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Chapter 39

County Magistrate Wu Shicheng felt very strange when he heard that someone had complained and specially designated a recipient. He was thinking about it. Someone said that Lord Yin Jianyin of Dali Temple in the capital wanted to leave.

He immediately asked the person who came to deliver the message to bring back the message: "Please tell Mr. Yin that someone has complained that the mule was robbed. Please apply for Mr. Yin to handle the case in person. The victim has already beaten the drum to complain and is waiting for processing outside the door."

When the visitor returned, he told Yin Jian.

When Yin Jian heard this, he felt strange. Should he stay? If he stayed, there would still be many cases to be dealt with in the capital. If he didn't stay, he would be afraid of chilling the hearts of the people of Zaoyang. It was better to go and ask about the situation. He made up his mind.

, he sent someone to find Wu Shicheng, the magistrate of Wu County, and said, "You can hear the details of the case."

After word spread, Zaoyang County Magistrate Wu Shicheng asked the old man to come in and state the case.

The old man Luo Buhuan came in, and Yin Jian also arrived. Bu Huishu was beside him, and Wu Shicheng asked: "Who is kneeling down? What is the complaint?"

"The little old man's surname is Luo Bu Huan. He lives in Luojiazhuang, Shuanggou Township, Zaoyang County. He is suing a bad guy who looks like a good guy." Luo Bu Huan said.

Everyone was confused when they heard it. Only Bu Huishu understood. He already knew the old man Luo Buhuan clearly.

"How can you file a lawsuit if you don't know who the defendant is?" Wu Shicheng asked.

"I just don't know who it is, so I need help from the county magistrate." Luo Bu Huan said.

"Are you kidding? How can this case be tried without a defendant?" Wu Shicheng asked, wanting to give up.

It's just that due to the presence of Master Yin Jian in the capital, it is inconvenient to have an attack.

Seeing that the trial could not continue, Yin Jian asked: "Luo Buhuan, tell me, what happened?"

When Luo Buhuan heard this, he thought that this might be Lord Yin from the capital. He said, "Is it Lord Yin? I have a mule, which is all my property. This mule is valuable. I plan to use the mule to carry some mountain goods today."

I went to the city to sell, but I didn't expect that the mule stopped walking halfway. No matter what I tried, it just refused to leave. A man riding a donkey to the market happened to come. He seemed kind-hearted and didn't look like a bad guy. He took the initiative to help me.

He said that they would ride to the market alternately, that is to say, he rode my mule and I rode his donkey. He said his donkey was docile, honest and obedient, and it was easy to ride and not nerve-wracking. The mule was disobedient and said no.

There was nothing anyone could do about it. I thought we were going to the city anyway, going in one direction, and then changing back when we got to the city. There was nothing wrong with that, so I handed the mule to him. Unexpectedly, he got on the mule.

, whipped a few times, causing the mules to run wildly, and the little old man could not catch up. Now, the little old man's mules and goods are gone, only the donkey he left behind is left." Luo Buhuan said.

"Oh, that's right! This case can be handled this way. Luo Buhuan, get up for now, drink tea and rest aside, and I will call you later," Yin Jian ordered.

"Okay, thank you Master Yin!" Luo Buhuan said, and then the yamen took him to have tea and rest.

After he left, Yin Jian said: "Magistrate Wu, you can arrange it this way! The case will be solved."

Yin Jian told Wu Shicheng a plan and asked Wu to implement it. After hearing this, Wu was enlightened and very happy.

Yin Jian and Bu Huishu left the Zaoyang County Government. They knew that if they were still in Zaoyang, there would definitely be cases, which would affect the handling of cases in other places. The cases managed by Dali Temple cover the whole country, and there are many strange and important cases.

If it needs to be handled, small cases can be handed over to the local county magistrate for processing. If it is not handled well and the small ones are caught and the big ones are missed, it will be in trouble.

They left, Wu Shicheng walked outside and returned, and then asked Luo Buhuan to come in.

When Luo Buhuan saw that Yin Jian was missing, he suddenly became confused.

"No need to look for it. Mr. Yin has returned to the capital. There are still a lot of big and important cases to be handled there. This small case will be handled by this county. Luo Buhuan, where is the donkey I gave you?" Wu Shicheng asked.

"Sir, the donkey is tied at the yamen gate." Luo Bu Huan said.

"Okay, you go and bring the donkey in, then you go home and come back in four days." Wu Shicheng ordered.

Luo Buhuan became anxious when he heard that the mule had been deceived and kidnapped, but a donkey was left behind. Now there is a donkey that can travel instead, but now it has been detained by the county magistrate. He doesn't know when he will return it.

He was extremely worried, and when Wu Shicheng saw it, Wu Shicheng said, "Luo Buhuan, did you hear that? You go home and come back in four days, do you understand?" Wu Shicheng asked.

"Understood!" Rob Huan said.

He didn't know what to say. It might be Master Yin who gave him the idea.

After thinking about it, he gave up. He felt that the county government should take good care of the donkey, so he said: "Sir, this donkey belongs to a bad person. I want to exchange this donkey for my mule. Master, this

Take good care of the donkey for a few days and don't go hungry."

"Don't worry, go ahead, go ahead. Remember, come back in four days," Wu Shicheng said.

Luo Buhuan could only leave the county government office doubtfully and go home. He looked back at the donkey and was reluctant to part with it.

When Luo Buhuan left, Wu Shicheng ordered the government servant: "Take the donkey to an empty room. You can't feed it any fodder or beans, but you can feed it some water. Remember, it will be like this for four days! No feeding."

"Yes, sir!" the Yamen servant took the order.

Four days were too difficult for Luo Buhuan! He had no energy to do anything, and nothing he ate tasted good. He thought about his mule all the time, and thought about the mule and the bad guy’s donkey. The bad guy was very bad, and he

My donkey is not bad, he is very honest. I don’t know how he is these days, whether he has lost weight or gained weight. I hope it will develop for the better.

The four days passed with difficulty, as if four years had passed. He set off early in the morning and rushed to Zaoyang County Government Office. Before dawn, he went to knock on the door. When the officer saw that it was Luo Buhuan, who was dusty, he said: "

So early!"

"Not early or not, how about the donkey?" Luo Buhuan asked.

"Still alive," the yamen servant said.

When Luo Buhuan heard this, his heart felt like a knife. How could he say he was still alive? He was a little confused, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

At this time, Wu Shicheng came. When he saw Luo Buhuan, he took the initiative and said: "The donkey is still locked up in the house. It will be let out in a while. You should still hold it."

"Okay, sir!" Luo Buhuan said. The situation he heard from Wu Shicheng was similar to what the yamen servant said. If the donkey is alive, it is most likely hungry. Otherwise, they would not say so.

It was just as he guessed. As soon as he saw the donkey, he felt pain in his heart. Four days later, the donkey saw him. He seemed familiar, but his eyes were expressionless, and there was questioning in his eyes, as if he was asking him why he was treating him like this.

?Why didn't you come here earlier? The donkey drank water for four days and didn't get any dry food. It was really disappointing.

Luo Buhuan walked out with the donkey, and Wu Shicheng said to him: "You lead the way with the donkey, and we will all follow you. You lead the donkey to the place where the bad guy trades your mule with you. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Luo Buhuan agreed,

As soon as Wu Shicheng saw that there was something going on, he made preparations and arranged for six government servants to catch him. He said to them: "Follow Luo Buhuan. When you get to the place where the mules are exchanged, let Luo Buhuan loosen the reins and let the donkey walk freely. Just follow the donkey."

Now. Once the donkey reaches where it wants to go, you can arrest the person."

The policeman asked: "Who to arrest?"

Wu Shicheng said: "We must have caught the bad guy. Luo Buhuan knows him. It depends on the situation. As long as Luo Buhuan gives a shout, you will take action."

"Understood, sir!" the officials received the order.

"Luo Buhuan, if you saw the person who abducted your mule four days ago again, would you still recognize him?" Wu Shicheng asked.

"I know, I know, even if I burn him to ashes, I know him. I haven't been able to eat or sleep well these four days. I've been thinking about the bad guy's image every day. I know him at a glance. This guy has a kind face and a cruel heart. How could he deceive me?"

Where is this old man?" Luo Buhuan said, very angry.

"Okay, as long as you know each other, you can see your mule today, and you can also see the person you hate. You can take your mule away first, but do you want the bad guy to be punished?" Wu Shicheng asked.

"Of course I hope that bad people will be punished so that they can restrain themselves, abandon their evil deeds, change their minds, change their ways, and become good people and do good deeds. If bad people do all the bad things and no one is held accountable, it will be troublesome," Luo Buhuan said.

"Well said!" Wu Shicheng said.

"Master, can you leave?" Luo Buhuan asked.

"You can go! You all follow, I'll wait for your good news." Wu Shicheng said.

After saying that, the group set off, and six government servants followed Luo Buhuan in the direction of changing mules.

Luo Buhuan felt a little excited. How it will turn out depends on today. These four days were not in vain.

When the donkey started to walk, it was still a little weak, so it reluctantly let Luo Buhuan lead it forward. After four days of fasting training, the donkey had exhausted its strength and its walking was a little unsteady.

When the donkey walked to the place where mules were exchanged, the donkey became excited and became much stronger. It seemed that the donkey saw hope and had the urge to go home. When the catcher took a look, he said to Luo Buhuan: "Put it down.

Let it go. Let it go.”

"What are you letting go of?" Luo Buhuan asked.

"Put down the reins and let the donkey roam free," said the catcher.

"How can this work? What if the donkey runs away?" Luo Buhuan asked.

"We just want it to run. If it does, let's follow closely to see where it goes. Besides, mountainous areas are not plains, so it can't run fast," the policeman said.

"Okay then! If it gets lost, you have to compensate!" Luo Buhuan said.

"Compensation is a joke! However, this case can be considered. Mr. Wu, the magistrate of Zaoyang County, never compensates anyone, because this case is special, so he might be compensated," the policeman said.

"Okay, then let it go."

"Just let go."


Luo Buhuan said, and slowly loosened the rope. When the donkey saw that it was free, it became excited as if it had been injected with chicken blood. It was neither dejected nor lacking energy. It became full of energy and strength, and the donkey spread around.

Hoof, ran away happily, as if in the yard of his own home, rushing directly to his kitchen.

It was very familiar with my own kitchen, and the government servants followed it without making any mistakes.

Luo Buhuan wanted to find his mule, so he followed closely, fearing that he would lose it.

The donkey walked over a ridge, then went down a slope, then up a slope, and reached the foot of a big maple tree. There was a mule tied to the stone mill there. Luo Buhuan took a look and saw that it was his mule. The mule saw that it was his own mule.

He became happy too.

The donkey found his own kitchen and there was still food in the feed trough. He hurried to eat and began to make up for the shortfall in the past four days.

There was a lot of people outside, and a man walked out from inside. The man looked around and suddenly saw Luo Buhuan surrounded by government officials.

Luo Buhuan had sharp eyes and immediately saw the man who had exchanged his mule. He immediately shouted: "It's him, it's him, it's him, catch him!"

When the policeman heard this, he shouted and rushed forward.

When the man saw it, he knew the old man and immediately wanted to hide away.

When the policeman saw that he was about to run away, he strode forward, knocked the man over and said, "Here, tie him up!"

All the officials came forward and tied the man tightly.

Luo Buhuan was so happy that the mule was still fine.

The man said: "Your mule is disobedient. It runs away as soon as you mount it and disappears. When I control it and come back to you, it disappears. Why did you bring troops to arrest me?"

"Nonsense, it was obviously you who whipped the mule hard with the whip. You know, I never hit the mule like this. The mule has never been whipped like this. It couldn't bear the pain and ran away. Besides, if you are interested in looking for me,

Why don't you come to me? If you can't find it, why don't you report it to the official? This is obviously a lie!" Luo Buhuan said.

"If you have anything to say, go to the county government hall and say it. Luo Buhuan, your mule has been found. You can take it home. This man will be tried. When the time comes, you must cooperate with Magistrate Wu in the interrogation. Please understand.

?" the policeman said.

"I know, I must cooperate, I must cooperate. It seems that Mr. Wu is still very capable. It's really good." Luo Buhuan said, "Oh, by the way, this bad guy also took away my mountain goods. Will he be here?

Where is his house? Can you help me find it?"

"Tell me, where is the old man's wild product?" the policeman asked sharply.

"Here, here, at home! I knew I would be caught, but I didn't expect to be caught so soon. What kind of god is so powerful! I wonder who in this wilderness will come to solve the case?"

"You really look down on people! Are there no capable people in Zaoyang County?" the policeman said.

"The mountain goods are in the main room, inside a bamboo basket covered with a wooden board."

"Okay, let's go search for it," the policeman said.

Then I went to the main room of his house and found that, as he said, the goods were in the bamboo basket.

Luo Buhuan took the mountain goods and found his mule. He was really happy! He said: "Everyone please come to my house and sit for a while. If you can afford it, you can come and go often."

"No, thank you Luo Buhuan. You have returned the property to its original owner now. The mountain product has not been sold, so you must hurry up and do it. If you really can't sell it, just contact us and we will buy it," the policeman said.

After hearing what the police officer said, Luo Buhuan was very moved. He didn't expect that Wu Shicheng was really a parent official and had to take care of everything. With such a parent officer, it was no problem for the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

The suspects were brought back to the county government and interrogated overnight. The suspects all admitted to the crime. They only needed to be signed and deposited, and finally handed over to superiors for handling.

This chapter has been completed!
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