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Chapter 170 Four Scapegoats

There is no problem with the dossier materials, but the only thing left is to interrogate the four death row inmates in person.

Before dying, ask for the last time what is going on. If it is verified that you are comfortable, you will die without regrets. If the judgment is wrong, your life will be at stake. No one can escape if the investigation is carried out. If you lose your black hat, you will not even say it.

The head under the black gauze hat cannot be saved either.

If the trial is unclear, confusing right and wrong, miscarrying the law, getting the wrong case, and killing the wrong person, then the judge should also go to hell, because the judge is working as a collaborator, and is an accomplice to the evildoer. Such a judge is more dangerous and more sinful.

He should be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell and never recover.

Tang Lu, as the supervisor, is walking on thin ice. If the Gucheng County magistrate makes a mistake, the supervisor should immediately kill the person if he finds the problem. If no problem is found, it is because the supervisor is not smart enough and has no wisdom. It is his duty to find the problem.

, Correcting mistakes requires diligence. If you are imprisoned and do not care about food and drink, you will not be able to live if you die. If you continue to investigate, I am afraid that you have killed the wrong person. This crime is not small.

Thinking of this, Tang Lu decided to ask the four death row prisoners.

"If you have any grievances, you can tell me. I am the executioner. If you find that you have grievances, you can kill the person and continue the trial to find out the facts of the case. If you have no grievances, you will be executed. After execution, you will be thrown away.

In the market, there is no one to clean it up, waiting for wild dogs to come and eat it. If you have anything to say, just say it." Tang Lu said.

The four of them all lowered their heads and said nothing, as if they were waiting for the first one to speak first so that they could continue. Shooting the first bird with a gun is a wise way for most people to protect themselves, that is to say, they are willing to be a coward.

It is better to be a turtle to save one's life than to be a turtle to steal the limelight and then die gloriously. A spectacular death is needed to set off the ordinary life.

The four of them seemed to want to die, and they all resisted stubbornly. Their hearts were filled with despair, and they had no hope of surviving, so they simply broke the pot.

Tang Lu frowned, unable to do anything. No matter how many words he said, the four of them remained silent, which made people angry and worried.

The four death row inmates lowered their heads and said nothing, as if they were meditating on something or asking for a quick death to avoid torture. It was obvious that they had suffered a lot. But the way Tang Lu looked at them did not look like criminals.

, because all criminals have wandering eyes and look very cunning. The four of them have dull eyes and are dull and honest. Even if they are thieves, they must have courage, eyes, and heart. And thieves do not act in vain, but have a lot of thoughts.

, some people have a clear eye, know the goods, can grasp the key points, and can hit the vital points, they are not ordinary people.

The four of them have no characteristics of thieves at all, so how can they be thieves? From the outside, they don't look like thieves.

Tang Lu saw that they were silent and was very anxious, because time waited for no one, and when the time came for execution, it was too late to say anything, so he had to go to the King of Hell to express his grievances.

The law of the Tang Dynasty said: "The crimes you have committed have been committed repeatedly and have not been corrected. The crimes are extremely heinous and people hate them very much. You must know that people's words are terrible and people's hearts can be punished. You have always been rampant in the countryside, stealing and robbing to make a living, and people are deeply disgusted.

, I wish I could eat your flesh alive and drink your blood. If you don’t speak, it will not affect the death penalty. If you don’t speak, it will be considered acquiescence. The acquiescence will be this crime, so it will be decided like this. Before the execution,

Speak as much as you can, don’t hide anything you have to say, don’t expect the Lord of Hell to listen to your explanation, the Lord of Hell is very busy every day, how can he have time to listen to you? You might as well say it now, say as much as possible, otherwise it will be too late, I think

I can’t say anything, so I won’t give you a chance to say it. You know, at three quarters at noon, the heads of the four of you will fall to the ground, leaving your bodies, and the four heads will be hung on pillars for people to see. You

Think about it, are you really willing to go that far? When the time comes, no wonder I didn’t tell you about your rights," Tang Lu said.

The four people still didn't speak, and Tang Lu felt strange. It was so strange that these four people were so united! They didn't even say a word. There must be one person who spoke! Everyone is different. I have never seen the offensive and defensive alliance before.

So unbreakable!

These four people are really unanimous in the world. What is the problem? I am really puzzled. Seeing that the four of them are not talking, Tang Lu is a little panicked. Because they are not talking, it proves that there must be a problem here.

Seeing that they were just stamping their feet, he understood that they wanted to speak but couldn't, so they used their feet to express themselves.

The four of them just stamped their feet to express themselves, but what does stamping their feet mean? What signal does this convey?

They just stamped their feet, lowered their heads, and still didn't speak. It was really annoying!

The time has come, three quarters to noon!

The four people were pushed by the officials to the execution platform, and when they reached the executioner, they stretched their necks and waited for the execution. When the time came, the executioner gave the order, and the executioner raised his knife and dropped it, solving the problem very neatly.

If your head falls to the ground and you want to speak, you will be speechless.

Unexpectedly, the four death row prisoners were pushed to the door, and one after another they collapsed on the ground, unable to move. They turned back and stared at Tang Lu, as if they had something to say.

When Tang Lu saw it, he felt something strange and immediately ordered them to come back for further questioning.

At this time, their shackles have been removed.

At this time, they rushed to say: "My lord, your lord, your lord, we are unjust, unjust! Just now, the jailer pressed the tail of the shackle on our throats, making us unable to speak. Therefore, the question your lord asked us, we

I couldn’t answer even if I wanted to! So I was stamping my feet anxiously. Fortunately, sir, I saw clearly and saw the problem. Thank you very much, sir!”

Tang Lu found that they were hesitant to speak, fearing that they had something to say and were worried about being overheard by others, which would be detrimental to them. So, Tang Lu asked them all to stay away, wait outside, and obey orders without permission.

No entry allowed.

The four death row prisoners knelt down one after another.

He shouted: "My lord, my lord, help me, help me!"

"Don't be anxious, take your time and speak slowly!" Tang Lu said.

The four people slowly spoke out their grievances.

The four of them are pure scapegoats.

They were originally honest farmers. When they were going to the market, they were suddenly caught by officers and soldiers. They were told to go to the county government office to cooperate with them to understand the situation. So the four of them went to the county government office. Who knew that when they arrived at the county government office, they walked in the court hall.

After a thorough investigation, the four people were identified as suspects of theft, and then the four people were imprisoned and not allowed to come out. They were put in shackles and pressed against their throats with the tail of the shackles, making them unable to speak. In this way, the four people could not speak.

They go and do mischief.

They took advantage of the real four thieves and got the money. Of course they had to protect them and put all the crimes they committed on the four peasants. Then the peasants surrounded them and prevented them from moving around.

, so as to avoid knowing where you are going as soon as you move around, and it is easy to leak secrets.

In this way, the four scapegoats are firmly established. As long as their heads are on the ground and there is no proof of death, the real thieves will still be free and happy, continue to do evil and cause harm to the countryside, wait for public resentment to arouse, and then investigate and deal with it. It will eventually pass.

It is no wonder that the magistrate of Gucheng County is stupid when doing things with such a fluke mentality, and it cannot be said to be stupid. He is just pretending to be confused, as long as he can get benefits.

To get the money from the four real thieves, of course we have to capture the four innocent peasants who were going to the market, who looked like thieves, beat them up, force them to admit to the theft, sign their names, and torture them to extract some confession materials, and write up the case indiscriminately.

It looks perfect, the file is perfectly done, it looks watertight, and when checked from above, it's the same, it's flawless.

Four innocent farmers were forced to confess and became fake thieves. The records showed that they were real thieves and were sentenced to death. Tang Lu discovered that there were a lot of doubts about this problem, such as the tools for committing the crime, the place where the crime was committed, and where the stolen goods were hidden. How did the four people divide the stolen goods? How to plan


Tang Lu notified the state government of the case. When the state government saw that it was a case sent by Tang Lu, it took it very seriously and quickly opened the case for review. As a result, the facts of the case were quickly ascertained. The truth was what the four farmers said.

Tang Lu was very angry and immediately released the four farmers, the four scapegoats, and gave them a certain amount of compensation, each of them forty taels of silver. These compensations were paid from the fines of the four thieves without using the treasury.

The four thieves were quickly captured and initially refused to admit it. Later, Tang Lu personally interrogated the four thieves and admitted to the theft before the punishment began.

The stolen property was recovered from the place they said, and it was all gold and silver, which was dazzling. No wonder the people were very angry. It turned out that thieves committed many crimes, and those who committed evil must go to hell. They had long forgotten it when they were so carefree.

future retribution.

After the theft was detected, the bribery and bribery cases immediately followed.

Tang Lu worked non-stop and began to arrest and imprison the people involved in the case one by one, and then interrogated them one by one. The truth was soon revealed, and all the people involved in the case were arrested. According to their official rank and the amount of bribes they received, they were all caught.

The Gucheng County Yamen is undergoing a major purge and a complete overhaul.

Tang Lu reported the case to the court. The emperor was furious and demoted the Gucheng County magistrate to civilian status. The others were sent to the border areas and were not allowed to return until they died.

Four thieves were beheaded, and their heads were hung on wooden poles at the four city gates, one head at each gate. The bodies were abandoned in the market, where wild dogs tore and devoured them, and the people who saw them cursed and spat at them.

All the property whose owners can be found will be returned, and all unclaimed property will be confiscated to the state treasury. In addition, all the personal property of the four thieves will be confiscated and compensated to the four scapegoated farmers.

The Gucheng County Magistrate was deposed and there was a vacancy. The court arranged for another person to fill the vacancy. Before he came, Tang Lu was in charge and served as the Gucheng County Magistrate, acting on behalf of the magistrate.

There is a pawn shop on Shihua Street in Gucheng. It is a century-old shop and is very famous. People from Laohekou County come here to pawn their items.

The pawnshop business is booming because its prices are fair, its reputation is good, and it wins people's hearts.

The pawnshop owner is also very kind.

Generally, customers who come to pawn are in a hurry and need money, so they bring valuable items from home to the pawn shop and exchange them for money for emergency use. When the economy eases and conditions improve, they can use the money to redeem the items.


Doing these things, most people can't help but feel embarrassed. Most people laugh at you. If you are poor, you will be laughed at and looked down upon. If you are rich, you will be hated by others. It is not a good thing either way.

You can see whether you are rich or not, and you can also see whether you are poor or not. In the pawn shop, the boss is amiable and comfortable, so that no one will have a psychological burden.

One day at noon, the sun was scorching, the cicadas were chirping hoarsely, and the road was hot. A drop of sweat fell on the ground and disappeared immediately.

There were very few people walking on the road, and most of them seemed to be cooling off in the shade. They sweated every time they moved, and it was difficult to talk because they also sweated.

At this time, when business is slow, there are not many people around, and the birds don’t want to come because they are afraid that their wings will be burned.

The clerk in the pawn shop couldn't stand it any longer, so he fell asleep more easily after listening to the cicada's monotonous and repetitive cries. Sure enough, the clerk kept dozing off and fishing, as if he wanted to add spices to his dinner and improve his food.

The clerk didn't dare to fall asleep, so he just closed his eyes and rested his mind, because when dealing with money, there can be no ambiguity at all. If anything goes wrong, he must compensate.

While the clerk was in a daze, he heard footsteps coming in from outside, as if in a dream. He immediately woke up, opened his eyes and saw that he was a wealthy businessman. He looked to be over forty years old, and he was dressed gorgeously, as if he had some money.

Rich people come to pawn their things when they encounter temporary difficulties.

That's not right. Those who are really rich should not need to pawn. Those who come to pawn are probably on the decline. If there is no money coming in, only people going out and no coming in, then it will be troublesome. If you cannot make ends meet, you will end up sitting on the mountain and losing everything.

get poverty.

If there were, these problems wouldn't exist.

After he came in, he took out two ingots of silver from his pocket. One ingot of silver was very big, and two ingots placed together made it even bigger. The two large ingots of silver were heavy, and when he put them on the counter, they made two "dong, dong" sounds.

Scare away drowsiness and make you no longer sleepy.

"I am in urgent need of money now. These are two ingots of silver. I need to pawn them to pay for them. I will temporarily pawn them here. After cashing in the silver, I will come to redeem the silver soon. I wonder if it is possible?" said the visitor.

When the clerk saw the silver, he was shocked. He had never seen such a big silver ingot before.

These two ingots of silver are quite substantial and are worth at least 100,000 yuan.

Such a huge amount! This was the first time the clerk had encountered it. He didn't dare to make any arbitrary decisions, so he asked the boss to set the price and then decide whether to accept it.

The employees are not responsible for the decisions made by the boss.

"Who is he?" the boss asked.

"I don't know. It looks like he's well-dressed and doesn't look like a poor man." The waiter said.

"What did he say?"

"He said he would hold it for a few days to pawn some money and redeem it soon," the clerk said.

"Then he didn't specify how many days to redeem it?" the boss asked.

"He didn't say it clearly."

"Besides money, what else does he have?"

"It's just silver, nothing else."

"He came alone?"

"Yes, I think he's the only one?"

"It's no wonder that there are no people on the street at this time. Maybe I'm afraid of meeting acquaintances and being laughed at! I don't want others to know. This is understandable."

"Yes, boss, he looks very confident, as if he will redeem himself soon."

"Then I'll go take a look. Everything should be treated with caution, and nothing serious will happen." The boss said.
This chapter has been completed!
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