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Chapter 14 Whose Sickle Owns

Bu Huishu took the order and went there. When he saw the waiter, he asked: "Don't put chili pepper on both dishes."

"Okay, sir, you'll be here soon, I'll give the explanation." The waiter said, and he immediately ran to explain, but Bu Huishu stopped him and said, "Dr. Tea, I want to ask you a few words later, is it okay?"

"My lord, you're welcome. There's no problem with that. My lord, I was born to serve tea and water. I didn't pay any attention to it. If you want to say something, please say it. I'll come right away. Please wait a moment." The waiter said.

Soon, as soon as the waiter finished his work, a whirlwind came over and asked: "Sir, please tell me."

"Is there a martial arts temple here?"


"Who is worshiping?"

"General Wei Qing."

"Why not worship Guan Gong?"

"I'm not familiar with Guan Gong, but we are all familiar with General Wei Qing. We are used to it and can't change it," the waiter said.

"If you were replaced by Guan Gong, would you be willing?"

"I don't want to. I don't know what others will say."

"One more thing is, what are people talking about recently? It's not about the Martial Arts Temple, right?"

"No, it's just a case involving a dead person."

"What's going on? Did you report it to the official?"

"Before we had time, a watermelon seller was killed."

"Oh, how to say it specifically?"

"I don't know. It was Tian Fei from Tianjiazhuang who went to the city to sell watermelons. On his way back, he passed by Short Pine Hill and was killed in the woods. It is said that a man came out from behind a big tree and killed Tian Fei.

." The waiter said, "All the customers are talking about it."

"Okay, thank you Dr. Tea! You can go and do your work."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment. I'll serve you the food right away." The waiter said and ran away again in a gust of wind.

The weather was hot, and drinking hot tea could cool down the heat. Bu Huishu was amazed and felt that the case had been solved, but he could not tell Yin Jian right away. If he told Yin Jian too early, he would be suspected, so it was better to let him reason, which was very impressive. Yin Jian saw

He came and motioned to sit down. Fennel beans and pickled bamboo shoots arrived, and tea was made.

"Huishu, have you heard about it?"

"Yes, a melon farmer was killed in Duansonggang near Tianjiazhuang. He hasn't reported it to the officials yet. That's exactly what they were talking about," Bu Huishu said.

"Is there such a thing? The melon farmers don't have much money, so why do they kill melon farmers?" Yin Jian asked.

"Is it for money or what?" Bu Huishu asked. He already knew the facts of the case. Since he got the silver ring, his ability has become more and more obvious. He didn't feel it before, but this time it feels obvious.

The purpose of his asking was to let Yin Jian understand that it goes without saying that it takes a lot of time for a scholar to learn.

"It's nothing more than money, what else can it have?"

"For that little money from selling watermelons, it adds up to nothing. There is no need to kill people for a little money from selling melons. It's really a fuss." Bu Hui said.

He wanted Yin Jian to think again and adjust his thinking.

"It's not about money, it's just a bit confusing and difficult to find out. We need to go to the scene to see." Yin Jian said.

As soon as he said this, he immediately understood. This idea was on the right track.

"Very good, let's go to Tianjiazhuang after drinking tea." Bu Huishu said.

"Of course, it's difficult to find out without going to the scene. Let's leave immediately. None of these murderous bad guys can escape the net, otherwise, people's lives will be in danger and threats. It will be difficult for the parents to do their jobs."

"Please pay attention to your wording, we are in business, boss!" Bu Huishu said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yin Jian realized that he had made a mistake, and quickly corrected himself and said, "Okay, I'm on my way now, and I need to get rid of this batch of goods as soon as possible."

He said it in a loud voice so that they would not be suspicious.

After they finished calculating the price of tea, the waiter said: "You go slowly, sir. Come and drink tea when you have time. Sit down and have a rest when you pass by."

"Thank you, Dr. Tea. I will definitely come and support you when you have time," Yin Jian said.

They arrived at Short Pine Hill.

There were already some people gathered there, Li Zheng was standing there, and some villagers were assigned to guard it.

"Li Zheng, what's going on?" Yin Jian asked.

"Who are you?" Li Zheng looked Yin Jian up and down and asked.

"Don't worry about who I am, who is this deceased? Why did he die here?" Yin Jian asked.

"Of course it is important who you are. It seems that you are a merchant passing by. You should be careful that the watermelon seller Tian Fei is killed. Hey, don't get close to the body." Li Zheng said.

"Why don't you report it to the official?" Yin Jian asked.

"Let's take a look first and then talk about it. I say you, you should go do your business as soon as possible. Don't stay here. The higher authorities will investigate and investigate. What kind of crime should you be guilty of if people are waiting here to disrupt the handling of the case? You'd better leave quickly and don't wait. I think

You are like a gentleman, so I tell you that it is right for you to leave and don't wait any longer, otherwise I can't afford it." Li Zheng said.

"No, come here!" Yin Jian ordered, and the book boy came over immediately.

"Are you the county magistrate?" Li Zheng asked.

"Exactly! My officer Yin Jian is here!" Yin Jian said.

There was no need for him to keep pretending. The boy came over and said, "Go quickly and invite the scribe and the scribe to come over. I'm waiting here." Yin Jian ordered.

"Yes, sir!" The book boy agreed and left after taking the order.

There was a commotion in the crowd here.

"Go and ask the family members of the deceased and invite them over," Yin Jian ordered.

"Okay, sir, I'll go and invite you for your humble job." Li Zheng said, and then he quickly found the family of the deceased, who was Tian Fei's wife.

Tian Fei’s wife’s name is Tian Hua.

"The daughter of the people comes to see the master!" Tian Hua said.

"Who are you from Tian Fei?" Yin Jian asked.

"The daughter of the people is Tian Fei's wife." Tian Hua replied.

"When did your husband leave Tianjiazhuang?" Yin Jian asked, "Master, please help me remember it." He said to Bu Huishu.

"The husband of a folk girl picks watermelons in the morning before dawn and goes to the city to sell them. He eats in the city at noon and returns in the afternoon. When he gets home, it is basically time to light the lamp. This happens every day, Master!" Tian Hua said.

"Hmm, it seems that his trajectory has been like this for a long time. The murderer has mastered his habits and made arrangements long ago." Yin Jian said.

While they were talking, Wu Zuo and Shu Li arrived, and they came to Yin Jian, panting.

"Thank you for your hard work! No, there is a male corpse ahead. Go and investigate, record it in the record, and then report it to me." Yin Jian ordered.

"Yes, Master!" The two of them followed the order.

After a while, the report came out.

"Sir, the deceased had multiple sickle wounds on his body. In other words, they were all injured by the sickle. He lost too much blood and died of bleeding. The money bag is still on him, the money was not taken away, and the clothes on his body are still there, but they are seriously damaged.

"Wu Zuoyan said.

"I understand. It seems that the murderer did not kill for money. It was not robbery. It should be a vendetta." Yin Jian said.

Bu Huishu nodded, thinking it was interesting.

"Tian Hua, I want to ask you, does your husband have any enemies?"

"Let me tell you, sir, the husband of a common girl has always been loyal and honest, and has never made enemies with others." Tian Hua said.

"Do you really have no enemies? If there are no enemies, could it be that ghosts come to harm people?" Yin Jian said.

"Oh, sir, the folk girl heard that the master mentioned ghosts. There is indeed a man named Li Gui from another village, Lijiacun. He calls himself Li Gui and knows that the folk girl's husband is very good, kind and enthusiastic.

He wanted to help others. But Li Gui was not a very honest person and had a bad reputation. Good things did not go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. He suddenly came to the girl's house to find the husband of the girl. He wanted to borrow money for turnover. He said that he had lost money in business and wanted to

Translated. The husband of a folk girl heard that Li Gui was not a good person, and borrowing money sounded good to him, but in reality he never came back. It was like a meat bun beating a dog, so the husband of a folk girl did not lend him any money. As for him, he left angrily.

He looked very angry and ferocious, and the daughter of the people still remembers it. After he left, the daughter of the people was afraid, so she reminded her husband to be especially careful. If Li Gui hates you, you have to be careful. There are usually people who hate others.

Murderous heart. If the husband of a folk girl is hated by Li Gui, she will be in danger. In addition, the folk girl's eyes are always jumping around, feeling that something bad is going on. On the day when her husband got up early and went to the city to sell melons, the folk girl was still flustered.

I always felt that something had happened. As expected, I didn't see my husband come back that night. Later, someone came to report and asked if the man in Short Song Gang outside the village was the husband of a civilian girl. The male corpse was so bloody that it made people scared.

The folk girl went over to take a look, and sure enough, the clothes, money bags, etc. were all familiar. The needlework was all done by the folk girl. Unexpectedly, the folk girl's husband went out alive, and when he came back, he turned out to be a cold male corpse. The folk girl's life was really

It’s so painful! Wuwuwu——” Tian Hua said.

"Then I ask you, what did Li Gui say when he left your house?" Yin Jian asked.

"Then when Li Gui left my house, he seemed to have said, OK, just wait and let me look good to you. It's not like I won't repay you if I borrow money from you. Since you did it on the first day of junior high school, don't blame me for doing it on the fifteenth day."

Tian Hua said.

"Li Gui really said that?" Yin Jian asked.

"Seriously, the girl remembers it very clearly. Yes, that's what she said." Tian Hua said.

"Okay, please record it, Clerk." Yin Jian ordered, and continued to ask Tian Hua: "What else do you remember?"

"I will remember these for now. If I remember them, I will report them to the master." Tian Hua said.

"Okay! Please ask Li Zheng and Tian Hua to sign the transcript. Let's go to Lijia Village. The body can be taken back for burial. I will definitely give you a reasonable explanation, and you will definitely see the bad guys being caught and punished.

Yes, everyone can go home. You know, the perpetrators will definitely get retribution. Just wait patiently!" Yin Jian said.

Everyone dispersed. Here Tian Hua was crying. With the help of the villagers, Tian Fei's body was transported home and buried.

Yin Jian took everyone to Lijiacun.

Yin Jian first sent two detectives to Lijia Village and informed everyone in the village to take out all the sickles at home and hand them over to the county government for centralized processing.

The police went there and issued notices. Every household was notified, and no one escaped. Yin Jian's order was conveyed. Anyone who did not hand over the sickle would be regarded as a murderer and would be severely punished.

As a result, one hundred and eighty-six sickles were handed over from the villagers and placed neatly under an old locust tree at the entrance of the village.

At this time, Yin Jian and his party also arrived at Lijia Village.

When the villagers heard that someone from the government was coming, and that the county magistrate came to the village in person, they were very curious and came to watch the fun, especially when they handed over their sickles. This was quite new. They had never seen a county magistrate try a case like this before.

Yin Jian went directly to the big locust tree and observed quietly without saying anything, just to see what happened and what would happen. Everyone was looking forward to it.

At this time, a swarm of flies suddenly flew from all parts of the locust tree crown. At first there were one or two, and then more and more flies flew all over the place, which was the sickle.

It was hot, the ground seemed to be on fire, everywhere was burning, and people were sweating profusely.

This group of flies was nailed to a sickle, densely packed and vying for the first place. The flies that came later had no room and circled around the sickle to see if they had a chance to bite.

When Yin Jian saw it, he immediately went there, drove away the flies, and picked up the sickle. The flies that had been driven away did not give up and hovered around the sickle, risking their lives and refusing to leave.

"Whose sickle is this?" Yin Jian asked loudly.

"Mine!" a strong man with a beard stood up and said.

"Yours?" Yin Jian asked.

"Yes, it's mine," said the strong man with a beard.

"Okay, the scribe will record it and don't miss it," Yin Jian said.

"What's your name?" Yin Jian asked.

"Li Gui."

"Any other names?"

"That's the name."

"Okay, bold Li Gui, do you know your guilt?"

"I don't know."

"Left and right, capture Li Gui for me!" Yin Jian ordered.

The two detectives, one on the left and the other on the right, quickly ran to Li Gui's side. Each one held Li Gui up with an arm, like a roc spreading its wings, but the wings were folded and could not fly.

Li Gui was arrested and escorted to the county government's death row.

When Li Gui saw the formation, he thought he would not be able to get out alive.

He regretted that he shouldn't have said that the sickle was his, but he couldn't do it if he didn't. Someone with good intentions would tell the truth, and of course he would be found out in the end. Now he can only resist stubbornly and count it as a day if he can live longer. He can't admit guilt. Once

If you confess, you will die faster.

During the interrogation, he never admitted that he had killed Tian Fei.

Yin Jian said sternly: "There are no flies biting other sickles, but your sickle is full of flies. What does it mean? Flies don't bite seamless eggs. Only when you are bitten by flies will you know the fishy smell. Similarly, flies are the most important thing."

I like the fishy smell. You once used a sickle to kill people, so there is a fishy smell on the sickle. Your sickle is the murder weapon. You didn't expect that the sky net is vast and meticulous. You didn't expect that the fly betrayed you and let the fly prove that you are the murderer.

.Do you want to be honest, or do you want the taste of a big plate? If you want to have a taste, then I will satisfy you. Come here! Serve with a plate, don’t stop until the skin is peeled and the flesh is exposed!”

As soon as he shouted, all the officials in the hall shouted in unison: "Mighty——"

Hearing this sound, it was like rolling thunder, making people's legs weak and their hearts beating. Li Gui was extremely frightened! Beheading was very painful. It seemed that before beheading, he had to suffer a lot. He might as well do it all to avoid getting hurt.


He shouted: "Master Qingtian, I confess, I confess! Don't fight, don't fight! I will attack you all, I will attack you all!"

This chapter has been completed!
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