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Chapter 202 Killing Mother for Revenge

As soon as Zhang Geda finished speaking, the other brothers all echoed.

They knew very well that if one person confessed, they would all be implicated. Tang Lu had heard of people who were not filial, but he had never seen seven brothers who were not filial. This made Tang Lu have serious doubts about human nature.

The moral collapse has reached this stage, which is jaw-dropping!

"Seven of you brothers do not support your mother. This is a great crime of rebellion, so I will ban you three thousand miles away." Tang Lu said.

"No, sir, no, please listen to what I said. It's not that I don't support my mother, but I am very good to my mother. You might as well go and find out. The seven brothers take turns to take care of and support the old man. The seven brothers are very filial, and they all compete to support the mother. "There is absolutely no such thing as failure to fulfill one's filial piety," Zhang Geda said.

"You are filial, so why was your mother killed? Did she commit suicide?" Tang Lu asked.

"It's not suicide."

"It's not suicide. It must be homicide. It couldn't be a ghost, right?"

"Sir, it's really hard to say this," Zhang Geda said.

"You are so bold! How dare you talk nonsense! Your mother was killed by a ghost, so none of you can escape. Why are you talking about these nonsense? You are just too cunning! Tell me, how did your mother die? If not Tell the truth and be careful about the punishment." Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, my mother was killed by us."

"What's going on? Are you really murderers?"

"No, no, sir, we are filial sons, real filial sons. How can a filial son be a murderer? Besides, it was my mother who died, not someone else. Could it be that our filial son killed my mother? Isn't that a beast? Oh, even Are you worse than animals?" Zhang Geda said.

"It's strange that your mother was killed by someone, and now the murderer doesn't admit it. There is already a lot of evidence pointing to the seven of your brothers. Don't make excuses, tell the truth and strive for a leniency in punishment." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, to be honest, my mother really wanted to argue. When my father was on his deathbed, she told me again and again that we should never have any contact with each other until we die. Even if we have no contact with the Zhao family, we should not admit defeat, do not make peace, and do not live in peace. This is the ancestral teaching. As a family motto, my father also told my mother that she would dedicate her whole life to the Zhang family. For the reputation of the Zhang family, even if she died, she would die well. My mother remembered what my father said and was very angry when she saw the Zhao family occupying our land. Angry, he said: "I have been ill for many years, and now my condition is getting worse and worse. It seems that I will never get better. Why don't you kill me to avoid dragging you down? Also, after killing me, put my body in the At the door of the Zhao family, this can kill two birds with one stone, solve my problem, and also solve the conflict between the Zhao family and the Zhang family. With my sacrifice, the Zhao family will be ruined. In the end, we won! Yes, just do it, don't If you hesitate, be cruel, just think that I will follow your father, and I can reunite with your father in the underworld." My mother started crying after saying this, and the seven of us brothers also cried together. However, my mother urged her again and again, and for What I wanted was to use my own death to win over the Zhao family and let all seven of our brothers gain honor. That’s what my mother thought. It’s hard to find someone like my mother in the world, who looked down upon death and devoted herself to fighting for the reputation and status of the Zhang family. In the countryside, if you don't take back an inch of land that has been usurped by others, you are considered cowardly and incompetent. You will be looked down upon and criticized when you go out in the future. In order to give all seven brothers a good reputation, my mother is willing to risk everything." Zhang Geda said.

"How did you discuss it?"

"Sir, my mother came up with this idea. The younger one did not dare to disobey her mother's orders. My mother said that she is old and sick. The disease is getting worse day by day. She has to spend money and is a drag on her seven brothers.

, just wanted to die quickly, and after death, he didn’t want to make things easier for the Zhao family, so he planned to kill his mother and transport the body to the door of the Zhao family, so that the Zhao family could not explain anything clearly.

.That is to say, frame the Zhao family and let the Zhao family finish it off. Then, if the strategy is successful, the Zhang family will be worthy of its ancestors even if it completely defeats the Zhao family and completely avenges it in this generation." Zhang

Everyone said.

"Okay, let's do this. I understand. Everyone understands. It is unheard of and unseen. There is such a weird case in the world. It opens my eyes. Take a look at the transcript. If there is no problem, sign and sign.

.Because Zhang Geda is the eldest brother, he did not stop your mother's ridiculous idea in time, but instead wanted to get rid of the obligation to support the elderly. His motives are not pure, and his heart is not good enough. I will sentence Zhang Geda to be slapped with a 30-year-old ban, and the others will be slapped.

Ten big boards, after finishing the fight, go back and bury your mother without any further entanglement. As for the dispute over the boundaries of the fields, the boundaries should be based on the boundaries that have been divided in history. No unauthorized changes are allowed. Otherwise, you will be severely punished. The Zhao family is here

This matter has not been handled well. If one's own family is injured, one's own family must resolve the matter. The case cannot be sued to resolve the case. Withdraw from court!" Tang Lu said, after making the verdict, he withdrew.

When they arrived at the back hall, the master asked Tang Lu: "How did your Excellency see it?"

"This is very simple. This is the consistent practice of blaming others. It is easy to see. Zhang's mother was stabbed to death. It was not the fault of the Zhao family, and there were no other enemies. It must have been the fault of the Zhang brothers. They had been prepared.

, had a plan in advance, and implemented it according to the plan, it seemed orderly and orderly. He killed Zhang's mother first, and then moved the body to the door of Zhao's house. After dawn, they went to the county government together with mourning and mourning to complain. If it weren't for the Zhang brothers

We must find out who the murderer is. The Zhang family brothers still have to panic and prepare for the funeral. They must prepare mourning clothes so that they can go to express their condolences wearing sackcloth and mourning. They have already had mourning clothes, which means they have been prepared.

, this is very suspicious. When I asked, it turned out that it was indeed the case, and it was consistent with the test done by Fu Zuo. Therefore, I judged that the Zhang brothers killed their mothers and then framed the Zhao family. That's all!" Tang Lu said!


The case was over and came to an end. Tang Lu was going to Xiangyang to relax. Just as he was about to leave, someone came from Dengcheng. Tang Lu asked, "What's the matter?"

"I'm telling you, sir, Jin Shan sent a young man to invite you to go to Dengcheng."

"Why are you going to Dengcheng? You really know how to look for opportunities. I am going to Xiangyang to visit Xian Mountain. It happened to ruin Yaxing. Your county magistrate sent you to invite me. Can you tell me what happened? If it doesn't take long,

After finishing the work, we can still have the opportunity to go to Xian Mountain to play." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, I don't know the details. I only know that it's about the case. I guess it won't be a big deal for the adults. If the adults agree, I will go back and resume my life."

"Okay, you go back first, I will come later." Tang Lu said.

Tang Lu sent away the people from Dengcheng, cleaned up briefly, and headed to Dengcheng with an agent named Zhao Hu from his master.

When they arrived in Dengcheng, Jin Shan came out to greet him without wearing shoes. He heard that Tang Lu was coming, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to expect.

He said: "I was washing my feet when I heard that a distinguished guest was coming. I immediately came to greet you. I apologize for the delay in welcoming you from afar!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome. I originally wanted to go to Xian Mountain in Xiangyang. With such good weather and such beautiful scenery, it would be a pity not to go there," Tang Lu said.

"Aren't you in the mountains of Gucheng? There are mountains everywhere in Gucheng. I haven't walked around enough yet, and I have to go up the mountain. It seems that you are the destiny of the gods. The gods all live in the mountains. You like to travel around. You are really a good character.

"Jin Shan said.

"Stop talking, what are the instructions and instructions for sending someone here for me?" Tang Lu asked.

"You are the detective Jia Qingtian, who dares to give me advice? Brother, you are my teacher. I asked you to come here just to ask for advice on a case. When Brother Yu heard that he just solved a very bizarre case, he knew that he is really talented.

He is not an ordinary person, he is simply a detective, so I asked my brother to help me to see if this case can be solved." Jin Shan said.

"My dear friend, you are simply too humble. A foolish brother without talent would dare to show off his sword in front of Guan Gong, nor would he dare to show off his knowledge in front of Confucius. Please tell me, dear friend, and let's discuss it together," Tang Lu said.

"It's true that humility makes people progress. I didn't expect that my good brother is so capable and yet so humble. It's admirable! Let's not talk nonsense. The situation of the case is this. Xiang Dayang and Fan Xiaocheng are feuding. They happen to be neighbors. Why?

The old homestead also had unclear boundaries of mountains, forests and fields. In short, quarrels were commonplace. The two families had many conflicts and they didn't know how to resolve them. There were many lawsuits, but they were never settled. The hatred between the two families always persisted.

It has not been resolved, and it is even getting more serious." Jin Shan said.

"Then what?"

"Then, when Xiang Dayang was walking past Fan Xiaocheng's house, it had just rained heavily. It stopped suddenly and the ground was muddy and slippery. It really takes courage to go out at this time, and you have to face many tests.

As a result, Xiang Dayang slipped and fell. After the slip, Xiang Dayang quickly got up and looked around. If no one saw him, he would consider himself unlucky. Unexpectedly, he saw that Fan Xiaocheng was fine because of the rain.

I was idle at home and set up a tea table at the entrance. I drank tea and watched the rain. When I saw that the rain had stopped, I was about to go back to my room to pick up a book and read it. Who knew that I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw Xiang Dayang Tea?

After passing the door, he didn't leave, waiting to see how Xiang Dayang was doing. Sure enough, Xiang Dayang was just as Fan Xiaocheng thought, bang, he fell down, the sound was still loud, and his clothes were dirty enough.

Fan Xiaocheng couldn't help but burst out laughing. Xiang Dayang originally thought that no one would see him and thought he was unlucky and left. But when he saw that his enemy saw him making a fool of himself, a nameless anger filled his heart.

It rushed up and soon burned his voice and tongue, so Xiang Dayang started the scolding mode and started to curse Fan Xiaocheng in a list-like manner, from the first to the fifteenth, and then from the fifteenth to the thirtieth.

, In short, I told you everything I could remember, and I talked nonsense about what I couldn't remember. In short, I couldn't finish it even for three days and three nights. The content was rich and colorful, and it was never the same. It was all fresh.

The material is unique and cannot be copied, imitated or surpassed."

"Then what?"

"Then, it was raining anyway, so Fan Xiaocheng started to retort. He had read some books, and his level of swearing was higher. He didn't use curse words, but he scolded the most harshly. It seems that the benefits of reading are helpful for swearing. Na Xiangda

Yang Guan couldn't scold Fan Xiaocheng, so he wanted to fight, and he had already punched Fan Xiaocheng. Fan Xiaocheng was worried that he wouldn't fight. As long as he strikes first, and it's in front of his own house, then it's reasonable and he won't fight. I'm sorry.

Ancestors, so the whole family, old and young, went into battle. Xiang Dayang was so powerful that it was hard for one person to defeat four people. If everyone went together, even if seven or eight Xiang Dayang came, they couldn't beat him. Xiang Dayang couldn't see it, so he had to eat

It was a big loss, so he ran away. He received a few punches and his body was sore and sore. In short, he saved his life and fled home in a hurry. "

"Then what? If you suffer a loss, it will be difficult to speak when you get home, right?" Tang Lu asked.

"No. When he got home, his family asked him quickly. He was covered in mud, his body was stained with paint, his head was broken and bleeding, and he looked very scary. Others reacted indifferently, but his old father was in tears because he felt that he was dragging down the child.

, if he had dealt with the enemy in his hands, nothing would have happened today, so his father felt very guilty and burst into tears. Everyone tried to persuade him, but they couldn't, so they simply let him finish crying. Sure enough,

After he finished crying, he expressed his inner struggle, which was that he should have resolved the conflicts in his previous life, which extended to himself, his son and even his grandson. They never wanted to give in. If they all gave in, there would be no dispute.

.But the reality is not like this. All you have to do is fight to the death. The reason why your son Xiang Dayang was injured was that you failed to solve the problem. If you want to completely solve the problem and the contradictions left over from history, you must find a way.


"What solution have you come up with?" Tang Lu asked.

"That is to say, Xiang Dayang's father said that he would fight to the death with the Fan family to completely and permanently resolve the conflict between the two families and not leave the problem to the next generation."

"His idea will definitely not be supported."

"Yes, the whole family is surprised, but no one supports doing this. If you do it, it means you have failed. Because there is hope only when you are alive. If you die, there is nothing. Everyone should understand this simple truth.

.So everyone is opposed to taking risks.”

"Then what did Xiang Dayang's father do when his whole family opposed him?"

"He was right about everything, he just kept silent and sighed alone." Jin Shan said.

"Is he sick?"

"Yes, it's an old problem, stomach problems, and other diseases. He is very weak. If he has such a weak body to fight with Fan Xiaocheng's family, it is like an egg against a stone. The consequences can be imagined." Jin Shan said.

"He has a good idea, but his physical condition is not good. Sometimes, talking about words is useless. Fan Xiaocheng's family likes to fight because they believe that fists are the truth. Whoever has a stronger fist and stronger strength is right and whoever is the truth

.If you have enough power, you can control the situation and handle it in a way that Fan Xiaocheng can understand. That is to rely on fists. To judge by strength. If you say anything else, it is useless, because people who like violence

There is no way to negotiate peacefully with him, it is futile," Tang Lu said.

After Tang Lu finished speaking, the entire audience fell silent.

Later, Tang Lu was transferred to the capital, and the case was ignored. Later, it was handed over to Li Li of Xiangyang. Li Li completed the task and explained it clearly to the Dali Temple Divination Huishu. The Divination Huishu made recommendations to the emperor through Yin Jian, and was promoted to the third level.

Bu Huishu never married, retired and returned to his hometown, where he continued to open private schools and educate students until his death.

This chapter has been completed!
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