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Chapter 185: The Shrew Takes the Family Property

Besides, Zhang Seli took Zhu Anliu to his house to settle down, and said, "Your parents can't be buried for the time being. We will wait until the family property is divided."

"Thank you, old man, for reminding me!" Zhu Anliu said.

"I'm not your uncle."

Zhu Anliu was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was being abrupt, and quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, what should I call you?"

"I am your father-in-law. You are my son-in-law." Zhang Seli said.

"Father-in-law? Son-in-law? Is it you, father-in-law? Is it me, son-in-law?" Zhu Anliu asked, almost not believing his ears.

"Yes, you and my daughter have been close since childhood. Your parents took you to Hanzhong during the drought year. We stayed here and stayed here. After the drought year, everyone who went out moved back. I will

I hope you will be back soon. Who would have known that there has been no news from looking forward to the stars and the moon? Who would have known that when we meet again, we will be separated by yin and yang, and life is unpredictable. It is really sad. Your father is a good person, and your mother is also virtuous. I

I'm very satisfied. Who knew my relatives would end up in such a situation? Fate plays tricks on people!" Zhang Serli said.

"Oh, I see, it's my father-in-law who dares to love me! My son-in-law is right here!" Zhu Anliu said.

After saying that, he bowed deeply and saluted, very humbly.

"Don't mess with the useless stuff. Now we need to find out what is written in the contract? Do you remember it?" Zhang Seli asked.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law can't do anything else, but I can still remember it by force. This involves my son-in-law's happiness. I am particularly concerned about it. Remember it clearly. You can listen to my son-in-law recite it to you." Zhu Anliu said, and then 151

Shi memorized the contract, and it was correct. Zhang Seli clicked his tongue after hearing this, thinking that he was great, and it was right to marry his daughter to him.

He was very happy to have such a son-in-law. He couldn't tell it when he was a child, he just thought he was shy, but he turned out to be so handsome and talented when he grew up.

Then, based on the facts and the contents of Zhu Anliu's contract, Zhang Seli drafted a petition and handed it to Tang Lu.

Tang Lu accepted the petition and took it very seriously. This was incredible! In order to fight for the family property, he beat other heirs with sticks. What's the problem in this?

He then ordered people to send the message to Zhu Tianliu.

"Zhu Tianliu, who are you to Zhu Tianqi?"

Zhu Tianliu replied: "Let me tell you, the younger one is Zhu Tianqi's elder brother. Zhu Tianqi is the younger brother. In the year of drought, he ran away to Hanzhong. It is said that he died in a foreign country. Wuwuwu..."

"Stop acting. He has come back. Why don't you welcome him? Do you still have brotherly feelings?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, I really didn't know that it was Zhu Tianqi and his wife who came back. At that time, my wife had already gone out with a stick, and I was still sleeping. I don't know what happened. When I went out, Zhu Anliu had already gone out with me.

Zhang Seli left together. The little one really shouldn't have slept. Before he could see his nephew's face clearly, he was already far away," Zhu Tianliu said.

"Then why don't you go after him? Do you still recognize your nephew?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, how can I deny my nephew? I have no children. I have a stepdaughter brought by Mrs. Zhu Yang. She is the daughter of her ex-husband. I dare not take the stepdaughter from Mrs. Zhu Yang."

No matter what, everything is done according to her wishes. The purpose is arbitrary and there is no one at all. The discipline is loose. Although there are many people, they are useless. They will be defeated in one attack."

"You are the head of the family, why are you afraid of your wife? You only listen to her and don't dare to say no. You are Zhu Anliu's uncle, why don't you dare to recognize your nephew? Do you still have a conscience? Is your conscience being violated?

Is it enough to eat?" Tang Lu asked.

"What an injustice! Sir, when my younger brother Zhu Tianqi left us, Zhu Anliu was still young. After leaving his hometown for more than ten years, Zhu Anliu has grown up and changed his appearance. He is no longer the child he used to be. We cannot recognize each other rashly. Besides, things are

People are different, and things have changed a lot. If you are worried about doing something wrong, just compare it with the contract. People are unreliable, but contracts are reliable. After comparison, you can find out the facts of the case. Otherwise, one will say yes, and the other will say no.

, no one can decide whether it exists or not. This has become an unsolved case." Zhu Tianliu said.

"Come here, tell Zhu Yang to come to court to await trial." Tang Lu ordered.

"My lord, when I went to summon my wife just now, my wife came with me and was waiting outside the county government office. I expected that my wife would definitely come, so I simply came together so that there would be no worries.

It will waste time." Zhu Tianliu said.

"You still have foresight. It seems that you are not stupid. You are in charge of your home and it will definitely prosper." Tang Lu said.

"Master Qi, it's not a small idea, it's a concubine who wants to come, and she wants to eavesdrop on the proceedings." Zhu Tianliu said.

"Very good. It seems that she wants to eavesdrop. It's better to listen openly. Damn it! This woman has scheming thoughts and conspiracies. You have to be careful and be careful that your family property is divided by outsiders." Tang Lu reminded.

Zhu Tianliu hasn't thought that far yet. He only knows that Zhu Yang is following him now, and the property still belongs to him, including Zhu Tianqi's share, which is also under his management, so he should feel satisfied.

After a while, Mrs. Zhu Yang was brought in, knelt down, her body was trembling slightly, and she still seemed a little nervous.

Tang Lu thought to himself that she had evil thoughts and bad intentions. Even if her body reacted like this, she was still afraid of being punished. She was not made of steel, and hitting a board would hurt. She must understand this truth.

"Who is kneeling?"

"People's daughter Zhu Yangshi."

"Do you know why I asked you to come?" Tang Lu asked.

"I know it's because Zhu Anliu complained."

"Do you know Zhu Anliu?"

"I saw them when I was a kid, but I haven't seen them since they arrived in Hanzhong."

"You must be responsible for what you say in court. If you are found to have lied, you will be severely punished!" Tang Lu shouted sternly.

"Everything the folk girl said is true, and she did not tell a lie. If she is found to be lying, she is willing to be punished." Zhu Yang said.

"You haven't seen Zhu Anliu, so have you seen the contract that Zhu Anliu gave you for verification and comparison?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, don't be joking. The girl has never seen Zhu Anliu, how could she have seen the contract he brought? There is no contract, how can there be verification and comparison?" Zhu Yang said.

"Okay! Clerk, record it in the record. When it's finished, let Mr. Zhu Yang sign and seal it." Tang Lu ordered.

Only then did Mrs. Zhu Yang notice that someone was writing down what she had said. She suddenly realized that something was wrong. However, what she had just said was so decisive and crisp that she could not take it back. She had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.

Tang Lu slapped the gavel, and there was a crisp sound: "Pop!"

"Juan Liu!"

"Xiaomin is here!"

"The couple sang and sang together, and they felt like they were at home in the courtroom! They cut off all kindness to you, were ruthless and unkind to you, were strangers to each other, and were as cold as ice. They beat you hard and beat you to a bloody head.

Regardless of family ties, regardless of the feelings of compatriots with your father, it is unkind and unjust. It is really abominable. I make the decision for you. You go and beat them. You can beat them casually and you will get a bloody head. I will eliminate your grievances and stand up for your father.

Vent your anger and comfort your parents’ spirits in heaven.” Tang Lu said.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Anliu burst into tears. He even choked up and said: "There are no relatives in the family. Both parents are dead and have not been buried. Now the only uncle and aunt are also on trial. They are the only relatives of the Zhu family.

Since ancient times, there has been no such thing as a crime against the superior. How can a child do something like an animal? How can he be disobedient? How can he beat his elders? Even venting his anger on the parents of the child doesn’t feel right. After all, his uncle doesn’t know about it, and he doesn’t

Beating the nephew, if the nephew is at fault, he is willing to accept the punishment. Now, the younger one is returning home to fulfill his filial piety and wants to bury his parents. He has no intention of fighting for the family property. If it is conscientious, the uncle and aunt will give some to the younger one. If not,

Don’t force yourself to do something small. In any case, you can’t beat your elders just to vent your personal anger. This is absolutely not allowed. You’d rather die than obey!”

When Tang Lu heard this, he was moved, and everyone present was also sighing.

Tang Lu came up with a plan. Instead of praising him on the spot, he said: "Zhu Anliu, you are indeed a liar. It is so unreasonable! Now I will imprison you in prison until you are heard and sentenced later. I will definitely torture you. It is really abominable."


When Mrs. Zhu Yang heard this, she was extremely happy, but it was difficult to show it, and her body was trembling again. This was a tremor of excitement, and it was difficult to conceal the ecstasy in her heart.

She thought that as long as he was imprisoned, he would most likely be sent to the frontier. Then, his share of the family property would belong to my daughter. If my daughter had money, she would not be able to recruit a son-in-law.

If you dare to bully us two, then your happiness in the rest of your life will be visible and tangible.

Tang Lu said to Zhu Tianliu and Zhu Yangshi: "Zhu Tianliu and Zhu Yangshi, you go back first and wait for notification. Today I invite you two to come and let me understand the case. The merits of the case will be revealed soon.

You two, please be patient. Please go back!"

The two thanked him and kowtowed and left.

Zhu Anliu is in prison.

Everyone knows that there are mixed opinions and criticisms. Everyone is very concerned about this case, and various opinions emerge one after another.

Some people defended Zhu Anliu and said that Zhu Tianliu and his wife were not a thing. The key was that the Zhu Yang family was not a thing. Zhu Tianliu could not control the Zhu Yang family and was a useless coward.

Some people say that Zhu Anliu does not have the courage of a man and is a fool. He clearly knows that the woman is greedy and a disgusting person, but he still gives her the contract so confidently. Isn't this a meat bun beating a dog? It is really giving it to a tiger.

I am tired of living.

Some people say that the magistrate of Tanglu County is confused, but he usually makes wise decisions in cases. He is an upright official, wise, and knows how to analyze. After the case is handled, all the parties involved are convinced.

This time, Tang Lu made a miscalculation and actually helped the evil people. Instead of helping the good people, he wanted to protect the greedy people. Could it be that Tang Lu could not guarantee his innocence and accepted bribes from others? There are various opinions in the public, but they all say that they are inconsistent.

Each of them has its own truth.

Who would have known that news would come out the next day, and the government officials would spread the word about Zhu Anliu everywhere.

It was said that after Zhu Anliu was injured, he suddenly fell ill, which was tetanus. The doctor tried to save him, but to no avail. The doctor said that it probably happened in the past two days, because no one could treat tetanus. The conditions were really limited.

When Zhu Yang heard this, she jumped up with joy and didn't know what was wrong. So she found a witch to help speed up Zhu Anliu's death. The witch took the money and started to practice the magic. She made a paper figure, wrote Zhu Anliu's birthday and horoscopes on it, and inserted needles.

, hastening Zhu Anliu’s death.

At the same time, Tang Lu sent people to Baihe County to invite Xing Yuan to go to Gucheng.

When Officer Xing heard that his adopted son had been beaten in his hometown, he was so anxious that he rushed over.

As soon as he arrived at the county government office, he was invited by Tang Lu to question him.


"Sir, if you have any questions, just ask them. For the sake of my adopted son, I am willing to say anything." Mr. Xing said.


"Sir, this is what a common man should do. His adopted son Zhu Anliu Renyi is polite and courteous to others. He likes him very much and adopts him as his adopted son. Zhu Tianqi is generous and benevolent, treats others with kindness and intention, and teaches well. He

My wife is also virtuous and kind, and the little old man is very willing to help. The trouble that their family is in is a natural disaster. The little old man knows that things will happen if a flower lasts forever, and it is natural to help each other in times of trouble. It is a small effort, so why bother?" said Mr. Xing.


"Okay! I want to ask you, was it Zhu Tianqi who gave you the contract?" Tang Lu asked.

"Yes, sir, the little old man took in Zhu Tianqi's family. Unfortunately, it was fate and God's will. Zhu Tianqi got the plague, and the couple both passed away. When he was dying, Zhu Tianqi gave the little one a gift.

The old man made a contract and told Zhu Anliu to hand it over to him when he became an adult, and to take the bones of his wife and his wife back to his hometown for burial, because there is a saying that leaves fall and return to their roots. After he finished making arrangements for his funeral, he left and went west, followed by his wife.

Soon he also followed, leaving little Zhu Anliu to live in Xiao Laoer's house until he grew up." Xing Yuanwai said.


After reading it, Mr.

Family property, besides, the little old man is not very sensitive to words. Numbers are okay."

"So, did the contract be handed over to Zhu Anliu later?" Tang Lu asked.

"Yes, when the adopted son reached the age of eighteen, the little old man remembered Zhu Tianqi's instructions, so he called the adopted son to his side, told him the truth, and handed him the contract. He took one look at it and

Collected it, and then brought the bones of Zhu Tianqi and his wife back to his hometown in accordance with Zhu Tianqi's last wish. When handing over the contract to his adopted son, the little old man repeatedly told him not to trust anyone easily and to deal with it carefully.

, because this contract is very valuable and involves a lot of family property. Nowadays, people are deceitful and have an eye for money. There are many people who kill people and swindle goods for money! The little old man told him, but he probably didn’t listen. He thought

People all over the world are kind and beautiful, maybe he himself is kind and views others with kindness, but in the end he was beaten, eh——" Mr. Xing said.

This chapter has been completed!
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