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Chapter 101: Catch the Man-Eating Ghost Intelligently

"Yes, sir, Xie Hu is very kind to Xie Jianfu, and so is Mrs. Xie, even more than her husband." Bao Zheng said.

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Jin Shan asked.

Jin Shan knew that there was a problem here. Generally speaking, Mrs. Xie was very good to Xie Jianfu, which showed two problems. One was that Mrs. Xie had some intentions for Xie Jianfu, and the other was that Xie Jianfu had pleased Mrs. Xie and won Mrs. Xie's heart.

Of course, there are other possibilities, and one cannot draw any conclusions without evidence.

"Yes, that Wang Banxian is very accurate in his calculations, has far-sighted vision, is famous, and has many people looking for him, so he can see where the problem lies," Bao Zheng said.

"What did he see?"

"He saw the bloody disaster." Bao Zheng said.

"What kind of bloody disaster?"

"It means killing people," Bao Zheng said.

"How do you see it?"

"Because Xie Hu's livestock died one after another. I don't know the cause of death, but they are all dead. The loss is huge," Bao Zheng said.

"What's going on?"

"Wang Banxian, who I just looked for because I didn't know, died first. In Xie Hu's own field, while plowing, he fell to the ground and died, foaming at the mouth, and then vomiting blood. No trace has been found yet.

As for the cause of death, not long after, about three or four days later, another donkey died. It died in the donkey shed of Xie Hu's house. It also vomited blood. They called the veterinarian, but they could not find out the cause of death.

Finally, a kind person suggested that we ask Wang Banxian to take a look and do some calculations to avoid further losses," Bao Zheng said.

"Did you look for it later?" Jin Shan asked.

"Xie Hu and Xie Jianfu are like brothers. After discussing it, they went to see Wang Banxian," Bao Zheng said.

"Did you find it?"

"They found it. As soon as they saw Wang Banxian, Xie Hu hadn't spoken yet. Wang Banxian looked very surprised and said to Xie Hu: 'You are in a bad situation and your face is gloomy. Did you lose your property? Or did your livestock die?' Xie Hu

When Hu heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat. He already knew the situation before he could say anything. What a man! He told everything about the death of the cow and donkey. Then Wang Banxian asked Xie Hu to tell his birth date.

Xie Hu remembers this clearly, because when he was a child, his mother often said it, and he remembered it all. The birth date is like a person's talisman, which is very important. Without it, it is difficult to calculate the future. Of course, Wang Banxian also made miscalculations sometimes and was killed by others.

Chasing and fighting. In front of Xie Hu, Wang Banxian was too magical and perfect, and he was immediately confused by Wang Banxian." Bao Zheng said.

"Why are you confused?" Jin Shan asked.

"After Wang Banxian calculated Xie Hu's birth date, he was shocked and said: 'You only have three days to live. Whatever you want to do, do it quickly and plan carefully what you will do in three days.' Xie Hu's face turned green with fear.

He quickly begged Wang Banxian: "Great Immortal, Great Immortal, please help me. I am willing to work for you as long as I can save my life. I am still young, my wife is as beautiful as a flower, and my mother is old and needs to be taken care of until the end of her life. If

If I die, my family will be ruined. Please help me, please help me!’ After saying that, he knelt down and kowtowed, his head was broken and his face was covered with blood.” Bao Zheng said.

"Then what happened?" Jin Shan asked.

"Later, he really gave him a way."

"What method?"

"Wang Banxian said: 'Your fate is destined by God, not to die of disease, nor to die suddenly, like an ox or a donkey, but to die in a ghost.' When Xie Hu heard this, his body went limp with fear, as if he was paralyzed by mud.

He was on the ground, unable to move. He was frightened when he thought of ghosts. He was even more trembling when he thought of the tragic death of cows and donkeys. He was so frightened that he kept asking for ways to save his life. Wang Banxian said unhurriedly: 'In

On the third day, at the time of the hour, four strong men must be invited. Remember, they must be strong, unmarried, and strong in yang. In other words, the four strong men have never been close to a woman.

Yes, only if there is no yin energy. Invite them to drink together, sit around the table, and drink alcohol to increase the yang energy, so that ghosts will not dare to come and invade your body. This will last until the time of You

, you can save your life. Remember, after You hour, everything will be fine." Wang Banxian told him the method. As if he had found a treasure, he was so happy that he thanked him repeatedly, kowtowed, and gave him ten taels of silver as a reward. Then he was overjoyed.

Gone home." Bao Zheng said.

"How will it be after you get home?" Jin Shan asked.

"After returning home, he told Mrs. Xie, that is, Mrs. Xie Yin. After hearing this, she was so frightened that her face turned pale," Bao Zheng said.

"This thing is really scary. No matter who it is, everyone is nervous. People are really afraid of the future, and as they imagine it, they become more and more afraid. Men are like this, let alone women?" Jin Shan said.

"Isn't it? This Xie Yin family is very nervous and wants to take action immediately. Xie Hu said that we will talk about it in three days. Don't worry. You can't worry about four strong young men eating for three days. Isn't that uneconomical? Xie Yin

Xie Yin said that it would be best to eat breakfast and drive away ghosts early, and he could not wait, as he might not be able to match him by then. He said that Xie Yin still listened to Xie Hu's words, and was not in a hurry, so he just sat back and waited for the third day. On the third day, Xie Yin said

Mrs. Yin prepared a table of delicious food, brought out old wine, and invited four unmarried young men to gather together. Everyone exchanged glasses, shouted, and started eating. The atmosphere was very harmonious and everyone was very happy.

If you are nervous, you can build up your courage." Bao Zheng said.

"What happened next?"

"Later, it was getting late. They said that as long as it was past midnight, it would be fine. They had a banquet in the yard, eating and drinking freely. Xie Yinshi cooked and served the dishes, and Xie Hu came back and forth delivering the dishes.

, and persuaded the four heroes to drink and eat, it was a lively night. At dusk, Xie Hu felt a little guilty. Look at the night falling and everything getting dark, ghosts are likely to appear. Once a ghost appears, it is equivalent to giving up his life.

After eating and drinking for almost an afternoon, the four of them were a little drunk. Xie Hu did not dare to drink. He was worried that his head would be removed when he was confused. If a generation loses its head, its future will be ruined and there will be no hope." Bao Zheng said.

"Did the ghost come later?" Jin Shan asked. He was very interested and wanted to know what ghosts looked like and how to catch them.

"Xie Hu has been worried about being eaten. His worries are not unnecessary. Wang Banxian's words echo in his ears. If he cannot spend the night safely, he will definitely die. This is certain. The death of the cow and the death of the donkey, that scene

It's unforgettable, and it will be the same even after death." Bao Zheng said.

"Xie Hu is too timid," Jin Shan said.

"Yes. It was strange later. In the middle, the drinking was about to bottom out. The four young men were very good at drinking. The wine was almost gone. We didn't have any at home. We had to go to the village liquor store to buy it. If you want to drink, you need to get it yourself. One of them,

The man named Xie Jianfu took the initiative and said, 'I'm going to get a drink.' When everyone heard this, they all had no objections and said, 'Thank you for your help!' Xie Jianfu left the wine table, and I was a little worried," Bao Zhengyan said.

"What are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that Xie Jianfu will fall down on the way. He's so drunk that his legs and feet will become weak and he will feel unsteady when he walks. If he falls into a ditch on the way, isn't it the end of the game? In other words, he's done."

"It's right to worry. People who drink too much tend to like to help. This is normal. However, if you drink too much, your tongue will be straight and you won't speak in a roundabout way. It will be troublesome. You will not take care of others, but will be criticized by others.

Take care of it. This situation is rare, so don't worry about it for now. We will study it slowly later. Oh, by the way, Baozheng, tell us what happened next?" Jin Shan said.

"Later, he went away for a long time and didn't come back. There was no wine here. Only then did someone remember and said, 'Xie Jianfu went to get some wine, why hasn't he come back yet?' When everyone heard this, they went to look for him in a panic. At this time,

, Xie Yinshi said, "Xie Jianfu has gone home. Just now, he said that his stomach hurts. I wonder how you feel? Does your stomach hurt too?" Everyone shook their heads and said: "It doesn't hurt." Then this is not food.

The problem is a matter of personal constitution. As a result, everyone still wants to drink, so we can't stop like this, which will make everyone unhappy," Bao Zheng said.

"What happened next?" Jin Shan asked.

"Then, Xie Hu said, 'It's disappointing, it's really disappointing. Don't panic, I'll go get a drink. I'll come as soon as I go.' After saying that, he went to get a drink. Four strong young men were waiting for the drink.

After a while, I heard someone shouting in a harsh voice, 'Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!'" Bao Zhengyan said.

"What the hell?" Jin Shan asked.

"The four strong young men were also startled. The wine turned into sweat after such a shock. They immediately went to check. After all, they couldn't eat and drink for free, and they had to do something. Entering the door, they saw the living room.

There was red blood everywhere, and Xie Yin was shaking at the side, as if he had seen a monster, which was very scary. The four people quickly asked where the ghost was? Where did Brother Xie Hu go?" Bao Zheng said.

"So, where did Xie Hu go?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's just strange. When the four people went in, they didn't find Xie Hu. They only saw blood stains." Bao Zheng said.

"Is it Xie Yin who is in there?"

"Yes. She's in there."

"What did she say?"

"She said: 'I followed my husband into the house. Suddenly, an evil spirit grabbed my husband and ate him without saying a word. I was about to call someone to save me, but then

The evil ghost turned around and disappeared. I really regret it. I knew that my husband had to protect me tonight, but I didn't expect that the evil ghost took advantage of it. I really regret it, I really regret it!" After she finished speaking, she started to fight.

I complained to myself with tears streaming down my face." Bao Zheng said.

"Did she see ghosts alone?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, when the four young men went in, she was the only one who still had blood. The others were not seen, and the evil ghost mentioned disappeared." Bao Zheng said.

"This is strange. I feel it is necessary to go to the scene and have a look. What do you think?" Jin Shan asked.

"That must be fine. I just listened to their side of the story. I haven't gone to the scene to take a closer look. I just took a quick look at it after receiving the report. I didn't take a closer look. I just got an overview of the situation. I haven't gone into it in depth yet." Baozheng


"Okay, please lead the way. Let's go to the scene and have a look. It will help solve the case." Jin Shan ordered.

So, a group of people rushed to Xie Hu's home.

As he walked, Jin Shan asked the four young men, "What did you see when you went in?"

"Sir, we only saw Mrs. Xie Yin. She was crying there and saw blood, but nothing else was seen." One of the young men said.

"Oh, no, we seemed to have seen an evil ghost, but we ran too fast and didn't catch up. However, the evil ghost had red hair, wild boar-like tusks, and a green face. It looked like

It’s the ferocity of the performance on the stage.” Another young man said.

"Then after you went in, which direction did you see the ghost running in?" Jin Shan asked.

"The evil ghost with green face, fangs and red hair jumped into the river and ran away." One of the young people said.

When Jin Shan heard this, he felt there was a problem, because it is said that ghosts have no legs, so how could they jump into the river and swim away to escape? If it is a real evil ghost, I am afraid that the wind will come and go and take the head of whoever wants it. All life and death will be taken.

The power is all in his hands. How can he be afraid of people? Only people are afraid of ghosts, and no ghosts are afraid of people. There must be something wrong with this ghost. He is a fake ghost!

Jin Shan already had this awareness in his heart.

A group of people arrived at Xie Hu's house.

When they arrived at the main hall of the living room, Jin Shan asked, "How big is this ghost?"

The four young men said in unison: "As big as a human being."

"Will you be able to walk while floating?" Jin Shan asked.

"No, I can walk like a human, and I can run, and I can run like a human."

"When we are drinking in the yard, who helps deliver the wine?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's Xie Jianfu. It's next door." Baozheng replied.

"Who is Xie Jianfu?" Jin Shan asked.

"That's the person who made the figurines just now. He is Xie Hu's friend and neighbor." Bao Zheng said.

"That's it! The two families are only separated by a wall! It seems they have a good relationship," Jin Shan said.

"That's right, everyone in the village feels that their two families are as close as one family." Baozheng said, "What, is there a problem?"

Jin Shan didn't answer. He walked to the backyard and found a pile of firewood piled behind the house, as well as some thatch for starting fires. He moved the firewood away and saw that the soil on the ground was newly plowed. Jin Shan smiled and said:

"The soil here is different from other places. It's still very fresh and has a fishy smell. It must be a ghost nest, or the ghost's lair. Come on, dig!"

Jin Shan ordered, and the government officials began to dig in a hurry. Slowly, the loose soil was shoveled away, revealing a male corpse. This male corpse was none other than Xie Hu!

Xie Hu's face was ferocious, as if he had endured great pain when he was about to die. He never expected that he would die an unexpected death, it was destined by God! Someone stabbed him in the chest. He bled out and died.

Jin Shan understood it at a glance and shouted sternly: "Bring this couple of bitches to me!"

The policeman yelled, and stepped forward to tie Xie Jianfu and Xie Yinshi. They were as strong as tied waxed pig's trotters. If they are tied loosely, they will lose their shape. Only by tying them hard can they become delicious pig's trotters.

Xie Jianfu repeatedly shouted "Unjustly accused!"

Jin Shan stared at Xie Jianfu and asked, "Have I wronged you?"

Xie Jianfu couldn't stand Jin Shan's eyes, which were like two sharp daggers piercing him directly. He dodged and said quickly: "No injustice, plead guilty and submit to the law, plead guilty and submit to the law."

This chapter has been completed!
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