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Chapter 4 Master Qingtian

Lu Fei had offended the county magistrate, and Yin Jian was going to beat her up, so he deliberately let the people know that he was clear about rewards and punishments, upright and fair in judging cases. Lu Fei was not afraid of being beaten, and told the truth. Yin Jian was not angry, but asked Lu Fei to come back and make it clear.

Lu Fei knelt down and said: "Sir, the daughter of the people is willing to let the baby be given to Hong Xiang."

"Oh, why?" Yin Jian asked.

"This baby is not the daughter of a miner, because the daughter of the miners is eager for a son and expects a son to support her in old age, so she wants a child born by Hong Shou. Mrs. Wenpo Wang has always been at Hong Shou's place and has never been to the Min Nv's place.

"Lv Fei said.

"Is that true?" Yin Jian asked.

Lu Fei nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, I understand. Come on!"

"Yes!" all the government officials shouted in unison.

"Give the baby to green manure. Green manure is the baby's biological mother." Yin Jian said.

Everyone was stunned, the whole scene was as quiet as dawn, you could hear a pin drop on the ground.

Everyone held their breath and didn't dare to say a word.

"You all know how pitiful the hearts of parents in the world are. The hearts of the son and the mother are together. The son is the mother's heart. Only the mother feels sorry for the son when he is injured. Moreover, it is not a human thing to see it in half. I did it intentionally.

Let’s test whether you two are really distressed. Lu Fei is really distressed. She is a real mother, so she will give her son Hongshou to avoid death. Everyone, people are people, not objects, they can be divided. If it is your own mother, your son’s hand will be pricked

Root thorns are very distressing, let alone this? Everyone has seen the performance of Lvfei, and I know it clearly. I have been conducting private visits incognito for many days, and I have also found out that Lvfei is a very good character, and Xiaoyin’s family

Poor, both parents died, he was adopted by his uncle, and then sold to a brothel by his uncle, a gambler, to become a prostitute. It was a hard life, and it was not easy to get a son. The father of the child failed his wife and flew away. Only this son gave him

She comforted her, so she regarded it as a treasure. Unexpectedly, when she met Hong Shou, she was jealous that she had a child, but she didn't have one. She had no hope for the rest of her life. No one wanted a man, and she couldn't have a child, so she started to have evil thoughts. This kind of woman is really

Damn it, no one sympathizes with it. I really want to beat the 40 big gangs and send them to the frontiers. Wenpo is not good-hearted, accepts bribes, forgets her loyalty when she sees the profit, and is determined to deceive her own officials. It's even more disgusting. She really wants to hit the 80 big gangs and is sent to the frontier.

Border." Yin Jian said, drew out the order, and all the government officials took the order and went to execute it.

Everyone clapped their hands, cheered in unison, and then dispersed one by one.

Just as Lvfei was about to leave, Yin Jian said: "Lvfei, wait a minute, I have three hundred taels of silver here for you to raise your children. Buy a piece of land, buy real estate and furniture, and live a good life! If you have any difficulties, you can report them.

I, I will report to the imperial court for relief."

"Thank you so much, Master Qingtian! This little girl has no ability to repay you in this life. She will work as a cow or a horse to serve her grandfather in the next life. If your son has any future, he will definitely serve the court, be an official like the master, be an upright official, be a good parent of the people, and preside over the people."

Justice, redressing the grievances of those who have been wronged, and providing help to the poor." Lu Fei said.

"You are very talented, but it is a pity that you have a bad life. God has mercy on you. You can go and report to me after you have settled down." Yin Jian said.

"Thank you, sir! The little girl is temporarily staying at a friend's house. Once the arrangements are made, I will definitely report it to the master," Lu Fei said.

"Come here, arrange a sweetheart for Lu Fei and send her back." Yin Jian ordered.

Someone took the order and went to the county government office to call a sedan, let Lu Fei mother and son sit on it, and sent it back.

The yamen servant gave the bearer some money and came back to tell Yin Jian. Yin Jian praised him for his ability to handle things.

When everyone dispersed, the master trembled and wanted to sit down. Yin Jian said: "Master, go to the back hall to sit and drink tea and rest for a while before getting off work."

"Okay, sir!"

"Master, how are you doing recently?" Yin Jian asked.

"Sir, I'm not in good health."

"Master, how do you think the case was handled today?"

"The master is truly worthy of his reputation. He handles the case in a reasonable, expedient and reasonable manner. If he handles it well, it is an ironclad case that cannot be overturned. It is remarkable and admirable. The master's presence in this county is a blessing to the people and the common people." Master said.

"This is not the credit of my official, this is the credit of a rural teacher." Yin Jian said.

"Where does this come from? How does the teacher know anything about the case? He who only knows it is okay to make some false things and deceive the students' parents into restraining their cultivation. He has no power to tie the chicken, and is completely useless." The master said.

"No! You can't say that." Yin Jian said, and then he told in detail the ins and outs of his private visits these days and his encounter with Divination Huishu.

"You mean the book of divination and wisdom?"


"He is a down-and-out scholar who is well-known throughout the county. He lives in a dilapidated temple. The Dragon King Temple does not have a Dragon King and is ineffective and abandoned. He lives there. He has no fame and honor, and he still has to kneel down when he meets the county magistrate." The master said.

"Master knows about him?"

"Why don't you know?"

"Can you tell he's smart?"

"Smart? Oh, no, he is stupid. His intelligence is only at the level of an eleven or twelve-year-old child. He is not smart. However, he can teach children who are over five years old and under eight years old. If they are over nine years old, he cannot teach them. ." Master said.

"No way! I have met Bu Huishu, and his intelligence level is higher than that of my master. Of course, he is also higher than my intelligence level. Just like this case, if it weren't for Bu Huishu's guidance, it is probably still unsolved. Master, you Are you saying God is not miraculous?”

"This is strange! Not long ago, he was acting crazy on the street and was laughed at by children. People closed their doors one after another. How can he change? Even the dogs barked when they saw him, thinking he was an alien or a beggar from outside. .”

"It's true that dogs look down on others. The Book of Divination and Hui is now a pheasant that has become a phoenix. It is not what it used to be. I used to hear about this arrogant scholar who did not take part in the imperial examination and liked to read. Those who chiseled through walls to borrow light, held fireflies in their bags to reflect the snow, slept on firewood and tasted courage, and the foolish old man moved mountains. They are all weak and useless in front of him. The real masters are among the people, and he is the one who has real skills. This divination book is not ordinary. Just look at him and you will know it." Yin Jian said.

"What I said is absolutely true! I am old, my eyesight is dim, and I am unable to do what I want. I have to give up my position as master. I can't just occupy the latrine. I want to retire and return to my hometown. What do you think?" Master said.

Yin Jian thought to himself, of course the master can retire if he wants to, but before retiring, in order to prevent him from complaining, it is best to let him recommend a person to succeed him. In this way, if it is recommended by him, he will naturally not blame me, and he will not File a complaint and cause some trouble.

"Master, I agree to retire and return to my hometown. However, I have something to ask of you. If you agree, I will be grateful." Yin Jian said.

"My lord, it doesn't matter. As long as the old man's place is needed, there is no problem in speaking. Although the old man is old, he can still do the last thing well. If you do too much, you will not be able to complete it. You will not be able to complete one thing.

Question." Master said.

"Master, I allow you to retire and return to your hometown. Your position needs to be filled. Otherwise, how will local cases be tried? How can the local people get help from me? How will the vacancy left behind be filled when the master leaves?

?I hope Master will make it clear."

"The old man thinks that the case of two daughters abducting their children is a strange case. This case can be attributed to the master. The master is modest and said that he was inspired by the crazy scholar. The old man is not convinced and wants to see the mad scholar in person. If it is as the master said,

So, I am willing to give up this position and return to my hometown. I am in the wild and my heart is in the government. With the help of such a god and man, I feel relieved. I wonder if you allow it?" Master said.

"Okay, I will promise you that this scholar will be in the school between Zhangge Village and Lige Village in Jinghu Lake. There is a private courtyard there, a field in front of the door, and a wild apricot tree at the door." Yin Jian said.

"The old man will go now and come back later to report to the master personally." The master said.

"Go ahead and wait." Yin Jian said.

The master stopped, and Yin Jian took out two taels of silver and gave it to the master, saying: "This is the money for hiring a car or sedan chair on the road. The master is old and cannot withstand the long journey. If you don't have enough money after you come back, you can tell me

No problem, I will reimburse you for your travel expenses."

The master looked at Yin Jian with tears in his eyes and said: "It's not that I'm old and can't give advice to me, and I can't serve you front and back, so there is no need to read the divination book. I must be that I continue to serve you, but my age is not forgiving! I am a good man.

, It’s really a rare opportunity in a thousand years. I must have the talent to stabilize the country and have a thirst for talents. He is really a good official and will be in the sky today.”

"Don't say that. I am dedicated to the public service, live my life in peace, and do my job well. I have no other talents. Master, I praise you, but I hope you can take back the praise. I will definitely work hard and work for the benefit of the people here. Master, go quickly.

Come back quickly. I am waiting for good news." Yin Jian said.

"One is one, two is two, I have no words of praise. It's late, and it's important for me to be on my way. I'm going." The master said, took the money, turned around and left. This time he moved very quickly, as if

Restored youthful vitality.

Sure enough, the master stopped the sedan at the yamen gate and told the bearer where he wanted to go. As soon as the bearer heard it, he understood that the place was easy to find.

"Old man, when you came out of the county government office, did you complain or was you accused?" asked the bearer.

"Cut the nonsense and go your way."

"Hey, old man, don't be angry! I'm just curious, why do you go to the county government office at such an old age? It's not a fun place. Why do you go to the county government office when you have nothing to do?" asked the bearer.

"Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

"It doesn't mean you can't. If you file a complaint or get accused, you must come," the bearer said.

"If I don't file a complaint and no one sues me, can't I come here?" Master said.

"No, no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is, wouldn't it be nice for you to enjoy your time at home when you have nothing to do? Yamen is not fun. They either accuse people unjustly, beat or murder them, or stab them to a distance. It's scary."

Husband said.

"Am I not a good person? If you say this, be careful of the policemen arresting you and putting you in jail. It is slandering the imperial court."

"It's your fault, it's your fault, you slapped your mouth, you said something wrong, you said something wrong, old man, I think you're fine, you're fine."

"That's good. I must have something to do when I go to the county government office. If I have nothing to do, I won't go to the Three Treasures Hall. I have nothing to do but go to the county government office." Master said.

"Can't the old man live in the county government office?"

"No, I don't live there, I'm somewhere else, and it's not where I'm going today," the master said.

"That's good! Who is the old man going to visit?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Is this something you asked about?" Master asked.

"Just curious."

"Then to satisfy your curiosity, I'll find a teacher." The master said.

"I just guessed that I was looking for him."

"How did you guess that?"

"There lived a madman and a poor man there. He could only recognize a few words, but he was better than us who carried the sedan chair. We recognized "one" as a shoulder pole. Hehehehe." The bearer said with a smile.

"Everything is inferior, but reading is superior."

"What? What? What?"

"Forget it. Hurry and get on your way."

"Don't worry, old man, we will definitely arrive before sunset."

"What? What to do when it gets dark? You must hurry up." Master urged.

"Don't worry, that madman treats people very well. He has food and shelter. If the old man goes to his house, the madman will treat him well," the bearer said.

"No matter what you say, it won't go wrong if you go early."

"Okay, I heard that that nerd has been acting strangely recently," the bearer said.

"Why is it abnormal? Has it become normal or become more crazy?" Master asked.

"You're not crazy anymore. You've become a bit smarter than normal people." The bearer said.

"Really? What's going on?" Master asked.

"Everyone is talking about this. It was the county magistrate who paid a private visit incognito and met the scholar. As a result, the county magistrate went back to judge the case and actually won everyone's applause and praise." The bearer said.

"That's because the county magistrate is wise, smart and wise." The master said. In fact, the master knew it in his heart, because the county magistrate Yin Jian had clearly told the nerd Bu Huishu that it was the suggestion. In order to protect the county magistrate's face, the master said it was the county magistrate.

He is talented and clever and comes up with his own way of judging cases.

"The county magistrate is smart. He conducted a private visit incognito and came up with this method. After this period of time, the case was finally solved. It seems that our parents are really qualified," said the bearer.

"You are really good at talking. It seems that you all need Mr. Qingtian. Are you coming soon?" Master asked.

"It's just ahead, just around the corner. Does the old man want us to wait or not? I think it's still early." asked the bearer.

"Wait a moment. How can we rest in the school? Return immediately after the visit." Master said.

"Okay! Master, go ahead. We are here now. The two of us are waiting outside." The bearer said and stopped the sedan.

The bearer opened the curtain, and the master walked out of the sedan with his head lowered. The bearer lowered the pole, and the master stepped over the pole, then climbed up the steps and tapped the wood door lightly. The students had gone home from school, and the school yard was indeed quiet, except for the occasional couple.

The magpie chirped twice, jumped up, spread its wings and flew away.

Someone knocked on the door, and the sound of reading aloud came from the house. This was the voice of an adult, not the voice of a child. When the door was knocked, the sound of reading stopped. After a while, someone came out. At first glance, this person was wearing a gray and white gown.

He has a handsome face, two sharp eyebrows, eyes like dots of paint, a straight nose bridge, a wide mouth and red lips, a little flowing beard, a shiny Yintang, and a black waterfall of hair with an oily sheen that can be seen.

It was the Book of Divination Huishu. When he went out and looked up, he saw an old man standing at Chaifei Gate. He immediately stood aside.

This chapter has been completed!
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