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Chapter 104 Where is the fish delicious?

"Tang Lu is fierce. He grasps the key points as soon as he writes and attracts the attention of the master. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the young man to see the light of day again." Qiao Da said.

"What's so fierce about Tang Law?" Jin Shan asked.

"He's awesome!" Qiao Da said.

"How awesome?"

"The lawsuit he wrote was very good! At that time, the lawyer Tang Lu was not willing to take the assignment when he received it. After repeated requests, he was forced to agree to take it. Then he wrote it. Unexpectedly, because he was a celebrity, it caused a lot of trouble.

He took it seriously and paid attention to the lawsuit, and the case was overturned," Qiao Da said.

"It seems that Tang Lu is ferocious, but there are no other examples to prove his ferocity." Jin Shan asked.

"Actually, Tang Lu has other deeds that show his ferocity." Qiao Dayan said.

"How did you behave?"

"There is a story that Tang Lu once went out for shopping and saw a child selling fish on the street. There was only one fish left, and he was waiting for customers to buy it. Unexpectedly, the customer did not wait, but there was

Four gangsters came. Seeing that he was a child, they grabbed the fish and ran away. When the child reacted, the four people had already disappeared without a trace. In order to prevent the child from catching it, the four people

He ran in four directions, with the child as the center, running around everywhere." Qiao said loudly.

"Then what should we do? Isn't this obviously bullying?" Jin Shan said.

"Indeed. When Tang Lu saw this, he chased them in the direction of their escape and found a restaurant where they were most likely to go. The name seemed to be Deyuelou. There was a river next to it. There is always a moon in the river.

Here, it is named Deyuelou, which means that the first to get the moon near the water is the restaurant. This restaurant is a place where four bad boys often come. The boss and the guys are all familiar with each other. As long as they come, they can eat and drink for free.

The boss dared to be angry but dared not say anything. This time too, he would eat it in a hurry after getting it. And Tang Lu had to mind his own business and bully a child. It was really bullying. If he didn't teach them a lesson, they would do it again next time.

Come." Qiao Da said.

"What happened next? How did Tang Lu do it?"

"Those four evil young men have already given the fish to the boss of Deyuelou, and the boss arranged for the cook to cook it. How dare the boss ask if the origin of the fish is legitimate? The four evil young men are very strong and domineering. They cursed the boss, but the boss dared not get angry.

"Yan. I had to obey and do as I was told. After Tang Lu arrived, he ordered a pot of wine, ordered a few dishes, and then sat down next to the four evil young men and started eating and drinking." Qiao Dayan said.

"Then it seems that Tang Lu is meddling in other people's business," Jin Shan said.

"Yes, he just came to meddle in other people's business. He ordered food and drinks and ate and drank nearby, waiting to see what happened. He knew very well that when the four evil young men were able to defeat all the invincible opponents in the world, they started to fight among themselves. Later, they all

They look down on each other. If there is a split, there is a possibility that an excellent opportunity will come," Qiao said.

"What opportunity?" Jin Shan asked.

"Four bad boys started to quarrel, and the content was about fish. The chef at Deyuelou was very skilled, delicious and fragrant, but there were different opinions on which part of the fish was the most delicious.

They couldn't reach an agreement, so they started to quarrel. The noise was very loud, which caused other diners to look sideways, but the four bad guys still ignored it, and the quarrel became more and more serious!" said Qiao Dayan.

"Then what is Tang Lu doing?" Jin Shan asked.

"Tang Lu is sneering."

"What happened next?"

"Then the voice got louder and louder, as if there were only the four of them and no one else existed. Tang Lu stood up, walked to the four of them, looked at this one, looked at that one, and then said with a smile: 'Everyone,

Don't make any noise, don't make a fuss. You see, all the guests have been driven away by your noise. I can endure it, so I came here to persuade you. Only I know what's delicious about fish. I know it, and I'll let you know it too.

I'll tell you and see if it makes sense. If it makes sense, you will obey me, right?" When the four evil young men heard it, they thought it made sense, so they nodded and asked him to speak quickly." Qiao Dayan said.

"Did Tang Lu say it?"

"Yes. At first, the four evil young men were still unconvinced, but their curiosity drove them to want to know the answer. They urged Tang Lu to speak. Tang Lu said sternly: 'Wait a minute, of course you have to say it, what are you bluffing about?

?Now, I want to say, but I have to negotiate the terms first. I want to make a bet with the four of you. If I say it well and you think it is reasonable, you will lose four taels of silver to me, one tael for each person, how about it?'

Some of them asked unconvincedly: "What if you can't get us to obey?" Tang Lu said: "How about I lose money to you, one tael per person?" They agreed in unison, and in this way, they reached an agreement.

Make an agreement and start gambling." Qiao said loudly.

"This is quite interesting." Jin Shan said.

"Yes, the four evil young men have never seen this before. They used to bet with others for money, but now they are betting on knowledge. It is really strange! They are very interested in this, more than they are interested in women and treasures. They are all.

They think this is a rare and good deal, and they all agree with it. Whoever disapproves is the one they are worried about." Qiao Dayan said.

"What happened next? Did Tang Lu start talking?"


"Why not?"

"He said: 'We need to invite a middleman. If there is no middleman, there is no way to judge. With a middleman, you can also testify.' He looked around and found that there were indeed some people around who could be the middlemen, because most people were attracted

Come here to see what kind of strange thing it is." Qiao said loudly.

"Are you here? The man?" Jin Shan asked.

"Invited. There are many people, and they all come to watch. It is very interesting to watch this public case. After watching it, you can go home and tell it to others, so that others can also envy you. The middle man was recommended, and he seemed a little shy, but he immediately

Just recover. It seems that they are all people who want to get first-hand information." Qiao Da said.

"What did Tang Lu say?"

"He said, what is delicious about fish in spring? The answer is the fish head. Why? Because in spring, everything recovers, and fish also become active, that is, running up with their heads, splashing with their mouths, and moving frequently, that is, exercising frequently. At this time,

The fish head is the most delicious. Where is the best place to eat fish in summer? The fish tail is delicious. Why? Because it is hot in summer and fish are afraid of the heat, so the fish keeps swinging head down and tail up.

At this time, the fish tail has been exercised and the muscles are developed, so the fish tail is delicious. In autumn, the fish head and tail are on the same level, in a balanced state. What is delicious about the fish at this time? Of course, the fish body

Delicious. So, what about winter? Winter is here, the weather is freezing, and fish are diving into the depths of the water. Where are the fish that are delicious at this time? By the way, fish in winter are delicious everywhere. You have heard that fish are delicious everywhere.

Have you passed? From the beginning of spring to the end of summer and the middle of autumn, are the fish everywhere fat in the winter? This sentence is a way of clarifying when to eat which parts of the fish. Do you think what I said makes sense?" Qiao Da dictated.

The saying of the Tang Dynasty at that time.

"Then what did those four people say later?" Jin Shan asked.

"As soon as Tang Lu finished speaking, the audience burst into applause and cheers, cheering in unison. The four evil young men looked at each other, and it seemed that they were doomed! They had to take out the silver obediently, one tael for each person, and four taels in total.

He gave it to Tang Lu. Tang Lu didn't ask for the money, so he gave it to the child when he came out. The child was still crying and wanted to get his fish back, so Tang Lu went to comfort him and then gave him the money.

He was flattered and did not dare to accept it. Because it was not Tang Lu who took his fish, and it was not Tang Lu who took his fish. Instead, Tang Lu gave him money. This reason did not make sense and he did not accept it. Later, Tang Lu revealed his identity and asked him to accept it boldly.

He also explained clearly where the money came from. The child accepted it, took the money, and left. He went back and told his family. Soon it spread, and people knew that Tang Lu did good things and gambled with four evil young men. In the end, he won. The four evil young men

If he lost, he accepted his bet and gave the money to Tang Lu. Tang Lu did good deeds and gave the money to his children. The news spread quickly and everyone praised him," Qiao Da said.

"This is very interesting. I really learned a lot. I haven't studied where fish is delicious. I finally figured it out today. That Tang Lu is really good. I really want to meet him. However, I still want to know what happened next.

What's the matter?" Jin Shan asked.

"Later, the four young villains found out that the person they had just bet with turned out to be the famous Tang Lu. The four of them were immediately frightened. They knew very well that Tang Lu was very ferocious. Whoever he wanted to go to jail would have to suffer the consequences of jail. Give in.

Whoever gets freedom and is released from the prison cell will be successful, can make money, and can achieve the goal quickly. These four people don't want to cause trouble and consider themselves unlucky. They just need to pay a few ounces of silver to avoid being targeted by Tang Lu.

.Who knew that Tang Lu would come to our door?" Qiao Dayan said.

"What does it mean that he came to the door?" Jin Shan asked curiously.

"He wants to tell the four bad boys something." Jin Shan asked.

"What words?"

"The four evil young men were very lucky. They lost their money. When they heard that it was the famous litigator Tang Lu who won their money, they understood. Knowing that they met a ruthless person, they had no choice but to give in, but they were unwilling to do so. By chance, Tang Lu

He also came to Yuelou and continued to drink. He had only eaten half of it when four evil young men made a noise and couldn't eat. After he came out to solve the problem, he handed the money to the child and then came back. He happened to meet four evil young men going out.

One of them asked: "Tang Lu, tell me, what's not delicious about the fish?" When Tang Lu heard this, he laughed and said, "It's not delicious to eat for free." After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

We went back to Deyuelou and continued to eat and drink. The four evil young men were suddenly confused in the wind and at a loss. There was nothing they could do against Tang Lv." Qiao Dayan said.

"Well, that's right. What Tang Lu did was really satisfying. No wonder he was so fierce!" Jin Shan said.

At this time, a police officer came in and spoke a few words into Jin Shan's ear. Jin Shan smiled happily and clapped his hands repeatedly.

Qiao Da didn't know what it meant and looked at him doubtfully.

Jin Shan smiled and said: "That's it! You can go. Imprisoning you all these years has caused you losses. I will uphold justice for you and give you some money. If you want money to go home now, just wait."


"Yes. I have been imprisoned for a year and a half, unable to do business, and have suffered huge losses. If the master is willing to uphold justice for me, I will be grateful." Qiao Da said.

"Come here, bring Mr. and Mrs. Guanggu to the court." Jin Shan ordered, took out the warrant and gave it to the policeman.

"Yes, sir!" The officers quickly followed the order and left.

After a while, Guanggu and his wife were brought over.

When Guang Gu saw Qiao Da, he left and bowed his head, not daring to say a word or even saying hello, but kowtowed directly to Jin Shan.

"Dong dong dong"

It was as if the ball had been swatted, and echoes filled the lobby.

"Guanggu, tell me, where have you been for the past year and a half?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master Qi, the little one is in Xinye."

"Nonsense! Qiao Da is also in Xinye, why can't he find you?"

"Master Qi, the little one is in the suburbs of Xinye, not in the county town."

"What are you doing in the suburbs?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master Qi, I don't dare to say anything. Please apply for recusal," Guanggu said.

"Application for recusal?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes. There are too many people here to talk, so it's not good to say anything." Guanggu said.

"Okay, I give my permission! Everyone retreat, leaving only the scribe here to take notes." Jin Shan ordered.

Everyone exited the courtroom and waited outside the courtroom, staying where they could not hear the sound and obeying the arrangements at any time.

When everyone went down, Jin Shan asked, "Tell me!"

"Master Qi, I have a sweetheart in the outskirts of Xinye City. I met him on business. When I stayed in the inn, I lived in the same room with Qiao Da. Later, in order to meet my sweetheart, I didn't disturb Da Qiao. Da Qiao and Xiao Da

They all had exactly the same mandarin jacket, but that morning, the little one walked out in the dark and wore the wrong mandarin jacket. The little one was worried that Qiao Da would look for the little one everywhere, so the little one stayed with Xianghao for a while, and waited for the big Qiao to leave.

Go to Xinye County to work." Guanggu said.

"Then why didn't you reply later? You didn't even send a letter to your family. Do you know what happened to your family in the past year and a half?" Jin Shan asked.

"I just heard about it and was about to explain. It happened that my lord sent a policeman to invite him. I just took this opportunity to make it clear. I can't do anything to Da Qiao, and I can't forgive my wife."

Guanggu said.

"Do you still have a conscience? Leave your good friends behind and find your best friend on your own. Then let your wife act as a detective at home, looking for you everywhere, suspecting Qiao Da of seeking wealth and murder. Because you were wearing the wrong mandarin jacket, Qiao Da was wrongly accused and imprisoned.

One and a half years later, I was almost put to death. You owe too much debt. You should be responsible for your actions," Jin Shan said.

"The little one understands. The little one is willing to take responsibility and let the adults decide. The little one will never cry out for injustice, admit guilt and accept punishment." Guanggu said.

"Okay, it's good that you have this attitude. I hope you can correct it in the future and stop doing these bottomless things." Jin Shan said.

"The little one never dares, never dares again, and the wife of the poor must not forget that it is better to be the original wife, the original wife is better!" Guanggu murmured to himself.

"Then how did you know you were back?" Jin Shan suddenly asked.

"The little girl has been living in her sweetheart's home for a year and a half. Who knew that her sweetheart's husband came back and beat the little fat one up? The little girl was almost beaten to death and was kicked out of the house. But her sweetheart is still in a relationship with her husband.

Shen, he didn't even look at me seriously. At that time, my business was in a slump, and I really didn't make any money, so I was treated coldly, ridiculed, and disliked by my best friend. She was not as good as my wife." Guang.

Gu Yan said.

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