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Chapter 137 Qin Xun's hard search for a son

After Qin Xun discovered these characteristics of this child, he felt vaguely that this was his lost child.

He was convinced of this. Even if the child wore silk and satin and ate delicacies, his demeanor, movements and eyes would not change.

Such eyes reveal innocence and a touch of sadness, as if he is missing his relatives, but vaguely does not know where his relatives are and where his hometown is.

Knowing this and being convinced of this, Qin Xun decided to implement a plan to get his son back. Whether it was stealing or robbing, it was illegal, and he might have to go to jail. Even if he got his own things back, he would have to go through the normal process.

Only legal procedures will do.

After thinking about it, he discussed with his wife after returning home that his wife Qin Jin was going to take away his son. She was gearing up and wanted to fight. He immediately dissuaded her and said: "Don't be anxious yet. We are from Fancheng. We have arrived in Xiangyang County."

, A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake. When you get here, you have to be patient for a while. You have to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade. You can't act recklessly. Otherwise, if you find it difficult to find your son, you will fail. Don't let the meat in your mouth fall off and cook it.

The duck can no longer fly, you already know these principles, there is no need to say more."

"That's what I said. Those who say this are those who have never fallen or been in pain. It's easy to say it when you look at those people with red mouths and white teeth. Whoever has ice on his body knows how cold it is, and whoever has shed blood knows how painful it is. No.

It depends on what is said and what is actually done." Qin Jin said.

"You are my good woman. I understand your feelings. It's okay. I'll consider this matter in the long run. I'm wondering if I can sue that guy first."

"Which guy?"

"That's the rich man, his name is Bu Fengzhao."

"How do you know his name?" Qin Jin asked.

"Of course I know. When I sweep the floor on that street, I know everything about everyone's situation, let alone Bu Fengzhao. He is a wicked person. If our children are in his house, I am worried that they will learn bad things in the future.

Here." Qin Xun said.

"Yes, it is easier for children to learn from whomever they follow since childhood. No wonder there is a story about Meng's mother moving three times. It seems that environment is really important. I wonder what you think?" Qin Jin asked.

"What do you think? I will take back what belongs to me. No matter what means are used, I will fight with them for the sake of the children. Anyone who blocks them will die. Without children, what is the point of living? There is no point, so it is better to fight to the death.

"Qin Xun said.

"This is the true nature of a man's hero. This is how it should be. You can do anything for your children. However, rich people play tricks every day. You still have to be careful. Don't be fooled. Don't let your children suffer. You must be strong first before you can help.

Others, you must know that no one is born to be strong, they are all forced by the environment. They have to be like this. What environment creates what kind of person, so it is said that times create heroes, are you right?" Qin Jin said.

After listening to his wife Qin Jin's words, Qin Xun felt that he really knew a lot. However, it was a pity that he was not a man. If he were, he would be better than many people, especially those sensual playboys and mediocre and ordinary people.

None of them are her opponents. She can destroy them in an instant, regardless of origin or poverty. She is so domineering and arrogant. Who in the world can resist her?

After the two reached an agreement, Qin Xun thought of the famous lawyer Tang in Xiangyang County.

When Tang Lu saw this man from Fancheng, he looked a little desperate, and his eyes also revealed the light of hope. Although the light was very small, it was still very bright in the dark night. He had this hope, which made his eyes shine. Really

What a miracle!

Tang Lu listened to his description and thought, this matter is difficult to handle. Because he has no evidence, no Wenpo certificate, no blood test, and cannot provide witnesses recognized by both parties to testify. The witnesses all have certain tendencies.

.In other words, if the witness is bribed, it may be said that the testimony will not only fail to restore the facts, but will actually worsen it.

If you want to be safe, you must have a strategy. Witnesses are unreliable, because Bu Fengzhao is very rich, and some witnesses will pay to speak for him.

If Bu Fengzhao is willing to give up money, he can buy testimony that is favorable to him. Witnesses don't need conscience and only need money. Money can make the world go round. Bu Fengzhao is sure to win this case. Qin Xun has no chance of winning at all and cannot win the case.

Qin Xun was very distressed, so Tang Lu asked him to go back first. Qin Xun hesitated and refused to leave. Tang Lu felt compassionate and felt that as a father, he also wanted to cherish his love for his son, so he said: "Okay, I

Let’s think of a solution.”

When Qin Xun heard this, he was overjoyed. He walked from the place of despair to the road of hope. He said: "People say that Master has the heart of a Bodhisattva. When I saw it today, it was better to see it than to hear it a hundred times. I really want to thank you. It's not that you extended your hand."

Help me, I don’t know if I will ever see my child again in this life!”

Tang Lu said: "You go back first and I will think of a solution. However, I will draft a complaint first. You have to sign and stamp on the complaint to prove that your grievances need to be stated. I wonder if that is possible?"

"Of course it's no problem. Because I didn't have money to hire someone to write for me, my husband was generous enough to waive the writing fee," Qin Xun said.

"Of course it's inevitable." Tang Lu said seriously.

When Qin Xun heard this, he was shocked. What did this mean?

While he was in a daze, Tang Lu laughed and said, "You're just kidding. I know you have no money. If you had money, you wouldn't sweep the streets. I'll write it for you for free. You can take it to County Magistrate Li and he will take care of it for you."

Arrangement. In addition, I will edit another letter. You can take it with you and give it to the Lord. After the Lord reads the letter, you will do whatever you are told to do. Do you understand?"

When Qin Xun heard this, he understood, nodded, took a long breath, and said, "My life is very tight these days. If I have money in the future, I will definitely come and thank you."

"It's difficult, it's difficult." Tang Lu said.

"What?" Qin Xun asked.

When Tang Lu realized that he had made a mistake, he stopped explaining and just smiled.

He knew very well that if he told Qin Xun the reasons for poverty, he probably wouldn't believe it, and would instead say that Tang Lu was talking nonsense. If someone with good intentions would find fault with Tang Lu in the future, Qin Xun would be a witness. Tang Lu thought to himself, it's better to do less than to do more.

There are many reasons for poverty, and everyone has their own reasons.

When Li Li received Qin Xun's complaint, he could tell at a glance that Tang Lu's handwriting, his writing, and his tone were still as gentle and powerful.

After reading the complaint, he felt that this case was very difficult and relied entirely on the testimony of witnesses. However, the testimony could not explain the problem and further identification was needed.

Not knowing how to carry out the work, he thought over and over again, but couldn't figure it out. Only when he opened Tang Lu's letter again did he understand at a glance that the hero had the same idea.

Li Li arranged for the policemen and government officials to go to Bu Fengzhao's mansion and surrounded it. Another team also did the same. They put Qin Xun and his wife under house arrest, and provided food and drink from outside. Only the child was taken out and placed in Cheng'en.

Temple, entrusted to Huitong to take care of it.

Even if Bu Fengzhao objected, it was ineffective and the child was taken away abruptly without any discussion.

Qin Xun has never seen his children, and he is not free under house arrest. However, he is relatively comfortable as he is provided with three meals a day.

Three months passed like this.

Qin Xun and his wife are really living like a year. When they heard that the child had been sent away and his whereabouts were unknown, a small number of people in the county government knew about it, but they kept tight-lipped and would not leak it. They only knew that the child was safe now. Even if they knew that, they were still very concerned because the child was his mother's mother.

I think of my children every time I take a breath.

Qin Jinshi knows this feeling very well.

In the past three months, which was equivalent to the past three years, or even thirty years, she had missed her child deeply.

Li Li saw that the time was almost up, so he first sent someone to Chengen Temple to pick up the child, and then sent a police officer to deliver the letter. Who should he deliver the letter to?

It was for Bu Fengzhao and Qin Xun.

The police officer sent them a letter that said exactly the same thing. The main idea was: "The child was seriously ill last month. It was an incurable disease. Many doctors couldn't treat it well and could not save him. He has died. The county magistrate ordered that your family send someone to visit, bury, and bury him."

The county government has financial difficulties, and the family of the deceased must pay for the funeral arrangements at their own expense. If they do not come forward to pay for the disposal, the official will bury the child's body in a mass grave as an unclaimed, unnamed corpse, and the official will provide a straw mat."

After hearing the news, Bu Fengzhao sighed and said, "It's a pity that I haven't spent enough money on food and drink in the past few months."

Bu Fengzhao's expression was calm, much like the death of a cat or dog in his own home, and he didn't feel distressed at all.

When he said this to Qin Xun, Qin Xun immediately burst into tears, and Qin Jin even burst into tears. The sound shook the whole world, heartbreaking, and the cries spread far away. It was obvious that they were heartbroken. Qin Xun and his wife

After crying, he said: "It is a waste of money, but the child must be buried with dignity. It was the parents who were sorry for the child and made the child suffer. This burial can be regarded as making up for the parents' fault. It is all because the parents did not take good care of the child and the child was lost."


The police officer fed back this performance information to Li Li, who immediately judged that the child was Qin Xun's, not Bu Fengzhao's. This method had already determined who were the real parents and who were the fake parents.

Li Li sentenced the child to Qin Xun and his wife. Qin Xun was overjoyed to see that the child was intact as before. He was so happy that he burst into tears and didn't know what he was doing. His wife Qin Jin even danced with joy and didn't know where to put her hands and feet. She was so happy! These

Who is directing? Who is acting? It makes people go from earth to sky and from heaven to earth day by day, and people don’t know what to do.

Then, Li Li sent someone to ask Bu Fengzhao why he pretended to claim someone else's son as his own. Bu Fengzhao said: "My son died when he was a child. After that, he took over several wives and concubines, but there was still no way.

I can only buy one from a human trafficker and treat him as my own son, so that I will have someone to rely on when I grow old."

Li Li reprimanded: "You are wishful thinking! Buying and selling people, especially children abducted by human traffickers, is a matter of lightning. Those who will be struck by lightning cannot do it anymore. Those who have it in their fate will have it, and those who do not will have it.

Don't force it, everything depends on the arrangement of fate, people cannot fight against destiny, do you understand?"

"You are not even willing to pay for your child's coffin. Seeing that your child is not yours and not the flesh that fell from your body, of course you don't feel bad. You have no experience in raising children. Of course you don't know how to cherish and have no experience. You are a miser.

"Money is more important than your child's life or death. You are not qualified to be a father at all. Fortunately, your child died in infancy. Even if he did not die in infancy, it still makes people worry about whether he can raise an adult." Li Li added.

Li Li's scolding left Bu Fengzhao speechless. He could only bow his head and accept the criticism without any thought of resistance and without saying a word "no". It seems that without children, he has no self-confidence and cannot speak.

I dare to speak loudly, but I am restricted everywhere. I dare not speak or refute. Fortunately, I have some money, but sometimes money cannot play a role.

He was so poor that all he had left was money! Bu Fengzhao secretly smiled bitterly. He wanted so much money and couldn't take it with him when he died. It was really depressing! No matter how rich he was, he had no heirs. It was really distressing. He finally had a child and was sued again.

I'll sue you back, forget it, accept your fate!

Bu Fengzhao really regretted buying a child, and now he has lost both his life and money, and has gained notoriety.

Qin Xun was very happy to have his son back, so he went to Tang Lu with gifts to express his gratitude. Who knew that Tang Lu didn't want to thank him, so he asked him to take some local specialties home. Even if he left them at home, Tang Lu wouldn't eat them.

Give it as a gift.

Qin Xun hated human traffickers very much. If he was caught, he would have to be executed by the traffickers. Human traffickers separated their flesh and blood, and some abducted children had their legs and feet broken and became beggars. They were used as tools to make money and prayed along the streets.

Ruining the child's bright future, he could have enjoyed family happiness with his family, but ended up in water and fire, and life would be worse than death. Tang Lu also knew this clearly, so he suggested to Li Li that the traffickers should be severely punished and the traffickers caught.

Without saying a word, he was whipped first and then interrogated. Generally speaking, human traffickers are caught alive, and those who are doing bad things must be caught. There will be no mercy.

Li Li also knew this and severely punished human traffickers within the scope of his authority.

He also pays close attention to other abnormal things in the market and provides timely help to those people.

This day is the day for the market, and everyone goes to the market to buy and sell, especially the horse market is very lively.

Because when the war is intense, the demand for horses, especially war horses, is particularly high. If you are not careful, you may fall into a buying war.

In the horse market, people are coming and going, shoulder to shoulder, and it is very lively. People and horses are together, which seems a bit crowded.

Qin Xun's eldest brother, named Qin Qiong, never married a wife. He liked horses, especially war horses. Qin Qiong seemed to be born for war horses.

He is very familiar with war horses. This period is the golden period for the war horse business. I heard that the border is not peaceful and may break out at any time, with constant local conflicts.

Be prepared, everyone is at risk. As the war becomes more intense, the value of war horses has soared. Besides, in order to save your life, you must buy good war horses. Some troops do not have war horses. If you only have one, you must make good use of them.

Lose your life. A good war horse will have a better chance of winning. If a good horse runs fast on the battlefield, it will save a life. If it cannot escape quickly, it will be killed. If you want life or money, you usually choose the former. Only with life can you win.

If you use money and your life is gone, what's the point of asking for money? People's consumption concepts are changing. Qin Qiong knows this. So he has never made a loss in business, at least maintaining capital is no problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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