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Chapter 182

When Di Daying saw Tang Lu getting angry, he didn't dare to say anything. After thinking about it, he realized that what he had done was indeed too much, so he admitted his mistake and was willing to give half of his family property to Di Daxiong.

Di Daxiong was extremely happy, shouting wildly, kowtowing and bowing to Tang Lu, and the scene got out of control for a moment.

"Di Daying, you should give more to your brother, because your brother has been suing in recent years and has suffered a lot, so he should be compensated. When your brother has money, matchmakers will naturally come to propose marriage. As the brother, you have

You are obliged to help with the check, so that your brother will not be defrauded of all his money and will come back to sue you again, remember?" Tang Lu said.

"Remember, sir, I will definitely comply with the instructions and give my brother some compensation." Di Daying said.

"Oh, no, do you want to give a specific amount? How much compensation do you want? It needs to be clear."

"Then five hundred taels of silver!"

"Okay, scribe, record it in the record, wait for a while to sign and sign, and then retreat!" Tang Lu ordered.

Tang Lu returned to the backyard and walked around. He saw the peonies blooming, which were very bright and refreshing. Such good weather was the day when lovers in the world finally get married.

A year's plan starts with spring, a day's plan starts with morning, and a life's plan starts with diligence.

Tang Lu understood this truth. Poor people in the world are always busy, and not many can be rich. Most of them still have enough food and clothing, and a small number of people have no enough to eat, no clothing and no warmth, and their conditions are poor.

If all the poor people in the world were to be happy, we would need tens of millions of mansions to protect the poor people.

He has been thinking about how to make people live in harmony without causing disputes. Isn't it better to understand and give in to each other? What will be achieved in the end by fighting? No one knows. It may be a lose-lose situation and everyone will be unhappy.

When the flowers bloom, no one can stop them; when the leaves fall, no one can keep them.

Just thinking about this, I drank tea, walked around a few times, read a book for a while, and played with the birds for a while, which can be regarded as passing the time. I feel that there is not enough time. It is when I am working, and when I am leisurely, it always feels like a long time.

Suddenly, there was a sound of drum beating, and Tang Lu's heart tightened. What is this? It seems that the county magistrate is as busy as the doctor. There are things to do every day. When one thing is done, another thing comes. If people are not enough, there will be more things. If people are greedy,

, the matter is endless.

He went to court and saw the drummer there.

After ascending to the hall, Tang Lu asked: "Who is kneeling?"

"Little Shabei. Li Zhuang people."

"Sha Bei, who are you suing?" Tang Lu asked.

"I am suing Shi Liyan and Shi Yuanwai," Sha Bei said.

"In addition to suing the almsman, what should I sue him for?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sue him for regretting his marriage."

"Shi Yuan regretted his marriage? What's going on? Can you submit a lawsuit?" Tang Lu asked.


"If you don't have a lawsuit, what kind of lawsuit do you want to file?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, the situation is urgent and we don't have time to write a petition. Please be patient," Sha Bei said.

"What emergency?"

"Sir, this is a case of suing the counselor for regretting the marriage. It's too late. If you write a complaint again, I'm afraid that the done thing will be done. There is no point in filing a complaint again. Please understand more about it before making a decision. If you really want to write it,

, the younger ones also need to wait for the adults to finish processing before rewriting." Sha Bei said.

"Well, what you said is excusable. It's been interesting these past two days. The scribes are all writing the petitions on their behalf. You should also thank the scribes. Tell me, Sha Bei." Tang Lu said.

"That's right, sir. After I win this lawsuit, I will definitely reward the clerk. Of course, that includes adults. This is my idea. I don't know if it will succeed by then." Sha Bei said.

"Tell me, Sha Bei, what's going on? Clerk, please record it."

"Sir, when I was young, my family was rich, my ancestors had accumulated good deeds, and my family was well-off. I was mainly engaged in business. I was a local squire. The local Shi Yuanwai and my father were close friends. Because they were well matched, Shi Yuanwai discussed with my father and decided on a baby.

The young lady from Yuan Shi’s family was betrothed to Xiao. Xiao’s daughter-in-law was the daughter-in-law of Yuan Shi’s family, Miss Shi. I didn’t expect that something would change later,” said Sha Bei.

"What changes?"

"My father suffered from a strange disease and could not get out of bed. He searched for prescriptions and tried various famous doctors to treat him, but no results were seen. The family's wealth was depleted. In the end, he left Hexi. It was really a waste of both people and money. From then on, the Sha family

He was in a state of decline and could never get back on his feet. He was really in a state of depression. Xiao Xiao also did not obtain any academic achievements. Although the marriage was scheduled, the marriage was never consummated. Xiao Xiao and Miss Shi's childhood sweethearts had a deep love for each other. They were like brothers and sisters. They were inseparable.

The husband and wife were very close. But Shi Yuan quit his job and wanted to regret the marriage. In fact, he also started looking for a suitable person. He found a man named Mei and betrothed the young lady to Mr. Mei. Mr. Mei passed the examination and became a scholar." Sha Bei said.

"What a misfortune! Your father passed away, the family's wealth was depleted, and you didn't get any honors. No wonder you are disliked by Shi Yuanwai. Compared with Mr. Mei, you have no advantage." Tang Lu said.

"However, the young man and the young lady have been in love with each other since childhood. The young master Mei and the young lady have never known each other. The young lady does not like him at all, but he likes the young lady and will not marry anyone who is not a young lady. He has unrequited love, and the young lady does not like Shi Yuwai's beatings like this.

Mandarin ducks, seeing a pair of mandarin ducks being ruthlessly broken up, we also begged the master to seek justice for us. Strictly speaking, we are the ones suing, but it is not convenient for the young lady to come out in public, so only the young lady has the courage to complain, begging the master to take the case and serve the people.

Uphold justice." Sha Bei said.

"This case has been taken over by this officer."

"Thank you sir!"

"You're welcome. I want Shi Yuan to come out and listen to his views on the contract. If you come, please ask Shi Yuan to come to the court." Tang Lu ordered.

The yamen officer took the order and went to ask for help. Not long after, the waiter arrived. As soon as he saw the court, he panicked. Maybe he had something in his mind. His feet refused to obey orders. His calves were trembling and his knees were weak, so he knelt down.


"I'm here to see the great master."

"Who is kneeling?"

"Shi Yuanwai."

"Do you know why you were summoned to the court?"

"To explain the contract."

"What contract?"

"It's the engagement."

"Okay, tell me!" Tang Lu said.

"Sir, my daughter has been betrothed to Sha Bei, the son of a friend, since she was a child. She doesn't know anything yet. Her parents made the decision and did not listen to my daughter's opinion. Now that my daughter has grown up and has her own ideas, she has the final say in her marriage. Even the old man

Just helping her."

"Above the lobby, don't talk nonsense. Didn't you help your daughter find a family? Why did you break the engagement?"

"Sir, it's not that I am willing to break the engagement. It's just that Shabei is too poor and my daughter will definitely suffer a loss if she marries. For the sake of my daughter's happiness, I found a new family for my daughter. This is for the sake of my daughter's happiness."

"You are the one who despises the poor and loves the rich! Do you know the spirit of the contract?" Tang Lu asked.

"I don't know anything about spirituality. I only know how to make things happen. If I can't let my little girl enjoy happiness, this man can't be chosen. If I can let my little girl enjoy happiness, Ji? Think about it. Sha Bei really can't let his little girl enjoy happiness, as long as she suffers. That Mei

The young master is also a scholar. He is famous and wealthy. He has both talents. Why don't you marry him instead of marrying a penniless pauper?" Shi Yuanwai said.

"If you had any sense of contract spirit, you wouldn't do this. It's known to everyone that your daughter married Sha Bei. If you break the contract, it means that your reputation has been damaged. If you insist on having your own way, then your

The reputation is completely over. If you want to establish the image of a country squire in the future, it will probably be gone. Look, what is worthy and what is not." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, it doesn't matter what the younger one says. You can ask the younger daughter what she has to say. Depending on her attitude, she can decide who to go with. This is the fairest and most reasonable way. We are all here to help her. It's her decision.

It’s also our decision.”

"This is a good attitude. You must know that many parents are making decisions for their children. It just shows that they are very independent. In fact, many parents do not understand the story behind it." Tang Lu said.

"This is related to my little girl's life. When making a decision, I only provide reference. The final decision is for her to make. I don't understand the spirit of contract. None of my friends know what the spirit of contract is. They only know what the spirit of contract is.

Just make the choice that benefits you. Everything else is a scam. The success of education is to teach people to recognize scams," Shi Yuanwai said.

"Then, the education you mentioned is successful. If not, what kind of education do you think is a successful education? It is very important to allow children to make wise decisions." Tang Lu said.

"As I said just now, education that teaches people to identify scams is a successful education. The success of learning lies in not following what others say. For those liars who talk nonsense, people who can be seen and see that they are talking nonsense will undoubtedly

It is a successful education, and such people are the real talents." Shi Yuwai said.

"Exceptor Shi, you said you respect your daughter's rights, but did you get your daughter's consent when you introduced her to Mr. Mei?" Tang Lu asked.

"No, I want to explain this to her later. I guess she can't figure it out yet. You know, a poor person can do anything. When a person is in extreme low self-esteem, he has to take risks. What worries me most is

The poor boy from Shabei would complain, and the old man guessed it. This time, he was also suing the old man. However, your Excellency used the explanation of the marriage contract to sue the old man, which shows your lord's brilliance.

Tell Shi Yuanwai, then Shi Yuanwai's reputation will be bad, and he will never get it back. That image has been severely damaged. I am really unwilling to give up. Fortunately, there are still sensible people and honest officials.

So there is no fear of not getting good results. Don't say anything, sir. Based on this, I am willing to listen to your arrangements, and I just have to abide by them. The spirit of this contract is not that I don't abide by it, but that my ancestors don't know about it. I hope that through this

The case can educate future generations to abide by the spirit of the contract and shape new people. It can make people become healthier people and make their hearts healthier," Shi Yuwai said.

"You are still very smart. If you want to solve this case, you still need to invite all the people to explain it clearly in front of the court, so as not to make excuses and cause trouble in the future. Since the old man has given up interfering in his daughter's marriage, then he should ask Miss Shi

Come to the court and explain it clearly. I wonder what happened to the officer?" Tang Lu asked.

"Your Majesty has the final say. I have given up making the decision for my daughter. She will make the decision regarding her marriage and I will not care about it," Shi Yuanwai said.

"Okay, please Miss Shi and Mr. Mei come to the court to hear the trial." Tang Lu ordered.

The Yamen servant accepted the order and went down to invite the two of them to the hall.

"Who is kneeling?"

"Miss Shi, a folk girl."

"The younger one is Mr. Mei."

"Why are you in court?"

"The civilian girl was invited by the adults because of the case of regretting the marriage." Miss Shi said.

"Yes, what about you? Mr. Mei!"

"The younger one is because of his marriage to Miss Shi. Because Miss Shi had a dispute with her previous marriage, the younger one failed to get married and fell into it. He suffered deeply from it!" Mr. Mei said.

"Miss Mei, your father is here. He will no longer interfere with your marriage. You make your own choice. Do you understand?" Tang Lu said.

"My lord, I understand, you ladies. You have to make your own decisions about your marriage and life-long matters. No one else can do it for you. Please make a clear decision." Miss Shi said.

"Mr. Mei, Sha Bei is Miss Shi's ex-husband. They have made an engagement, and there is an engagement first. The engagement is still valid until the engagement is terminated. Do you understand this clearly?"

"I heard you clearly, but, sir, this engagement has been annulled by Shi Yuanwai. Because it was annulled, I just paid the bride price to marry Miss Shi." Mr. Mei said.

"Mr. Mei, as the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy one family. You see, you are a latecomer. Because your family is well-off, your character and appearance are very good. In addition to Miss Shi, you have many

Opportunities are available for you to choose. Because Miss Shi is already famous and has a wife. This is something that everyone in the village knows. If you want to interfere, this is not very humane. I hope you give up and try to accomplish good things and don't destroy them.

This pair of mandarin ducks." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, I know that Shi Yuanwai is engaged to Sha Bei, and I also know that the engagement has not been terminated. Shi Yuanwai has told me that I have a crush on Miss Shi, and I have a soft spot for Miss Shi. Other women are not interested in me."

, I just like Miss Shi. I don’t know if Miss Shi has a good impression of me. I have to express my attitude first. If I can’t win Miss Shi’s heart, I will quit. Now that I’m in court, I’ll just make it clear.

, so as not to get entangled in the future. I was never vague about Miss Shi, who was married to a matchmaker, but Miss Shi had an idea and simply said it. If it was appropriate, she could make slight adjustments. However, Miss Shi did not explicitly say that she would marry Sha.

"Bei, I didn't explicitly say that I will marry the younger one, so I have to ask Miss Shi who to marry. It's up to Miss Shi to decide." Mr. Mei said.

"In that case, it's up to Miss Shi to decide!" Tang Lu said.

"Then, in order to facilitate my judgment, please let Miss Shi kneel in the middle. Mr. Mei kneels in front, and Sha Bei kneels in the end, so that I can identify and avoid making mistakes. After kneeling in the appropriate position, I will

I'm asking questions, do you understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "I understand."

They understood, but they didn't know what kind of medicine Tang Lu was selling in his gourd.
This chapter has been completed!
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