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Chapter 201: Wisdom Eyes Recognize True Monks

Tang Lu knew that the unruly daughter-in-law of the Yamen servant did not make things difficult for the Yamen servant, and he understood that the whip worked and acted as a deterrent to all the fierce women.

From then on, the yamen servant was devoted to Tang Lv. He was afraid that Tang Lv would be transferred away. As long as Tang Lv left, the dog would not be able to eat shit, and his wife would take revenge. He might be beaten to death by his wife, and he would be beaten to death with a roll of straw mat.

One volume was buried in a mass grave. Who knew?

Besides, after being promoted to court, Tang Lu ordered: "Take the prisoner and bring him to court!"

After a while, the monk was lifted up.

"How many years have you been a monk?"

"Three years."

"Nonsense! If what you said is true, since you have been a monk for three years, you don't have to wear a headscarf. Then, why are there still deep marks on your forehead, proving that your forehead is bound by a headscarf? Please tell me honestly and pay close attention to your skin.

, be careful of your muscles and bones!" Tang Lu said.

"Damn it, tell me, how did you kill the monk? Then he pretended to be a monk and said, hurry up and be careful of your bones and muscles. If you tell me honestly, there will be good results. If you fight to the end, then I'm sorry, I will only greet you.

You have to think carefully about the inevitable ending. Once you decide, you have to pay for your decision. No one can bear the consequences for you." Tang Lu asked.

When the fake monk asked, he saw that he couldn't keep it secret, so he told the truth.

He went to Xie Mountain in Gucheng a few days ago and wanted to look for a kind of Ganoderma lucidum there. It was said that the Ganoderma lucidum there was very good. On the way, he met a monk from Tiefo Temple.

They walked together all the way, it was better to go together than alone, because there were wild animals in Xie Mountain, and the two of them were brave.

Unexpectedly, instead of meeting the beast, I met someone more ferocious than the beast, and it was him!

He killed the monk in a remote place, then changed his clothes, burned his own clothes on fire, took the monk's ordination, shaved off his hair, and then went down the mountain, asking for alms everywhere.

I didn't expect that although I have the attire of a monk, I don't have the temperament of a monk. My actions and gestures reveal a gangster, domineering, and ferocious spirit, which makes people look intimidated. Instead of feeling compassionate, kind, and docile, I don't have compassion for others.

His appearance was rather sinister. No wonder the yamen officer could tell at a glance that he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but due to his status, when he saw illegal things on the road, he would eagerly take action to take control of them. This is a professional habit.

After listening to his confession, Tang Lv ordered the scribe to write down the confession and ask him to sign it. Then he confiscated the monk's robe and ordination certificate. He asked him to identify the crime scene. Tang Lv ordered people to go together to find the murdered monk and send him to prison.

It was handed over to Tiefo Temple for burial.

The fake monk was sentenced to death and will be executed later in the year.

Early one morning, the yamen servant came to report and said: "Seven Zhang brothers from South Street went to the gate of the county yamen to beat drums and complain. Sir, they are now kneeling in the court, waiting for your decision."

Tang Lu said: "Is there such a thing? Let's go and have a look!"

When we arrived at the court, there were seven people kneeling on the ground, all wearing sackcloth and mourning, and a row of white clothes. They all knelt on the ground, lowered their heads, and cried softly, some loudly, some softly.

Tang Lu sat down and asked: "Who is kneeling?"

"Zhang Geda."

Then they announced their names one by one, all the way to Zhang Geqi. There were seven brothers in total.

When Tang Lu saw it, it was good, everyone from the eldest to the seventh was here.

"Zhang Geda, you are the boss, tell me, why are you wearing hemp and mourning this early in the morning? Is it possible that someone in the family has passed away?" Tang Lu asked.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, it was Jia's mother who was killed by a gangster. I beg Master Qingtian to make decisions for the people and severely punish the murderer, so as to appease my mother's spirit in heaven." Zhang Geda cried.

"How was he killed?"

"He was stabbed by the murderer with a sharp knife and bled to death."

"Where is the crime scene?"

"At the door of Zhao's house."

"Is the murderer related to the Zhao family?"

"It's related. The murderer belongs to the Zhao family."

"Let's go and have a look at the scene. You guys will lead the way. Let's go together." Tang Lu ordered.

A group of them arrived at the gate of Zhao's house and found Zhang's mother's body lying next to the steps of Zhao's house. They went to check and found out the cause of death. She died of excessive bleeding after being stabbed in the organs with a sharp instrument.

Wu Zuo was looking around, but there were no signs of fighting, and there was no murder weapon nearby, which was very strange. Wu Zuo recorded the scene investigation one by one and prepared a report for Tang Lu's reference.

Tang Law ordered that everyone in the Zhao family be brought to the county government office.

Everyone arrived at the county government office, and Tang Lu continued to go to court to hear the case.

Tang Lu asked the Zhao family: "A man was stabbed to death in front of your house. Do you know who this person is?"

"She is the mother of the Zhang brothers."

"How did she die in front of your house?"

"I don't know, we also want to find out the reason."

"Do you have any grudge against the Zhang family?" Tang Lu asked.

"Master Qi, we have a feud with the Zhang family, not from our generation, but from several generations. It has been a feud since the time of our ancestors. It is a feud. The conflict has not been resolved, so it continues to this day. Logically speaking, the ancestors'

Grudges can be settled in the generation of the ancestors, and there is no need to extend them to descendants. I don’t know why, but the grudges of the ancestors can be inherited."

"That's a matter left over from history. What I want to know is whether there has been any conflict with the Zhang family recently? For example, a quarrel or something." Tang Lu asked.

When the Zhao family saw the question, they began to hesitate and evade, not wanting to answer the question directly. They were forced to have no choice but to talk a little bit about this issue, but everyone, including Tang Lu, was confused and confused.

, not sure what he was talking about. Everyone was waiting anxiously, and then the youngest son of the Zhao family said a little more clearly:

"Just a few days ago, we had a dispute with the Zhang family over the boundaries of the fields in the countryside. There were many of us, so we got angry and started fighting."

"Who made the move first?" Tang Lu asked.

"It was the Zhang family who made the first move. We did not. Because the Zhang family made the first move, we were forced to fight back. We were not the ones provoking it, it was the other party who made the move first. We had no choice but to act in self-defense."

"Zhang Geda, is this the case?"

"Lord Qi, they are lying. Taking advantage of their numbers, they came with great force and looked like they were going to devour us. We were scared and didn't know who was going to run. As a result, we tripped and fell. They stepped forward and were killed.

The one who tripped was Zhang Geqi, he is here, you can ask and find out." Zhang Geda said.

"Zhang Geqi, tell me, what's going on?"

"Lord Qi, their number is more than three times that of ours. No hero can defeat a thousand hands. If everyone comes, we will become a hornet's nest. I was very scared at the time and wanted to run away. My eldest brother also wanted to

After fighting for a while, I thought to myself, a good man will not suffer the immediate disadvantages. Thirty-six tactics are the best, so I found an opportunity to escape. However, the elder brother didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to leave. I just waited for the opportunity to run. I saw the opportunity.

When I came, I started running, but before I could get far, my foot was injured by a small dirt pit and I fell down. Unexpectedly, there was a guy from the Zhao family next to me. He was about to chase me. When I fell, he

He was about to come over and hit me, but when I saw that the situation was not good, I grabbed a lump of dirt on the ground and threw it at him. I originally wanted to stop him from coming to hurt me, but I didn't expect that the lump of dirt would become soft when exposed to water and hard as a stone when exposed to sunlight.

The boy from the Zhao family beat him badly. When the Zhao family saw it, he was very angry and started to fight. Sir, what I said is the truth. You shouldn't fall. If you fall, you shouldn't.

I hit people with lumps of dirt because I was impatient," Zhang Geqi said.

"Is this the case with the Zhao family?"

"Yes, but the situation at that time was chaotic and our emotions were a bit out of control. Besides, we suffered a loss and we must seek justice."

"How do you seek justice?"

"Zhang Geqi fell and injured one of our Zhao family members, so we rushed up and started beating him. As a result, during the fight, everyone was injured to varying degrees. Among them, Zhang Geqi was the more serious one."

"How serious is it? Zhang Geqi, how is your injury?" Tang Lu asked.

"Master Qi, I just had a sprain in my foot, and later it was discovered that it was a fracture, and three of my ribs were broken," Zhang Geqi said.

"Yeah, it's more serious. Zhao family, since you have injured Zhang Geqi, you have the upper hand, but why are you still not satisfied? If you want to further kill his old mother, his old mother has no enmity with you.

, why did you murder her? Did she affect you?" Tang Lu asked.

The Zhao family's comments are reasonable. Besides, the mother of the Zhang family was bleeding all over the floor, right in front of the Zhao family. In this life lawsuit, someone has to come out to fight for his life. As the saying goes, if you kill to pay for your life, you must pay for your debts.

, this is a matter of course. People die at their own doorstep, not at other people’s doorsteps. If they say it doesn’t matter at all, even ghosts won’t believe it. So the Zhao family had no choice but to remain silent and submit. They will obey whatever Tang Law decides.

To put it bluntly, others are injured and dead, but my side is intact. If you want to win the sympathy of others, that's it.

When the Zhang family saw Tang Lu questioning the Zhao family, they felt that Tang Lu was venting his anger on them and were very proud. However, because their mother died, they still had to grieve a little to avoid Tang Lu seeing any flaws.

At this point in the trial of the case, there was no way to continue the trial. Tang Lu had no choice but to suspend the trial first, arrest all the Zhao family members, and put them all in jail until the facts of the case were clear before pronouncing the verdict. Whether to imprison or release depends on the progress of the case.


The Zhang family signed the interrogation transcript and left to discuss the matter of burying their mother. As soon as the Zhang family left, Tang Lu asked Master, "Master, what do you think of this case?"

"My lord, based on my humble opinion, I feel that the Zhao family is in the wrong. The Zhao family's motive, means, and results of the murder are clearly visible from the facts. The motive is revenge, and it is a feud. This case can be ruled against the Zhao family.

"Master said.

When Tang Lu heard this, he smiled slightly and then shook his head.

"What? My lord, your view of late birth is wrong? I hope you can give me some advice." said the master.

"No, you are my master. Let's work together to solve the case. You have your own ideas, and I have mine. Everyone's ideas cannot be exactly the same. There are always differences. If you encounter any differences, you can ask why.

, you can find the key points to solve the case. Once the key points are found, the case is solved. The rest will be solved smoothly and smoothly," Tang Lu said.

"Yes, sir, the analysis is very good and accurate. According to your opinion, the Zhao family is not the murderer. Then who could it be? Except the Zhao family's feud, there are no other enemies, so murder is already destined.

The murderer is someone who is very familiar with Zhang's mother. Zhang's mother is very old, and not all Zhang brothers are willing to seriously support the elderly. In addition, this killer has been trained and has careful plans." said the master.

"Yes, this is the doubt point of this case. You can see it. I can also see it. The doubt points are the same. We need to uncover them layer by layer, discover the mystery and find the answer." Tang Lu said.

After the discussion was completed, Tang Lu continued to go to court to hear the case.

"Zhang Ge is big, Zhang Ge is two, Zhang is three, Zhang is four, Zhang is five, Zhang is six and Zhang is seven, you seven brothers, when did you find out that your mother was killed?" Tang Lu asked.

"Early this morning."

"So, when were the seven sets of mourning clothes worn by the seven of you brothers cut and made?" Tang Lu asked immediately.

When the seven brothers heard Tang Lu's question, they were stunned and didn't know how to answer this question.

Looking at Zhang Geda again, there were beads of sweat everywhere on his forehead and the tip of his nose. He was breathing rapidly and his throat was dry. He wanted to drink water, but he couldn't. He could only swallow saliva. However, it was still difficult to hide the panic and accelerating beating in his heart.


Tang Lu looked at the other brothers. Everyone had their heads tied up and did not dare to look up. Some of them were trembling.

Seeing that the opportunity was ripe, Tang Lu shouted loudly: "This case can be judged. You are purely framed by false accusations! As your mother, you didn't come home last night, and you, as sons, didn't go out to look for me. You acted like nothing was wrong. You didn't think of anything to do, and you were indifferent.

Is this common sense? When your mother was alive, you did not take good care of her, but when she died, you actively wore mourning clothes. Who is this for? According to you, your mother was killed early this morning, but you did not

You all put on mourning clothes early in the morning and rushed to the county government hall immediately to kneel down and complain. This just proves that you are well prepared and confident. If you had not prepared in advance, how could you be so orderly and organized?

There is no chaos at all, and you are crying hoarsely, as if the person who died was not your mother, but someone who had nothing to do with you. Put away this trick of yours as soon as possible, and don’t do it here.

It’s embarrassing in front of officials.”

After listening to Tang Lu's words, all the brothers fell into silence and did not dare to say a word. Their faces turned sallow and lost their luster, really like eggplants beaten by frost - wilted.

Seeing that the situation was over, Zhang Ge had no choice but to tell the truth to avoid severe punishment in the future. He said: "Sir, I am willing to confess and tell the truth. Please be patient and spare my life. These ideas were all thought up by me."

Yes, because the younger brother ranks first in the family, as the eldest brother, the six younger brothers below all listen to the younger brother. In order to get revenge, the younger brother tried every means and used all the methods that should be used. But the effect was not obvious, so the younger brother

I’m very distressed and don’t know what to do?”

This chapter has been completed!
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