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Chapter 120 Another case within a case

"Li Quan, is that true? Are you helping Jin Simao catch the traitor?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, sir, I helped Jin Simao catch an adulterer. His wife deserves to die, how dare you steal someone?" Li Quanyan said.

"Jin Simao, are you sure Li Quan helped you catch the traitor?" Jin Shan asked Jin Simao.

"I'm sure. He is a good man! I asked him to catch the adulterer. My wife is unruly and dares to steal someone and cuckold me. No man with blood can stand this coward. Li Quan

It was to fight against the injustice, to help, and to help the little one. If something happened to the little one, and I didn’t want him to be implicated, I took full responsibility for the crime." Jin Simao said.

"You mean you were not the only one at the scene where your wife was killed?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, there was Li Quan at the scene of his wife's murder," Jin Simao said.

"Jin Simao, are you there?" Jin Shan asked.

"On the scene, my lord!"

"Did you participate in the killing of Jin Simao's wife?" Jin Shan asked.

"I participated, sir. It was in response to Jin Simao's invitation that I took action," Li Quanyan said.

"This is strange. Are you brainless? Don't you know that murder is a capital crime? If someone asks you to help, you will help. Then if someone asks you to eat shit, will you eat it too?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, the kid really has no brains. He just believes whatever others say without thinking about it or considering the authenticity of the situation." Li Quanyan said.

"Tell me, tell me honestly, how did you kill Jin Simao's wife?"

"My lord, it's unfair! It's unfair!"

"How could you be wronged?"

"The villain took action at Jin Simao's strong request," Li Quanyan said.

"Jin Simao, please tell me whether what Li Quan said is true." Jin Shan asked.

"No, sir, what Li Quan said is not true. It was Li Quan who urged me to take action." Jin Simao said.

"Jin Simao, don't frame good people! Did you poke him first?" Li Quan asked.

"Bold! Li Quan, you are not allowed to ask the other party questions without my permission. Do you understand?" Jin Shan said.

"Yes, sir, I don't dare anymore."

"If you ask questions without permission again, I will punish you severely," Jin Shan said.

Li Quan looked at the police officers on both sides and felt weak. Looking at the torture instruments on the wall, he felt even more frightened and trembling.

"Jin Simao, you don't want to think about it. She is your wife. You let outsiders decide whether to kill her. Are you stupid? Are you stupid? Don't you want to think about the reason? Use your brain and you will know. In the whole world, there is no real truth.

If you help others kill their wives, you can only kill your wife yourself or your mistress. Think about it, have you been fooled?" Jin Shan asked.

When Jin Simao heard this, he was stunned. What's the truth? However, if you think about it, it does make some sense. If you want to destroy something you can't get, no one can get it. The same goes for people, you can't get it.

No one can even think about destroying the people who come. This is an extremely selfish idea, and it does not consider human life and does not respect people, especially women. If you can’t get it, you have to destroy it, making it beyond recognition and incurable.

There is no way to save him. This is an extremely despicable and shameless approach, but it does happen.

Jin Simao's head buzzed, and he felt that he was more than ten years older. This neighbor Li Quan was really worthy of doubt! Who was he? It was simply unreasonable!

It seems that the only way to do this is to destroy something you can't get!

"Li Quan, tell me honestly, why do you hate Jin Simao's wife so much? Do you want to get rid of her so fast? What do you want to achieve? Tell me!" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, I have an affair with Jin Simao's wife." Li Quanyan said.

"What? Make it clear."

"It's like this. After Jin Simao found out that his wife was having an affair with his neighbor Ke Mingfa, he found me. Little did he know that Jin Simao's wife also had a relationship with Xiao. Jin Simao didn't know, he only knew that he had a relationship with Ke Mingfa. Xiao Xiao

I didn't dare to say it. Today, when the adults asked, I dared to say it. As for Jin Simao's murder of his wife, he did have the intention of being a villain. He also participated in the killing process and he is willing to accept the punishment." Li Quanyan said.

"Come here, catch Ke Mingfa." Jin Shan issued a warrant and said, and he quickly received the warrant and went to arrest him.

Soon the criminals were brought.

"Who is kneeling?"

"Xiaomin Ke Mingfa."

"Do you know why I arrested you?"

"have no idea."

"Don't you know the good things you did?"

"I didn't kill anyone," Ke Mingfa said.

"I didn't say that you killed anyone! Isn't this three hundred taels worth of silver here? You didn't kill anyone, so what are you afraid of?" Jin Shan asked.

"Xiaomin didn't kill anyone. Xiaomin just had a relationship with Jin Simao's wife. Everything else is normal. The death of Jin Simao's wife has nothing to do with Xiaomin," Ke Ming said.

"Ke Mingfa, do you think Jin Simao's wife is related to you?"


"Besides you, who else does she have a relationship with?" Jin Shan asked.

"Li Quan."

"Are you sure it's Li Quan?"


"Where does Li Quan live?"

"He is also Jin Simao's neighbor. The house is next to the house and the yard is next to the yard." Ke Ming said.

"Look, is Li Quan kneeling here?" Jin Shan asked.

Ke Mingfa looked left and right and said, "Sir, Li Quan is in the court hall."

"Are you sure?" Jin Shan asked.

"I'm pretty sure. Because one time when I was having sex with Jin Simao's wife, he suddenly barged in. I was deeply impressed," Ke Ming said.

"Okay, Li Quan, do you know this Ke Mingfa?" Jin Shan asked.

"We know each other. We are all neighbors. We look up and see each other every day. We are very familiar with each other." Li Quan replied.

"Li Quan, you see Ke Mingfa accused you of having an affair with Jin Simao's wife, what do you have to say?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, I never noticed that Ke Mingfa appeared at the scene. Could it be that he was hiding it?" Li Quan replied.

"Ke Mingfa, you know that Jin Simao's wife is having an affair with Li Quan, right?"

"Yes, sir!" Ke Ming said.

"Then tell me, how did you find out?"

"The little one is smart, but also timid. When he sees any movement outside, he will hide under the bed and not come out. He can tell who is talking by listening to the voice. Xiao Min knows very well that Li Quan and Jin Simao have been together for a long time.

We have maintained a relationship, it’s just that Jin Simao didn’t know about it,” Ke Ming said.

"So that's it! Are you sure that this person is Li Quan?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, I heard a sound just now, yes." Ke Ming said.

"Okay. Li Quan, you have to tell me honestly what happened. If you are honest, you will be given a lighter punishment. If you are not honest, you will be punished severely." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, the evidence must be sufficient!" Li Quanyan said.

"Bold and cunning! Jin Simao has no brains. He can't do things with his brains and carelessness. He knows that his wife has an affair with Ke Mingfa and wears a cuckold. He is afraid of being laughed at. Who knew that the real murderer was you, Li Quan? How dare you do this?

You are really a common thief. In order to achieve your goal, you use any means. Now it's better. You actually participated in the killing of Jin Simao's wife. Is it tolerable or intolerable? I have handled many cases and have never seen such a shameless person.

It's so cruel to sleep with someone else's wife and then kill her! Where's your love for her? Where's your oath of love? Li Quan, Li Quan, you were so smart that you lost your life." Jin Shanyan


"Wow, wow, I'm really pissed off! Li Quan, you're not a fucking thing! You're not a person either! How dare you bully people like this! You're going to die!" Jin Simao said angrily.

"Jin Simao, you were used by Li Quan, you know who he is! You used to think of him as a good person! He is a heinous person. On the surface, he calls him brother, but behind his back, he takes advantage of him and stabs him in the back. This is extremely abominable.

Man. You have clearly seen what he is like. Now you need to reflect on it. Those who deserve to be sentenced will still be punished. You must teach him a lesson. If he is two-faced, let him be executed in a hurry. Let everyone come and see and educate.

Ordinary people, you must have a bottom line as a human being. If there is no bottom line, people and gods will be angry, and there is no place to die." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, I made a mistake. I made a mistake. Can I not die like this?" Li Quanyan said.

"No, you must die like this. From the first day of surgery to the third day, you are still operating, one by one, and distribute them to the people, or feed them to wild dogs, or feed fish, or grow maggots. You are a complete bad guy.

If a guy with sores on his head and pus on his feet doesn't die like this, the people will not be angry." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, please, please, please take back your life!" Li Quan begged again and again.

"Don't even think about it! Your Majesty enforces the law like a mountain, with clear rewards and punishments. Whatever you do, you are responsible for it. Karma and retribution are the reincarnation of heaven. If you try again and again, your meat will be fed to wild dogs!" Jin Simao said.

"Jin Simao, you have no brains, but after this incident, you have understood a little bit about people's hearts, right? I will give you a chance, I will beat you eighty times and go back to bury your wife. Be careful in your future interactions, especially

You should stay away from people who appear to be kind but are actually like snakes and scorpions at heart, and don’t make friends with such lowly people, lest you suffer huge losses." Jin Shan said.

Jin Shan asked all those on trial to sign and sign one by one, and then announced the punishment.

Li Quan was executed late.

Jin Si Mao beat eighty big boards and went home to bury his wife.

The adulterer Ke Mingfa was fined two hundred taels of silver and given to Jin Simao's wife as burial expenses.

Li Quan was fined 800 taels, and 400 taels were given to Jin Simao's parents as pension money. The remaining 400 taels were not confiscated by the officials. If there is no money, or the money is not enough, his real estate, etc. will be auctioned. In addition to the remaining money,

A portion of his living relatives shall be confiscated according to the amount of the judgment.

This case was solved and caused great repercussions. It was not entirely true that the husband killed his cheating wife. The actual situation was that the adulterer killed someone else's cheating wife, which made the case confusing. However, Jin Shan still investigated and identified the culprit.

It is truly a typical case, remarkable and admirable.

Besides, after Li Li visited Mount Emei, he went to Mount Xian again.

Xianshan is in Xiangyang, not far from Dengcheng.

After visiting Xianshan, it was getting late and it was not easy to get to Dengcheng. Then we arrived at the nearest Dongjin. There is a Lumen Temple in Dongjin. Li Li wanted to stay one night at Lumen Temple. Who knew that Lumen Temple would not accept him?

Said something happened to the temple.

Before Li Li could inquire further, the temple door was closed. He had no choice but to stay in an inn near Lumen Temple for one night.

The waiter brought him foot-washing water, and Li Li thanked him. The waiter asked, "Sir, after washing your feet at night, close the door and be careful."

"May I ask what you are particular about?" Li Li asked.

"I killed someone recently, his name is Li Quan," the waiter said.

When Li Li heard this, his heart skipped a beat. Li Quan actually only had one word wrong with him! Who is this Li Quan? Even the waiter is afraid.

"May I ask, little brother, what happened to Li Quan? Did he kill someone, or did someone kill him?" Li Li asked.

"My lord, Li Quan first committed murder, and later he was sentenced to death by Ling Chi by Qingtian Master Jin Shan. It was really satisfying and the people praised him," the waiter said.

"Oh, that's it. I know. I passed by Dengcheng some time ago and heard that there was a fish that slipped through the net. I also said that Magistrate Jin was the Qingtian Master who gained a false reputation. People gave mixed reviews. Why are they saying yes now?

"Li Li asked.

"Yes, people from Dengcheng said that Li Quan died three days later. He put a fishing net on his body, and his flesh protruded from the mesh. Then he was cut off piece by piece by the executioner. There were many people fighting for it below, and some dogs were running around.

Come and run around," the waiter said.

"So, Li Quan committed a heinous crime and was cut to pieces with a thousand swords?" Li Li asked.

"Yes, it's really a bit evil. Not long after he died, a monk from Lumen Temple also died." Xiao Er said.

"How did you die?" Li Li asked.

"At lunch, I counted the number of people and found that Monk Hongyi was missing. I searched everywhere but couldn't find him. Finally I found him in a well. I quickly reported it to the official, but I haven't heard of any progress yet. It's just a folk legend that it's Li Quan's ghost who has come.

, hooked up Monk Hongyi so that he could rest on his back." The waiter said.

"So, it's really so evil. No wonder Lumen Temple closed early today and declined pilgrims." Li Liyan said.

"Yes, the temple is now in chaos. Everyone is not calm. Those who ring the bell forget to ring the bell, and those who play the drum forget to beat the drum. It seems that they are very afraid of the ghost Li Quan and forget their own identity. It turns out that

"When monks and Taoists catch monsters and subjugate them, they are all suspected of spreading lies." Xiao Er said.

"Listen to what I said, the temple is no longer a safe. It seems that no matter inside or outside the temple, you must remember to be kind. No matter where you are, you must be determined to do good. You don't have to talk about truth, kindness and beauty, but you do it.

Fakeness is evil and ugly." Li Li said.

"The guest officer is right. I don't know how the money in the merit box is used. I have income every day, but I still complain that I am poor. It seems that the monk is not honest. I opened a shop in Lumen Temple, and I did not expect such a situation.

Pilgrims from far away often complain in the store. They are very pious. It seems that they are not from a wealthy family. They are frugal and hard-working. When I came here, I originally wanted to burn the first incense stick, but it turned out that it was useless because I got up early. I had to pay extra.

Only then will there be a chance. Whoever pays the highest price will burn the first stick of incense. Only in this way can he get efficacious blessings. Don’t be afraid of the guests’ jokes. This is deceiving yourself and others. There will be no blessings. If there were, they would not come to ask for them.

This is obviously false. However, many good men and women just believe in it, and they always want to give it a try," the waiter said.

This chapter has been completed!
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