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Chapter 28 The Mysterious Case of Qilin Temple

After listening to Monk Che Jing's words, Yin Jian fell into deep thought. He felt that there was no need for Che Jing to lie. Anyway, he had to be sent thousands of miles away. If he wanted to come back, there was little hope. Since they were separated by life and death, the possibility of coming back was very slim.

He was assigned, which was equivalent to a death sentence. How many times have people fought in ancient times? Although it is not a war, it is almost like a war. The harsh natural environment, coupled with the presence of wild beasts, harassment and looting by foreign enemies, few people can survive.

When he said this, it meant that his words were good.

Yin Jian and Bu Huishu discussed and decided to visit Qilin Temple privately incognito.

Yin Jian still pretends to be a businessman who believes in Buddhism and is mainly engaged in tea business. Northern nomads like to eat meat, and after eating meat, they like to drink tea. Tea comes from the south, meat comes from the north, and furs are exchanged.

It can really improve people's lives to a big level.

They came to Qilin Temple. There was an endless stream of people coming and going in front of the temple. It seemed that they were all good men and women who didn't know exactly what they were asking for.

Yin Jian had better go to the teahouse next to the gate of Qilin Temple to sit down and inquire about the situation.

When they went out this time, they didn't bring a bookboy or a policeman with them. They were dressed like businessmen. One was the boss and the other was a clerk.

"Dr. Tea, bring me two pots of good tea!" Yin Jian shouted as soon as he entered the door.

"Haole——" Dr. Cha came to Yin Jian with his sharp eyes and quick hands, his voice was clear and trailing off.

Yin Jian immediately had the best Longjing tea in front of him, as well as some free melon seeds and snacks.

It is close to the Kirin Temple, and many people come to offer incense and worship Buddha, which has boosted the business of the teahouse. The ten-mile long street here is full of small businesses, and it has gradually formed a certain scale. It has become a famous scenic spot in eight towns.

It is also a place where people like to visit. The mountain is famous for the temple. With the help of the mountain, the temple appears towering into the clouds, close to the sky and far away from the earth, like a holy place.

"Huishu, if you see there are tea drinkers nearby, you can ask Qilin Temple why the incense is so strong," Yin Jian said.

"Yes, sir, I'll go and ask about the situation first," Bu Huishu said.

Bu Huishu walked over and asked, "Excuse me, sir, why is it so lively here?"

"Oh, it seems that you don't know something. This is the famous temple for sending children." The tea guest said after looking up and down the book of divination and wisdom. He saw that the book of divination and wisdom was more polite, unlike those of the clerks. It was a skilled clerk, so he put it down.

I got off my guard and told him directly.

"Child-giving temple? Are those good men and women coming here to ask for children to continue their incense?" Bu Huishu asked.

"Yes, this temple is famous far and wide. It is very efficacious. Some people come from thousands of miles to come to this temple to ask for a child. Just because their requests are answered, many have succeeded. Therefore, the news has spread far and wide." The tea guest said.


"Oh, is that true?"

"Yes. There is a Zisi Hall in Qilin Temple. Women in need go to the Zisi Hall, stay in a clean room, rest for a night, and nine out of ten times they will be happy after returning home. It is very effective. Because of the effectiveness, once it is spread,

The news spread from ten to ten, and as a result, more and more people knew about it, and they came to Qilin Temple in an endless stream to ask for a child. Therefore, the place became extremely lively," said the tea guest.

"I understand. This is strange. Why are other temples ineffective but only Qilin Temple?" Bu Huishu said.

"I don't know about this. Anyway, there are some evil practices. As you said, monks in many temples also pray for the people. For example, preparing women for the birth of children, which is a woman's biggest wish." The tea guest said.

"So, what is the general situation of people who go to temples to ask for children?" Bu Huishu asked.

"These people, of course, are women. They have been married for a long time, but they are still unable to get pregnant. They seek medical advice everywhere, but they always fail to get what they want. In desperation, they want to worship Buddha, and after asking around, they find Qilin Temple. It is said that in the west of Xiangyang City,

Qilin Temple has had a reputation for giving birth to children since ancient times. No one noticed it at the time. It was not until later that it became known. After learning about it, it spread. Later, the reputation became more and more popular. At that time, everyone was relatively cautious, but later they became extra cautious.

Relax and know that no one can resist the power of rumors. Of course, this is not a rumor. I went in on an empty stomach and soon came back with a big belly. This must have mysterious power to become a supporter. Pregnancy is a very important thing and has far-reaching impact.

With a pout in his belly, he slaps those who don't like him in the face." The tea guest said.

"How old is the woman?" Bu Huishu asked.

"You are young, healthy, and not sick. You must fast in advance. In addition, you must wait seven days before leaving. Otherwise, you will not be entertained." The tea guest said.

"You understand so clearly, have you ever been in there?" Bu Huishu asked.

"I haven't been in it. I've been in Kirin Temple. I've never been in the clean room. One of my cousins ​​has been in it. She's young and healthy, but her belly didn't show up after she got married. Her mother-in-law criticizes Huai every day and says some unpleasant things. She only has

Be patient. She knew very well that she couldn’t keep her mouth shut in this situation. If she kept her mouth shut, she would probably be divorced by her husband. Fortunately, she finally got pregnant and my cousin finally settled down. If she didn’t have a child, the pain in her heart would be terrible.

You’ll know it just by thinking about it,” the tea guest said.

"Oh, that's it! Thank you very much!" Bu Huishu said.

"You're welcome! Now that you're here, go and say goodbye properly, maybe things will turn around for you," the tea guest said.

"Thank you! Now that you are here, you will naturally see the real Buddha. Otherwise, traveling thousands of miles would be in vain," Bu Huishu said.

"Yes, I also feel strange, why don't other temples have this function? They are also temples for worshiping Buddha. There is a Qi that I don't know how to connect. When worshiping Buddha in ancient temples, you must be sincere, or in other words, sincere. Otherwise, you will not reach the goal.

It doesn’t work. Qilin Temple doesn’t seem to have any requirements. I mean, it doesn’t have any requirements for worship activities, but it has very strict requirements for women.” The tea guest said.

"Thank you very much! I won't bother you for now. I'll see you later!" Bu Huishu said.

Bu Huishu left the tea guest and returned to Yin Jian's side.

"Have you heard about it?" Yin Jian asked.

"Hmm. The incense in Qilin Temple is very prosperous because many people come to ask for the continuation of the incense in their homes." Bu Huishu said.

"Of course this is understandable. It's just a bit strange. Why don't you go to Qilin Temple but not other temples? There are reasonable doubts here. People are a little weird. After a woman who comes to ask for a child succeeds, no one comes to fulfill her wish. When asked

When I talk about pregnancy, I feel a little heavy. This topic is not an easy topic." Yin Jian said.

At this time, there were more and more people in the teahouse, and it no longer seemed quiet. Yin Jian signaled to leave, Bu Huishu paid the tea money, left the teahouse, and continued on his way.

There was an old man selling melons, shouting about selling melons.

Yin Jian stepped forward and asked: "Old man, your melon is of good color, how does it taste?"

"Boss, you are really discerning. All my melons are grown by myself. Not only are they of good color, but they also taste good. It doesn't cost any money. Why don't you try some?" the old man said.

"Oh, when I came out this time, I just drank tea and had a lot of water. I will buy something to eat when I feel tired after a while. Old man, can I ask something?" Yin Jian asked.

"Okay, it's okay, just tell me!"

"Why are there so many people in this Qilin Temple?" Yin Jian asked.

"Don't you know? This temple is very effective," the old man said.

"What is so effective?"

"It's just that she is pregnant! The woman came to the temple to ask for an heir, but did not come back that night. She stayed in the child's room and went home the next day. It didn't take long for the baby to be pregnant," the old man said.

"So effective?"

"Yes, Ms. Tian Wang from our village is 22 this year. She married when she was 16 years old. She has never had a child and her family is very worried. She seeks medical advice everywhere and asks for miracle cures. If she has any information, she will seek it out because in our village, if you are unable to have children, you will be punished.

People looked down on them, and some were divorced, which was very embarrassing. Later, I heard that Kirin Temple was particularly effective in seeking children, and it met the conditions for staying at Kirin Temple to seek children, so I stayed in the children's room for one night, but I didn't expect it to succeed. They all like to be bad.

Yes. It’s just that when I asked about Tian Wang, she wouldn’t tell me the specific situation." The old man said.

"How far is your village from here?" Yin Jian asked.

"It's not far, it's five miles ahead." The old man replied.

"Okay, thank you! Let's go and see. Where is Tian Wang's family?" Yin Jian asked.

"At the west end of the village, there is a big pomegranate tree in front of the door." the old man said.

"Okay, I'll buy melons from you later." Yin Jian said, and after winking with Bu Huishu, he left the old man selling melons and went to Tian Wang's house to have a look.

They hired a sedan, Yin Jian sat in it, Bu Huishu hired a donkey, and they went to Tian Wang's house.

Not long after, I saw the big pomegranate tree at the west end of the village. In front of the tree was a house with blue bricks and white walls. The house was not luxurious, and there was no sign of wealth from the outside. There were two stone lions at the door and stone pillars.

Gu seems to have some wealth, but his appearance is not impressive, but in fact he comes from a wealthy family.

Yin Jian stopped and got out of the sedan. Bu Huishu got off the donkey. Yin Jian asked the bearer to wait here. Bu Huishu tied the donkey and they went to knock on the door.

Not long after, the door creaked open, and a servant came out and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm a merchant, and this is my buddy. I'm passing by here and want to visit your master. Is it convenient?" Yin Jian asked.

"May I ask what your name is?"

"My surname is Wang. This is my man, whose surname is Tian." Yin Jian said.

"Qingqing is a family. Wait a minute! I'll report it."

The two of them were waiting at the door. Not long after, the door creaked open, and an old man came out. His beard and hair were all white, not even a bit black. He looked at Yin Jian and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Old man, I am a businessman passing by here. I am thirsty when I pass by this village and want to ask for some water. In addition, I heard that there is a happy event in your family and I want to come and get some light. Is that okay?" Yin Jian said.

"You can drink water or drink. We have plenty at home. Is it just a happy event? I'd better not mention it," the old man said.

"No need to drink, just drink water." Yin Jian said.

"Okay, please come inside and sit down and take a rest. It's not easy to go out," the old man invited.

"Thank you, old man!"

They entered the house and sat down in the main room. The maid brought tea and they drank tea while chatting.

"Excuse me, what's your name?" Yin Jian asked.

"My surname is Tian. This is Tianjiazhuang. In front of it is the famous Qilin Temple. Many outsiders come to this temple to make wishes," the old man said.

"Mr. Tian, ​​I've heard about Qilin Temple for a long time. I don't know what's new about it. I'd like to hear its auspiciousness." Yin Jian said.

"There is nothing new about this temple. It is similar to other temples. However, this temple is good news for infertile people. Many infertile people come here to ask for children." Lao Tiantou said.

"Tian Lao, may I ask if you have been to this temple?" Yin Jian asked.

"I didn't go, my son and daughter-in-law did." Lao Tiantou said.

"Can I meet my son and daughter-in-law?" Yin Jian asked.

"I don't have anything, and neither does my son. I'm just afraid that my daughter-in-law won't want to," Lao Tiantou said.


"You don't know something. I have been living alone for three generations. When it comes to my son's generation, there is no news for a long time after getting married. I have an ominous premonition. I heard that Qilin Temple is very effective in asking for a son, so I sent someone to inquire. I found out that there is something in the temple.

The conditions are very strict for the daughter-in-law. Think of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. You can’t go wrong if you try. If you have the conditions, go there. If you don’t have the conditions, do it in a hurry and don’t sweat it. The person who went to inquire came back and said that there is an heir there.

I need to stay in the children's room for one night. I want my son to go with me and be with my daughter-in-law, so I don't think too deeply about it and let my son and daughter-in-law go. Anyway, as long as I can give birth, it's a good thing." Lao Tiantou said.

"What happened next? Did my son and daughter-in-law go?" Yin Jian asked.


"What happens after you go?"

"After I went there, I stayed for one night and then came back with my son. A few days later, my daughter-in-law had a reaction and came to see the doctor. After taking her pulse, she found that she was pregnant. This made me extremely happy." Lao Tiantou said.


"Great! You finally saw it and lived up to your expectations. So, what happened to your daughter-in-law?" Yin Jian asked.

"Later, after I gave birth to a child, I became depressed. She didn't like to joke or see people. She kept to herself. I didn't know what was wrong. She was always depressed. I was worried that she had postpartum disease and was in a bad mood.

." Lao Tiantou said.

"This is hard to understand. What was she like before?" Yin Jian asked.

"She used to be lively, with bright eyes, and was kind to others, but now she seems lifeless, always loses her temper, and sometimes dreams and yells, as if she's a little crazy," Lao Tiantou said.

"Oh, I understand." Yin Jian said, "I heard about this from afar and wanted to take a look. There are many infertile people there. If the situation is true, you can go back and tell us. If it is not true, tell me

, if others come and don’t succeed, it’s our fault.”

"You still have to be careful. I think many women come out with some changes after entering. It seems very complicated and difficult to understand. If the wife becomes a fool, it is better not to go to Kirin Temple to make a wish. Is this risky?

Please think more and think twice before you act." Lao Tiantou said.

"I know, Mr. Tian, ​​the purpose is to find out before deciding whether to go or not. If you lose it recklessly, if you get pregnant, you will become a fool in the future. No one wants to see this. It is better to nip it in the bud and think more.

Think, if you don't get fooled, you won't suffer a loss." Yin Jian said.

"To be honest, the more prosperity there is on the surface, the more problems there are behind it. Because it is not the norm, you need to pay special attention to it. You are a person who has traveled all over the world, so you have more experience." Old Tiantou said.

This chapter has been completed!
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