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Chapter 105 The Strange Old Man

"Your wife is always on the lookout for you, just to find you. She wants to see you alive, and wants to see your body even if you die. She is very determined. Do you know?" Jin Shan said.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!" Guang Gu said, "If you knew it would be such a result, if you beat me to death, I would not dare to find a sweetheart."

"There is no regret medicine in the world! Your wife cares about you very much. You must treat her well. You cannot divorce your wife without any reason. If you make a mistake, you must accept the punishment. You must compensate Qiao Da for the losses caused. Do you understand?

"Jin Shan asked.

"Understood! I am willing to accept the punishment," Guanggu said.

"Okay, come on, everyone, come in!" Jin Shan ordered.

Everyone entered one by one, stood up or knelt down again, all in order, in an orderly manner, without any chaos.

"Guang Gu just said that he is willing to compensate for the losses caused to Qiao Da and is also willing to accept the punishment." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, my lord, I did something wrong that caused my friend to go to jail, and also caused the family to be divided. I am willing to accept the punishment. Even if the punishment is heavy, I will admit it. It is all my fault, and I have brought great care to several families.

There is harm. A small crime deserves death!" Guang Gu said with a tearful voice, tears and runny noses one after another.

It seems that he has completely awakened and realized that although a foreign country is good, it is not the home of a long-lasting love. Living in the Jinluan Palace outside is not as good as his own thatched house.

"Okay, you give Qiao Da two hundred taels of silver, and forget about it. Seeing that your attitude is good, and you haven't made any money in these years, I won't fine you, but I will give you forty taels.

To show punishment." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, this is unnecessary. I don't want the two hundred taels of silver. I have been suffering for a year and a half. I feel uncomfortable beating him again." Qiao Dayan said.

"You are such a good person. You must give him a beating and pay him to prevent him from losing his memory and committing the crime again in the future. You don't know, I have experienced a lot. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tang Lu. He is not

Is it very fierce? You know the human heart knows better." Jin Shan said.

"Okay then!" Joe said loudly.

After the performance was completed in court, Guanggu also agreed to the plan. He endured the severe pain and gave the money. His heart ached, his body ached, and he was exhausted physically and mentally. He really shouldn't have gone to find that sweetheart and ended up in this situation. It was a huge setback.

Learn a lesson, wild flowers are unreliable, but domestic flowers are reliable. This is a painful lesson. You must not imitate fish. Your short memory will kill you if you don’t learn the lesson.

Qiao Da did not expect that he would be imprisoned for a year and a half without any reason, and would finally see the light of day. He regretted that he should not buy the same mandarin jacket as others. The risk was too great. This was a lesson learned in blood, and he should bear it in mind.

They signed and stamped the records handed over by the scribe, and forty big boards were also printed. Mrs. Guang invited a sedan to take Guang Gu back, and the money was clearly handed over.

Jin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as we were about to take a break, someone was playing the drums.

Jin Shan ordered the drummer to come to the hall.

This time an old man and a young man came.

The old one is not too old, and the young one is not too young.

"Who is kneeling?" Jin Shan asked.

"My name is Mr. Qiao."

"The younger one's name is Qiao Xiaoer."

"Your surname is Qiao?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, I am Qiao Xiaoer's father."

"Qiao Xiaoer, is that true? Is he your father?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, sir, he is the child's father."

When Jin Shan heard this, he felt happy. With a serious look on his face, he asked, "This case is quite new for a father to sue his son."

The servants in the hall were whispering to each other and talking about it. Indeed, they had never encountered such a thing before.

"Who wants to complain?"

"I want to sue."

"Sue who?"

"Sue my son."

"Sue your son Qiao Xiaoer?"


"What are you suing him for?"

"Accuse him of disobedience and unfilial piety."

"Do you have the paper?"

"No, writing a complaint requires money. I heard that Tang Lu helped write it for free, but there were conditions. I was afraid that I didn't meet the requirements, so I didn't look for them and was afraid of being rejected." Old Qiao said.

"Hmm, then you can dictate it, and the scribe will record it for you. Just tell it!"

"The old man accused Qiao Xiao'er of being unfilial, neglecting him, not giving him anything to eat or drink, and having no money to spend. Under Qiao Xiao'er's abuse, the old man was so hungry that he was skin and bones and was about to die. He was about to die, but Qiao Xiao'er was still

Without action, I really had no other choice, so I came to the court to sue my unfilial son regardless of my face, fear of ugliness or shame," said Mr. Qiao.

"Mr. Qiao, you said you won't be fed and drunk, do you have any evidence?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master Qingtian, the fact that I am so thin is the best evidence. Do you need to look for other evidence?" Mr. Qiao said.

"Little Qiao, is it true that your father accused you of not being filial? Tell me honestly and don't hide anything. If it is true, you will be beaten. Tell me! To be honest, I won't punish you severely. If you lied at all, don't do it.

The board in the lobby is not a decoration, do you understand?" Jin Shan asked.


Qiao Xiaoer shivered with fright and said quickly, stammering as if he was frozen: "Old, old, master, oh, no, no, no, big, big, sir, Qiao Xiaoer is wronged, wronged, wronged.

Ah! Mr. Qiao has always abided by the law and followed the rules. The alimony provided to my father is not lacking even a penny. If you don’t believe me, you can ask your father, he can answer according to his conscience. Please be clear-minded."

"Mr. Qiao, did you hear that clearly? Is that so? Mr. Qiao doesn't owe you anything, do you know that?" Jin Shan asked.

"I know, everything the old man said is true and absolutely not fictitious. Qiao Xiao'er never cares about the old man. With the help of his neighbors, the old man can survive. Qiao Xiaoer never cares about him. Even if the old man dies at home and stinks, he will not come.

Look, he won't bury him, he has a heart of stone, I have never seen such a vicious person, he is really a wolf-hearted person!" Mr. Qiao said angrily.

Jin Shan couldn't judge. Look at Qiao Xiao'er. His eyes were filled with tears. He looked like he was really unjust. He had never encountered this case before.

Jin Shan thought over and over again, not knowing what to do. There was no movement for a long time, so Qiao Lao'er secretly glanced at Jin Shan. Jin Shan's eyes were staring at Qiao Lao'er. When Qiao Lao'er noticed, he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to move.

Jin Shan remembered what Bu Huishu taught, to pay attention to details. The key to solving the case can be found from the details. There may be something wrong with this person who peeks at people. Although Qiao Xiaoer stuttered, it may be due to nervousness. It sounded like he was doing something wrong.

I feel trembling when I speak because of something on my mind. In fact, it may be because I am too nervous to speak out, or my words are not fluent.

Then, in order to further test the authenticity of what the two people said, it was necessary to consider how to test the results. He suddenly thought that money could be used to test character, so he ordered the officer to get two slings of copper coins.


"Dingling bell——"

Two slings of copper coins fell to the ground, making such a sound.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late. We're all tired now when we're trying the case. Are you hungry? Use the money to eat something first! When you're full and drunk, come back to the lawsuit."

Jin Shan announced his withdrawal and everyone dispersed.

Jin Shan read some books, drank some tea, and ate something, and then began to think about how to proceed with the trial. It seems that it is not easy to deal with Mr. Qiao. Don't worry about Mr. Qiao. He is a person who is not experienced in the world. Look,

He is an honest person, does not pose any threat, and does not appear to be a heinous person.

The shadows in the yard became smaller, and it was at noon that I saw the flowers blooming, the branches bending down, and the colors were lovely.

Jin Shan looked at the time and saw that the shadow was tilted to the west, so he returned to the court where Qiao and his son also arrived.

Jin Shan went to the hall and asked Mr. Qiao: "Are you full? Have you drunk enough?"

"I would like to express my gratitude to you, Mr. Qingtian. This is the best time in my life where I have eaten well and drank well. I am deeply impressed. Thank you, Mr. Qingtian, for being considerate of the people." Mr. Qiao said.

"What about the one hundred copper coins?"

"After it's used up, isn't it just for the money the master gave me? After it's used up, it really doesn't need to be spent. It's really hard to make money, but it's spent very quickly. It's true!" said Mr. Qiao.

He was elated and seemed to be spending his money wisely.

Looking at Qiao Xiaoer again, he was not so cheerful. The reason was unknown. Jin Shan asked: "What about you? Qiao Xiaoer."

"I'd like to inform the eldest lord that the little one has eaten well. Thank you eldest lord for your generosity. The little one ate very well and is very satisfied." Qiao Xiaoer said.

"Has the money been spent?" Jin Shan asked.

"No, I only spent a dozen copper coins and I was full. Very good, No. This is the remaining money. I will return it to the master. Thank you very much, master!" Qiao Xiaoer said.

After listening to Qiao Xiao'er's words, and then seeing that Qiao Xiao'er's hand was almost a sling of copper coins, Jin Shan said angrily: "Come on! Take down Qiao Xiao'er and hit the forty big boards!"

The yamen servant next to him started shouting and moved forward like a wolf, trying to capture Mr. Qiao.

When Mr. Qiao saw this, he was so frightened that he quickly begged for mercy, shouting that he was wronged and yelling at Mr. Qingtian to spare his life.

Jin Shan did not take back his life, but still wanted to fight.


When everyone saw it, Mr. Qiao got up and knelt down, knelt down and got up again, practicing his knee skills. His lips trembled with fear, and he asked: "Master, why do you want to beat me? I am not guilty! Why! My lord, spare my life."

Ah! Sir, have mercy!"

"You deserve to be beaten! Why should you be beaten? You spend one hundred copper coins for a meal. I'll give you one. You spend it all. I don't spend more than you. Is it true that you don't need money and just waste it casually?"

Look at you, are you being disrespectful to your elders? Your son is a farmer, how can you have so much money to squander it? You only care about yourself, are selfish, and if your desires are not satisfied, you start to blame everyone and others.

You are trying to take advantage of your son and take him to court. Are you still doing what a father should do? You are the scum of all fathers in the world. You are the one who can do the things that all fathers cannot do. Could it be that you can do it?

Shouldn't you hit? You're the one who's being hit!" Jin Shan asked.

When Mr. Qiao heard this, he realized that this was serious, something serious had happened, and he quickly begged for mercy.

Mr. Qiao doesn't beg for mercy, Jin Shan doesn't always want to fight, the lottery is already in his hand, ready to be handed out.

"Master, spare your life! Spare your life!" Mr. Qiao knew very well that once he was beaten, not to mention the forty big boards, even the three boards would kill him. That board would hurt whoever he hit, and the pain would last for half a year.


Those who are in poor health may be beaten to death.

Jin Shan threw the lot out and shouted: "Hit!"

After receiving the order, the government officials swarmed up and held down the old man. The old man was controlled. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from the claws of the eagle and the claws of the tiger. It was like he was firmly grasped and could not escape. The plan was set in stone. Why?

You can't even run away.

He closed his eyes, despairing, and sighed, regretting that he was greedy.

Greed is really the devil. It is not worthwhile to let yourself be obsessed with one meal and lose your life.

He imagined himself being beaten to death and buried. Considering that he had offended his son and there was no one to collect and bury the body, he felt very desolate and couldn't help but shed tears of regret.

At this time, Qiao Xiaoer shouted: "Wait a minute, wait a minute, Mr. Qingtian, wait a minute, I have something to say."

Jin Shan saw it was Qiao Xiao'er, and he quickly asked: "Qiao Xiao'er, tell me, what do you have to say?"

"Master Qingtian, the little one's father is old and frail, and his body is very weak. If he is beaten to death, I will bury him. If he is not beaten to death, if he is disabled, it will be a burden for me. I can't bear to let my father suffer."

, apply now, please ask the elder to spank the younger one. The younger one will recover quickly and will not be maimed or beaten to death. I beg the master to grant you permission. The younger one is willing to be punished in place of his father. I also hope that the elder will be lenient and enforce the law flexibly, so that

My father made a note of this beating. If he commits another crime in the future, he will be punished severely and he will be severely beaten. I wonder what the elder wants?" Qiao Xiao'er said.

"Okay! You are such a filial and good boy." Jin Shan said, then turned to Mr. Qiao and asked: "Old Qiao, are you filial or unfilial when you have such a son? You have to tell the truth. If

If you lie, don't blame me for being rude."

"Filial piety, filial piety, filial piety! Master, Qiao Xiao'er is a filial son, but he is still an old man fooling around. He will never dare to do it again. Please be kind to him, bypass him, and let him be a new man." Qiao

The old man said.

"Okay, that's ridiculous. If it weren't for Qiao Xiao'er, you would have told me to give in when you see good things, and don't be ungrateful. He has a filial son, but he is also picky. He is a

Farmer, how much money should you have? Don't make it difficult for him. Look at some old people being abused, you don't know how happy you are! Just be content! If you are not content and often hate others, you will age easily and suffer from various problems.

All kinds of problems. The reason is here. Don’t complain, don’t complain, wait patiently, don’t have random thoughts, there is no basis.” Jin Shan said.

"Thank you for your kindness. I will publicize it everywhere and tell them what I have done for our father and son. Let them know that I have a superb ability to solve cases. I am really a rare Jin Qingtian. He is the protector of the people and deserves to be remembered."

Mr. Qiao said.

"This is nothing. When it comes to capable people or strong people, there are people everywhere. See if they can play a role. That is the key to the problem. Even if you are super strong outside, you cannot show off your power at home. That is the most impolite. It will

You won't get respect and understanding, so you have to be measured in everything you do and don't act recklessly," Jin Shan said.

This chapter has been completed!
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