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Chapter 135

The woman was later interrogated by Li Li and found out the truth. He felt that there was a reason for the incident. It was because the woman had been subjected to domestic violence for a long time and had no choice. If she didn't take action first, she would probably be tortured to death.

The woman's husband deserved his death, but he died at the hands of the woman, which was a bit cowardly. The man's brother felt sad and begged the murderer to be severely punished.

A woman knows the principle of killing to pay for life, but there is really no other way. She cannot divorce her husband and can only passively divorce her wife. She feels helpless and has no choice but to take this road.

Li Li was suffering from the current situation and could not change the regulations of divorcing his wife. He could only follow the law and give her a wide berth and not kill her.

If you have no life to return, you will only lose your life in a foreign land.

Even if this woman confessed, she would have saved her life, and the fortune teller said she would wait for him, who knows whether it is true or not.

Besides, Li Li just finished handling this case and wanted to talk to Tang Lu. Unexpectedly, Tang Lu took the monk Huitong and traveled around. He was used to this kind of free life. The strange thing is that when he took Huitong with him, he actually

He didn't have to worry about eating and drinking all the way. Huitong seemed to be a wandering monk, asking for alms everywhere. Even if he didn't ask, people would come to give alms. This surprised Tang Lu greatly. It turned out that having the status of a monk is more valuable than having the status of a master.

It works. The master must not have anyone to give alms to, unless the master teaches students or writes for others, he can make some money and supplement the family income. It is not at all like a monk, who has no worries about food and clothing, and just recites the sutras well.

Li Li could only pay attention to Tang Lu's movements at any time and visit him whenever he came back.

On this day, while he was reading in the backyard, someone reported the crime, beating drums and complaining: "A fine horse has been stolen."

Li Li felt strange. In this era, it was very common to steal gold, silver and jewelry. He had never seen anyone stealing horses. This thief was a bit different. Did he disdain gold and silver? Or did he think stealing live animals was more exciting?

Li Li, a thief with such taste, wanted to learn a lesson. When he heard about this case, it was very interesting. He was working as a county magistrate at the grassroots level. The interesting thing is in this place. He can encounter any strange cases and anyone. It's really

gain knowledge.

Li Li saw that the old man was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, fearing that his horse had turned into meat and was being devoured by others.

"Don't worry, please tell me first, what does your horse look like? Only if you explain it clearly can we help you. The more detailed the better. Only by knowing more about the case can we solve the case effectively and help you track down the case in time.

Return to your horse." Li Liyan said.

"My lord, my fault is that I am too sloppy. I am always cautious and never make mistakes. But last night, I didn't know what happened and fell asleep. I don't usually do this.

As a result, as soon as the little old man took a nap, it gave the horse thief an opportunity. It seemed that the horse thief had been observing the little old man and the horses for many days, waiting for an opportunity to strike. It may be that the moon has disappeared, it is dark, and there is a strong wind.

In short, the only way to succeed is to use the weather as a cover to commit theft," the old man said.

"You haven't said what your horse looks like yet?" Li Li asked.

"Oh, look at my memory. I don't know what I'm talking about. This horse of mine is a thoroughbred, a thousand-mile horse. It's such a good horse. It's four years old, tall, with a broad back, and four hooves, all white as snow.

It's like four hooves running in the snow, or stepping on the white clouds in the sky. It's so beautiful! Many people have never seen such a beautiful purebred horse in their lives. Its body is as red as coals,

It runs like a ball of fire. The color of its fur is orthodox and bright, like red silk or satin draped around its body. It looks very luxurious. It runs very fast, as fast as a thousand-mile horse. What's going on inside and outside?

It looks like a good horse. The key is that this horse is not only good-looking, but also practical. For example, it is the most suitable choice for delivering letters. Almost all men welcome such a horse." The old man said.

"I understand. So, was there any movement outside at night?" Li Li asked.

"The little old man was confused and fell asleep. He vaguely heard a group of horses passing by. It seemed like a dream, but not like a dream. I don't know if it was a dream or if he really heard it. Sir, if you ask me this,

I really can’t remember it. However, one thing is certain, that is, I heard the neighing of a horse, not a rooster, definitely not a rooster,” the old man said.

"Who do you think passed your house?" Li Li asked.

"It's probably a horse dealer passing by. The little old man has little knowledge and is just guessing. It's up to the adults to make the decision," the old man said.

"Well, you go back first, old man! Wait for the news. I hope to give you good news in the near future. When I find your horse, I will notify you to take your precious red horse home." Li Liyan said.

The old man was a little skeptical, but looking at Li Li's firm eyes, he didn't ask any questions. He could only obey his orders, leave the county government office one step at a time, return home, and wait for the news. Because he lost his BMW, he had no intention of doing anything.

I don't have the energy to work, so I just sit around in a daze.

Li Li thought for a while and came up with it. I hope this strategy will work.

He asked the scribe to write a notice and post it at the city gate and in the busy areas of the market square. It read: "The magistrate is ordered by the imperial court to purchase a high-quality horse locally and send it to the capital on a selected day. Request

The horse is large, has a broad back, and has an authentic coat color like burning coals. It is about four years old. If there is such a horse, the magistrate is willing to invest one thousand taels of silver to buy it. If you want this horse, it will be delivered quickly within three days.

Go to the county government office in this county, and you will not be waited upon after the expiration date. Here is the notice."

As soon as the notice was posted, people gathered together, craning their necks to read it. Some who didn't know how to read wanted to get in front to see the excitement. But they didn't recognize it, so they had to look left and right. There were some failed scholars who showed off their literary talent and read the notice loudly.

Everyone was devastated by the content and envied it to death, but it was a pity that there was no red horse.

His eyes turned red because he was tempted by the huge purchase of silver. In the end, because there was no stock, he could only shake his head and leave angrily. However, the news spread like wildfire. Although he did not get the silver, he got the capital to show off. He became a well-informed person and could

Go to remote places such as backcountry to show off. Information is equal to money. If you don't have it, it doesn't mean that others don't have it. You may get some information fees.

Most people don't have good horses, just ordinary horses or lame bad horses. Who can afford them? Even if you have money, you will consider buying a donkey, which can be used for transportation. Buying an ox can help you plow the land. Buying a horse is basically not that big.

As long as there is no war, horses are not as useful as oxen and donkeys.

The news spread throughout the country, and everyone inside and outside the city knew that the county government was going to buy the red horse.

Some wealthy families who had horses at home also brought them to Li Li for a look. Maybe Li Li took a fancy to them. Who knows, Li Li's target was a red horse, and he didn't want horses of other colors.

Some wealthy households wanted to paint horses of other colors with red paint, but after thinking about it they decided not to do so. It was easy enough to deceive the dim-eyed county magistrate. To hide it from Li Li would be even harder than climbing to the sky. He had not even left the county government office.

He might be beaten to death with a big board. It is better not to take this risk! Otherwise, he will end up with missing limbs or be disabled for the rest of his life.

It was very difficult for the wealthy households to get the one thousand taels of silver. They came one after another, but none of them met the requirements. The horse Li Li wanted never came.

Just when he was getting discouraged, on the afternoon of the third day, a horse dealer came. He looked around, for fear of being recognized, shrank his head, had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and was always restless. He was thinking of an escape route while moving forward.

Explore the route and keep an eye on the retreat route behind you.

Li Li took a look at the horse. Sure enough, it was a red horse with four snow-white hooves. It was about four years old and looked so good! It was a thousand-mile horse. No wonder the old man was crazy about it.

Li Li said: "Visually, this horse is the selected horse. You can wait for now while the county magistrate sends people to get the money."

Li Li said that he was looking for someone to get the money, but in fact he arranged for someone to go there quickly and ask the old man to come over and identify the horses.

Soon, the old man arrived. The horse dealer thought he had taken the money and was feeling happy when he saw an old man coming.

As soon as the big red horse saw the old man, he immediately broke free from the reins, ran over quickly with a "da da da" sound, raised its front hooves in the air towards the old man, stood high on its hind hooves, it was originally a big horse, raised its front hooves like this,

He looked taller and taller, with flowing mane. The big horse opened its mouth and shouted, snorted, and snorted. It was as enthusiastic as seeing an old friend. Then, the big red horse put down its front hooves and happily surrounded the old man.

After walking in circles, he stopped and started licking the old man's hand. The old man smiled and said, "Sir, this is the one!"

When the horse dealer saw this situation, he was frightened. After all, he had a guilty conscience and wanted to sneak away quietly. Who would dare to ask for money?

He saw an opportunity and was about to run away, but Li Li glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that he made a move for the policeman. With a sweep of his eyes and a move of his mouth, the policeman understood what he meant and immediately shouted, "Where are the thieves?"

Run away!" Then he shook off the rope and tied the horse dealer tightly, so that if he wanted to escape, he would not be able to find the door.

The horse dealer knew he had fallen into a trap, but he had no choice but to tell the truth.

It turned out that he had long been interested in the old man's red horse, but he had no chance to take action because the old man was very shrewd and took care of the red horse day and night, so the predators had no chance. Later, he learned from other people's experiences and said,

He is not sleepy, he is still energetic. If he wants to get the horse, he must put the old man into a deep sleep.

He asked how to make the old man fall asleep, and someone told him that there was no other way except using Ecstasy.

Ecstasy can make people fall asleep.

The thief prepared the Ecstasy Incense and practiced it at home. However, he failed the first time. It was not the problem of the Ecstasy Incense. It was because he inhaled the Ecstasy Incense. He was supposed to spit it out, but he accidentally swallowed it.

I fainted, and when I woke up, several hours had passed.

So he continued to practice, and he had to practice breathing incense. If he didn't practice it well, he would go to the scene. I'm afraid he would fall first before others were enchanted. How about catching him?

After practicing for a few days, he finally mastered it and felt that he had no problem, so he took advantage of a dark moonless night to quietly visit the old man's house.

Look at the old man "fishing". At midnight, he opened the window paper and spit the incense into the room. After a while, the incense took effect and the old man fell down and fell asleep.

Just when he was about to take action, he found someone watching the night outside. He hid quickly. When the night watchman had gone away, he went to the stable, found the red horse, and took the big red horse out of the old man's house. The old man was still there.

A state of deep sleep.

He tied the horse with other stolen horses and waited for the opportunity to take it to other places to sell.

Before he left, he heard the notice. He thought about other places. He might as well digest some of it locally first, so that he wouldn't have to take it all to other places. You know, if a horse doesn't get into trouble on the road, it will make money. If something happens to a horse,

, which is a loss.

He made up his mind to come and give it a try. Maybe he could get a thousand taels of silver!

He wanted to come on the first day, thinking, what if this is a trap? Maybe the county magistrate is trying to lure the snake out of its hole! It's better to take a look first.

On the first day, nothing happened. He was a little tempted and wanted to try it the next day. But when he thought about it, he was still a little abrupt. He was not afraid of ten thousand, but afraid of what might happen. What if it was a trap? Once you fall into a trap, you can't get out.


Better wait.

On the third day, a rich man came over and brought all kinds of BMWs. However, the colors did not match, so he took them away as he brought them. Seeing that the time limit was coming, think about it, in the last half day, if he did not meet the requirements,

If the horse meets the conditions, then this horse is guaranteed to win. If you don't go, you won't wait until the expiration date. If you go, you have to take a risk. How can you make money if you don't take risks? It's better to try, the timid will be starved to death, and the bold will be starved to death.

Yes, you won’t know until you try.

Sure enough, Li Li didn't notice it. He went to get the money, which made him very happy. Seeing that he was only one step away from success, he didn't expect that the money didn't come. When the owner of the red horse came, what he did was really shocking.

can not imagine.

Unsaid, Li Li found out the fact that he had stolen horses, and then sentenced all the horses to be confiscated, slapped forty blows, and then sent them to the frontier to feed the horses and deal with them well. As for whether he can come back, it depends on the condition of the horses. You know,

Horses in the frontier are very wild and difficult to discipline. If you go to the frontier to raise horses, it really takes time and patience. You will probably spend the rest of your life in the frontier. It is not easy to walk thousands of miles. It is said that you have to cross the desert.

If you can't find your direction, you will die of thirst in the desert and become a mummy.

Li Li helped the old man find the big red horse. The old man was very happy. He praised Li Li every time he met. He was a parent official, helped the people, supported the people, and helped the people find horses. He was really an upright and good official. It was really rare! I never dreamed of it.

Thinking that the red horse will be lost and found again.

This is great. The horse went and came back, like a dream. However, a horse is a horse and a human is still a human. After this experience, the old man cherished the horse even more and took better care of it. This case spread far and wide.

Many people had heard about the case and praised Li Li's actions and talked about it with great enthusiasm.

This chapter has been completed!
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