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Chapter 33 The Unlucky Concubine

Wen Si was tortured and interrogated, and it was all a bluff. Bu Huishu deliberately made a big fuss, but was actually very gentle to Wen Si.

At midnight, the interrogation officially began.

Bu Huishu deliberately made the interrogators yell, and then made Wensi scream deliberately. Listening from the outside, it turned out to be a torture interrogation.

At the same time, Bu Huishu told the people ambushing outside to take action immediately by throwing a cup as a signal.

Lanterns are hung high in the corridor of Xiaoyao Building, and many more lanterns are added, which are brighter than usual, but there are fewer lights in the interrogation room. In this way, if there are moving objects outside, you can see them clearly indoors, but you can't see them clearly from the outside, but you can't see them from the inside.

's clear.

When Bu Huishu saw two figures approaching slowly, he picked up the teacup and threw it to the ground.


There was a crisp sound, and someone outside shouted: "Stop, stop, or you will shoot an arrow!"

The people in ambush outside rushed up, surrounded the two black figures, knocked them to the ground, tied a rice dumpling with a rope, made it strong, and pushed them in.

"Sir, the suspect has been captured."

"Okay, it's been hard work. Let's step aside for now." Bu Huishu said.

The two were tied tightly, their legs were trembling, and they couldn't hold on. They knelt down with a "pop" sound, and their whole bodies were shaking like chaff. They didn't stop for a moment. Wen Si, who was kneeling next to him, felt strange. The two of them peeked at Wen Si and felt strange.

It was intact, with no blood or pain. It looked like it was being played. It looked very relaxed.

"Sir, spare your life, spare your life, we passed by here with no ill intentions." One of them said, looking more cunning.

"Be brave, I haven't asked you yet, what did you say? Why are you so anxious? Who are you waiting for? What are you doing here sneakily?" Bu Huishu asked.

"I am the accountant of Xiaoyao Building. My name is Zhang Qing. I am in charge of the accounts of Xiaoyao Building. This man is a gangster from outside. His name is Cai Hua." Zhang Qing said.

"I have known for a long time that your name is Zhang Qing and his name is Cai Hua. I was just waiting for you to come and throw yourself into a trap." Bu Huishu said.

Zhang Qing was surprised when he heard this.

I thought to myself, this person is a god, not a human! How do I know his name? How do I know he will come?

"Cai Hua!" Bu Huishu asked.

"The villain is here."

"Tell me, how did you get here? I already knew it. Let you tell it frankly to avoid the pain of being beaten." Bu Huishu said.

"The villain's name is Cai Hua."

"This officer knows, let's talk about the key points."

"The villain lived in this street, opened a medicine shop, and became familiar with Zhang Qing. Because Zhang Qing often introduced the guests staying at the villain's pharmacy to buy medicines from the villain, the villain thanked Zhang Qing, and they often visited each other, and they became familiar with each other after going back and forth. The villain

He often delivers medicine to Zhang Qing, and Zhang Qing gives the medicine to his guests. Unintentionally, he fell in love with the proprietress of Xiaoyao Building," Cai Hua said.

"Then what?"

"The boss's wife is very beautiful, and the villain can't stop it, so he often goes to meet the boss's wife secretly in the name of delivering medicine. Unexpectedly, the boss's wife also admires the villain very much. The two hit it off, and it didn't take long before they started fooling around together."

Cai Hua said.

"You also know the word fooling around?" Bu Huishu said.

"The villain regrets it now."

"What's the use of regret? Tell me, you were fooling around with the boss's wife. How did you end up messing with Xiao Hong?" Bu Huishu asked.

"Who is Xiaohong?"

"Pretend, keep pretending! Don't you know who Xiaohong is?" Bu Huishu said.

"Xiaohong is the deceased." Zhang Qing interrupted.

"I'm not allowed to speak, so don't interrupt. You did the right thing this time. Don't interrupt next time. Do you hear me?" Bu Huishu said.

"Okay, sir, I won't say anything next time," Zhang Qingyan said.

"Cai Hua, tell me, Zhang Qing just told you that Xiaohong was the woman you killed. Tell me, how did you kill her?" Bu Huishu asked.

"Oh, I remembered it. One day, the villain was fooling around with the boss's wife. When they were enjoying themselves and couldn't separate, a woman broke in and saw the villain and the boss's wife. The villain was wearing

The clothes ran away. After a long time, I didn't dare to come to Xiaoyao Building again. I also sent a waiter to deliver the medicine. The villain was frightened for a while. Because the husband of the boss lady was a bully, and the villain was a good citizen, and he offended people who shouldn't be offended.

, it is a trivial matter for a villain to fail in his business, and it is very possible to move his head. Because the boss is very cruel and violent, and the villain is no match for him. The villain cuckolds him. This is a shame and a great humiliation. If word spreads, the villain will not know how to die.

"Yes." Cai Hua said.

"If you dare to do it, why don't you dare to take it? You know her husband is vicious, why do you want to make trouble with Tai Sui? You still want to touch the tiger's butt? Aren't you looking for death?" Bu Huishu said.

"The villain is timid, but the boss lady is bold. She asked the waiter to bring a message to the villain, and asked him to go to the temple to burn incense." Cai Huayan said.

"did you go?"

"When she went, she bribed the abbot, arranged a clean room, and met the villain. After the villain went, she said that if she wanted to date in the future, the insider would disappear forever. There were no witnesses, and they could still come and go.

If the witness is not removed,

Neither you nor I can live in peace, and our lives are in danger." Cai Hua said.

"So, what did you think after she said this?" Bu Huishu asked.

"Of course a villain is afraid. He wouldn't dare to kill a chicken, let alone a living person?" Cai Hua said.

"You dare not kill a chicken? How dare you take human life?" Bu Huishu asked.

"This is all the boss's instigation." Cai Huayan said.

"What a joke! The boss lady asks you to eat shit, do you want to eat it too?"

"This won't happen."

"That's it, do you have no brains? If you don't dare to kill a chicken, who will believe it? Don't say anything, just tell the truth about what happened that day." Bu Huishu said.

"That night, when the villain arrived at Xiaoyao Building, it was around midnight. It was around this time. The landlady did not lock the door that night. After the villain came in, he touched the room where Xiaohong lived and stabbed Xiaohong in the chest with a sharp knife. Blood spattered all over her body.

The villain threw the knife into the river. After returning home, he always felt that there was a ghost in the house and stayed up all night. It was like Xiao Hong's ghost came to settle the score with the villain. It stayed like this for days and nights, and he became obviously haggard. These days

, my life has been unsatisfactory. I am worried every day." Cai Huayan said.

"Very good, do you still remember where the knife was thrown?" Bu Huishu asked.


"Okay, sign and stamp the confession document, and then take people to salvage it after dawn," Bu Huishu ordered.

Vince was acquitted.

Cai Hua was put on death row. In addition, Cai Hua was ordered to pay 400 taels of silver to Wen Si and Xiao Hong's elderly parents, and let the boss's wife bear joint liability for compensation. Although the boss's wife did not directly participate in the crime, she prepared favorable conditions for Cai Hua's crime.

The condition is that if the door is locked, it will not be easy for Cai Hua to come in. The landlady did not lock the door and deliberately let Cai Hua in. She has the motive of committing a crime. Even if she did not participate in the implementation, she is still a person who assisted Cai Hua. Although she does not bear criminal liability, at least she must


Not long after, the boss of Xiaoyao Building found a reason to divorce his wife, divorced his wife and married another concubine. The former concubine was rehabilitated and became his wife.

Cai Hua was sentenced to death by Qiu Houwen and Ling Chi.

The magistrate of Yicheng County was very surprised. When he sent Divination Huishu back to the capital, he asked: "Your Excellency, there are many doubts about this case and we can't get to the point. Why did you solve it as soon as you came here?"

"This is God's will!" Bu Huishu said.

"Then, may I ask, Your Excellency, why do we have to make such a big show that the entire city is going to interrogate Wen Si, and let everyone in the city know the time and place?" the county magistrate asked.

"This is called luring the snake out of its cave, or luring the tiger away from the mountain." Bu Huishu said.

"Then, why were people arranged to ambush Xiaoyao Tower during the interrogation?" the county magistrate asked.

"This is called waiting and waiting. Unless you are closely related to this case, you will not come to inquire for information when people are sleeping. The person who comes must be related to this case. Even if he is not the principal offender, he is an accessory.

Or coercing an accomplice, in short, it must be related to this case. Even if the main criminal cannot be caught, as long as the accomplice is caught or the accomplice is coerced, the main criminal will not be able to escape," Bu Huishu said.

The Yicheng County Magistrate nodded in agreement and secretly admired Bu Huishu. This supervisory censor was really genuine.

Back in the capital, Bu Huishu told Yin Jian how to handle the case. Yin Jian was very happy and immediately reported to the emperor. The emperor was very happy and gave Bu Huishu many rewards. Bu Huishu donated all of them. The emperor was even happier and felt that Bu Huishu was not greedy for money.

, what a good person.

Just two days later, the magistrate of Baokang County in Xiangyang submitted a request for help, saying that there was an unsolved case that could not be solved and there was nothing the local government could do. The magistrate thought of Yin Jian of Dali Temple in the capital and Master Bu Huishu.

Bu Huishu was editing a history book and couldn't escape, so he asked Yinhu to go handle the case.

Yinhu felt that he was alone and weak, so he invited Jinlong to go with him.

In order to get a status that would be helpful in handling the case, Yin Jian applied for the position of two recorders and asked them to go to Baokang County.

The magistrate of Baokang County, whose surname was Xiang Mingzheng, was overjoyed when he saw the two of them and wanted to help them. The two declined and said, "Let's handle the case directly!"

Baokang County is a poor county. After hearing that the two of them were so sensible, Xiang Zheng did not force himself and simply stated the facts of the case.

There is a village called Niupo Village.

There is a young man named Niu Dayuan in the village.

Niu Dayuan has a fiancée named Ma Yingxiu.

The two of them have been good friends since they were young, and they are like childhood sweethearts.

The son is getting married when he is older, and the daughter is getting married when she is older. Both of them have reached the age of discussing marriage.

Niu Dayuan is an honest man, strong and a good labor force. He is as strong as an ox and is loved by people.

When someone from the other side of the mountain came to propose marriage, Niu Dayuan disappeared. He ran far away and was never seen again.

Niu Dayuan was reluctant to propose marriage every time.

Later, I heard someone mentioned Ma Yingxiu, and I immediately agreed.

Like Ma Yingxiu, she also avoided people coming to propose marriage. The two of them agreed that Ma Yingxiu would not marry anyone other than Niu Dayuan, and that Niu Dayuan would not marry Ma Yingxiu unless Niu Dayuan was married. The two of them had sworn to each other and had already made an oath.

Later, after the matchmaker's help, the two set a date for their wedding. The matchmaker also received the money to thank the matchmaker and left happily.

Later, one morning, before dawn, Niu Dayuan went to the market because it was a special day in the mountains and he needed to buy things for the wedding.

Niu Dayuan's parents were old and unable to walk long distances, so they asked Niu Dayuan to do the work for them. Of course Niu Dayuan was very willing and could handle his own affairs, needless to say.

After Niu Dayuan went out, he never came back.

His parents were the only son and had no other children. They relied on this son to continue the Niu family's legacy. This man's sudden disappearance made people suspicious.

Facts have proved that he was not running away from his marriage because he couldn't bear to leave Ma Yingxiu.

Ma Yingxiu's family was also worried. Before the girl got married, her uncle disappeared. This was considered a strange news in the local area and could not be understood.

The woman has to withstand greater pressure.

In any case, the groom's family could no longer sit still. Niu Dayuan's parents rushed to the county government office tremblingly, beat drums and lodged a complaint.

Xiang Zheng finished dictating the case.

Jinlong and Yinhu were deep in thought. They followed their master everywhere and had seen many cases. They had never heard of or experienced this case.

Is it really an escape from marriage?

This may not be certain.

There are times when you get bored with things after using them for a long time, not to mention people. If things don’t speak, they will be fond of the new and dislike the old, and the same goes for people! This Niu Dayuan may have disliked the woman’s request for a large gift, or maybe he saw Ma Yingxiu’s

I hate it when my mother is like that. The kind of mother she has is the same kind of daughter.

Marriage is a lifelong matter, and if you don't do it right, it will affect your life's happiness.

No matter what, you have to see people alive, and you want to see corpses when you die.

The two discussed for a while and said, "Xiang Zheng, we should announce the news of Niu Dayuan's disappearance throughout the county, attract everyone's attention, and then provide clues."

Xiang Zheng went to do it, and sure enough, not long after, someone said that they had seen Niu Dayuan in Shiliping.

The people who went to the market together saw it, but they didn't see it clearly enough. When they came closer, they found that everyone was gone.

Xiang Zheng reported this information, and Yinhu thought to himself that if he walked out of his home and walked to Shiliping, he should still be able to see people. It was just dawn and he could see clearly, so he had to go to the scene to have a look.

Yinhu said: "Xiang Zheng, it's best to go to the Shiliping scene and look for clues. Where people disappeared, they must have left clues."

"What you said is absolutely true, let's set off now." Xiang Zhengyan said.

He arranged everything and the group rushed to Shiliping.

In Shiliping, I found a weir pond with a steep mountain on one side. At the end of the mountain is a market town, where you can buy things for weddings. It is very convenient.

It is impossible to go to the mountain. If people disappear in Shiliping, they are most likely to be in the weir pond next to them. The living people are missing, and the bodies may not be found.

Yinhu's guess was correct, and with the support of Jinlong, they gave Xiang Zheng suggestions and began to salvage the bodies.

Xiang Zheng originally didn't want to do this. He wanted them to report it to the superiors and the case would not be handled because there were too many cases to handle and it was too busy. However, this case has been reported to Dali Temple, which shows that the case is of typical significance and should be handled.

Well, it can affect the mood of the local people, so it must be done well.

Thinking of this, Xiang Zheng accepted the suggestion unconditionally and began to organize salvage crews to salvage the bodies in the weir pond. He had no idea whether they would be able to salvage anything. However, Yinhu suggested and Jinlong seconded, he had no choice but to follow the instructions and salvage the corpses.

It's another thing to not make money, and it's another thing to make money or not. It depends on the attitude, not the skill. He knows this very clearly.

This chapter has been completed!
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