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Chapter 51 The Rich Girl Gets Married

Besides, the monk wanted to run away but was discovered and failed. Fu Ying said: "Kick them out. They are not allowed to move around the Lotus Weir area of ​​Tangzi Mountain. They are never allowed to enter Zaoyang. Oh, no, they are not allowed to enter the area under the jurisdiction of Xiangyang."


The monk received the order and handed over all the money he had defrauded. Fu Ying compensated the relatives who were buried in the snake's belly one by one, not leaving out a family. This made the local people full of hatred for the monk and full of affection for Fu Ying from Laohekou. Later, Fu Ying

He disclosed his identity and let many people know that there is this man, the Great Lord Qingtian, who upholds justice and is feared by even ghosts and gods, let alone evil animals.

The monk was driven away in despair. He came and left naked. Fortunately, he was not beaten. He saved his life and did not lose it in Zaoyang.

When the Zaoyang County Magistrate heard about this, he came to visit Fu Ying. Fu Ying said that he would go to the capital and return to his house for a return visit later. The Zaoyang County Magistrate was very happy and decided to host a banquet in honor of Fu Ying, but Fu Ying declined.

Since official matters were important, it made sense to put business first before private affairs, and the trip could not be delayed because of a meal. The county magistrate expressed his understanding and no longer forced it.

Besides, Fu Ying went to the capital and met Bu Huishu. Master Bu was very happy. After listening to Fu Ying's report, she was even happier. Then she read the article and felt it was good. She just helped to circle some grammatical errors and kept everything else.

No modifications were made.

Then, Taishi Bu gave Fu Ying some advice, asking him to study more and stay out of other people's business. Being in politics is like playing with fire. Only when you play well can you be successful. If you don't play well, you will die. People are the best at change. Qian

Never believe what people say, look at what people do, don't be afraid of failure, if you fail, you can start over. It's not a big deal, as long as you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood.

Fu Ying was deeply impressed by Taishi Bu's teachings

At this moment, he knew very well that Master Bu, who was his teacher, was able to achieve this position. To reach his position was a sign of success. There were no so-called major setbacks, neither elevation nor degradation.

, very stable, not awkward at all. To hang out in the capital, you must understand the rules of the capital. Those who do not understand the rules are destined to be excluded.

After listening to Taishi Bu's words, Fu Ying kept it in mind. She didn't stay long in the capital and didn't see the people she wanted to see, so she went back home and passed by Zaoyang again. She had made a promise before, and she had to fulfill it this time to avoid being exposed.

He is said to be a person who does not keep his word.

The magistrate of Zaoyang County never expected that he would actually remember to return the visit. This thing is shocking! I am used to lying when talking, or just to cope with it. I didn't expect that someone would take it seriously. Is this normal? Forget it, even if it is normal.

Yes, they still brought blessings to the people of Zaoyang. One thing to say, one cannot deny the achievements. What he did made Fu Ying feel embarrassed.

Fu Ying wanted to treat the guests, but the county magistrate refused and wanted to fulfill his duties as a landlord, so Fu Ying did not postpone it. While she was eating, someone came to report and said: "It's not good, sir, someone is beating drums to complain, saying that important things have been lost."

s things."

"What is it? How important is it?"

"It's very important, related to one's life's happiness." The yamen servant reported.

"Okay, then, tell me, what is missing?" the county magistrate asked.

"Dowry." said the Yamen servant.

"How many?"

"Eighteen sticks and eighteen picks."

"How do you say this?"

"It means that there are eighteen poles to carry the dowry and eighteen picks to pick it."

"It seems that the dowry is indeed quite large. How did you lose it?"

"Reporting to the master, there is a wealthy Yao family in Zaoyang City. They are preparing to send a girl away. Miss Qianjin has prepared a dowry. However, she was not happy for a long time when she found that the dowry was stolen. The dowry was completely stolen. The girl was crying. I don't know.

What should I do? I can only report it to the official." said the Yamen servant.

"That's it! You go ahead. Wait outside the door and listen to my arrangements." The county magistrate ordered.

After the yamen officer left, the county magistrate asked Fu Ying: "Brother, what should we do with this case?"

"Simple, thank you for your understanding. This case is not difficult. Announcement is made in time, and the whole city is searched. The east, west, and south gates are closed, leaving only the north gate for entry and exit. Anyone who enters and exits the city gate twice in a row will be arrested. As many as possible

, we will definitely catch the suspect." Fu Ying said.

Fu Ying knew very well that this was the method his master taught him. Don't be nervous when encountering problems. You need to deal with them calmly. As long as you are calm, you will be wise, and with wisdom you can do good things.

He keeps this in mind, doesn't get nervous when encountering problems, and handles them calmly, and everything will be fine.

When the Zaoyang County Magistrate heard this, he thought it made sense and ordered the Yamen servant: "Come in!"

When the yamen servant heard the greeting, he came in immediately and asked: "Master, what are your orders?"

"After the order is passed, all the city gates except the north gate will be closed. No entry or exit is allowed. The north gate will be strictly guarded. Anyone who enters or exits the city gate twice will be captured and brought to the county government for interrogation."

After finishing the order, continue eating.

After the theft occurred, people in the city were in panic, not knowing whose home would be robbed next.

Everything is well arranged here, just wait and see.

The soldiers guarding the city at the north gate began to be busy.

Notices are posted everywhere in the city.

The content is all about sealing off the city and catching criminals.

The atmosphere was very tense. We wanted to catch the criminal but we were afraid of being in danger.

In the evening, the government officials caught three fat men.

It looks like he has big shoulders and a round waist, and is very fat. At first glance, he looks like he is over-nourished, but he is not.

They are qualified people.

After being captured and escorted to the county government office, they kept shouting "Unjust, Unjust, Unjust" all the way, as if they had arrested the wrong person.

It doesn't matter how many government officials there are, as long as they complete the task. Who is arrested? Who is guilty? It has nothing to do with the government officials. The government officials are only responsible for completing the tasks. They don't care about anything else.

"Who is kneeling?" the county magistrate asked.

"I am a good citizen. I went out of the city and found that I had forgotten something. I went back to get it, but I was arrested. I am really wronged!"

"What did you forget?" the magistrate asked.

"Forgot to bring something."

"Forgot something?"

"It's a long story."

"Then let's keep the story short," the county magistrate ordered.

"My aunt was outside the city and needed some old clothes, so I went out. When I walked out of the city gate, I realized that I didn't take the dress, so I went back to get it, but I was arrested. It's really unfair."

"Then how old is your aunt?" the county magistrate asked.

"Over seventy years old."

"Where are the clothes?"

"it's here."

I saw him taking off his coat, revealing the layers of clothes underneath, which made him look very fat. After taking them all off, there were actually more than a dozen pieces of clothes.

The county magistrate took a look and found that these clothes were all worn by young women, mainly red.

There are also items for daily wear at home.

They are all plain colors and are not suitable for elderly women to wear.

The county magistrate asked: "Are you sure these are clothes for your aunt?"


"You are so bold and unruly! How dare you deceive me! Come here and give me thirty slaps before you start talking," the county magistrate ordered.

When the three "fat guys" saw this formation, they realized that they were going to hit hard. If nothing else, their buttocks would suffer, and their backs might even be broken.

Let’s put it another way, a good man will steer clear of the wind and not suffer immediate losses.

"Sir, it's like this. This matter was prepared three days ago. Our informant found out that the rich man was preparing a dowry, so he began to plan to steal the prepared dowry. He first visited the location and then sneaked into the place at night three days later.

The wealthy family stole the dowry, and after getting it, they couldn't transport it away, so they suddenly closed the city. Then, when they saw the announcement that there was going to be a large-scale manhunt in the city, the young people had no choice, so they took the risk and used people as tools to wear the clothes.

They sneaked out of the city in clothes, but they still couldn't escape the sharp eyes of the master. In order to avoid suffering, the young people spoke out and asked the master to let the young people go, so that the young people would never dare to break the law again." said the thief.

Sure enough, as long as one person says something and the others follow suit, the subsequent interrogation will be much easier. It seems that the county magistrate is still capable.

I learned this skill from Fu Ying. Fu Ying asked all the residents in the city to wait at home for inspection, and the government would conduct house-to-house searches. In this way, every house would be visited. The thieves stole the dowry. Eighteen

I made a lot of gongs and eighteen picks. If I want to achieve my goal, which is to get these dowries out, I have to work hard. After thinking about it, I finally came up with this method, which is to put on clothes and wear a lot of clothes. As a result,

Became a fat man.

When the fat man wants to go out, no one can stop him. The first time he goes out, everything goes smoothly, but when he enters the city again, his flaws are revealed. Even the most powerful person can't do anything.

The county magistrate concluded that he was right, and as a result, all the thieves were caught one by one, and no one was left.

Fu Ying assisted the county magistrate in solving the case, and the magistrate was extremely grateful. This case had a great impact, and many people knew about it, including of course the current emperor. The emperor also knew Fu Ying's name and knew that he was a student of Bu Huishu, and he was actually a student of Bu Huishu.

Same as him. How funny!

Fu Ying left Zaoyang and returned to Laohekou. People in Laohekou City also heard about the case, and they admired and respected Fu Ying even more. Fu Ying's reputation grew bigger and bigger. When anyone asked, he would say that this was his teacher.

, that is, the emperor’s teacher, Taishi Bu’s teachings. Without Taishi Bu, he would not be where he is today. It was Taishi Bu’s teachings that allowed him to learn to detect cases.

These fat men did not escape Fu Ying's eyes. They had no choice but to plead guilty and submit to the law, and were eventually sent to the frontier. They might never be able to come back, stole dowries, and ended up being sent to the frontier.

This method is a clever trick, and it is admirable to use it skillfully and with great proficiency.

One day, Fu Ying was reading a book in the study. Someone came in a hurry. Fu Ying asked, "Why are you so alarmed?"

"Someone is beating drums to complain. They came early in the morning. It seems that the situation is urgent." The Yamen servant came to report.

"Okay, let's go to court." Fu Ying ordered, and then came to the court.

"Who is kneeling?" Fu Ying asked.

"The little girl's surname is Wang Qiao'er."

"Why did you come to complain?" Fu Ying asked.

"No, the little girl has been sued. Master, please see, the little girl is tied up." Wang Qiaoer replied.

When Fu Ying saw that they were indeed tied up, he immediately ordered them to be untied.

In court, everyone must have equal rights. Before the facts of the case are found out, everyone is innocent. You cannot convict the person first and then find evidence to prove the facts of the crime. If this is the case, it will be preconceived and it is easy to make a wrong case.

Fu Ying understands this truth very well, so in order to avoid committing crimes, she must strictly follow the procedures to handle the case. As long as the case is handled in accordance with legal procedures, there will be no problems.

After Wang Qiaoer was released, she felt very comfortable. She felt that she had met an upright official, which made her feel very comfortable and satisfied.

Then, Fu Ying asked: "What's the matter?"

"She murdered her husband." Everyone said.

"How was the murder committed? Is there any evidence?" Fu Ying asked.

"This, this, this."

"Don't ask this or that, is there any evidence? Or witnesses? Is there any evidence to prove murder?" Fu Ying asked.

"This little girl is wronged, wronged!" Wang Qiaoer cried.

"How were you wrongly accused?" Fu Ying asked.

"The little girl and my husband have been married for a month. The little girl's husband's surname is Sima, and his name is Sanlang. Sima Sanlang is my husband," Wang Qiaoer said.

"Understood. Please continue."

"The little girl returned to her parents' house for a few days after a month. She just returned to her husband's house yesterday. She got up this morning to cook porridge for her husband. Unexpectedly, after drinking the porridge, the little girl's husband suddenly fell to the ground and complained that he had a stomachache.

, after a while, before there was time to invite the doctor, Sanlang died. The little girl really did not poison her husband, but she was framed and said that she poisoned her husband, and she had other evil intentions!" Wang Qiaoer said.

"What's wrong?" Fu Ying asked.

"That is to say, the father-in-law and mother-in-law suspect that the little girl has a lover in her parents' family." Wang Qiaoer said.

"Really? Does this make sense? Is there any evidence?" Fu Ying asked.

When Fu Ying asked, there was no answer, because in court, everything must be supported by evidence. If there is no evidence, don't say anything to avoid rotting your tongue.

However, it is understandable that the three generations of the Sima family were passed down to one generation, and this came to an end with Sima Sanlang's generation. In any case, the old man and his grandmother, that is, Sanlang's parents, couldn't figure it out, and it may have taken a long time to adapt.

Such speculation is easy to understand. After all, we want to ensure that the Sima family can continue to be popular. Wang Qiaoer is handsome, beautiful and loved by everyone. It is inevitable that some people will have evil thoughts. If she looks ordinary or ugly, Sima Sanlang will not like it either.

, I am not worried about getting married, but I am worried that my new wife will run away. However, after one month of marriage, this phenomenon has not happened yet. The relationship between the two is very good, not as bad as imagined, it is equivalent to enjoying a wonderful life in the honeymoon period.

There is no question of mutual betrayal.

Fu Ying could tell that Wang Qiaoer didn't have any bad intentions. She was suddenly kidnapped by her parents-in-law, and she still felt uncomfortable and even painful.

Only she can understand this pain, and no one else can understand it. Because the customs in this place are like this. Marry a chicken and follow the chicken. Marry a dog and follow the dog. There is no other possibility.

People with good intentions and bad intentions are all like this in customs and habits. You need to be patient and persistent. Otherwise, there will be risks and problems. If you are not careful, you will become someone else's after-dinner material. It is easy to say but uncomfortable to listen to. This is the reality and everyone has it.

You can't change it. You can only accept fate and endure it to the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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