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Chapter 6 Difficult Cases

The thoughts of the two village chiefs were read by Divination Huishu, and they were shocked. This guy has special powers? Is it a worm in his belly? He knows himself well?

"Two village chiefs, there is no need to wonder whether I have planted a spy in your hearts. Even if there is a spy, he will not be able to tell me your thoughts in time. You don't have to worry." Bu Huishu said.

The two village chiefs were shocked. Who is this? How do you understand your own thoughts in such detail? This is not bad. You don’t need to fight the little ninety-nine in your stomach. People will guess it before you can figure it out.

The two of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they hurriedly bowed to Di Huishu and left. They did not dare to say anything or think about anything. They were completely transparent in front of Di Huishu.

The arrangements here were established. Bu Huishu left the familiar yet unfamiliar school and headed to the county government. It was familiar because he had lived here for a few days. It was unfamiliar because he was more familiar than a dilapidated temple. The school was newly built, so of course everything felt fresh.


When Bu Huishu arrived at the county government office, the master had already left.

Yin Jian went out to greet him and welcomed him. After exchanging greetings, he immediately got back to business and mentioned a case that was very difficult and puzzling, and he couldn't judge it.

"Please tell me the details of the case." Bu Huishu said.

"A victim complained. This victim is an old couple. The husband, Wu Er, is named Wu. He is the second in the family and is known as 'Wu Er'. Wu Er has never had any children since his marriage. Seeing that most of his life has passed, it seems that the rest of his life has passed.

The desolate situation came, and I felt miserable. Wu Er's daughter-in-law had gone through menopause. Seeing that she could not complete the task of continuing the Wu family's incense, she could only pray to Guanyin to send her son day and night, hoping to get a son. Wu Er's wife kept crying day and night.

She burst into tears and kept asking Guanyin for children, which may have caused Guanyin to collapse. Somehow, Wu Er's wife finally made some news, and she was pregnant. She didn't expect that she could still be pregnant after menopause, which made the old couple cry with joy. They were so concerned about Wu Er.

He cared for his wife and did not dare to be careless at all. Sure enough, they gave birth to a baby in ten months, and their prayers came true. When they had a child in their later years, they were particularly attentive to the care of the child. No matter how big or small, they would do it themselves. When the weather got cold, they would put on more clothes as soon as possible.

When the weather was hot, he immediately fanned his cattail leaf fan for fear of being bumped. He raised his son and later married and had a son. His wife's surname was Ming. She married Wu Er's son as his daughter-in-law and changed her name to Wu Ming. Unexpectedly, one day Wu Er suddenly reported to the government and said

The daughter-in-law committed a murder, set the house on fire, and then falsely claimed that her son died in an accidental fire. After I took over the case, each of them now insists on their own opinions, and each seems to be justified. I don’t know how to judge," Yin Jian said.

"The complainant's complaint is that the daughter-in-law murdered her husband? The daughter-in-law Wu Mingshi argued that her husband died in an accidental fire and was an accidental death caused by water leakage?" Bu Huishu asked.

"That's exactly what I mean! I have thought about it for a long time and paid a private visit incognito to understand some of the situation."


"My daughter-in-law, Wu Ming, often goes to the monk who performs rituals. I suspect that she is having an affair with that monk. I don't know whether she is cheating on her or not," Yin Jian said.

"Monk's name?"

"A monk named Tonghui from Ci'en Temple. His name is Tonghui."



"He has a bad reputation! I have long heard that Tong Hui often has affairs with women."

"Then what Wu Ming said is false evidence and cannot be trusted!" Yin Jian said.

"Exactly. In order to convince the public, you can go to court to try the case, but you have to do it like this." Bu Huishu said.

"Hahaha, high, high, wonderful, seconds!" Yin Jian said, stroking his hands and laughing.

The two of them had discussed and decided that Yin Jian had already given Bu Huishu a place to eat and live, arranged a number of servants and a bookboy, and lived in a quiet house with a single door and a courtyard. There were many bookshelves in the room and there were many books. Bu Huishu was overjoyed after reading it. You know,

He is a bookworm and is a well-known nerd. However, his temperament has changed drastically since he picked up the silver ring. His hobby for books has not changed. His understanding of the world and his sophistication are indeed extraordinary. He is simply a master of understanding people's hearts.

Arrangements will be made for the next day.

The common people inquired about it and found out that the case was going to be heard in court today, and there were people who had come to watch. Outside the hearing hall outside the county government office, the crowd was packed with people. The master who came just after hearing this was very impressive. He knew that it was Bu Huishu, a former bookworm, and came to have a look.

.Satisfy curiosity and bring it to your hometown as a way to show off.

After the majestic shouts of being raised to the court, the host and prisoner were brought to court.

There are two pig cages placed next to it.

There were two live black pigs in the pig cage. They were local pigs that everyone knew and were fed in almost every household.

Yin Jian asked: "Who is the complainer?"

"I'm reporting this to you, my humble servant Wu Er."

"Suing whom?"

"Sue my daughter-in-law Wu Mingshi."

"What's the complaint?"

"Wu Ming murdered her husband and it was my son."

"What is the evidence? Are there witnesses? Are there any evidences?" Yin Jian asked.


There was a commotion among the crowd, like a gust of wind blowing, and a shrill scream came out.

Yin Jian saw that Wu Er was in a daze and was secretly worried. However, he remained calm and waited to see how Wu Er would react.

"Sir, my son is very cautious. He is usually honest and honest. He is not a criminal. He does not make bad friends or go to dangerous places. It is not easy for me to have a son in my old age. Now my hair is gray and my hair is black. I am heartbroken.

I am so hurt and have cried so much that my son died unjustly. I hope Mr. Qingtian will uphold justice for my son and let him die in peace." Wu Er cried.

"It is a great tragedy in the world for a man with white hair to send a man with black hair. It is also a great tragedy to have a son and then lose him in his old age. You account for two of the three misfortunes in life. So, have you brought the criminal?"

"Here we come!" all the officials shouted in unison.

Shocking! Everyone was stunned!

What is this operation?

"Who is kneeling?"

"My little daughter Wu Mingshi."

"Your father-in-law announced that you murdered your husband, is it true?"

"I'm telling you, sir, this is an unjust accusation against my little girl. My little girl doesn't even dare to kill a chicken, how dare she kill someone? This is a false accusation against my little girl, and it's not true. My little girl has been very loving since she married my husband, and she didn't blush. My little girl's husband accidentally heated the fire because of

, unable to escape in time, was buried in the sea of ​​fire. The little girl became a widow at a young age and really didn’t want to live anymore." Wu Mingshi cried.

"Where were you when the crime happened?"

"My little girl went to the temple to worship Buddha and fulfill her vows."


"That's right. Let me tell you, Master, there is a Tonghui monk from the temple who can testify."

"Where is Monk Tonghui?"

"At Ci'en Temple."

"Come, go to Ci'en Temple and invite Monk Tonghui." Yin Jian ordered.

Yin Jian knew that the voices from the crowd just now confirmed the view of monk Tonghui, which meant that Tonghui did have a bad reputation. He didn’t know how many women had an affair with him. It seemed that Wu Ming was in love


Monk Tonghui arrived at the court, clasped his hands to Yin Jian and said, "Amitabha, what is the magistrate's purpose in summoning a poor monk?"

"Master Tonghui, can you recognize this woman?"

"I know, this is someone who often goes to Ci'en Temple to burn incense and worship Buddha."

"Whose last name is it?"

"The poor monk doesn't know."

"You really don't know? Monks don't lie."

"Let the poor monk think about it, oh, by the way, it seems to be called Wu Mingshi." Tong Hui said.

"Are you really called Wu Mingshi?"


"How do you know Wu Mingshi?"

"Her husband died unexpectedly due to flooding in the house."

"Strange! I didn't even say that he died in the water, so why did you jump to the conclusion?"

"It was reported to the county magistrate by Wu Mingshi. The poor monk didn't know about it. He was invited by the family of the deceased to perform rituals and save the souls of the dead."

"I'm asking you, do you know if Wu Er's son has any enemies?"

"As far as the poor monk knows, Wu Er's son is kind and polite to others. He has never offended anyone and has never had any enemies." Tong Hui said.

"I'm asking you again, do you know that the son of Wu Er has a ruthless enemy?" Yin Jian asked, looking directly at Tong Hui. Tong Hui looked at Yin Jian's eyes like torches and was so frightened that he didn't dare to look anymore. He lowered his head in order to cover up his inner panic.

, immediately put his hands together and said: "Amitabha, poor monks don't know, poor monks don't know!"

Yin Jian took a look and realized that this guy had a guilty conscience and was suffering from the torment of his conscience.

"So, I want to ask you, do you know that there is a god three feet above your head?"

"The poor monk knows. The poor monk has always kept his peace, devoted himself to the Buddha, eradicated distracting thoughts, stayed away from the world of mortals, used the green lantern of the ancient Buddha, and did not care about worldly affairs. Men and women gave and received without being intimate. This is not what the county magistrate has heard. If there is a villain to frame him, I still hope

The county magistrate made a clear investigation so that the poor monk would not be wronged and the bad guys would not succeed. The poor monk was busy all day long and did not approach women, was not greedy for money, did not eat meat, did not drink alcohol, did not go to the fireworks alley, and did not go to look for flowers and willows. I also hope that the county

Order to find out the truth and return the innocence to the poor monk." Tong Hui said, there was saliva at the corner of his mouth, and his words were like spittle.

When Yin Jian saw it, he knew that Tong Hui was having an affair. He was no longer calm. He used words to provoke him and it was over. But Wu Ming's mouth was like steel and he refused to reveal the slightest truth. He was stubbornly resisting with a death wish.

"Monks are compassionate and do not lie. If what they say is false, what crime should be committed?" Yin Jian asked.

"Why did the county magistrate say this? The poor monk is well-behaved and cautious. Don't look at anything that is not polite, don't listen to anything that is not polite, and don't say anything that is not polite. He doesn't dare to make mistakes. If he commits adultery and violates the law, the crime will be increased by one level and he will be severely punished. The poor monk is willing to do so.

"Tong Hui said.

"Don't look at any evil! Tonghui, please stand aside and wait for me to show you who the real murderer is." Yin Jian shouted loudly.

Everyone was surprised, there was a commotion, and then there was silence. The pigs in the pig cage may have felt that something was happening, something big had happened, and they were moving uneasily in the cage. They tried to break free from the cage, but to no avail, they were still trapped tightly in it.

"Wu Ming, I want to ask you, do you know your crime?" Yin Jian asked.

Yin Jian knew that Wu Mingshi was heinous and deserved death. He wanted Wu Mingshi to get a more decent ending, so he gave Wu Mingshi a chance to see if she could seize it. If she could seize it, there would be a decent outcome.

, if you don’t catch it and give up deliberately, then it’s not up to Yin Jian to continue the execution.

"My little girl doesn't know. My little girl is heartbroken after her husband died. How can she commit a crime?" Wu Mingshi argued.

"I'm asking you again, Wu Mingshi, do you know your guilt?" Yin Jian asked.

"My little girl feels guilty. I don't know whether to talk about it or not." Wu Mingshi said.


"My daughter is still young. She originally wanted to take care of her white-haired parents-in-law, but she is young and beautiful. She is worried about outsiders gossiping. Gossip is fiercer than tigers. She is afraid that she cannot afford it. She also hopes that the elder will sentence her to remarry. Thank you very much!"

Wu Mingshi said.

"Isn't this reasonable? Your husband's bones are not yet cold and he died with his eyes open. You have already found the next family. Who is the next family? Recruit him truthfully and avoid the pain of flesh and blood." Yin Jian said.

"My lord, my daughter is young and beautiful. Some people are attracted to her, but she may not be attracted to someone else. It's just because she is devoted to her late husband and has no other feelings for her. I hope my eldest brother will investigate." Wu Mingshi


This is what Wu Mingshi is worried about, that if he spills the beans, not only will his life be in danger, but Monk Tonghui may also be implicated. At least this guy didn't say the wrong thing, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Is there any next one? Tell me!" Yin Jian asked.

"Indeed, sir, the little girl is as protective as a jade, and has no other man except her late husband. Even now, the dead husband's spirit in heaven will keep the little girl safe and will not encounter any accidents," Wu Ming said.

"Okay! This is what you said. Come and take a look. These are what you said. You can sign and pledge them so that you don't regret it!" Yin Jian said.

"My little girl can't read." Wu Mingshi said.

"Come, master, read it to her. After listening, sign and stamp it. If you don't know how to write, just draw a circle." Yin Jian said.

Bu Huishu came over and read it to her. There was no problem, so she drew a circle.

"Okay, come and light a fire in the courtyard." Yin Jian ordered.

The officials immediately went to prepare, and soon a raging fire was lit in the courtyard.

"Here are two pigs. Kill one first." Yin Jian ordered.

The yamen servant was very happy. When the pig was killed, it could be beaten into a tooth as a sacrifice and there was meat to eat, which was great. The yamen servant was very active in operating it. He brought the Zhangba snake spear. The yamen servant who was good at this weapon picked up the spear pole and aimed at the pig's neck. The spear

With a poke, blood spurted out, and the pig howled. The sound gradually became lower and did not disappear completely. The killed pig finally kicked all four legs with all its strength, and finally stopped in mid-air, with four legs, two of which were hanging high in the air.

Gurgling pig blood is flowing everywhere.

Everyone watched pigs being killed with weapons and spears. This was the first time in their lives that they had seen it. It was very strange. Could it be that killing people on the battlefield was something like this? It was so! Everyone was wondering if the pig would be disposed of and whether those who saw it would have a share in it.

Everyone can share a piece and take it home? This hope became popular among everyone. Little did they know that the most uncomfortable thing was the pig next to them.

The pig had a bad feeling when he saw with his own eyes that his companion, who had grown up playing together and sleeping and eating from snacks, was placed in different pig cages. It was true! He saw with his own eyes that his companion was howling just now.

After a while, he died. Could the next one be coming soon? He was completely in despair.

The fire in the center of the yard is getting bigger and bigger.

Yin Jian asked: "Has the pig been killed?"

"He's dead!" The officer ran in and told him with his hands in his hands.

"Is death complete?"

"Totally dead!"

"Okay, throw the dead pig into the fire."

The government officials took the order and lifted the pig cage, blood dripping from it.

The dead pig was thrown into the fire together with its last nest. The yamen servant was very happy. Do you want to eat roast pork? Then get a share of the roast pork and go home? Such a good thing, it is great to be a yamen servant!

They are having fun, and the onlookers are also happy. They don’t understand why they are doing this. They are not getting rewarded for their efforts, so is it possible that everyone who comes to watch the parade will have meat to eat?

This chapter has been completed!
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