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Chapter 151 County Magistrate Poisoning Case

The key piece of evidence is the murder weapon, a steel needle.

Lu's wife thought that without this physical evidence, nothing could be done to her! She was very proud and said: "My lord, when handling a case, all you need is evidence. If the evidence is insufficient, you have to search hard. If you can't find it, the little girl cannot be convicted. Otherwise, the little girl will not be convicted."

The woman must cry out for injustice and bring the case to the capital. She must also let others know that you are a cowardly official, not an upright official, and you must make your name famous all over the world."

When Jin Shan heard this, he smiled and said, "I have long expected that you have this skill. Come on, present the physical evidence."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone came rushing over and handed over the evidence. Jin Shan took the evidence and saw that it was a steel needle. He threw the steel needle in front of Lu's wife and made a tinkling sound.

People fell silent instantly, and the sound at this time was like a thunder. It was extremely surprising.

"Take a good look! What is this?"

"Ah, this, this, this is the steel needle!" Lu's wife said in horror.

"I have sent people to find this needle from the hair on the top of your husband's head. You can be so insidious and vicious. You are the most poisonous woman in the heart. You are the most poisonous woman among poisonous women. It is unheard of and rare in the world.

Take a good look at this steel needle. This steel needle is the victim of your selfish desires and the culprit of destroying the relationship between you and your husband. This needle separates the yin and yang of your husband and wife from now on. This needle also cuts through the love between you and your husband.

It has become a chasm that cannot be crossed. Even in the underworld, you still cannot be forgiven and you still have to suffer. This kind of crime is still a light one. There are many kinds of weird punishments waiting for you. Be patient and you will definitely be punished.

." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, this little girl is wrong. Spare your life! Spare your life!" Lu's wife said.

"This is not something I have the final say. According to the law, I can sentence whatever I want. It is not decided by me. If the sentence is not good, people will report it, and then I will be in trouble. Don't you think so?"

Jin Shan said.

"Sir, if I can spare my little girl's life, I will be willing to work for you as a cow or a horse. As long as I can survive with a mouthful of grass," Lu's wife said.

"You know now, why bother then? You deprived your husband of his life. You are the most dangerous woman next to you. You make all the local husbands have lingering fears. They have to open their eyes when sleeping to avoid being nailed by their wives.

Death is ugly. Tell me, if your life is spared, how can the other husbands be normal? They might all go crazy," Jin Shan said.

"Then, can you give me a lighter sentence?" Lu's wife asked.

"What's the verdict?"

"Can the execution be delayed two years? That is to say, let the little girl do good deeds and seek benefits for the people first, and then die later. If she behaves well, she will be spared a life after two years. If she behaves badly, she will be executed.

.What do you think?" Lu's wife asked.

"I'm afraid this won't work. If I'm merciful to you, it will be difficult in the future. There may be many women who want to cheat on their husbands and murder their husbands to achieve their goals. You have led the way and you must pay the price. Otherwise, there is nothing you can do.

Educate people to abide by the law. Don’t you think so? If you want people to live and work in peace and contentment, you must first benefit them. Believe that the law is fair and selfless, and everything must be done in accordance with the provisions of the law. This is only fair, don’t you think this is true?”

Jin Shan said.

"If you want to kill, then kill, if you want to cut, then cut into pieces, there is so much nonsense! My aunt has lived enough, there is no need to talk nonsense! Let's judge quickly!" Lu's wife said angrily.

When Jin Shan heard this, he thought it was amazing! This woman is crazy, she is so abnormal. She was so nice just now, it was a sunny day with no clouds in the sky, and the sky suddenly changed, with dark clouds rolling, thunder and lightning.

, it rained heavily.

There is nothing to say! Immediately sentence him to death in Ling Chi, as a warning to others! Look at those who want to test the law, let them all love to try. Of course, if a man breaks the law, he must be severely punished, as long as he does not prohibit himself because of incest

, all must be punished without mercy. We must be more vigilant against those who are ready to commit crimes and prevent crimes, and we must rein in those who are on the verge of committing crimes to avoid falling into the abyss.

Besides, Li Wang, the magistrate of Laohekou County, was suddenly poisoned and died. The case was reported to Dali Temple. When Yin Jian saw the case, his head was pounding. This was too difficult, so he asked Bu Huishu to come and take a look. Bu Huishu said with a smile: "Is this a problem?"

If you send one person to handle it, there will be no problem. It just needs authorization to avoid local governments not cooperating and deliberately creating obstacles and problems."

"Then who is this person?"

"Jin Shan!"


"Yes! What is not mentioned about his talent is that he does not want to be an official in the capital. He is used to freedom in the local area and does not want to be restricted. There is another person, Tang Lu, who is the right minister of Dali Temple. He is now handling cases and is more conspicuous.

On the contrary, the case could not be closed and Jin Shan was allowed to handle it. He was capable and powerful, and the result was even more powerful. The court also had no doubts about who it employed and who it employed." Bu Huishu said.

Yin Jian heard that Jin Shan was very powerful, but Tang Lu was also pretty good. He said, "It's a pity that Tang Lu can't go. He can definitely solve the case."

"I believe this too. It's just that Tang Lu has more important things to do, so this small case will be handed over to Jin Shan for practice. It can be said to be an upgraded version of the case. It will allow him to move up a level." Bu Huishu said.

Since he said that, Yin Jian didn't know what to say, so he wrote a letter and gave Jin Shan the authorization to solve the case boldly and confidently. Whatever he can do will be done, and he doesn't have to worry too much about the results.

In fact, he still hoped in his heart that he could solve the case, so that he would be able to deal with the emperor more easily and avoid being known as a freeloader.

When the news reached Jin Shan, Jin Shan was shocked. This was a major and important case, and the court actually trusted him so much! This was unexpected!

The victim, Li Wang, the county magistrate of Laohekou, had just become an official and was sent to Laohekou as the county magistrate. It was the time when he was flexing his ambitions. When he first entered the officialdom, his official career was smooth and smooth. He was singing happily all the way.

Death by poison, no one thought of it, and it chilled the minds of scholars all over the world. After studying hard for more than ten years, I got a good name and became an official. I didn't expect that I was not as good as ordinary people. I could live a peaceful life. Although I often suffered from cold and hunger, I could still survive.

It is better to stay alive than to die.

After receiving the order, Jin Shan had no choice but to go to Laohekou.

As soon as he arrived at Laohekou, he was received by Xiang Zhentang, the current acting county magistrate.

Xiang Zhentang said: "Sir, you are an imperial envoy sent by the imperial court. I am just acting as the county magistrate. I have not treated you well. I hope you can forgive me and bear with me."

"It's not your fault! Are you the acting county magistrate now?"

"Yes, when the superiors send a new county magistrate, I will continue to serve as the chief clerk."

"Oh, you are the chief clerk now. Once you are done, you can be upgraded." Jin Shan said.

"Thank you for your love! You should serve the imperial court. Now, just stay on guard and wait for the new county magistrate to come. There should be no problem." Xiang Zhentang said.

"I admire your professionalism. What problems have you found recently?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, recently, Li Sheng, the younger brother of the former County Magistrate Li, suddenly disappeared. With his disappearance, a large amount of treasury money disappeared. I don't know the reason. It is very strange. I don't know how your Excellency views this matter."

Said Xiang Zhentang.

"Really? It's really strange. Why are they one after another? One died and the other escaped? Are they all related to Ku Yin?" Jin Shan asked.

"I don't know, sir, until the matter is clear, it's all speculation." Xiang Zhentang said.

"What's the noise outside?" Jin Shan asked.

"There is a folk legend outside that the two brothers of County Magistrate Li conspired together to do something shameful. It was a bad thing. They had uneasy consciences and were afraid of exposing the truth and ruining their reputation for life. One committed suicide and died without any evidence, and the other fled out of fear of guilt and never met again.

." Xiang Zhentang said.

"Really? So, this folk saying is still reasonable, so who said this first?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's hard to say. However, County Magistrate Li did not have any special hobbies during his lifetime. He liked to drink clear tea. He often said that a person must be upright and an official must be incorruptible. Just like a cup of clear tea, don't think about the widows and the people, but the wealth of the people.

Finding ways to benefit the people is what an official should do. If you always think about exploiting the people, then the official is heartless and will get retribution sooner or later. He also often goes to the temple." Xiang Zhentang said.

"Oh, there's nothing strange about this. They all go to worship Buddha. It seems that he is an upright official." Jin Shan said.

"County Magistrate Li is indeed an upright official with clean hands. But such a good official was poisoned to death. I don't know whether it was suicide or homicide. I'm really worried. If it was a homicide, the murderer must be caught. A thousand cuts are easy."

, He started by crushing his bones and raising ashes. He should light up sky lanterns and endure extreme torture before dying. Let the common people eat his flesh and eat him until no bones are left. Only then can he satisfy his hatred. This person is really undesirable." Xiang

Zhentang said.

"I can understand your mood! So, what does County Magistrate Li pay attention to when drinking tea?"

"He usually likes to sit and drink tea in the back hall after going to court to handle cases. This is a habit he has developed over the years, and everyone in Laohekou County knows it. He sits in a fixed place and drinks tea from a big bowl.

What I drink is coarse tea, not the expensive kind." Xiang Zhentang said.

"A fixed time, a fixed place, a fixed tea bowl, and the tea bowl room is in a fixed location, right?"

"Yes, it's this habit. It's been developed for many years and it hasn't changed for a while. Ever since I came to the county government office, I haven't seen Magistrate Li change this habit."

"It turns out that this is an open secret. I think even those with bad intentions must know it," Jin Shan said.

"Yes, everyone in Laohekou County knows about this."

"So, did County Magistrate Li have any enemies during his tenure?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's hard to say. For adults, handling cases cannot be perfect. There will always be times when you offend someone. You don't know when you will offend someone. You don't know it. It's common for the offended person to remember it and look for opportunities to retaliate.

." Xiang Zhentang said.

"So, County Magistrate Li has a potential enemy, but now the enemy is in the dark and he is in the open. We don't know who it is, so we might as well investigate it from this tea." Jin Shan said.

"That's right!"

"Who can enter Magistrate Li's teahouse?" Jin Shan asked.

"No one can enter. The time of death is late at night. No one can enter through the door, and there are no signs of prying on the windows. Besides, a living person will wake up and be prepared even if someone pries. Magistrate Li also has some

With Kungfu, it's easy to deal with three or two thieves. Everyone knows this, and most people don't dare to go to Magistrate Li's teahouse." Xiang Zhentang said.

"So, is there any problem with the tea leaves and tea bowls?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, the tea leaves and the tea bowl are not poisonous, and the fraud has been thoroughly investigated."

"So, where do you put the tea?"

"I'd like to inform you, sir, that tea is not poisonous, but the problem may be the teapot." Xiang Zhentang said.

"Oh, why?" Jin Shan asked.

"Because neither the tea leaves nor the tea bowl are poisonous, the only possibility is that the teapot is poisonous. Poisonous substances were put into the teapot beforehand. After County Magistrate Li poured water into the pot, poured it into the tea bowl, and drank the tea from the bowl, he developed symptoms of poisoning.

If he was not rescued in time, he was poisoned and died," Xiang Zhentang said.

"This matter is strange. I want to go to the waiter to have a look. I wonder if you can provide convenience?" Jin Shan asked.

"This, this, this is probably not good!"


"Sir, it's not that the subordinates are uncooperative. It's because some people did see the waiter being strange. Some people saw the ghost of County Magistrate Li appearing in the inner room, as if he was nostalgic for the human world and wanted to come back to drink tea. Most people are scared to death. This case has been solved.

It's an unsolved case, it's suspenseful, and no one can solve it. I still advise you not to go, for the sake of safety!" Xiang Zhentang said.

"Really? I have never been afraid of ghosts and gods. I am in awe of the true gods and disdain the fake ones. If it is a ghost, you are welcome to come and meet for a while. What are you afraid of?" Jin Shan said.

"Okay! The next official will make arrangements." Xiang Zhentang said.

"Don't move anything in Magistrate Li's room. Just put my luggage on the floor of the tea room. All furniture and furnishings in the tea room, including tea sets, etc., are placed as they were when Magistrate Li was alive.

Whatever it was like in the beginning, it will be like that later." Jin Shan ordered.

"I understand, sir, I must follow your instructions."

After saying that, Xiang Zhentang went to make arrangements.

Then, Jin Shan stayed in the room where Magistrate Li was alive.

Jin Shan moved into the room where Magistrate Li was alive.

This house is an old one, and Magistrate Li is very cool and does not build a new house for himself. When the former magistrate was here, it was passed down from generation to generation. He felt that everything was very good, so there was no major renovation.

Jin Shan took a closer look and found that the purlins in the room seemed to have been renovated. Some places were in disrepair. There were some traces of moth-eaten purlins and beams. Some traces looked like they had just been painted. These newly painted purlins

, can effectively prevent insect infestation and avoid danger.

Seeing this, Jin Shan didn't think much about it. He just thought that County Magistrate Li really cared about the people and didn't think about himself. He only lived a simple life and devoted himself to the people. He lived frugally and lived a very simple life. He saved time and handled more cases and served the people more.

For the sake of welfare, it is hard to find such parents and officials in the world. It is a pity that good people do not live long. Why did they die like this? This is hard to accept. But those corrupt officials are still alive. Sometimes things are unfair, but no one knows God's will.

Who knows the final outcome of corrupt officials? Those who die first may not necessarily suffer, and those who die later may not necessarily enjoy happiness.

This chapter has been completed!
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