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Chapter 112 The paper is full of nonsense

Yin Jian listened with great interest and asked: "Then why did you make three requests?"

"This is one of my methods. It was taught by Divination Huishu, which is to use psychological tactics." Jin Shan said.

"What psychology?"

"It's just to take advantage of the thief's guilty conscience. What kind of guilty conscience? It means that after a criminal suspect has committed a crime, he will secretly return to the crime scene to check the situation. That is to say, after the criminal suspect has committed a crime, he is particularly concerned about the detection of the case, the direction of the investigation, and the investigation

He will be very interested in the target, the progress of the investigation, and the investigation methods. This is called knowing yourself and the enemy and being victorious in every battle. It means to win the final victory and make the attempt to solve the case fail. Let your criminal behavior succeed and become an unsolved case that no one can solve.

, even if it’s successful,” Jin Shan said.

"This method is good. Bu Huishu often mentioned it when he was the master. He is still very knowledgeable and has far-reaching influence." Yin Jian said.

"Yes. Wansheng has caught the thief's mentality. He will definitely come to the scene often to see how the case is being solved." Jin Shan said.

"Yes, that makes sense. How did you find out?" Yin Jian asked.

"Wansheng came to ask for a meeting, and senior agreed. Everyone knows that Wansheng is not hindered by any obstacles and can enter and leave your house at any time. The thieves must have paid close attention to Wansheng's actions. Therefore, Wansheng arranged for people to keep an eye on him in the dark.

Every time Wansheng was with his seniors, he actually didn't say anything, but the thief couldn't sit still and would definitely come to eavesdrop or take a peek, thinking that no one else knew, but actually

It was clearly seen last morning, and the thief didn't pay attention, maybe his attention was elsewhere." Jin Shan said.

"I didn't pay attention to this," Yin Jian said.

"People's hearts are attracted to money. Where the money is, it must be the place where people care the most. Where the money is, the heart is also there. People's actions are inseparable from the heart. Only when the heart is moved can there be action. The thief must pay close attention

There is just a saying about the movements of seniors: the mantis stalks the cicada while the oriole follows behind. No one would have expected that there are still people watching." Jin Shan said.

"You mean, what did you find later?"

"It was later discovered that, as Wan Sheng expected, this person who often came to spy and eavesdrop was a personal attendant. It was already clear who committed the crime. Further observation was needed as to where the silver ingots were hidden. Therefore, Wan Sheng was walking around.

Free, I walked around and found that there was a bed in the east wing of the government office. The bed had been moved. Generally speaking, the bed would not be moved. Once the bed was moved, it would be very suspicious. So Wansheng paid special attention to it and sent someone to spy on it.

The attendant noticed that he was always looking towards the east wing, and he must have something on his mind, so he looked at his eyes again and found that he really cared about the east wing and the bed in the east wing, so he knew clearly where he hid the silver ingot.

"Jin Shan said.

"Very good. After knowing this and mastering the details, we solved the case and returned the silver ingot to the emperor. This is a major event. This money originally belonged to the court. It is case-handling funds, earmarked for special use and cannot be used for other purposes. Now

We are all happy to have it recovered and there will be no impact." Yin Jian said, "You are still awesome! Young people are formidable. I think back then, Divination Huishu was also very brave."

"He is more brave now, but my mentor doesn't like the excitement. The more he meditates in the dark, the more he can achieve enlightenment and become more and more fierce." Jin Shan said.

"What you said is very good! He is very powerful! The more powerful he is, the more humble he is, the more he loves reading, the more he loves reading, the more powerful he is. There is hope for all people in the world. With such a seed of reading, there will be no problem. Without the seed

, everything is hopeless." Yin Jian said.

"I understand. You are saying that a mentor is the hope of scholars. Without a mentor, scholars in the world will lose their goals, lose hope, have no motivation to move forward, and will have no role model for learning, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, your understanding is correct! It is true! He is our hope. Of course, some people are jealous and jealous, thinking that he has done well and is often praised by the emperor, and there are villains who want to harm him, even if

He was right, but he was also framed." Yin Jian said.

"Then working in the capital, at the feet of the emperor, with a lot of information and a lot of care from the emperor, is it much better than working in other provinces?" Jin Shan asked.

"Working in the imperial court is not as good as working in a small county. It is more free and less complicated. The world is big and people's hearts are big. It is not easy to govern. Lawless things often happen. All cases are handed over to the higher authorities. It is overwhelmed.

"A lot of things have been delayed." Jin Shan replied.

"It seems that it is better for the later students to stay in Dengcheng." Jin Shan said.

"No, if there is a need here, you must obey. There are not enough manpower and talents are needed to come to Beijing. There is no other way. You have to leave your one-third of an acre and come here to work, because the people in the world need talents to help.

." Yin Jian said.

"So that's it. If there is a need in the capital, I will definitely support him and return whenever I can. Of course, Dengcheng is the base area for the late students. Under normal circumstances, the base area is still the main one." Jin Shan said.

"Okay! It's a deal."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Jin Shan was in the capital for ten days, which seemed like one day. He was very busy. When it was time to return to Dengcheng, Bu Huishu only read books and did not come to see him off. Yin Jian did the work for him and sent him outside the city before returning. He had earned enough face.

As soon as he returned to Dengcheng, someone beat drums and complained.

The complainant’s name is Hao Qiren.

The defendant's name is Hu Luoping.

Hu Luoping used to be one of the richest families in the local area. His great-grandfather suffered a serious illness, which depleted all the family's wealth. Finally, he passed away, leaving only a reputation of filial piety and nothing else. He lost both his life and wealth. His relatives and friends who used to visit frequently were all gone.

He didn't interact with them either, for fear of looking for them and making him angry. Hu Luoping saw people's hearts clearly, and he was also discouraged. He basically stopped interacting with them. He didn't want to cause trouble, and he was also afraid that others would look for him.

He knows very well that people nowadays are snobbish. If you are rich and powerful, you will be respected by others. Otherwise, you will be ridiculed.

Hu Luoping's family was in decline and was not as good as before. The house leaked and it rained all night. Misfortunes never come alone. He was sued. When Jin Shan saw the situation, he couldn't tell who was who and who was wrong. Both sides insisted on their own opinions.

Everything makes sense, what we need now is evidence.

Speaking of evidence, Hao Qiren took out two IOUs and provided them to Jin Shan. Jin Shan took the IOUs and showed them to Hu Luoping. After reviewing them, Hu Luoping said: "This is false, sir. This is perjury and cannot be accepted. It cannot be accepted."

Accept it, you can’t accept it!”

Hu Luoping put forward this opinion, and Jin Shan was in a dilemma. Seeing that he could not make a clear trial, he said: "Retreat! Wait for notification."

Jin Shan returned to the room and was thinking about this matter.

He looks melancholy and unhappy, what a man! It’s better not to be unlucky. Once you are unlucky, everything will go wrong. Hao Qiren is the same. He doesn’t bully good people, but bullies the unlucky ones. Did he have any trouble before?

The daylight hours passed easily, and soon it was time to turn on the lamp.

At this time, Jin Shan still had no appetite and was focused on the case.

He stared at the IOU in a daze, thinking that the IOU is the key. If there is no IOU, the lawsuit will not be won. With the IOU, Hu Luoping will lose the case, but Hu Luoping does not seem to be someone who deliberately refuses to pay back the debt.

It depends on appearance. Kind people look kind, and vicious people look ugly. Generally speaking, we can conclude that whether they are vicious or kind can be distinguished by their appearance.

Hu Luoping was wrongly accused, but there was no evidence. Hao Qiren wronged him, but there was insufficient evidence. If there was no other evidence, Hu Luoping would have lost. However, how could Jin Shan watch Hu Luoping lose the case? This requires continued efforts and evidence.

Evidence is very important. If you have it, please ask the gods for instructions.

I was confused, confused, and about to fall asleep. Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound, and something fell. In the middle of the two stacked IOUs, I looked carefully and saw that there were drops of candle oil falling.

Jin Shan acted quickly and brought the two IOUs with lightning speed. It was over late. This was the key evidence. If it was damaged, the plaintiff was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He wanted to go to the capital to file a lawsuit. This official

It has an impact, like accidentally swallowing a fly, very uncomfortable.

But no matter how fast he moved, it was not as fast as the wax oil. Soon, there was a piece, like a peach petal, pink in color, round and jade-like. To see if there was any damage, Jin Shan raised the IOU and said to

I examined it carefully by the light of a candle, and made a surprising discovery.

What was found?

The shape of the wax oil is like a rising sun, rising from the mountains and looming in the clouds and mist. It can be seen that it is very beautiful, as if it has been made with very high technical means.

It turns out that Jin Shan checked the information and knew that this kind of paper is tribute paper, produced in Sichuan. The texture of this kind of paper is uneven, but the lines are smooth, the connections are tight, there are no faults, and there are no interruptions. When the light shines on it, it looks very clear.

Easy to see, just like a beautiful natural landscape painting.

Jin Shan slowly admired this landscape painting that was only revealed by the light. When viewed vertically, it looked like a mountain range, with mountains in the distance and close to the water, well-proportioned and distinct. Viewed horizontally, it turned out to be turbulent and continuous waves, like waves.

, layers of ripples, beautiful lines, and a strong sense of three-dimensionality.

As soon as he saw it, an idea suddenly occurred to him. He slapped the table hard and shouted: "It's broken!"

The waiter was startled when he heard the shouting.

Don't know what he means.

It turns out that the biggest flaw was found.

The problem lies in this paper.

The two pieces of paper placed side by side actually matched, and the trend was cut from one piece of paper, so we knew the truth.

Jin Shan saw the problem with this IOU. The key was here. This evidence was also the key evidence for the plaintiff Hao Qiren. If he didn't have it, he would lose the case. If he had it, he would win. Now that Jin Shan found out that this evidence was fraudulent, it was exactly what Hu Luoping said.

Hu Luoping said that the IOU was false. At first, no one believed what he said, because he only expressed his opinion and there was no substantive evidence to prove that it was false. Without evidence to prove that it was false,

Previously, it should have been considered true.

The next day, Jin Shan asked them to come to court.

When Jin Shan went to court, Hao Qiren and Hu Luoping both came to the court and knelt down in the center of the hall.

Jin Shan was the first to show off his power and yelled at Hao Qiren: "Are you sorry? You are a famous local gentleman and a wealthy family respected by everyone. You are not short of money to spend, but you have endless money to spend and can't live in the house.

We have everything we should have in our house, and we also have things we shouldn’t have. We are so rich that we can’t match the country, and we can do whatever we want, so how can we have trouble with other people? Yes, that other person is Hu Luoping.”

"The villain is wronged."

"Why were you wronged?" Jin Shan asked.

"My lord said that he had trouble with Hu Luoping, which is a lie. Hu Luoping is a good person. He lent money to him when he was young. When he received the money, he also issued an IOU. This is natural and what children should do. Pay back debts.

, I never wronged him, I will repay him as much as I deserve." Hao Qiren said.

"The evidence is insufficient and we need to continue to adduce evidence."

"Your Excellency also said that the evidence is problematic, so where do we start?" Hao Qiren asked.

Jin Shan smiled coldly and said: "Now that we have said it, let me tell you. I have clearly pointed out the problem, but you are still not convinced! Then, I want to ask you, can these two IOUs be used twice?"


"Yes, sir, Hu Luoping borrowed silver in January last year, and borrowed silver in April. The two IOUs were both from April last year. The situation is true, and there are records. You can investigate at any time. It is obvious that there is an IOU, but you are still making insinuations. What is the truth?

How to explain it? People keep saying that this is false, so why do they say this?" Hao Qiren said.

"That's right. As long as you said you wrote the IOU in two times, then I have verified that it was indeed written at one time. That is to say, I have confirmed that the two IOUs were written at the same time. That is to say

Same day, same time, same moment.”

Hao Qiren suddenly burst into tears and said, "Sir, please don't bully me! I really can't believe that such words come from your mouth. It's unbelievable! The evidence provided by me is conclusive and sufficient to confirm that Hu Luoping owes Hao Qiren money."


For this reason, Jin Shan had to use cruel words to say: "Hao Qiren, you are so annoying! If you want to ask for the certificate, I will show it to you."

So Jin Shan ordered a candle to be placed, held up both hands, and said: "The two pieces of paper were merged, and the paper patterns were connected and matched perfectly. This is clearly a piece of paper that was cut. Could I ask, are the IOUs written at the same time?

For example, if the IOU was written on half a piece of paper in January, should it be invalidated if it is overturned? Could it be that if I write one IOU at a time, it will all be invalidated when the time comes?" Jin Shan asked.

When Hao Qiren heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded and sweating all over. Even if the fairy helped, it would not help. He could only plead guilty and accept punishment.

"Sir, please give me a way out. Don't send me to Ishikawa." Hao Qiren begged.

"I think you are kind-hearted. Don't worry, study hard, and you will be able to serve the community and people after you learn the skills." Jin Shan said.

"Thank you for not killing me, sir!" Jin Shan said.

"As for Hu Luoping, your case has been solved and your debts can be wiped out. Then go home," Jin Shan said.

"Sir, may I ask why you need to forgive small debts?" Hu Luoping asked.

"Because the plaintiff Hao Qiren broke the law and was suspected of false litigation, I will punish him," Jin Shan said.
This chapter has been completed!
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