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Chapter 121 Little girl's life is really big

"How did Monk Hongyi die? Where was he found?" Li Li asked.

"During lunch, I found that one person was missing, and the temple began to organize people to search everywhere. Because Master Hongyi was responsible for logistics, all the food and drink expenses of the temple passed through his hands, and he was well known to the monks. I was particularly shocked when this person suddenly disappeared.

Li Quancai died, and his ghost is still there, causing everyone to panic." The waiter said.

"So, monk Hongyi was found soon after he disappeared?" Li Li asked.

"I found it. Someone found it in the well in the vegetable garden. After reporting it to the official, no one came yet." The waiter said.

"What should we do?" Li Li asked.

"It will probably be dealt with right away. We have great confidence in Jin Shan," the waiter said.

"That's good! He does things quickly." Li Li said.

While the two were talking, they heard the back garden of Lumen Temple being crowded with people and brightly lit, as if many people were coming.

"What did you just say? Magistrate Jin does things quickly. Cao Cao will be here soon. Sir, you can rest after washing your feet and wait until tomorrow to see the results." The waiter said.

Li Li didn't want to disturb the scene of Jin Shan's crime investigation, so he went to sleep. He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He sighed when he thought that there was such a huge difference between Li Quan and himself. He read Xianshu again and then reluctantly fell asleep.

The rooster crows three times, and it is daybreak soon. It is bustling outside. It turns out that a group of servants are coming to ask for food. The waiter is busy greeting them. One of them is very familiar. Li Li has sharp eyes and sees Jin Shan. Jin Shan also happens to go to the backyard.

Look, I saw him, I was very happy and said hello again and again.

Next to Jin Shan, there was a person locked up. Jin Shan asked someone to untie him and let him eat. The government officials and detectives began to eat. Jin Shan called to Li Li.

Li Li stepped forward, bowed his hands and said, "My dear friend, it's such a coincidence that we meet again!"

"Didn't my dear brother go to Emei?" Jin Shan asked.

"Oh, yes, I returned from Mount Emei. I visited Xian Mountain yesterday and saw that it was still early, so I went to Lumen Temple for a walk. Unexpectedly, something happened at Lumen Temple, so I stayed here. Are you here to handle a case?

"Li Li asked.

"That's right. This is the prisoner who surrendered himself. No, the one who was eating, he reported to the police that his wife committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam. He was afraid of getting into trouble, being involved in a lawsuit, and worried that his wife's family would make trouble, so he decided to

Taking the initiative to ask for someone from his wife's natal family, and having a bad person complain first. When the other party can't produce evidence, he can seize the initiative, turn his back on the client, and take the initiative. This trick of his is so effective that his wife's natal family doesn't know it.

We were overwhelmed and fell into a dilemma for a while. In fact, his wife's body had been thrown into the temple's well. This well was in the middle of the vegetable field. We came over overnight to take a look, but who knew that there was no trace of his wife?

Do you think it's weird if you pick up a monk?" Jin Shan said.

"My dear friend, what you said makes sense. I'm staying at the hotel and heard from the waiter that a monk named Hongyi is missing from Lumen Temple. I wonder if it's him?" Li Liyan said.

"What my dear brother said is absolutely true, and it was confirmed last night. It is Master Hongyi, the monk of Lumen Temple. He is responsible for the logistics of the temple, and he is in charge of the vegetable plot. He found it in the well in time, but fortunately it did not rot." Jin Shan


"My dear friend, he handles cases quickly and arrives on time. Many cases must be done in time. Otherwise, there will be no meaning or necessity in solving the case," Li Liyan said.

"The earlier the better, the sooner the better! Basically it is definitely Monk Hong Yi. Now we need to catch the person who killed Master Hong Yi." Jin Shan said.

"What did the reporter say?" Li Li asked.

"His name is Le Jibei. He claims that since he married his wife, his wife has lost her freedom. Why do you say she has lost her freedom? His wife is beautiful, and he is always worried that her wife will be abducted by another man," Jin Shan said.


"That's interesting. You can't follow him every day. If you were abducted, you would have been abducted long ago. Why do you have to wait until you get married to be abducted? Le Jibei is making a fuss out of a molehill. Something happened that didn't happen in the first place. It's true.

It's annoying." Li Li asked.

"Brother Xian is right, a narrow-minded man is destined to be scolded. He just needs to be scolded. Later, his wife wanted to go back to her parents' house and had to stay one night before returning. He didn't know whether what his wife said was true or not, but in his heart

I don’t want to. Because according to local customs, you cannot stay at your parents’ home. You must go and return on the same day. If you stay at your parents’ home, you will violate the customs and will be looked down upon. You can’t even control your own wife. Such a man is really a waste. He

The more I thought about it, the less it was about that and I wanted to stop her from going back, so I thought of a way." Jin Shan said.

"What can I do?"

"There was an opera singer that night. His wife especially liked to watch operas. She was a theater fan. If her father hadn't objected, she would have joined the opera troupe and sang everywhere. Because she looked good and had good singing skills, the opera troupe was willing to have her. But

If her father doesn't let her go, she won't be able to leave. There is really no other way," Jin Shan said.

"She didn't join the theater troupe, but she just loved going to the theater. This is normal. It's not illegal to go to the theater, so Le Jibei shouldn't have anything to say, right?" Li Li asked.

"There was nothing to say. His wife insisted on going back to her parents' house to stay for one night. Le Jibei was very annoyed, so he sneaked into the crowd while she was fascinated by the play, sneaked up to his feet, took off one of her embroidered shoes, and

I thought, how can you walk without shoes? He used this method to prevent her from returning to her parents' home. It was a bit despicable, but there was really no other good way. His wife would not listen to any good or bad words. She wanted to go back to her parents' home anyway, which was very disturbing.

I have a headache." Jin Shan said.

"Then what happened? Was the prevention successful?" Li Li asked.

"Success is success! Later, he did a stupid thing." Jin Shan said.

"What stupid thing?"

"He just behaves when he gets a benefit. He obviously stole his wife's embroidered shoes, but he pretended to be innocent, scolded his wife sharply, and asked her to reveal the whereabouts of the embroidered shoes. He also talked nonsense, saying that his wife had an affair and had a lover. He replied

The purpose of my mother-in-law’s family is to date my sweetheart,” Jin Shan said.

"Isn't that reasonable?" Li Li said.

"He refused to admit that he had stolen the embroidered shoes, and he also falsely accused his wife of having an affair and cuckolded him. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and his wife actually hanged herself from a beam in the middle of the night. She was fine at first and was very lively during the day, but she turned into a corpse at night.

A cold corpse." Jin Shan said.

"It's such a shame that a beautiful flower has withered."

"When Le Jibei discovered that his wife was missing early the next morning, he was really panicked. He searched everywhere and found the body. He was afraid that his mother-in-law's family would come to retaliate and beat him. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, so he took advantage of the darkness to kill her.

He threw it into the well in the middle of the vegetable field in the back garden of Lumen Temple, and then hurriedly went to his wife's parents' house to ask for someone, saying they were coming to take his wife home.

He must be seen alive and his body must be seen dead. His wife's family reported it to the police. After receiving the report, we interrogated Le Jibei. At first he refused to confess, but later he told the truth after being unable to withstand the torture.

, it was not until late in the evening that anything was found, and until the moon was above the willow branches, Brother Yu rushed to Lumen Temple that night, and then began to look for the body of Le Jibei's wife, but failed to find it. In the end, he found the body of a monk, who happened to be Lumen.

The missing Master Hongyi from the Men Temple. Brother Xian, do you think this is really a coincidence?" Jin Shan said.

They were talking and everyone had finished eating.

Waiting for Jin Shan's next instructions.

Jin Shan ordered the policemen to examine the body of Master Hong Yi. After careful inspection, he found that Master Hong Yi had been hit on the head by a stone. There were many traces of being hit by stones on his body. There was a lot of congestion, the skin was blue, and the blood was black and purple.

It is estimated that nine out of ten died of excessive blood loss.

So, who pushed behind it? It’s worth thinking about. It definitely didn’t slip and fall into the well, because Master Hongyi is very familiar with this well and uses it almost every day. The area around the wellhead is also very safe. There is a large bluestone at the wellhead, which is rough and non-slip, even if it rains or snows.

, the wellhead is also very non-slip and will not fall down.


"The little one is here!"

"Has your wife ever been to Lumen Temple?" Jin Shan asked.

"Never. I was afraid that my wife would be abducted by another man, so I didn't let her go to crowded places. There were many people coming and going in the temple, and there were many monks. I was very worried, so I didn't let her go. She was very concerned about this area.

Very unfamiliar. Even the little one is not familiar with it. I only know that there is a Dongjin Ferry and a Lumen Temple here. If it is not this case, the little one will not come here, so he doesn’t know the temples here." Le

Ji Beiyan said.

After listening to Le Jibei's narration, he came up with a plan, whispered a few words to Le Jibei, and then arranged for two government officials to accompany him home. After Le Jibei came back, the government officials gave Jin Shan some instructions.

Sentence. Then give Jin Shan a package of things.

"Okay, I understand. Come here!" Jin Shan ordered.

"Five of you, go to the Lumen Temple well to ambush. Don't be discovered. Five of you, go to the east road that must pass to Lumen Temple to ambush. Five of you, go to the west to ambush. There is only one road, so be sure to ambush everything.

.However, things are only placed on the west road. If there is any movement where the things are placed, others will rush over to help. Do you understand?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes! Sir."

"Don't you want to know what was put there?"

"It depends on what the adults want."

"Okay, if you don't tell me now, you will know later."

After Jin Shan made arrangements, he and Li Li chatted in the inn, drank tea, drank wine, and wrote poems. It was very pleasant. Master Hongyi was being buried at Lumen Temple.

Two days passed like this without any movement. On the third day, someone came to report.

Reports say that a suspect has appeared and has been arrested.

"Bring it in." Jin Shan ordered.

"Kneel down!" everyone shouted, and the man knelt down in response.

The man had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, as if he had been released from a starvation prison.

"Who is kneeling?" Jin Shan asked.

"Little citizen Cai Qing."

"Cai Qing, do you know your guilt?" Jin Shan asked.

"Young people don't know. Please make it clear, sir." Cai Qing said.

"You must be from nearby and are familiar with Lumen Temple, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, that's what my lord said."

"You must be entrusted by someone to look for something everywhere, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, sir." Cai Qing replied.

"Okay, you were asked to look for shoes. These shoes are only suitable for the person who asked you, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes! Sir."

"You must have committed a crime after killing someone, and then wanted to get away, right?" Jin Shan asked.


"Then tell me, what have you done?" Jin Shan asked.

"Little citizen Cai Qing."

"Nonsense, I know your name is Cai Qing. To put it more importantly, what were you doing in the Lumen Temple vegetable garden?" Jin Shan asked.

"My lord, I am working as a hired worker there, helping to take care of the vegetable garden," Cai Qing said.

"You are a hired worker there, how do you do it?" Jin Shan asked.

"I arrived in the morning to help Master Hongyi fetch water to water the vegetable garden. That morning, I went a little late because I was playing cards with others the night before and forgot the time. I got up late the next day and didn't fetch water well.

, Master Hongyi was fetching water and found something wrong in the well. He took a closer look and found that there was indeed a problem. He found that there was a person in the well who was still alive and calling for help. Master Hongyi threw down the rope and asked her to hold on to the rope. Monk Hongyi wanted to pull

She came up, but was unsuccessful because the person sounded like a woman. She looked and saw that she was indeed a woman. When the rope was thrown down, Master Hongyi couldn't pull it. Usually, the little ones were doing the lifting. Master Hongyi didn't have enough physical strength. When he saw the little

When the girl came to the garden, she called for help. The girl came to help. However, the woman was injured and had no strength to tie her waist. She needed help. Master Hongyi went down along the rope and helped her.

The girl was tied up, and the younger one was pulling on it. When the younger one came up, the younger one saw that the younger one was beautiful. Even though she was injured, she couldn't hide her beautiful face and graceful figure. The younger one took a look.

So I got a wrong idea." Cai Qing said.

"What do you think?" Jin Shan said.

"My family is poor, my parents died early, and I have no wife. I want to marry her, but I am worried that Master Hongyi will interfere with it and ruin the good things. In short, if I want to be happy, I must get rid of Master Hongyi, and then I can make a long-term career."

Husband and wife." Cai Qing said.

"This is your wishful thinking. Does that woman definitely agree?" Jin Shan asked.

"That woman's clothes were soaked, her lines were highlighted, and her face was beautiful, just like a pear blossom carrying water or a lotus leaf rolling a ball. It was amazing. If you get such a beauty, you will have no regrets in this life. Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of Master Hongyi in the well,

He is a person who likes to tell stories. He can't hide any big or small things. If he gets such a beautiful woman, he will definitely make a fuss in the city. Why not silence him? This woman belongs to me. No one in the world will be jealous of me.

Isn't it beautiful and good? When I think of this, I feel murderous." Cai Qing said.

"Then what? How did you do it?"

"After the young man pulled the woman up, he threw the rope down to the bottom of the well, and then threw the big and medium stones into the well without shame. When he heard Master Hongyi's scream, the woman

The young man was so frightened that he shivered, and the young man continued to throw stones, and the sound gradually disappeared from the well. The young man knew that Master Hong Yi had gone westward, and seeing that he could not survive, he took the woman and fled the vegetable garden." Cai Qing said, facing her.

Showing the proud look after success.

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