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Chapter 131

Besides, after Li Li read the notice, he suddenly realized that Master Tang is really awesome!

He praised in his heart but did not show it on his face. The post read: "In the eighteenth year of Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty, there was no Jiazi year, but it was the Jiachen year."

What a difference of one word and a thousand miles of error.

In order to ensure that everything was safe, Li Li checked the old almanac to see what was recorded in the history books. It read:

"Li Shimin was the emperor for 23 years. Tang Taizong Li Shimin was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin ascended the throne as emperor in 626 AD and died in 649 AD. He reigned for a total of 23 years. During his reign, there were no Jiazi years.


Li Li took a look and realized that it was indeed during the reign of Li Shimin's Zhenguan reign. He immediately understood that the tombstone was a forgery and a fake.

Li Li was furious, continued the interrogation, and scolded Mr. Qian: "You are still a country squire! You actually did such a despicable and shameless thing, blatantly lied, deceived your own official, and despised the imperial official. How can you do this? What crime should you be punished for?"

Why don't you do it quickly, so that your skin, flesh, muscles and bones will not suffer. If you dare to resist stubbornly and refuse to plead guilty, be careful. You have to look at the torture instruments on the wall one by one. They are not just for display. You have to taste them for yourself to know how powerful they are.

! As long as you are willing to try, I will satisfy you one by one, let you eat well and enjoy yourself, how about it? "

When Officer Qian heard this, he thought, wasn't this going to be a severe punishment? How could he survive in the countryside if his skin and flesh were tortured and his face was completely lost?

"Sir, this, this, this, this..." Officer Qian said, his voice much lower.

He just felt a chill running down his spine, like an ice-covered whip hitting his back. He didn't know what to do!


A heavy book was thrown to the ground, making a dull sound, as if someone had hit him on the back of the head.

"See for yourself, do you still want to quibble? Open your old eyes and see, in the reign of Emperor Zhenguan of the Tang Dynasty, do you think you are a three-year-old child? You are used to fooling others, right? Can't you stop the car?

?You still want to continue to fool me? Look, are you doing the right thing?"

"Hey -" Foreign Minister Qian sighed and stopped talking. He said dejectedly: "It's all my fault for my poor management of the family and my neglect of discipline, which led to this result. I really shouldn't have! I regret that I have been strictly disciplined since I was a child. When I grew up,

It’s too late to correct it. It seems that the only hope is for my grandson and great-grandson.”

"You put away your little calculations. Your family has a lot of wealth. It is better to carefully cultivate your children to become talents. Don't compare it with wealth, but rather education. If the family is well educated, it will naturally lead to success. Just having money is not enough. Money is an external thing, it is

If you want to seize a lot of money and prevent it from being lost, it is just wishful thinking and fanciful. It is better to be down-to-earth and educate your children well. The success of their children is the success of their parents," Li Liyan said.

"Your Majesty is right, you are right, be careful in the future." Officer Qian said aloud.

"I won't beat you this time. If you deceive me again next time, be careful with your skin." Li Liyan said.

"Thank you for your kindness, sir." Mr. Qian said with great gratitude, and then secretly felt sad.

Li Li announced his withdrawal from the court, and the clerk asked everyone to sign and sign, and then left the court one by one without mentioning anything.

Li Li secretly admired Mr. Tang. This guy was really unassuming, so he repaired Mr. Qian. Mr. Qian had suffered a hidden loss, but he didn't know it, so he still wanted to thank Mr. Tang.

Tang Lu knew that the Li family was suffering from this, so he gave a thousand taels of silver to the Li family as a student aid. Because the Li family was an upright official and had a clean life, their children needed support to spend money on studying. The imperial salary was limited and was not enough to support the cost of studying. In order to

Just giving this money to let the Li family's descendants study in peace is not making any money. Tang Lu thought so, but it moved the Li family very much, even if they didn't have the same surname.

In this way, the Li family became more and more famous, and the Qian family brought disgrace on itself.

Master Tang's fame is also growing.

Recently someone came to ask Master Tang for help.

The person who came was a young woman. Accompanied by her mother. The young woman's surname was Wu.

Miss Wu said: "Master Tang, my surname is Wu, and I married into the Wen family. My mother is here, she can tell what's going on."

"What's going on?" Tang Lu asked.

"When my daughter turned sixteen and was about to get married, she asked someone to introduce her, but she was not satisfied. Everyone wanted her to find a good family, but no one was suitable. I heard that Wen

The son of my family is a good man. He has good character and a well-off family. He is a native family, monogamous, and has two brothers. The eldest is Wen Qiang and the younger is Wensheng. My father-in-law is also hard-working and simple, working like an ox.

My mother-in-law is kind and generous to others. Wen Qiang is good at everything except a cough. He got it when he was a child and it has never been good. Even when the weather changes suddenly, the cough becomes severe, but he is usually fine. There is no problem. This is the article

Qiang, she is already eighteen and has not met the right one yet. The matchmaker also broke her leg, but there is no suitable one for her. Either he is not willing, or the other person is not willing. The same is true for our only daughter. Who knows what marriage will be like?

, no one can open it, it just happened." Miss Wu's mother said.

"Men should marry when they are young and women should marry when they are young, that's no problem!" Master Tang said.

"Then there was a problem. Who knew that Wen Qiang would be better off if he didn't get married. As soon as he got married, he would get sick. Before, he got sick in winter. After getting married, he got sick all year round. His cough couldn't be cured. I went to famous doctors all over the place, but there was still no improvement. But there was no improvement.

After a year, Wen Qiang died. Only Wen Sheng was left in the family, and then there were Wen Qiang's parents," said Miss Wu's mother.

"This is really miserable!" Master Tang said.

"Yes, I originally wanted to find someone to entrust my daughter with for the rest of her life, but I didn't expect that it would harm her. This makes us feel ashamed. We should have known better not to interfere like this in the first place." Wu Mu said.

"So, Miss Wu already had someone in mind before she got married?" Tang Lu asked.



"She grew up playing with her. She was from a poor family and didn't want her daughter to go to his house to suffer, so she married Wen Qiang regardless of her daughter's objections. Who knew that God's fate would end up making her daughter suffer." Wu

The girl's mother said.

"In other words, Miss Wu had a childhood sweetheart with whom she had a very good relationship, but you broke them up abruptly and made Miss Wu marry Wen Qiang, whom she didn't love?" Master Tang asked.

"Yes, it's all our fault that we are too old and blind to see the future clearly. I didn't expect that Wen Qiang, whom we were optimistic about, would not be able to grow old with our daughter, while the one we were not optimistic about actually lived very energetically. It seems that as long as we are alive, there is hope." Miss Wu's

Mom said.

"Yes." Master Tang said. He paused and looked at Miss Wu. She looked sad and innocent, feeling that she was really wronged. "Then what happened next?"

"Later? Sir, she knows what happened next."

"Miss Wu, please tell me." Master Tang said.

"Master, it's embarrassing to say it, but now that the matter has come to this, it's okay not to say it. Wen Qiang passed away, Wen Qiang's father was still strong, and Wen Sheng was also full of blood. He had not been on a blind date, had no partner, and had no plans to get married.

.It seems that it depends on the performance of the little girl." Miss Wu said.

"What performance?"

"The little girl is getting married separately," Miss Wu said.

"Marry someone else? Do they agree?" Master Tang asked.

"Impossible. The little girl was opposed by them before she even mentioned it. How unbecoming is it to start talking about marriage before her body is even cold? It's simply immoral and embarrassing. She just says whatever is unpleasant. It's simply disgusting.

It was unbearable. The little girl had no choice but to go back to her parents' home to escape. They were so bad. They clearly wanted the little girl to stay in the Wen family, but they refused to say so. When the little girl had the idea of ​​​​getting married, they started to accuse and abuse for no reason. It was so frustrating.

People can't bear it." Miss Wu said.

"Did they agree later?"


"Do you still want to get married?"


"Okay! This can be done like this."

Tang Lu suddenly thought that according to customs and habits, a widow should not remarry, but should settle down and live a happy life for her deceased husband. If the period of mourning expires, she can marry another person, but if she does get married, she still has to marry her own relative. That is, often

As it is said, the fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields. This fat water is the existing resources, and this outsiders' field means that outsiders have taken advantage. Just like inheriting the inheritance of the late husband through hard work, and then remarrying, the property will also go with it. Then, for the deceased,

Relatives are treated unfairly.

This woman is still young and may have problems living with her father-in-law and uncle for a long time. If we want to talk about honor and integrity, which one is more important, or is Miss Wu’s happiness in her life more important?

Master Tang racked his brains and finally came up with a foolproof strategy. In response to the strong objections of his father-in-law and uncle, Master Tang wrote a letter. This letter was written very clearly. The meaning is that in order to seek happiness, maintain honor and integrity. Summary of the matter: Little girl

She married Wen Qiang when she was sixteen. When she was seventeen, Wen Qiang died. She became a widow at a young age. It seemed that fate was inevitable. She wanted to marry, and since she was her childhood sweetheart, she should get married. I originally thought

Live a peaceful life with the green lantern of the ancient Buddha. If you are destined, you can practice in the next life and marry the Qin and Jin Dynasties. Unfortunately, my father-in-law is in strong health, my mother-in-law is about to die, and my brother-in-law is still young and strong as a mountain, and he has not yet been married. My daughter is here

It may be difficult to get along well in such a family. If you obey them in everything, you may get messy, because the little girl must obey everything, and she will definitely not dare to speak or disobey orders. Whatever they want the little girl to do, the little girl must do it.

What. If you violate it even slightly, you will be unfilial to your father-in-law and disrespectful to your brother-in-law. It is difficult to obey and it is also difficult to disobey. It is really a dilemma. In order not to act recklessly and not to affect the happiness of the little girl, I am writing this letter to the eldest master, please

The big boss is in charge.

This letter is actually very high-level. It seems to be an understatement, but it does make sense and can be inferred. The factual part is like this, and the inference part is also about connecting the links tightly and watertight. It is obvious that the girl wants to remarry and wants to break through the fetters and snares of traditional customs.

, break through the shackles of the so-called reputation, in order to preserve the reputation, it is obvious to protect the reputation, but secretly break through, it is obvious that the girl wants to keep the reputation, but when she writes, she writes that if the girl wants to protect the reputation, she must find a way to ask the county government to do it.


Li Li received this letter and read it several times. He felt that Master Tang's letter was well written. It was really reasonable, beneficial and measured, and all aspects had been taken care of. He was also worried that customs and habits should not be destroyed, and at the same time, no random things could happen.

, if it happens that good things don’t go out and bad things go thousands of miles, and soon the whole country knows about it, then the black hat will definitely fall off.

Seeing the consequences, Li Li approved the official document, asking Miss Wu to leave her husband's house and return to her natal family. Whatever she did after returning to her natal family could be done as long as it was not illegal.

Miss Wu got the approval and left the Wen family in an honorable manner. Her father-in-law and brother-in-law tried their best to persuade her to stay, and her mother-in-law also said good things, but Miss Wu was determined to leave, and they could not help. Knowing that Miss Wu had the official approval, they did not dare to use force, and they could not

What to do to her? Just let Miss Wu go and not withhold her dowry. This surprised Miss Wu.

It turns out that there is a local custom that things used by other women have bad luck, and whoever uses them will be unlucky. In addition, Wen Sheng is not married yet. Once he gets married, the bride will ask about these dowries, and she will feel a little unhappy knowing that they were left by her former sister-in-law. After all,

My ex-sister-in-law has some opinions, and she is worried about affecting her happiness. Because her ex-sister-in-law may be said to be a scheming husband. After only one year of marriage, she slew her husband to death. She doesn’t know where the next man will be or whether he will die. Because she married

Got a husband's wife.

Miss Wu was lucky enough to meet Li Li, who gave her a home and avoided an embarrassing life. Li Li also solved a hidden danger and avoided family ethics problems, which really killed two birds with one stone.

Several years passed.

Li Li still served in Xiangyang.

Suddenly encountered a drought that has never happened in a century.

The harvest of the fields has been greatly reduced, and the price of rice and noodles has also increased. The residents of Xiangyang are so hungry that they are all skin and bones, unable to walk, and their legs and feet are swollen.

Li Li saw this and was anxious in his heart, so he took action and used his salary and money to help the victims, but it was a drop in the bucket and it was of no avail. He could only mobilize his subordinates to donate as much as they could.

Subordinates only verbally agree and do nothing for anyone. They say that the people are good, but when they really want real money and cash, they often back down and quit.

The reason is that the family is also experiencing financial difficulties, and it is almost impossible to untie the pot. There is nothing to eat at home. I want to help others, but my ability is limited. The family has not eaten the last meal, and there is no overnight food at home. As a result, after a long time of doing it, there is nothing.

One person donated money but did not receive a penny to help the victims.

Li Li was a little anxious, but after thinking about some of the suggestions given by Bu Huishu and asking Master Tang, he gave some explanations. With support from above and advice from below, Li Li didn't have to worry about having no way to deal with them.

He thought of a plan and thought it was good, so he started to implement it.

So he ordered someone to draft a notice, and then posted it at the gate of the county government office. The notice said that in three days, all subordinates must lead an altar to pray for rain. During these three days, they must put an end to the smell of meat and fish, and must clean and bathe to express their respect for the sky.

of sincere awe.

This chapter has been completed!
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