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Chapter 174 Who Poisoned

Xi Xiadong was detained in jail awaiting trial.

Tang Lu let Xi Dou go.

Tang Lu thought to himself that this is against common sense. It is human nature that a son will not kill his father. This is due to human nature. A son killing his father appears in the novel, but in fact it does not.

Xi Zili is a wealthy businessman. He married the daughter of a poor family and sold tofu for a living. Considering the future, he hired a nanny to take care of his son and also paid him. If he found a wife who could provide various services and take care of Xi Xiadong,

, it’s really a good deal, it’s really a good deal. When you ask people to do work at home, you need to pay them, but you don’t need to pay them for this.

Xizili thought about it and decided that the plan could be made this way, no problem. He agreed to the matchmaker's proposal, which actually laid the groundwork for his subsequent death.

Tang Lu thought to himself, generally speaking, a son killing his father is tantamount to treason, which is a heinous crime. Looking at Xi Xia Dong, he does not look like a heinous person, but he is gentle and elegant. Although he makes a living by farming, he still has the generous and benevolent heart of a wealthy family.

, how could he poison his father?

The only person who is good to him in the world is Xi Zili. Xi Zili also regards Xi Xiadong as the whole and continuation of his life. For Xi Xiadong, his father is also the whole and very important in his life. For the sake of his father, he chose to forgive his stepmother.

, for his father, he would rather travel across the mountains and ridges to the city to buy the best medicine. For his father, he would rather get back together with his stepmother and no longer care about the past.

In short, there was no reason for him to poison and kill his father. Thinking of this, he looked for an opportunity to meet with Xi Xiadong and inquired about the relevant details in detail, trying his best to restore the truth of the case and fully understand the case, so as not to overlook a single detail and make the investigation reach a dead end.

Besides, when Xi Dou saw that Tang Lu had imprisoned Xi Xiadong, she was very proud. She walked as if there was wind under her feet, and like a hot wheel under Nezha's feet. She ran very fast. In short, she walked lightly and was very proud. Her sweet dream was about to come.

Realize it and live a prosperous and rich life from now on, which is simply too good to be true.

After Xi Zili was buried, she couldn't wait to return to her parents' home to report the good news. She wanted to take her parents over and sell the tofu shop. Her parents were old and could no longer grind beans and sell tofu. This time she went back to discuss the move with her parents.

When her parents saw Mr. Xi Dou come back, they were shocked and thought they had been divorced because of poor performance.

"Why are you back?"

"This is my parents' home, why can't I go back? Don't my six sisters come back often?"

"Old Seven! You are different. You are filling in a house. None of them are." Dou Fuxi said.

"Father, this is your prejudice. Although I am filling in a house, I am still married by a matchmaker. I am no less lacking than them." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

"You are so ignorant! After all, your husband is second-hand. He was acquired by another woman first. You came later. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

You have to admit it. This is your fate!" Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, don't blame Qi'er, you are going to enjoy the blessing soon. This is what Qi'er came back to talk about today."

"I was just about to ask. Why did you come back? It's all day and night."

"Didn't I just say that? I just came back and asked my parents to live at Qi'er's house. This place doesn't feel like home, and Tofu Fong doesn't look like Tofu Fong. It's not suitable for people to live. Move to Xi Zhuang and spend your remaining years in peace."

Dou said.

"Are you kidding? The Xi family is your husband's family. No matter how bad it is, it is still your parents' home. If we and I go to Xi Zhuang together, will the other six sisters have no objection?" Dou Fuxi said.

"Do you care if they have any objections? Each of them should do their duty. If you want to fulfill your filial piety, you can take her over and stay for two days. However, I am determined to arrange for the two elders to live in Xi Zhuang." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

"This is your fault. You are the daughter-in-law of the Xi family and you should abide by the rules. The rules of the Xi family are state-owned and national laws, and the family has family rules. You can't help but follow the rules, right?" Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, I know that we must abide by the rules. The more we abide by the rules, the easier it is to endure hardship and poverty. I want to break through this. Qi'er is not a mediocre person, and he must get the happiness he wants." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

"You can get happiness, but you have to rely on your own labor, be honest, don't take shortcuts, illegally obtain wealth, and don't rely on honest work, it is very dangerous. Don't do it." Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, you grind beans and sell tofu honestly, but you don't get rich. Our family is still poor. We can't make a fortune without using our brains. Qi'er will give you a happy old age in the future." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

"Your heart is good. However, it is still reliable to work honestly and fulfill your duties as a human being. Spend such money, be practical, live in such a house, be safe, and not be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night, or encounter ghosts while walking at night.

." Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, are there really ghosts in the world?" Mr. Xi Dou asked.

"Of course there are ghosts. I go out to sell tofu. I get up early and come back late. It's not surprising to see ghosts. Many ghosts are better than people. Some ghosts regret that they should not commit crimes. Some ghosts like to listen to lies and do not want to

Listen to what others say." Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, Qi'er just wants you to live a better life, and that's okay! No matter whether it's a person or a ghost, we don't want people to suffer! Ghosts make people scared, because ghosts can tell the truth. People are hateful and deserve to die.

Yes, when people die and become ghosts, they will change. Before people die, they should still be happy! While they are still alive, they should enjoy life and enjoy happiness in time. When they are old, they will no longer be able to enjoy it. " Xi Dou

Shi said.

"You are right, Qi'er, but now that you are at your husband's house, you should ask your husband everything. He is the head of the family. Don't forget our identities. We are from a poor family, and he is a rich man. We can be harmonious.

When we got married, it was the green smoke rising from the ancestral graves, and it was the blessings cultivated in previous lives. You have to thank your ancestors for finding a good family. As long as we have this uncle, our family will never be ruined and we will not be in poverty.

"Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, you're right. It's not a loss at all for Qi'er to marry you. It gave Qi'er a lot of experience. He used to be managed by others, but now he's in charge of others. He's not used to it, but he soon got used to it. Qi'er Lili

They are all taking care of big and small things outside. The husband goes out to do business, and Qi'er takes care of the house at home. They do a good job! The husband is always satisfied and thinks that he has married the wife he wants, and he is very satisfied." said Mrs. Xi Dou.

"If you be a good wife and stepmother, your husband will definitely be happy, healthy and live a long life, and you will be able to make more money." Dou Fuxi said.

"No, dad, he is already dead." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

"Ah! Dead?"

"Yes, Dad, he is dead!"

"How did you die?"

"Dad, he has always been sick. In order not to worry dad, he never came back. Seeing that his condition was getting worse, Qi'er asked Xi Xiadong to go to the city to grab some medicine and come back to boil the medicine for him to drink. Who knows,

One drink and you'll die."

"Ah, is this happening? Has the cause of death been found out?" Dou Fuxi asked.

"Said he was poisoned to death."

"Poison? Is it poison? Who is it?" Dou Fuxi asked.

"This matter has not been determined yet. I don't know who it is, but his son Xi Xiadong is the most suspicious, so Qi'er reported Xi Xiadong to the Yamen. The county magistrate has already detained Xi Xiadong in the prison awaiting trial," said Mrs. Xi Dou.

"This is a bit unreasonable. My son will not poison me, because this is not done by humans. If he poisons me, he can only poison the person he hates. Does that Xi Xiadong hate you very much?" Dou Fuxi asked.

"Yes, I beat him because he was disobedient and disobedient to discipline. He may remember that he still hates me. However, Qi'er tried hard to repair the relationship with him because his father was sick and very serious, so he just couldn't

I had to give up the old grudges and live in harmony with Qi'er, because I had to take care of Xi Zili, my husband. The two of them had more opportunities to contact each other. They talked often, resolved the conflicts, and understood each other's thoughts, so the problem was not that big.

Hatred." said Mr. Xi Dou.

"This is a big deal. You should try not to get involved in a lawsuit. Otherwise, your life will be in danger. Let alone give us a happy old age for the rest of our lives. I am afraid that the white-haired person will give the black-haired person a gift. You seven sisters,

But they are all our darlings, and none of them can be missing during our lifetimes!" Dou Fuxi said.

"Dad, look at what you said! We are all fine, are you cursing me?" said Mrs. Xi Dou.

"There is no curse, it is a legal requirement. Since ancient times, murder must be paid with life and debt must be repaid with money. Only if you stay away from lawsuits will you be happy. If you don't look after the doctor, you will be healthy. If you often go to the yamen and go to the drug store, few people will be happy. No one will be happy.

I will be happy." Dou Fuxi said.

"No matter how you say it, now that the person has been buried, he will rest in peace. This is what Qi'er came back to talk about this time. Dad, if you think about it, start to deal with this tofu shop. If there is anything that needs to be sold, sell it and give it away.

Man, I’ll come back next time to help with things,” said Mr. Xi Dou.

"If you insist on letting us go to Xizhuang, we have to think carefully. After all, if you live in your daughter's house, people will gossip. Also, none of the seven daughters has hired a son-in-law. This is different from customs and will inevitably cause criticism.

." Dou Fuxi said.

"Well, you think about it first, Dad, Qi'er has to rush back, and there are some miscellaneous things to deal with at home, so we won't delay here." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

Tang Lu had already arranged everything.

He found out that she was returning to her parents' home, followed her all the way, and sent police officers and government officials to be ready for her return at any time.

That night, the moon was looming, as if it was coming out of the thick clouds and then back in. There was no one on the road. She regretted it as soon as she left her parents' home. She really shouldn't have gone on the road alone.

The front is very familiar, there is a new tomb, the soil is new, the road is also familiar, the village in front has become dark, and the road is white.

She walked faster and faster, for fear that something would follow behind her, whether it was a jackal or a wild dog or other wild beast. There were very few people in this place, and the more people there were at night, the less people there were. She felt hot while walking, and actually felt chills on her back.

As he was hurrying along in a panic, he turned a corner and suddenly a disheveled ghost emerged from behind a new grave. The ghost suddenly jumped out and was blocking Xi Dou's way. Xi Dou was so frightened that her legs trembled and her calves cramped.

The flesh from behind seemed to rush to the front. She shook a few times and almost fainted.

"Baby, don't be afraid, I am your husband Xi Zili."

The ghost spoke, and Mrs. Xi Dou was so frightened that she dared not speak out.

She just trembled and didn't dare to talk, fearing that if she spoke, her soul would be taken away by the ghost. She had heard that Aunt Zhang next door was on her way at night, so she just agreed and died. The ghost called her name,

Don't speak. If you speak, your energy will be sucked away. If you don't call your name, you don't have to agree, and you don't have to worry too much.

"Why don't you say anything? I'm your husband. I just died. I don't have the strength to harm others. Don't be afraid. I'm your husband in the underworld. I'm in the underworld now. I reported to the Lord of Hell. If the procedures were not complete, I was ordered to come back to make up for it.

Procedures, what are you afraid of? If I report to the underworld, I will stay there and I will not stay here, and it will not affect you."

"Oh, oh, are you Xi Zili?"

"Yes, look, I'm fine. The King of Hell hasn't confiscated it yet and told me to come back to go through the formalities. If you don't believe it, come here, come here, look, look."

Xi Zili said this and was about to move forward. When Xi Dou saw it, he stepped back and said, "No, no, no, don't come over. I believe it, I believe it!"

"The King of Hell looked at the name on the book of life and death, and asked me, Xi Zili, how did you die? I said, you were poisoned. The King of Hell said that you have to write down the specific cause of death. This King of Hell is very serious in everything he does.

All the cases have withstood the test and have been managed for countless years. You can't just deal with it casually. You need to find out, how did you die? Where did you die? What did you eat to die? I don't know, die

I was at home and I didn’t know what I ate. Just because I couldn’t explain clearly, the King of Hell didn’t write down the cause of death clearly in the book of life and death. As for me, I don’t have any other skills. I just made some money by running a small business in my early years.

Not as good as above but more than below. I am grateful to you for considering me as your wife. I am very touched and want to repay you. Just tell me what you ate so that I can go over and report it to the King of Hell so that he can register it. I am good.

I should have a place to stay in the underworld as soon as possible, lest the underworld doesn’t take it away and the underworld doesn’t keep me, wouldn’t I be a lonely ghost? When the time comes, I won’t have anywhere to go, so why don’t I have to go home more often?” Xi Zili said.

"Then will you harm others?"

"Definitely not. There are good ghosts and bad ghosts. After I figure out what to eat, I will die in a proper place and have peace after death. I will die sooner or later because of this problem. It is not surprising at all. If I die, I will die. After eating

I just ate it, and I will never blame you. I just want to know better, so as not to be questioned in the underworld, and it will be very troublesome if I don't know everything after asking. You follow me, and I will make you suffer and get tired. The less we gather, the more we separate.

, you are tolerant of your lack of care, and you are really doing a good job. Just tell me the truth, and it will never implicate you. What did I eat to die? "

"Well, in that case, to be honest, you died of arsenic." Mrs. Xi Dou said.

She has completely collapsed.

After she said that she would eat arsenic and die, she said with a soft voice trembling.

"That's strange. It was my son Xi Xiadong who bought the medicine. How come there was arsenic? Who bought the arsenic? Wasn't it Xi Xiadong?"

"No, if you ask him to buy arsenic, he will definitely be suspicious and probably won't buy it because everyone knows the toxicity of arsenic." said Mr. Xi Dou.
This chapter has been completed!
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