Sheng Chuncheng arrived at his destination and took the elevator to the top floor. The elevator door opened and there was a large hall. There was no signboard here, but from the overall decoration style, Sheng Chuncheng could tell that this was probably a club or some kind of company.

Yes, the kind that is not open to the public.

"My Healing Game"

As soon as Sheng Chuncheng stepped out of the elevator, a young man came over and asked him if he was Mr. Yun's guest. Sheng Chuncheng said yes.

The young man led him through a long corridor with sparse flowers and trees. At the end of the long corridor, there was a heavy-looking copper door. The young man pushed it gently with his hand, and the door opened, which surprised Sheng Chuncheng.


As soon as the door opened, noisy singing and colorful lights rolled out from inside.

Sheng Chuncheng thought he had arrived very early, but he didn't expect that the place was already busy.

As soon as Sheng Chuncheng walked in the door, he heard Mr. Yun yelling:

"Little brother, little brother, he can't see it, please help me bring him here."

The young man led Sheng Chuncheng inside. Sheng Chuncheng blinked before adapting to the dim environment inside. Sheng Chuncheng was secretly surprised by the scene inside.

He saw Mr. Lan and Mr. Yun lying on two reclining chairs. There were two young foot washers washing their feet. Beside the reclining chairs, there were two massage tables side by side.

Even the recliners were incompatible with the style of the box. They had obviously been moved in temporarily based on their needs.

Past the massage table is a long sofa. Facing the sofa is a large screen with pictures on it.

At one end of the sofa, there were four or five young men sitting there. They were singing with microphones. Everyone had a plastic surgery face. They looked very similar, like twins. They were probably from the same hospital and the same hospital.

Produced by a doctor, you don't need to ask Sheng Chuncheng to know that these are the kind of duck-shaped beasts that specialize in feeding on middle-aged and elderly rich women.

At the other end of the sofa, there were two young men sitting there. They looked a little reserved, leaning slightly sideways, listening to the singing of those few people.

Sheng Chuncheng looked around and found that except for Mr. Lan and Mr. Yun, the entire box was filled with boys, including himself, and there was not a single girl.

The young man led Sheng Chuncheng to Mr. Lan and Mr. Yun. Mr. Yun was very happy to see Sheng Chuncheng. He moved to the side and asked him to sit on his recliner. As soon as Sheng Chuncheng sat down, Mr. Yun pulled him.

his hand, and he said:

"Xiao Sheng, Xiao Sheng, today is my sister's birthday."

Sheng Chuncheng said quickly: "Happy birthday to you, Mr. Yun."

He still called her Mr. Yun, because he felt that if he called her sister, it would be difficult to say it out loud.

Mr. Yun didn't take it seriously. She rubbed Sheng Chuncheng's hand and said, "You have to serve me well today. I won't treat you badly."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said nothing, thinking in his heart, no wonder, it is your birthday, so so many heroes from the world are called together, they are all here to serve you, right?

Mr. Yun reached out and waved. The two young men sitting on the sofa stood up and walked over. Mr. Yun and Sheng Chuncheng said:

"Did you hear that, Xiao Sheng? Did you hear someone singing over there? Is the voice very magnetic? Those are my little brothers, and these two, they are your colleagues."

As she spoke, she turned around and said to Mr. Lan beside her: "Their slimming massage is very good, especially the massage part. You will know after you try it."

Mr. Lan smiled and said nothing. Sheng Chuncheng listened and almost felt sick to his stomach. What the hell and what, a few platypuses, plus these two slimming massagers, what kind of massage, they know how to massage there.

, is this called body slimming? This is called the lower body, and is it the same person as myself?

Sheng Chuncheng felt a little sad and a little humiliated in his heart. It was okay. In the eyes of Mr. Yun, he was probably the same as those duck-shaped beasts. They all only needed to spend money to summon them.

It will go immediately.

Moreover, in her eyes, she may think that just because you, a blind man, can attend her grand birthday party, she already thinks highly of you.

This chapter has been completed!
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