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Chapter 24 Monkeys Are Criminals

Yin Jian scared away the rich man.

The store owner was very grateful to Yin Jian. He brought out the best tea to thank Yin Jian and the master.

The two were discussing some business. Suddenly, a man came to Yin Jian in a hurry. It was the book boy Jin Long. He was out of breath. When he saw Yin Jian, he bowed and said, "Master, someone just reported

Officer, the situation is urgent. I felt that the matter was serious. I asked around all the way and found out that the master was drinking tea here, so I came over and disturbed you."

"What's the matter?" Yin Jian asked.

"The cellar of Yuan Yuan's house was stolen, and a large amount of gold, silver, soft goods, pearls and gems were lost, so he reported it to the government. When the villain received the report, he felt that the matter was serious and too much gold and silver was lost, so he did not dare to delay. He came to report and asked the master to deal with it.

." Jin Long said.

"Master, how do you think this matter should be handled?" Yin Jian asked.

"Cellar? Can only things pass through? For example, cats and dogs, and other living creatures cannot pass through?" Bu Huishu asked.

"According to Zhang Yuanwai's description, the cellar is well protected and cannot be entered by ordinary people. There are no clues at the scene of the crime. This thief is so clever! It seems that solving the case is very difficult, beyond people's imagination.

." Jin Long said.

"I understand." Bu Huishu said, then touched the silver ring and immediately knew who the perpetrator was.

"Master, Zhang Yuanwai promised to recover the stolen money and would like to donate five thousand taels of silver to the school." Jin Long said.

"Don't listen to what he says, watch what he does. Being rich is unkind. When something is asked of you, it's like Sun Tzu. He agrees to the request, but when the goal is achieved, he completely forgets about it. There are many such people."

Yin Jian said.

"This Zhang Yuanwai has always had a good reputation. When I asked about him, I found out that he is charitable and likes to help the poor. Such a person is a gentleman. We have some in our county, but not many," Jin Long said.

"A good man is rewarded. We can help him find his stolen gold and silver." Bu Huishu said.

"How to solve the case?" Yin Jian asked.

"It can be handled this way." Bu Huishu said.

"Very good!" Yin Jian said, and then told Jin Long how to deal with it.

Jin Long nodded, bowed his hands and left the teahouse, heading to his work place.

He led two detectives and quickly went to the downtown area to look for street performers.

On the street, there were cross talkers, boxers, candied haws-lud sellers, flower sellers, fortune tellers, and date sellers. People were coming and going on the street, shouting, but regardless of these, Jinlong went straight to the monkey charmer.

Jin Long found a monkey juggler, who was dressed simply and wore what people usually wear. The monkey juggler didn't whip the monkeys, he just beat gongs, not drums.

Jin Long stepped forward and asked: "Where are you from? Where are you going? What do you do for a living?"

"I'm from Shandong, and I went to Shanxi to make a living by performing monkey tricks." said the monkey charmer.

Jinlong remembered what Bu Huishu said and knew that this person was not a criminal.

Walking further, I saw another monkey juggler. This monkey juggler looked more simple.

"May I ask where you are from? Where are you going? What do you do for a living?" Jin Long asked.

"I am from Shanxi and want to go to Shandong. I have no other skills and make a living by performing monkey tricks." said the monkey charmer.

Jin Long shook his head, knowing that he was not a criminal either.

Just let him go.

Continuing to walk forward, at the entrance of the vegetable market, a group of people gathered around and kept cheering, all cheering in unison.

Jin Long went with the policemen, separated from the crowd and looked over, and found that in the center of the venue, there were three monkeys who knew how to perform. One of them specialized in stealing small objects from the onlookers for fun. Many people watched and cheered.


This monkey's clothing is different from other monkeys. It looks a bit expensive.

This monkey has smooth hair, shiny hair, yellow hair and red buttocks, which makes it look completely different from other monkeys. Looking at the monkey charmer, he looks wretched, with cunning eyes. He speaks impeccably and seems to be very eloquent.

Wearing black clothes, a black headscarf, and black shoes, it stands in sharp contrast to the yellow monkey.

When Jin Long saw that there was something going on, he stepped forward and was about to ask. When the monkey trick saw the official coming, he saw that the situation was not good and was about to run away. However, Jin Long blocked his way and asked: "Where are you from? Where are you going?

Go? What do you do for a living?"

"I'd like to inform you sir, I make a living by playing monkeys wherever I come and go." said the monkey charmer.

"What are these words? Where they come from and where they go, please be specific." Jin Long said.

"That's right, that's right, that's where I came from, where I came from, and I'm going, going, going to the place I'm going to go to. Is there anything wrong with this?" said the monkey charmer.

Upon hearing this, Jin Long had an idea and knew that this person was suspicious. He asked, "To be honest, have you ever been to Zhang Yuan's house?"

"Zhang, Zhang, Zhang Yuanwai? Which, which Zhang Yuanwai?" said the monkey charmer.

"What's your last name? Tell me honestly!" Jin Long asked.

"The surname is Liu and the name is Sanxiu." said the monkey charmer.

"That's weird! Do you know Liu Yixiu?" Jin Long asked.

"We know each other. The eldest brother is Liu Yixiu, the second brother is Liu Erxiu, and I am the third named Liu Sanxiu." said the monkey charmer.

"What about your eldest brother and second brother?" Jin Long asked.

"Everyone has surrendered." Liu Sanxiu said.

"If you tell the truth honestly, you can get a good death. If you deliberately conceal it and don't report it, your life will be in danger, because the amount you stole is enough to kill you several times." Jin Long said.

"This, this, this, that, that, that!" Liu Sanxiu said.

"Don't say this or that, I'm just asking if you know Zhang Yuanwai?" Jin Long asked.

"I don't know if it's Yuanwai Zhang, but his family is very rich," Liu Sanxiu said.

"How do you know Zhang Yuanwai's family is rich?" Jin Long asked.

"Well, well, I heard that Zhang Yuanwai's family is very rich, and the locals know it." Liu Sanxiu's family said.

"Hmm, do you know where Zhang Yuanwai's money is?" Jin Long asked.

"Cellar. Oh, no, no, I don't know." Liu Sanxiu said.

"How did you know it was in the cellar?"

"I don't know. I guess rich people usually hide their money in the cellar." Liu Sanxiu said.

"How did you steal the property in Zhang Yuanwai's cellar?" Jin Long asked.

"I don't know." Liu Sanxiu said.

"How come you don't know?" Jin Long asked, suddenly thinking of what Bu Huishu said, he immediately asked: "You are not a thief, then, who is the thief? Tell me!"

"I really don't know." Liu Sanxiu said, seemingly determined to fight to the end.

"Do you dare to take responsibility for what you say?" Jin Long asked.


"Okay, if you dare to take responsibility, then spit on the palm of your hand, quickly! Spit quickly!" Jin Long ordered.

When Liu Sanxiu heard this, he panicked. He didn't expect Jin Long to ask him to spit.

Not to be outdone, he coughed a few times and tried to spit, but there was no spit at all. Liu Sanxiu just felt that his mouth was dry and he couldn't spit it out. At that time, he felt embarrassed.

"Spit up!"

"No, really not! I admit it, it was Xiao Xiao's doing." Liu Sanxiu said.

"Okay, come on, let's go and come to the county office with me to explain it clearly. You two detectives, please lock him up and take him to the county office for further trial." Jin Long ordered.

Then, Liu Sanxiu was taken to the county government office.

Yin Jian listened to Jin Long's report, then tried it all night, recorded the story of Liu Sanxiu's crime, had it written down by a scribe, and had Liu Sanxiu sign it.

It turns out that Liu Sanxiu specially trained monkeys to steal. In the past, he would make small noises on the street and let the monkeys steal money. After stealing, the monkeys would be given delicious rewards. The monkeys remembered that whenever they find a rich person, they will follow them.

Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, they often succeed and then disappear. The monkey moves so quickly that the person who was stolen has no time to react, and the money has already changed hands.

In this way, they could only make ends meet. In order to let the monkey steal more money, they targeted Zhang Yuanwai, a wealthy man.

After many visits and observations, he found that every time Zhang Yuanwai deposits or withdraws money, he will close the doors and windows to prevent outsiders from seeing anything. The big trees around the courtyard wall have been cut down to prevent thieves from hiding in the trees.

Observe the internal situation of the Zhang family.

Liu Sanxiu discovered a pattern, that is, the money must be in the house, and further investigation is needed to find out where exactly it is.

He couldn't find it anywhere, so he asked the monkey to look for it. In the end, the monkey found it. The monkey recognized money and knew how to exchange money for delicious food. If he couldn't steal the money, he would be whipped. There were upside-down thorns on the whip. The monkey was

Now that I know it, it is very scary. Every time the monkey goes there, it will be successful.

After receiving professional training, monkeys are very capable, thin and flexible, and can climb up and down very easily. There are some places that are inaccessible to humans, but monkeys have no obstacles.

After he let the monkey steal a gold bar, he was overjoyed and found out that the cellar of Zhang Yuanwai's house was a treasure house.

The content inside is very rich.

He started a crazy theft activity. Soon, Zhang Yuanwai discovered the problem and immediately reported it to the official, attracting attention.

Liu Sanxiu was arrested, and after a trial, the verdict was: the monkey was released into the mountains and forests, Liu Sanxiu was sent to the frontier, and was never allowed to return to his hometown.

Later, Jinlong asked Bu Huishu: "Why can the case be solved by spitting?"

Bu Huishu said: "This is a hypothesis. The cellar is protected from entry, so no one can go in and steal. However, I never expected that a monkey would commit the crime. When Zhang Yuanwai was building the cellar, he ignored this problem and left it to Liu Sanxiu.

Liu Sanxiu knew that there were places where humans could not go. The only way was to train monkeys to become accomplices or tools for committing crimes. In this way, the monkeys could go straight in and succeed repeatedly. Generally speaking, once a person has a premonition, he will

Being suspected or taking measures, such as interrogation, will definitely make you nervous. Once a person is in a nervous state, his mouth will feel dry and he will not be able to spit anyway. When a person is nervous, he cannot help himself.

Can vomit."

After hearing this, Jin Long immediately gave a thumbs up and said, "I really admire you! Master is really a genius in solving crimes in the world!"

"It's nothing. The key is to observe carefully. In fact, many cases can be solved by careful observation," Bu Huishu said.

While they were talking, someone came from Prince Xiang's palace and asked Di Huishu to go to the palace to discuss important matters.

Yin Jian said: "Master, it seems that King Xiang is in trouble and it is inconvenient for him to be an official, so he asked Master to go and have a look. If Master is fine, he will go and have a look. For King Xiang, the issue of face is more important. If

It's best to solve it. If it can't be solved, Prince Xiang has his own solution."

"Master, this is no problem." Bu Huishu said, then said goodbye to Yin Jian, got on the sedan sent by King Xiang, and arrived at Prince Xiang's Mansion.

Prince Xiang is a quiet person and also likes reading, so his study is relatively remote. He enters from the main gate, walks through the nine-layer gate, then passes through a bamboo forest, like a private garden, and then arrives at a corner of the garden.

, is a small building. The name of the small building is Qingfeng Mingyue Building. It means that this small building welcomes the Qingfeng Mingyue. It is an elegant, quiet and clean place.

After sitting down, King Xiang said straight to the point: "Several important gold products were lost in the study room, which are of commemorative significance. They were all gifts from the emperor and other colleagues. After the theft, it was a pity and I was afraid that the news would spread widely.

Let’s go and spread it to the ears of the people who gave me the gift to the king, especially the emperor and his colleagues. If they knew about it, it would make people feel chilly and feel that they have betrayed their sincere hearts.”

"Understood." Bu Huishu nodded and said.

"I have long heard that Master can handle cases. This case cannot be said to be a serious one. I just want to solve it quietly so as not to spread the word and lose my face. Regardless of whether the case can be solved or not, I will be punished.

It has an impact. The case was solved and the gold souvenirs were recovered, which also shows that the king's anti-theft work was not good enough, allowing thieves to take advantage of the opportunity and succeeded. The fact that the case was not solved proves that the king has no capable friends to help, and it proves that the king has no charisma.

and influence, or be impersonal and have no friends to help. In short, good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. I hope to solve it as soon as possible, but I don’t know if Master can handle this case well?”

"This is easy to say, and it will definitely satisfy the prince." Bu Huishu said.

Bu Huishu said, touched the silver ring with his hand, and immediately had an idea. He said: "Your Majesty, please come to everyone who has been to this library."

King Xiang nodded, agreed, and then asked all parties involved to go to the library.

After a while, everyone arrived.

Bu Huishu asked: "Who discovered that the gold was stolen first?"

"It's the maid Cuihua." King Xiang said.

"Cuihua!" Bu Huishu shouted.

"Yes." A maid replied.

"Tell me about the situation at that time."

"Yes, these gold items are kept by the slave. One night, there was no moon, and there was a dark shadow moving in the library. It turned out that a thief had sneaked into the library a long time ago. The slave shouted loudly, and the shadow panicked and fled. But the slave was unable to stop him.

, and his left hand was injured by a robber with a sword. Later, when the servant came to catch the thief, the robber had already escaped. After counting, it was found that several gold items were missing." Cuihua said.

"Oh, that's it! Cuihua, can I have a look at your injury?" Bu Huishu said.

"Of course. Come, please take a look!" Cuihua said.

Cuihua stretched out her left hand for Bu Huishu to look at. Bu Huishu looked at Cuihua's hand carefully.

Cuihua kept shouting "it hurts".


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