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Chapter 193 The old man wants to be a father

After Tang Lu finished handling this case, he wanted to go out for a walk. He had decided on his destination and wanted to go to Penglai to see if there were any gods there.

Why do people die?

This is a problem.

It was also a difficult problem. When I was thinking about this matter, a young man came to the county government office, beat a drum to complain, and asked Tang Lu to decide how to solve the case.

The young man's surname is Yao and his given name is Ni Yang.

His father was a wealthy man, the richest man in the area, well-known far and wide, and was known as Yao Bancheng.

This means that half of the wealth of the entire Gucheng County belongs to him, so people gave him the nickname "Yao Bancheng".

Yao Bancheng went to Luoyang for a trip and felt uncomfortable when he came back. Some people said that he encountered a ghost on the road and was haunted by it. So he asked a good doctor to treat him and asked a magic man to perform a magic dance to drive away the demon. However, he did not get better. It seemed that he was terminally ill.

, and soon died.

On the day of the funeral, people from all over the city came to pay their respects, and the streets were almost empty. Because Yao Bancheng was a good person and a good person with a good reputation. People were sad and howled. Yao Bancheng didn't expect that he would die. Everyone had questions about why good people can't enjoy their destiny?

Does the underworld also need good people to do good deeds?

Of course, there is no solution to this problem.

After the funeral, Yao Niyang was not found to be exhausted. This custom is really terrible, and the living people will die of exhaustion. There are old people in the Yao family and some with other surnames. I heard that some of them cried to death. Fortunately, there were some who accompanied them.

The doctor rescued him and brought him back to life.

There were many people, crowding each other, and some were trampled. Some even died without being treated by doctors.

Tang Lu didn't expect so many people to come to the funeral, which was an unprecedented event. If Yao Bancheng didn't do good deeds, do good deeds, and don't accumulate virtue, there probably wouldn't be so many people coming.

It seems that when good people do good deeds, there may be no reaction at the time, but later they find out that it is terrible. Many people will remember it and will remember it for generations. Therefore, if you have the ability to do good deeds, there is no need to postpone it. Good retribution is not in the present, but in the future.

It’s tried and true and it’s not bad at all.

Yao Bancheng worked hard all his life, but unfortunately he did not have many offspring, leaving only his only son Yao Niyang.

Yao Niyang is very up-to-date, he is not a prodigal, he is a kind man, he also knows how to sympathize with the poor, and he is willing to give charity. He often helps those who are suddenly in trouble. He will not refuse anyone who comes to beg for food.

Give a helping hand to help them tide over the difficulties.

One day, someone knocked on the door. The servant opened the door and saw an old man. He raised his head and was about to go in. He was stopped and said: "Get out of the way quickly. I am Yao Niyang's biological father. Do you dare to stop me?"

The servant looked at it and didn't know whether it was true or not. If it was false, just don't welcome it. If you want food, just give it and send it away. If it was true, it would be easy to get into trouble. Thinking of this, he said: "Just wait a moment."

, old man! Let me go and report to the young master!"

"Go for it!"

The servant invited Yao Niyang to see him and said, "Master, there is an old man outside the door who wants to come in and ask for an audience."


"The younger one asked him who he was, and he claimed to be the young master's biological father! The younger one didn't dare to delay, so he immediately came to ask for instructions and asked the young master to decide whether to let him in?"

"Let him in!"

When Yao Niyang heard this, he thought it was very funny. His father had just been buried, and yet another father appeared. He needed to know who this father was.

The old man came in and saw Yao Ni Yang, so he stepped forward and wanted to hug Yao Ni Yang. When Yao saw him, he saw that the old man had an unkempt beard, his hair on his temples was like frost, and his fingernails were full of dust. It seemed that he had walked less, done less, and suffered less.

, are you coming to blackmail because you are impoverished and desperate?

A thought flashed through Yao Niyang's mind and he thought it was bad. This was blackmail.

Seeing that he had no intention of hugging, the old man said, "Son,

!As a father, I’m sorry for you!”

"Wait a minute, whose father are you?"

Yao Niyang asked in surprise.

"You are my son! Really!" the old man said.

"I don't even know your name, how can I prove that you are my father?" Yao Niyang asked.

"My last name is Lai and my last name is Piju."

"Oh, what evidence do you have to prove that you are my father?" Yao Niyang asked.

"Look, we look so much alike! Our hair, nose, eyes, ears, and even our bodies are all very similar, right?" Lai Piyu said.

"This does not prove that you are my father. My father just passed away! You must have heard about it." Yao Niyang said.

"I just came here after hearing about it. Isn't your father dead? I'm here to fill in the blanks. I'm here to make up for your trouble of not having a father."

"Are you kidding me? There's no reason to recognize your father casually. If you keep messing around, I'll beat you out!"

"You unfilial son, how dare you talk to dad like that! You got so bold that you beat dad!" Lai Pi said.

"Let's go! You're too old to do whatever you want. You're relying on me! Don't you think I'm sad enough?"

"You should be happy! The father who passed away is not your father, I am your father!"

"I think you are getting old and have no one to rely on! You think you have no one to rely on in your old age, so you found a son to take care of you in old age, right?" Yao Niyang asked.

"That's what I mean! My son is still smart!" Lai Pi said.

"It makes no sense. This matter is probably difficult to resolve. Let's go to court! Let's see how the county magistrate judges. If it is reasonable and legal, the judgment will be followed. If it is ruthless, unreasonable and lawless, the judgment will not be followed," Yao Niyang said.

"Okay then, let's go to court to reason."

So, the two of them went to the court. There were also many people who came to the county government hall to hear the trial, and they all wanted to see how Yao Bancheng's son would face his later father in court.

"Who is kneeling?" Tang Lu asked.

"Old man Lai Pi said."

"Little citizen Yao Niyang."

"Who sues whom?"

"I tell Yao Niyang."

"What are you suing him for?"

"Accuse him of not fulfilling his filial piety, abandoning me, and failing to fulfill his obligation to support me."

"Yao Niyang, is this what happened?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, Xiaomin has never known him. Xiaomin's father has just passed away and has been buried. Why is there another father? This makes Xiaomin very puzzled." Yao Niyang said.

"Lai Piyu, tell me, you are Yao Niyang's father. What evidence do you have?"

"Sir, I turned out to be a doctor. Because I treat people honestly, I am outspoken, I treat minor ailments, and I treat major ailments. I don't deceive or deceive people, and I don't intentionally scare people. When I see people who have no money, I treat them for free without paying them, and I also provide supplementary medicines myself.

Money, as a result, life became more and more difficult. Other doctors made a lot of money, but I became poorer and poorer. One of the famous poor doctors was me, named Lai Piju. My family was poor, and my wife complained, so I went out to see doctors and wandered around.

, wandering around the rivers and lakes. Later, his wife gave birth to a son, this Yao Niyang. He could not support him, so he cruelly gave it to Yao Bancheng. Yao Bancheng adopted Yao Niyang. His original surname was Lai, and his name was Lai Fu. When he arrived at Yao Bancheng's house, he changed his name.

For Yao Niyang." Lai Pi said.

"Then what evidence do you have? Or witnesses?" Tang Lu asked.

"On that day of that month of that year, a man named Jia Zhengren in the village held a child and gave it to Yao Bancheng. At that time, Yao Bancheng did not have half the city's wealth, only one-third of it. That was not bad, better than the old man.

It was too strong at that time. He was in the sky and I was on the ground. When I took the child and gave it to him, my neighbor Jia Jian was also present. It was Jia Jian who saw it with his own eyes," Lai Pi said.

"Since it is Yao Bancheng who adopts your child, given his family's strength, he will not be able to afford a sedan, nor will he not give you money, nor will he adopt the child without looking at it. You know, if a rich family adopts a poor person,

The child has so many resources, how could he operate like this?" Tang Lu asked.

"Um, um, sir, I think Yao Bancheng is stingy. He is reluctant to spend such a small amount of money. It's no wonder that the richer he is, the more stingy he is."

"Were all the witnesses there when the child was given to him?"

"Sir, are you talking about Jia Zhengren and Jia Jianzheng? They are both dead."

"This is strange. There is no proof. How can you prove that what you said is true without witnesses?"

"Where did you hear this? Were you present at the time?"

"Sir, I was not there at the time. If I were here, I would still give my son a hug."

"You weren't there at the time, how come you knew so much about it?"

"Sir, I was not present when the child was given to me. I was traveling for medical treatment at the time, and I only heard about it after I returned to the village. There was a written record on the prescription paper at that time. Please take a look," Lai Pi said.

"Okay! Present it!"

Lai Piju took out a prescription form from his arms and handed it to Tang Lu. Tang Lu looked at it carefully and saw that it read: "On that day of that month of that year, Jia Zhengren took his son Lai Fufu away and gave him to him.

Yao Bancheng."

Tang Lu nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said, "You said you gave it to Yao Bancheng, right?"


"Lai Piyu, you said that when you gave Lai Fu to Yao Bancheng, Yao Bancheng didn't have half the wealth of Gucheng County, right?"

"Yes, there was only one-third of the wealth at that time. I am very sure of this."

"At that time, it was just after Yao Niyang was born, right?"

"Yes, yes, he was not as wealthy as he is now."

"Then his name wasn't Yao Bancheng then, right?"

"Well, yes, yes, sir, his name was not Yao Bancheng at that time. People nicknamed him Yao De'er."

"Why this nickname?"

"Because he had no son and wanted to have one, he was nicknamed this name. He was very rich at the time, but had no children, which was a pity. However, he soon had a son and more money.

, I will call you Yao Bancheng from now on."

"I know this. No need to explain. Just tell me, when was this prescription written?"

"It was written at that time."

"Where was it written?"

"Written at home."

"Weren't you at home at the time?"

"I heard about it after I got home, and then I jotted down this prescription."

"Then this prescription is very valuable!"

"Yes, no one can take it away. This is the evidence. Sir, I shouldn't have abandoned my son Lai Fu at that time. I regret it so much. Who knew that there is no regret in buying medicine in the world. It's too late to regret it!" Lai Pi said.

"You know you regret it, why did you abandon your child then?" Tang Lu asked.

"Isn't it because you were poor?"

"Why didn't you ask for money when you gave your child to Yao Bancheng?" Tang Lu asked.

"I didn't expect it at the time. I just felt that it would be difficult to feed the child. I gave it to Yao Bancheng to raise. He has no children, so he will definitely be good to the child. The child can live and grow up in a rich family. I feel that this is Yao Bancheng's great kindness to the child, which cannot be repaid.

How dare you ask for money? I never thought of asking for money."

"Are you kidding? It makes no sense when you think about it. The child is the father's sperm and the mother's blood. Don't you feel sorry for yourself or your wife? Isn't it very hard for her to give birth in ten months of pregnancy? It's even more difficult to give birth to a child.

Is it like dying once? A child fell from the sky for you to pick up? Giving birth is the most painful thing, raising a child is nothing. Don’t you care about this?" Tang Lu asked.

"That's right, sir. However, I was really busy and confused at that time. I didn't know what to do. I came here in a daze and didn't think carefully about what to do. I just completed the handover. After the handover,

, I just remembered that something was wrong." Lai Pi said.

"What's wrong?"

"I just didn't ask for money."

"Then what do you want now?"

"You must recognize your son. Because I have worked hard all my life and have no savings. When I am in my final years, I need to find a place to retire and die. Since I gave Yao Bancheng my son Lai Fufu, I have not had any more children. When I am old and useless, I will

After much deliberation, I decided that my son was reliable, so I looked for my son everywhere. While treating people, I looked for my son everywhere. Later, I heard that Yao Bancheng had passed away, and the old man remembered it, so I came to recognize my son.

Unexpectedly, Yao Niyang refused to recognize his father. Isn't this treason? This is complete disobedience and unfilial piety. I also ask you to seek justice for me, arrange for me properly, and make him bear the support obligations stipulated by the law." Lai Pi said.

"Wait a minute, I'm here to ask Yao Niyang."

"Yao Niyang!"

"The little one is here."

"What do you think of this dad?"

"Sir, this father is not Xiao's biological father. If he was his biological father, how could he abandon him and not raise him? This is a lie. Xiao Xiao has never had such a father. If he had such a father, it would be a tragedy for the law. All the evidence,

It all shows that the little father has already left Hexi. The fathers here are so vulgar that he cannot be his real father." Yao Niyang said.

"You just don't recognize this father, right?"

"Yes, he is not Xiao's father. If he is, Xiao will definitely admit it. He has no evidence to prove that Xiao is his son. You must also see that the only evidence is what is written on the prescription. But.

, that prescription list was also full of loopholes, wasn't it? At that time, Yao Bancheng was my biological father. He didn't have the family property now, so he couldn't be called Yao Bancheng. His nickname was Yao De'er. Sure enough, he had a son, the youngest one.

, Of course, it was not given by Lai Piju, but by the younger one's biological father, and it has nothing to do with his half penny. He came to recognize me because he saw that the younger one had inherited the family property and was as rich as the country. He wanted to get a sum of money.

, as long as he has money, he will definitely fly away and never be seen again." Yao Niyang said.

This chapter has been completed!
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