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Chapter 195 Not Biological

After they came out one by one, they stood aside to see what Tang Lu would do further.

"Please stand against the wall, all with your hands stretched out, with the backs of your hands facing down and your palms facing upwards. Spread your fingers for me to check," Tang Lu ordered.

Everyone obeyed and obeyed, standing up straight and stretching out their hands. Tang Lu looked at them one by one and saw that everyone had ink marks on their palms, except for a short man who had no ink marks on his hands.

When Tang Lu saw it, he shouted angrily: "A bold thief, he dares to break my own rules and test the law by himself. He is arrested and thrown into jail pending trial."

As soon as he finished speaking, the police came up and tied him up.

The little man shouted that he was wronged and said: "Sir, it's wrong! It's wrong! Sir, please don't handle the wrong case! The young man is really unjust! The big bell didn't ring just now. Why do you say that the young man is a thief? Sir, please don't wrongly accuse a good man.


"If you are wronged, and everyone in the world is wronged, and you don't show some conscience, where is your conscience? Is it gone? Won't it be eaten by a dog? If you don't have it, don't say anything wrong. You stole it.

You’re pretending to be innocent when you’re talking about someone else’s stuff. Stop acting, it’s just too funny!”

"Sir, the little one really didn't steal it. Really!"

"You stole, don't deny it. You stole other people's things. You feel guilty as a thief. You are afraid of the sound of the big clock, so you don't dare to touch the big clock. If you haven't stolen anything, you are brave enough to touch the big clock if you are not afraid of the sound. You

If you steal it, you will be afraid to touch the clock, right?"

"Sir, I have wronged the little one! I touched the big bell. I touched the big clock. You are outside the curtain and you are not clairvoyant. How do you know that the little one didn't touch the big clock?"

"Haha, you've been fooled. I have already asked people to apply ink on the surface of the big clock. Just touch it with your hand, and the ink will stick to it. You don't dare to touch the clock, so you don't have it on your hands. People dare to touch the clock.

, there are ink stains on your hands, they are all black, look at your hands, there is no black at all, who else could it be if it wasn't you who stole it?" Tang Lu asked.

The little man looked at other people's hands. Sure enough, they were all black. Then he looked at his own hands, which were spotless. His hands were completely different from other people's hands.

He let out a long sigh, lowered his head, and truthfully explained the criminal process of the theft. Tang Lu put him in jail. After a few days, he was tried in court and ordered to return the stolen things. Then, he was beaten with forty boards and handed over.

One hundred taels of silver were given to the county government to use as funds for handling the case. The case was solved and everyone was happy.

Tang Lu had just finished handling the theft case when someone reported that the case handled by the former county magistrate was suspected of bending the law for personal gain. Tang Lu decided to see how the case was handled.

This case is strange, it was a sister-in-law suing her brother-in-law.

My brother-in-law’s surname is Jia Mingli.

The sister-in-law sued Jia Li, saying that Jia Li had spread rumors and slander, saying that the son she gave birth to was not his brother's.

Jia Li's brother is very rich, but unfortunately he makes money every day, worries about it, and always thinks about making money. He is very diligent, looking for various ways to make money, and also makes a lot of money. His brother uses his brain and makes money.

, but the body is overdrawn, the health is damaged, and now it is getting worse and worse.

Later, he still couldn't get through it. He worked too hard to make money. Because he had too much money, he was not satisfied, unhappy, and depressed. As a result, he fell ill and died. After his death, Jia Li began to make up his mind, thinking about how to bring his brother to justice.

The family property is his own.

Jia Li's brother has a son. Needless to say, the son inherits the father's inheritance. In other words, Jia Li's nephew can inherit the entire inheritance.

Jia Li's sister-in-law is diligent and thrifty. She has a lot of money at home, but she is frugal everywhere. Sometimes she often thinks about the times when she doesn't have it, so as not to waste it. The more money she has, the more frugal she is, and the less money she has, the more wasteful she is. Jia Li can see that

My eyes are burning, and I wish I could get that wealth as soon as possible.

When people feel envious and jealous, they will easily become greedy and have thoughts of committing crimes. When the right opportunity comes, they must take action.

If he gets his brother's property, real estate, mountains, forests and other properties, he must get rid of his sister-in-law and nephew. As long as he gets the people away, these real estates will be his. This is a wishful thinking. It's a good plan. Let's see if it can be completely completed.


With this idea, he started to take action. He thought that if he often persuaded her to let her go, maybe over time, she would be tempted. As long as the mother and son left, the property would be his.

So he went to look for her every three days, whether it was windy or rainy, and he was very concerned about his sister-in-law, making her feel a little embarrassed.

His sister-in-law could not imagine or guess what kind of medicine Jia Li sold in his gourd.

He would take a look first to see how his Tai Chi was doing. If his sister-in-law was smart, he would figure it out. If he was stupid, he would have to extend the time and let her decide whether to stay or go.

He never expected that his sister-in-law would be kind, honest, honest, and heartless. He couldn't see anything, so he decided to extend the time. He first played the emotional card to see if he could move her. If not, he would make adjustments.

He thought that if things continued like this, his sister-in-law would see her hypocrisy sooner or later. Instead of being passive, it would be better to take the initiative and see the reaction. After repeated testing during this period, Jia Li felt that his sister-in-law had a head as big as an elm. She really

I can't swallow it, and I can't find any flaws.

After delivering two kilograms of pork to his sister-in-law, he said, "Sister-in-law, I don't know whether to say something or not."

"Say it, say it. Uncle, just say whatever you want. There are no outsiders here, just say it." Jia Li's sister-in-law said.

Jia Li's sister-in-law is known as Jia Shu.

After marrying Jia Li's brother, she added her father's surname, which was Shu, and the combination became Jia Shu's surname.

"You see, you are still so young and can still have children. People say that ten or eight are not too many. You only have one child now, and you don't have any brothers or sisters as playmates. At least you have someone to take care of you. You don't want to give

Will the child have another younger brother or younger sister?" Jia Li said.

"If I have more children, I won't have the energy or time to take care of my son."

"That's not necessarily the case. If your family has money, you can hire a nanny."

"The nanny is not good. It's not that you don't feel sorry for your children and don't care about them. If your children go astray, you won't correct them in time. If you lie, you won't correct them. If your children steal things, you won't stop them and punish them. If your children do good things, they won't be punished.

I don’t encourage them either. There are many more. When you are with your children, you are growing up with them. If you find that your children are going astray, you must be brave enough to correct them, so as not to make them go astray and become more and more dangerous. Nannies are here for money, not

Those who sincerely dedicate themselves to love will work as nannies if they have money. If they don’t have money, they won’t. As a mother of children, she takes care of her children regardless of remuneration. She takes care of her children anytime, anywhere without any strings attached. She gives everything without considering how the children will repay the kindness of raising her in the future.

.There are restrictions in many aspects. I just want to raise my son wholeheartedly, and I have never thought about anything else." Jia Shu said.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry too much. I just want you to find a wife and someone to take care of you in the future. When your son is older, you will get a wife and live a separate life. You will be alone and lonely. If you have a wife, you will have someone to talk to so that you can pass the time.

"Jia Li said.

"Thank you uncle for your concern. I just want to raise my son wholeheartedly. I haven't thought that far yet. Besides, if I need to take care of me in the future, wouldn't it be enough to buy a maid? This is not difficult. The key is that I don't want my child to change his surname and I won't do it.

I'm sorry about your brother. Your brother's spirit in heaven can be considered comforted," Jia Shu said.

"I just suggested that my sister-in-law should do whatever she thinks is best. I won't interfere. I have other things to do, so I'll leave first," Jia Li said.

"Thank you for your concern, uncle! I only focus on educating my children and don't think about anything else. I hope your uncle understands, and thank you for your concern!"

"You're welcome, we're all from the same family, don't speak the same language." After Jia Li finished speaking, he left.

He felt a pinch of dust and felt uncomfortable, but he was unwilling to do so.

He thought about it all night, and this was the only thing he could think of. If it didn't work out clearly, it would be dark.

He knew very well that if he persuaded her to remarry, she would be reluctant to part with her son and would take him away. When she brought her son to her new husband's house, she would definitely change her surname. At least she would add her husband's surname in front of the surname Jia.

If the husband's surname is his, he will not be able to inherit the Jia family's inheritance. All the Jia family's property will be inherited by Jia Li. This is how this wishful thinking was worked out. Unexpectedly, the wishful thinking was destroyed by the Jia Shu family. The only way is to readjust.


He spread the news around the village, saying that his sister-in-law Jia Shu had a bad behavior, a romantic nature, and a lustful person. The son was not his biological son. Since the son was born from a wild marriage and he didn't know who the child's biological father was, then for the Jia family

The son of Yehe, who is not of the Jia family's blood, cannot inherit the Jia family's property.

According to the law and the rural regulations and civil covenants, it is like this. If you are not a descendant of the Jia family, you cannot inherit the family property. This is clearly written in the law.

Jia Li's statement quickly spread throughout the village. Jia Shu soon heard the rumor and was very angry. She traced the source and found out that it was her uncle who spread the rumor! This is why she was angry. It would be understandable if others spread the rumor. After all,

He is a wealthy family, and a big tree attracts wind. If he is an ordinary person, there is no need to worry about it. This Jia Li is not an ordinary person. At first glance, he is scheming and wants to attack his sister-in-law to achieve the purpose of expropriating property.

So Jia Shu filed a lawsuit against his uncle Jia Li to the county government. After receiving the case, the then Gucheng County Magistrate received Jia Li's benefits and red envelopes before the trial began, and treated several key people separately.

The benefit was obviously very detrimental to Jia Shu.

The result is obvious. The former county magistrate helped Jia Li speak up.

Jia Shu had no way to file a lawsuit, and all her claims were dismissed. Jia Shu went to the county government office every day and was more active than the government officials at work. In the end, she failed to move the county magistrate. Instead, Jia Shu was beaten severely, kicked out of the county government office, and refused to accept the case.

This case was not explained or explained, it was not filed, leaving Jia Shu at a loss as to where she could reason and file a complaint.

What was even more unexpected was that the bribed county magistrate actually awarded all the property of the Jia Shu family to Jia Li.

Jia Li achieved his goal and gave the county magistrate some benefits. The county magistrate was so happy that he couldn't sleep for several nights. He made a lot of money. Being a small county magistrate is so rich, no wonder everyone wants to be an official.

When you are an official, you can get money based on your public power. If you have the right to use it, it will become invalid after it expires. If you have the power, you can make good use of it to do something. Without power, you have nothing. If you have money, you still have power. After you have power, you can

make money.

The Jia Shu family complained of injustice and continued to appeal until the former county magistrate was dismissed. When Tang Lu came, Tang Lu saw the case and decided to restart the process and see what the case was like.

Tang Lu looked through the case files and found doubts. There was a lack of key evidence and the key evidence of Wen Po was missed.

The so-called Wen Po is a midwife.

It is equivalent to the one with the most say and the one who can best prove that the child is the key to the Jia family.

Tang Lu decided to visit Jiajiawa Village where he was located.

He disguised himself as a charlatan and said he was visiting Wen Po to learn how to prepare a medicine. After inquiring, he learned that there were three Wen Pos in the village.

Tang Lu found Mrs. Jia Shu and asked, "Mrs. Jia Shu, I would like to know some better delivery and nursing skills for giving birth. I wonder if the Wen Po here knows it."

"Definitely, you can ask Mr. Jama."


"Yes, she is a very famous stable woman here."

"Jia Shu, who delivered your baby?"

"That's her!"

"Okay, can you tell me where she lives?"

"Okay. She lives under the honey locust tree at the west end of the village."

"Okay, I'll go find her right now."

"Let me go find it for you. I'm very familiar with this place."

"No, I'll go by myself. You don't have to go, so as not to make others suspicious."

"Okay, then go ahead!"

Tang Lu found the Jia Ma family and asked: "I heard that you are good at delivering babies. I would like to know about your delivery of Jia Shu children."

"Who are you?"

"To be honest, I am the magistrate of Gucheng County. In order to avoid alerting many people and affecting the handling of the case, I came here to conduct overt and covert visits to find out the truth. This is the best way to avoid wasting people and money without achieving certain results.

, the more important thing is to restore the development of things as much as possible. Only in this way can we avoid the occurrence of unjust, false and wrong cases."

"It turns out to be the county magistrate! I've admired you for a long time! I heard that you came to Gucheng and brought a lot of benefits to the people here. Everyone knows that you are Master Qingtian! He is very good at judging cases. He will not let the bad guys go, and he will not unjustly accuse the good guys.

.It’s really admirable.”

"Don't say so much! I just want to know about the delivery situation at that time."

"Sir, please allow me to express my respect and admiration for you. To be honest, no adult has come to the people's daughter to understand the situation. The people's daughter is too anxious, because she has not asked, so she is too lazy to wade into this muddy water.

.You know, if you encounter a stupid official, you may put the girl in jail. If you want to get out, you have to spend money to open up relationships. Little money may not necessarily succeed. Therefore, the girl waits for the honest official to come.

When the officials manage the cases in a confused way, it is equivalent to handling the cases in a confusing way. Over time, everyone is in danger because they do not know what will happen next moment, or what may change in the next minute. The women of the people know the problems inside, so they are late.

If you haven't done anything yet, the daughter of the people knows very well that the right person will definitely wait for you." Jia Ma said.

This chapter has been completed!
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