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Chapter 139 Please stay under the knife

Qin Qiong's few words made Li Li very happy. He hadn't heard a compliment for a long time. Everyone likes to wear a high hat, and Li Li also likes it. However, as a grassroots parent official, he does not need to wear a high hat. This is related to his personality.

The higher you reach a high position, the more you like to be complimented. In fact, once you are complimented, you will forget your last name and even your own weight. If you want to be an official, you should be at the grassroots level. In this way, you will have an official name.

And there is practical work to do, so why not do it? Many people make mistakes because they are too busy. If they are busy all day, how can they have time to think about evil things?

After listening to Qin Qiong's case, Li Li was secretly happy that this happened to this well-connected person. God has eyes! It was also a reminder that it is not good to be too honest. He and him

My younger brother Qin Xun doesn't look like he was born to the same mother.

However, since you have come to file a complaint, it can be considered a case.

Only when there is a beginning and an end is it consistent with the principles of doing things.

The black-faced man must still be in the market, where exactly? In the dark. They are all in the dark. The wolf that has done bad things will definitely run away, but it will not leave the place where the prey is.

The same goes for tigers. If they know where there is food, they won't leave easily. If they rashly enter the territory of another tiger, they may be in danger.

Li Li frowned and came up with an idea. He asked Qin Qiong to go back and wait for the news. Qin Qiong said: "Sir, this horse is my lifeblood. I spent many years of savings to buy it back in Mongolia. The price is high.

I gave him a lot of iron pots and he was willing to do it."

"Why do they want the iron pot?" Li Li asked, feeling very strange.

"They love to eat meat, and they use iron pots to cook meat. The meat is fragrant. Nothing else will do." Qin Qiong said, "It is difficult to buy iron pots locally. We only have them here in the Central Plains. They can't make them, but we can. Iron pots

It’s become a piece of cake.”

"That's it! It seems that you still know a lot." Li Liyan said.

"When you're out and about, ask questions if you don't understand. When you see a business opportunity, you can't let it pass, otherwise you'll see others making money. It's useless no matter how jealous you are." Qin Qiong said.

"You are right. Businessmen deserve respect. Not all businessmen are treacherous. There are also good ones. The so-called treachery is to deceive kind people. If the goods are genuine, they are not considered profiteers. Beating them to death with a stick is not advisable. We are here

A large number of honest businessmen are needed to open shops. Only in this way can the market become lively and people's lives more convenient. Why not?" Li Liyan said.

"Your Majesty is open-minded, and with your arrangement, Xiangyang County will definitely be the most active market and the best place in the Central Plains. Businessmen gather here, and those who have money will have money. Only with money can Xiangyang have a reputation. If you close the door and develop yourself,

, I am afraid I can only survive by relying on my own efforts. It is survival, not life. Celebrities in the world dare not come, Xiangyang is a dead city." Qin Qiong said.

"It seems that you are quite good at management. How about letting you be the city steward of Xiangyang County?" Li Li asked.

"This is not good. I'd rather be a businessman. I just buy and sell horses. I'm not interested in anything else. I'll do whatever business is good. I'm not interested in city management or being an official." Qin Qiong said.

"It seems that not wanting to be an official means that the official has succeeded in governing Xiangyang County. If everyone wants to be an official, it means that there is no industry in Xiangyang that can be used to make a living. If everyone wants to be an official, it shows contempt for labor. Because labor is regarded as

If people despise working people, they will not be valued, exploited, and have no dignity. They all want to be officials and dominate and continue to oppress working people. If everyone loves working people and loves labor, and you can support your family through honest work, there is no need to go there.

Being an official is also about food, drink and clothing." Li Li said.

"What the adults said is absolutely true! This is what the little one thinks. Officials have to worry about it, just like parents worry about their children. They worry endlessly and worry about their whole life. It is not easy to be an official. I would rather do something small.

For simple things, such as being a horse trader, you can have freedom and income, so why bother to become an official? Those who want to be officials, those who actually have no future, and those who have some prospects are not willing to become officials." Qin Qiong


"When I am an official, I also want to support justice and punish bad guys. If the world is peaceful, first look at the peace in Xiangyang County. If there is peace in Xiangyang County, the world will be peaceful. A small county can see the prosperity or decline of the world. You can do business well.

Promoting circulation, allowing the horses in the hands of herdsmen to be exchanged for iron pots, and the iron pots in the hands of blacksmiths to be exchanged for grain, or fish, meat, and vegetables, are all your contributions. Without you, there would be no market. Without the market, people's lives would be very inconvenient.

"Li Liyan said.

"Thank you for your affirmation of the market. The common people only care about their own livelihood. If this valuable thousand-mile horse is cheated away, the common people just want to get it back. As for the major events in the world, the common people cannot care about them. They are the managers' concern.

, Xiaomin only cares about three meals a day and only cares about how he can survive. Don’t let Xiaomin care about other things. Xiaomin really has no interest. The court is not for Xiaomin. If Xiaomin doesn’t do anything for a day, he will have to do it.

If you starve, if you don't do anything for three days, you will die. No one will care if you die. It is better to work. If you do it, you will have income. If you have income, you can buy food. Only with food can you survive. Let the children

The people care about the common people in the world. The people's abilities are limited, and they are not in the mood. If the adults can help solve the problem that the people care about, that would be the greatest happiness. If it cannot be solved, don't talk big, so as not to be happy in vain. Everyone

We are all equal, and we don’t want to be treated unfairly. Even though there are many unfair things now, the common people hope that the injustice will not fall on themselves, and they can’t control it if it falls on others. Whoever is supposed to be is who, and whoever is unlucky

.The common people only want to eat well three meals a day, sleep well at night, not be afraid of thieves, nor are they afraid of thieves coming to steal, and be happy every day. This is enough. To say anything else is empty, it is just the idleness of literati.

We come here to sing praises for nothing, but actually it has nothing to do with us ordinary people. Saying long live, in fact, most of them will not live to be a hundred years old. The louder you shout, the bigger the problem is." Qin Qiong said.

After listening to Qin Qiong's words, Li Li was stunned. How could this be said by a businessman or a horse dealer? It was simply too real. Many of our growth backgrounds have this imprint, but no one can say it, for fear of saying it.

If you make a mistake, you will be beheaded.

We are still in Xiangyang County, and with Li Li blocking us, there won't be any problems. Even if there are problems, it will take time to reach the capital. By that time, the deadline will probably have passed, so there won't be any problems.

Li Li already knew how to handle the case. After he asked Qin Qiong to leave, he began to make arrangements. He went to the death row and found a big man who looked exactly like the black-faced man. According to Qin Qiong's description, he knew that if this man put on prison clothes and had disheveled hair

, from the appearance point of view, it is easy to be confused with a black-faced man. It would be great if this effect is achieved.

Li Li asked the yamen servant to put shackles on him, and put a wooden sign on his back that read: "Behead the horse thief".

Then, he led the prisoners and sounded gongs to clear the way, shouting as he walked: "The deceiver has been caught. In order to let the people of Xiangyang live in peace, he will be beheaded on the spot."

I shouted this all the way, and everyone on the road knew it.

At the same time, Li Li arranged for the police officers and government officials to take off their official uniforms and put on clothes worn by ordinary people. They shuttled among the crowds on both sides of the road and followed the prison car slowly forward until they reached the horse market.

The officials on both sides heard people talking.

As expected, a government official heard a black-faced man dancing happily next to him. Unexpectedly, a government official dressed as a commoner was watching his performance.

He said: "Another unjust ghost is born! It's so damn good! Everyone says that Magistrate Li is smart. I think he is, but this is not really smart, he is really stupid!"

"Brother, be careful, be careful what you say. Walls have ears. If someone spreads your words to the county magistrate, your life will not be saved."

"What am I afraid of? I didn't say anything excessive about exception! He is just confused now. He arrested the wrong person and killed the wrong person. What is it other than confusion? Why don't you let people talk about it if you are confused? Confused officials do stupid things, I

I'm trying to fight for that person's injustice! Why do you say he is a horse thief? Have you ever heard of this crime? There is only bad luck, how can there be a horse thief?"

"This is your ignorance. Don't you see that liars always have the word "horse" next to their lies? They should be horse thieves. County Magistrate Li was right."

"Nonsense, you are speaking for Magistrate Li. Did Magistrate Li pay you a salary? Or did Magistrate Li give you any benefits?" said the black-faced man.

"I didn't give any benefits! I can swear, absolutely not. He is an honest official, how can he give me any benefits? As long as everyone in Xiangyang County is peaceful and peaceful, there is no need to fight for any benefits. If the place where we live is more chaotic,

, even if there are benefits, you don’t dare to take advantage of them, right?”

"That's true, but many people like Xiangyang and think this place is suitable for living. Our business here is also very good, so we really can't bear to leave!" said the black-faced man.

"What kind of business are you doing? Why are you so reluctant to leave?"

"We are in the horse business. There is a free market here and everything is free. The county government does not care. It is very beneficial to us. We feel that we can make money in the horse business here." said the black-faced man.

"So that's it! It seems that Magistrate Li is really smart! Letting the market do nothing is a great thing for merchants! It's really wise!"

"Isn't that right! We can never make money elsewhere, we always lose money, but we make money here." said the black-faced man.

"No way, why can't I make money elsewhere?"

"Because there is no horse market elsewhere! Hahahaha!" the black-faced man laughed.

"You, come with me!" the yamen servant said and whistled.

After a while, four or five people came over, tied them up, and captured the black-faced man alive.

"Express officer! Who are you? Why are you arresting people?" asked the black-faced man.

"You'll find out later. Let's go!" the man said angrily. He couldn't help but push and shove the black-faced man to the county government office.

The people who were talking to the black-faced man dispersed like birds and beasts. After a while, seeing that there was no danger, they followed him from a distance, and then went to the county government hall to hear the trial.

"Are you a serious businessman?" Li Li asked.

"You are a horse dealer," said the black-faced man.

"Are you a horse dealer? Do you have any colleagues?"


"I'm talking about a person. Do you recognize him?"

"Please tell me."

"Qin Qiong."

"He, Qin Qiong? I don't know him."

"How come you don't know Qin Qiong? He has been selling horses and has never done any other business. Since you are a horse trader and you don't know Qin Qiong, are you not a real horse trader?" Li Li asked.

"No, no, no, sir, there are many horse dealers. I know all the others. This is Qin Qiong. I suddenly asked, sir, I don't have enough brains. I can't remember why. I'm really sorry!"

said the handsome man.

"No, you are not a serious horse dealer, you are a liar! Really? You have to tell the truth, otherwise you will be punished." Li Li raised his voice and said.

"Sir, I am not a liar. I am an honest businessman. I am not a liar. Please calm down!" said the black-faced man.

The black-faced man knew very well that if Li Li did not calm down, severe punishment would be the next step.

In order to avoid physical pain, he first asked Li Li to appease his anger so as not to be beaten.

"Okay, you said you are not a liar, but who is the liar? As long as you reveal who is the liar, I will let you go!"



"The liar is a red-faced man. He just deceived an old man's thousand-mile horse, which was maroon. That horse was really good! The young man cooperated with him and deceived the old man's maroon horse. Then he took advantage of the man's unpreparedness and slipped away quietly. All this happened.

It was the idea of ​​the red-faced man and had nothing to do with Xiaomin. It was all done by the red-faced man and Xiaomin just cooperated. Afterwards, Xiaomin did not get any reward." said the black-faced man.

"So Chollima hasn't taken action yet?" Li Li asked.

"Not yet, I'm looking for a buyer, because this horse is so good that no one is willing to pay a high price to buy it. The red-faced man doesn't want to sell it at a low price. He just wants to make a lot of money, go home, build a house and marry a wife," said the black-faced man.


"Then where is the bay-red horse now?" Li Li asked.

"In Jinjiazhuang. It's forty miles away from here." The black-faced man said.

"It's simple. If Qianli Ma comes back, he will be back in a meal or a cigarette. Can you lead the police to find him?" Li Li asked.

"That's no problem. Xiaomin is willing to take people there."

"Yes, if you do this, you can make up for your mistakes, and I will not punish you. If you behave well, I can release you in court, but you must bring back the bay-red horse and the red-faced man.

, Do you understand?" Li Liyan said.

"Okay, that's natural, no problem. The little one can't stand his ways either. The little one wants to do serious business, and he led the little people to the evil path. After being educated by the adults, the little people are willing to change their evil ways and return to the right path.

. Folks say that adults are honest and upright, and they do things honestly. I admire you very much and are willing to take the right path. Please give me a chance, and I will definitely cooperate with you to arrest the suspect. Please rest assured, sir!" said the black-faced man.

"Okay, you go, go back quickly, and catching the criminal is a great achievement, and the local horse market will be more prosperous. What you are doing now is to contribute to Xiangyang, and the people of Xiangyang will remember you. Okay, go

!Go!" Li Li ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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