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Chapter 148: Intelligently Capture the Treasure Thief

Tang Law asked each chief to take back the gold sent to him, and the chiefs were surprised.

After listening to what the governor said, I felt that it made sense. Bribery was also a crime.

Everyone is afraid of being held accountable, and this responsibility is not small. After all, the governor is also an official of the court, and he has the power. If he is held accountable, no one can escape.

Besides, gold is indeed harmful to people. It is not worthwhile to die or injure someone for this little gold, because if a person is alive or healthy, he will have money. If he dies or is injured, not only will he not make any money, but he will also lose money.

It will cost money.

After calculating this account, everyone understands that no matter which party is killed or injured, it is a loss. Everyone comes from their own family. If a person is killed or injured, it is not one person's business, but the whole family's business. Everyone will be sad and sad.

Humans are not livestock. The death or injury of livestock makes people sad, let alone humans. People have feelings and do not want their loved ones to be separated. Casualties and injuries are huge traumas to humans, which cannot be healed for a long time.

With this thought, the chiefs reached an agreement and no longer envy, hate and rob each other for the amount of gold. The place in Sikkim was quiet and peaceful, living in peace and complementing each other.

Because of this incident, Tang Lu received the attention of the court and was easily promoted. His status was second only to Yin Jian, who was also the minister of Dali Temple. Tang Lu was the right Shaoqing of Dali Temple. Bu Huishu was the Zuo Shaoqing of Dali Temple and was the emperor's teacher.

That is to say, the emperor's master. Let's not talk about it for now, but this is a topic later.

Besides, Jin Shan from Dengcheng was sitting around reading a book. Suddenly someone came to report, saying: "The governor has lost his property and I hope you can help find it."

When Jin Shan heard this, he panicked and asked quickly: "Where was it lost?"

Why is Jin Shan panicking? The governor lost his property in Dengcheng.

What specifically?

It was a large box of gold, silver, pearls, gems and agate, prepared to celebrate the birthday of my father-in-law. When passing through Dengcheng, I felt that the security in Dengcheng was very good and there were no cases of theft, so I felt relieved and relaxed my vigilance. Who knew that such a thing would happen. The governor

Your Excellency asked someone to bring a message to Jin Shan: "In order to meet the deadline, we must recover the stolen treasure within three days. We cannot delay my father-in-law's birthday. We must arrive before that date, otherwise it will be very dangerous. Your official

Whether you can keep the hat depends on whether you can solve the case and recover the birth certificate."

When Jin Shan heard this, he became a little anxious.

I happened to hear that Tang Lu had also been promoted to the capital and was promoted to the title of Right Shaoqing of Dali Temple. This official position is very high. If you want to survive the difficulties, you must get in touch with him.

Jin Shan knew that Tang Lu was willing to help.

However, it would definitely be too late to invite him. Three days is too little.

He wanted to just do it himself. What if the case was solved? Isn't this another way of averting danger? Is there any difficult case that I haven't experienced before?

Without further ado, Jin Shan quickly ordered the police to search for the thief everywhere.

But there were no clues and no progress was made in the case.

Jin Shan thought to himself that Dengcheng is an open city, with businessmen and travelers from all over the place coming, welcoming people and sending them off, and it is bustling and complicated. However, on the surface, there is nothing unusual. If you take a closer look, there are still many things worth noting.

"Go and see if there are any weddings or weddings recently? If there are any, report them quickly." Jin Shan ordered.

He knows very well that many problems can be seen from weddings and funerals.

Especially during the Qingming Festival, more stories happen.

Sure enough, the police officer noticed that there were probably dozens of barbarians going to visit the grave.

This aroused their suspicion. To say that grave sweeping is an activity of Han people during the Qingming Festival, how come it is also done by Hu people? Sure enough, as Jin Shan said, there is something abnormal.

They paid special attention to the movements of this group of people.

So they arranged for the police to follow the group from a distance to Nanshan to visit the grave.

They came to a new tomb on the hillside of Nanshan and stopped. Then they took out the sacrifices one by one and placed them in front of the tomb. Then they lit incense and candles, burned the paper money, and then started howling like ghosts and wolves in front of the tomb. However, they could hear

Come on, this kind of crying is not really sad and desperate crying, but a dry howl.

The policeman quickly went to report to Jin Shan.

After listening to the report, Jin Shan said, "Is there anyone else at the scene?"


"Wait a minute."

After a while, another police officer came back, saw Jin Shan, and said, "Sir, I just saw that group of barbarians wearing mourning clothes and white scarves performing a memorial ceremony."

"How did they do it?"

"Sir, after they paid their respects, they circled around the tomb, howling as they went around. Some of them even laughed. Yes, the younger one could see clearly that they were indeed laughing. The younger one was very puzzled. If it was his own family's grave,

When a loved one dies, you should feel sad and painful. It can be seen that they are not only not sad about the death of their loved ones, but also very happy."

"Okay, you did a great job! You observed carefully! Yes, this group of people is not really holding a funeral, not a real memorial, they are selling sheep's meat to dogs. They are thieves and thieves, and they are the governor's treasure.

It was this group of people who stole it. They are a den of thieves," Jin Shan said.

"Sir, what should I do next?"

"You all go and tie up that group of people, then open the coffin and see what's inside. Bring the people and things. I want to interrogate them." Jin Shan ordered.

The police officers and the officials went together, arrested and controlled all the people, and then opened the coffin. As expected, there was no dead person inside. It was all clothes. When I opened the clothes, I saw that it was a big box. When I opened the box, I saw that it was full of clothes.

Pearls, gold, silver, agate, jade, etc., etc., not to mention, these things were brought to the county government together with the Hu people.

The governor was very happy to hear that his wealth had been recovered.

"You are so good! I didn't expect to solve the case so quickly! You are really a genius in solving crimes! What method did you use? How did you know they were thieves?" asked the governor.

"Nothing, just observing."

"How to observe?"

"Watch carefully!"

"Please elaborate."

"If you lose your property, someone must have obtained it. Since you have obtained it, you will definitely find a way to transfer the stolen property. So you set up defenses in various places and conduct overt and covert inspections to find the stolen property. If someone goes out of the city to bury the dead, they will generally not be stopped, because the deceased is

Big, this gave the thieves convenience. So they suspected the coffin. There must be articles in the coffin, but I couldn't tell it, so I could only observe it secretly, so I sent a police officer to follow it and see where this group of people would be buried."

"Then what?"

"Then they found out where they buried the coffin. They returned."

"Then why didn't they escape overnight?"

"Because the wind is not strong. If the wind is strong, they will run away. In order not to scare them away, gentle measures must be taken."

"What gentle means."

"That means interrogating all suspicious subjects without using violence."

"This is very difficult to do."

"Yes, if you do it, you will succeed. Gentle interrogation is more effective than violent interrogation. You might as well try it."

"So, you rarely use torture instruments during interrogations, right?"

"Yes. It is generally not used. Only after sentencing and when punishment is needed, torture instruments, such as beating boards, are used. They are not used in other places." Jin Shan said.

"Oh, that's it. Then what unusual behavior did they have?"

"They don't look like they are carrying a coffin to a funeral. They don't have expressions of sadness and pain, and some of them are actually laughing. This is an abnormal phenomenon. Attention should be paid to this team." Jin Shan said.

"Then how did you know there was treasure in the coffin?"

"It's simple. Generally speaking, when there is a funeral, the coffin must be heavier. The coffin they use is very ordinary. It is not very thick, but if it is not thick, it is average. There are many people to carry the ordinary coffin, which is different from ordinary people."

"What's the difference?"

"There are so many people! The coffin is ordinary, not made of good wood. Since there are many people, they must be willing to give it up. The owner does not pay attention to the material of the coffin. It seems that there are no people in the coffin, only things. Judging from the pace of their walking, it is not

It's like carrying heavy things, but it's just ordinary. Such ordinary things are actually easy to be ignored. People only look at how people wear sackcloth and mourn, but don't see the reasons behind it."

"What's the reason behind this?"

"That is, people only think about money and not people. If there is a person in the coffin, they will not care. If it is money, it is different. People's eyes will not deceive. As long as the place where the eyes are always staring,

It’s money.”

"How do you explain this?"

"It's normal. If their relatives are dead, they wear sackcloth and mourning, and deliberately pretend to be sad. The purpose is to attract people's attention. In other words, they look at the person as if they are really dead. They often do this during funerals.

In some cases, if the person is not really dead, their eyes will be fixed on the coffin, because there is treasure in the coffin, and they are thinking about the treasure and will not look at the people next to them." Jin Shan said.

"What did you do when you discovered this problem?"

"Send someone to follow them and see where they buried the coffin. Since they buried it, they will definitely pay special attention to it. As mentioned before, their hearts are here, and their people are not here. They are always thinking about the money in the coffin. So, send someone to follow them.

They, sure enough, they came to the cemetery on Tomb Sweeping Day."

"Who are they?"


"Do the barbarians also celebrate this festival?"

"Yes, sir, you have noticed this. This is also one of the doubts. The Hu people do not celebrate this festival, but there must be a reason why they do it. What is the specific reason? It is also to cover up others' ears and eyes." Jin

Shan Yan said.

"So that's it!"

"Yes, sir, I know that the people here are open to outsiders and can tolerate each other. The Hu people know that this is the traditional custom of the Han people, so they follow the local customs. They just take advantage of this to achieve their goals. In fact,

They are not used to celebrating festivals, and the purpose of doing this is to gain possession of treasures," Jin Shan said.

"They are doing this too openly. Aren't they afraid that smart people will see it at a glance?"

"The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. They know that there are tigers in the mountains, so they prefer to go to the tiger mountains. They know clearly that the official is looking for predators, and they still jump out and perform, thinking that the official will not suspect them. In fact, the official has already noticed it.

, just cooperate with their performance and see when they finish the performance." Jin Shan said.

"Yes, it makes sense. Then, according to ordinary people's understanding, this place is safe. Most people would not think of burying treasures in a cemetery. They would only think of burying treasures in a vault or other places. They would never think of putting the treasures in a coffin. If

If you really do this, you will be robbing a tomb. This crime is not light and you will be killed without mercy." said the governor.

"Yes, they were too smart, and they knew all the tricks. Unexpectedly, they were fooled by their cleverness, and they betrayed themselves. They never expected that the subordinates would not follow common sense and catch them all. They will definitely do it.

Returning to the cemetery and paying homage to a place that no one would have thought of is also a cover-up. In order to remove the treasure in the coffin, unexpectedly, when the performance seemed to be flawless, there was still a flaw. This is tantamount to betrayal.

Their own information gave the official an accurate information, and the official made an accurate judgment, that is, the treasure must be in the coffin, and the purpose of their return to the cemetery was to divide the spoils, so when they were circling the tomb, someone

I smiled secretly, imagining what it would be like after I got the money. With the money, I could do what I wanted to do. How happy! At least for the time being, I was happy!" Jin Shan said.

"It seems that you are very experienced and know how to start."

"Experience is accumulated slowly. In fact, the lower officials have little experience in handling cases. They just pay attention to observation. As long as they do it, they will definitely leave clues and show up. People are very strange. The more they want to hide, the more they want to hide.

The easier it is to show it, the easier it is to hide it, the easier it is to make it public. The subordinates know that they will definitely come. On the one hand, they wait and wait, on the other hand, they take the initiative. They are in the open, we are in the dark, and we also build the plank road in the dark. The purpose is

One pot. Now it seems that this plan is effective." Jin Shan said.

"Your talent is admirable. I will definitely recommend you to Dali Temple in the future. Your role is very important and you can serve the whole country. If you are interested, I will definitely recommend you." The governor said.

"No, no, it's good to be a lower official in Dengzhou! It has beautiful mountains and clear waters, outstanding people, and is suitable for living. But when you go to the capital, you won't adapt because the capital is a prosperous place where people don't have freedom and are easily distracted."

"Hahaha, that won't happen. If you have determination, you'll be fine wherever you go. There's another thing I don't understand. Why don't they run away?" the governor asked.

"Xiaoguan just said that after they succeeded, they wanted to run away, but they didn't because Xiaguan had sealed off the whole city. Unless there are special circumstances, they can only enter the city and cannot leave the city. Checkpoints were set up everywhere to strictly guard against it.

However, it seemed peaceful on the surface, there was no conflict, and everyone was very cooperative, so they came up with the idea of ​​carrying the coffin out of the city for burial. Because they were also worried that our people would follow them, they deliberately buried the coffin and then returned to the city to dissuade them.

We worried and suspected, and then looked for opportunities to go out. After they went out, they found that the tomb was intact and they were very happy to know that the treasure was still there. Some people laughed secretly at that time, so the official knew that it was them who committed the crime. If the official

They are anxious and close the net on them too early, fearing that they will run away and not be captured like this. As long as they find that the treasure is still there, they will definitely still be there. Where the treasure is, their hearts are also there. Where their hearts are, people will be there.

Where is it, so I can solve the case." Jin Shan said.

This chapter has been completed!
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