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Chapter 53 Interrogation of the Shadowless Man

The tailor cried heartbrokenly.

Fu Ying was heartbroken when she heard that, but these are normal, because the world is full of suffering, and there is nothing wrong with it. It is not surprising that a case like this happened to him. Everyone is pitiful, some know it, and some

have no idea.

In this case, only solving the case is the greatest comfort to him, it is also a comfort to the deceased, and it is also an explanation to the villagers. It can eliminate people's panic and let life return to normal. There is no need to live in fear every day, so that

It's very troublesome.

"Is your daughter dead?" Fu Ying asked.

"She is definitely dead and can't survive. I saw that she had breathed her last and died," the tailor said.

"what's the situation?"

"She died on the stool, her hands were tied, and her pants were at her feet. There was half a piece of flesh on the side, which looked like half a tongue." The tailor said.

After hearing this, Fu Ying knew that she had to go there to find out clearly. She needed to go with him and record it in a book.

Just leave as soon as you say it. Fu Ying doesn't like procrastination. When you do something, you just do it. If you don't do something, don't do it. You don't have to wait for it.

After arriving, I discovered that what the tailor said was absolutely correct. The scene was even worse than what the tailor said. It could be said to be horrific.

The tailor's mood was immediately understandable. Because he was too cruel to others, he hated everyone he met. Because this case changed Fu Ying's impression of the criminal suspects. She felt that they were unforgivable and must pay a heavy price. Dare to

The criminals must be brought to justice and all punishments must be exhausted despite the injustice of the world. Such people are so abominable. Living in the world will only waste food, air, and even water. They should not be given to them. Those who do evil

At that time, it was simply too bad, with a complete loss of conscience and no trace of compassion. It was simply too abominable.

Fu Ying asked Wu Zuo to investigate carefully and make records.

Fu Ying deduced from this half of the tongue that the suspect must be nearby. She needed to ask a village doctor or a wandering doctor to learn about the situation from them and see if anyone had come to them for treatment.

Of course, after the police had found out that the half of the tongue did not belong to the victim's tailor's daughter, it must have been bitten off by the victim when the criminal suspect was committing the crime. Then, it must have been left by the criminal suspect, so he ordered

, search all doctors throughout the county, and learn the suspect's whereabouts through the doctors. If the suspect is found, the case will eventually be solved.

All the government officials went down to search and announced a reward for providing clues. Fu Ying soon found out an important piece of information.

The policeman inquired about something, which was that the wandering doctor Zhuang Zishe had provided him with information.

One day, he was walking in the countryside to treat people, and suddenly found blood on the ground in front of him, so he walked forward quickly.

As a doctor, when you see blood, you will know that someone or an animal is injured. If it is an animal, it is not easy to find a veterinarian in this deserted place. Treating people is similar to treating livestock, but the amount of medicine used is different.

Seeing this blood stain, he thought that someone should be injured.

There was a person in front of me, lowering his head and walking quickly.

"Dare I ask, brother, are you injured?"

The man shook his head, said nothing, and ran away without saying a word. The doctor quickened his pace and wanted to follow him. After all, the man in front was injured and his walking was still somewhat restricted, even if his legs and feet were not injured.

The man seemed to be walking a lot, and when he met a doctor who often walked the streets and alleys to treat people, the doctor was much inferior.

The injured man left, but the doctor never followed him, but he was very impressed.

During this investigation, he provided this information.

After further investigation, it was discovered that the suspect was in Xianshan.

The police rushed to Xianshan without stopping and found this man under the incense case in Xianshan Temple. They then took this man back to the county government for interrogation.

Because half of his tongue was bitten off, he could not speak clearly, which prolonged the interrogation time.

Fu Ying was very happy to receive the news that the suspect had arrived in the case. The tailor also felt that the case would be solved soon and felt a little more at ease.

Fu Ying found this person with a half-tongued tongue a little strange and unreasonable.

Because under normal circumstances, if the tongue is bitten off, most people will run away from the pain and will never be able to calmly complete subsequent actions.

It was found that the deceased was tied up, died on a stool, and suffered violence. It is definitely unrealistic to rely on a seriously injured person to complete the crime. There must be someone else behind it. Who is it? Further investigation is needed.

How to conduct a trial? He was puzzled.

As a last resort, I only had one copy of Xiu Shu, and I quickly sent it to Master Bu and asked Bu Huishu to help me read it.

When Bu Huishu received a letter from a student asking for advice, he was also unambiguous. After knowing the situation, he touched the silver ring and got an idea. He knew the ins and outs of the case, but he couldn't tell it directly in the letter. He needed to interrogate it himself.

Only in this way can talents be trained and more people become useful.

He knew that Fu Ying had a strong understanding, so he wrote back to him and drew a picture of Zhong Kui.

This is the first time there is no written reply. Fortunately, Bu Hui is good at calligraphy and painting, so people can understand at a glance. Could it be that Zhong Kui is coming to hear the case?

Fu Ying looked at the painting, thought about it, and came to understand. She had to admire Master Bu's intelligence in her heart. She was simply too smart, not ordinary smart. She was not an ordinary person, she was an extraordinary person. Only extraordinary people could think of it.

This is a great idea.

So Fu Ying issued an announcement that the case would be heard in public, and tried to let everyone know about the case, because it was strange, and everyone knew the tailor, and heard that the tailor had a daughter who was as beautiful as a flower, and she was suddenly treated like this.

It is a pity that Xiang Xiaoyu died. I also want to find out the ins and outs of the case as soon as possible to eliminate the fear in my heart and avoid nightmares.

The news spread like wildfire and soon spread throughout the streets and alleys. People in some remote towns also knew about it and wanted to come and see and listen to gain insights so that they could use it as bragging rights in the future.


Of course, hatred of robbers is also one of the reasons why everyone comes to listen, and it is a very important reason.

On the day of the trial, the county government hall.

There are three floors inside and three floors outside, and it is completely surrounded by water.

Even though the number of government officials had tripled, it still wasn't enough. Fu Ying could only bring in helpers from various places to help maintain order.

At noon, when the sun was shining high, Fu Ying saw that it was almost time and shouted: "Bring the criminals up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone brought up a bench and placed it in the center of the lobby, along with a curtain.

This curtain is exactly the fabric hanging in the victim's boudoir. It is dark brown with white flowers on it. At first glance, it looks like it is coming to devour a person's bloody mouth. It makes people feel chills down their spine, as if they are dying.

a feeling of.

Fu Ying ordered one end of the curtain to be tied to one pillar, and the other end to another pillar.

Everyone didn't know what this meant, and Fu Ying didn't explain it, and continued to interrogate the bench and curtain seriously.

Fu Ying seemed to be asking and answering questions for herself. She would laugh for a while, be silent for a while, talk for a while, and sigh for a while, as if she was expressing a feeling or message. After she finished expressing, she would nod her head frequently, leaving everyone stunned. What kind of interrogation was this?

, as if being interrogated in another world.

Fu Ying seemed to be interrogating the air, but also seemed to be really interrogating, which made people confused, but they couldn't help but watch.

"Haha, haha, okay, okay, I understand." Fu Ying smiled brightly, as if she had solved a major case. She seemed much younger, and everyone was stunned.

When everyone looked at it, what kind of rhythm was this? Could it be that the county magistrate was about to become immortal?

While she was suspicious, Fu Ying stopped, looked at everyone, and said, "Here comes someone! Close the door and listen to my orders!"

The door creaked shut.

Then three cannons were fired, and everyone who heard them felt as if their hearts were split. It was really deafening and frightening.

Judging from this formation, everyone present is going to be searched and then interrogated one by one. This matter is not that simple.

It wasn't until the moment they closed the door that many people began to regret, feeling that they had not finished their work at home. For example, there were patients at home who needed to be given medicine, and others had to take care of children, feed livestock, or go to visit the house, etc.

Everything is waiting for you. If you don't do it, you will be scolded or suffer other losses.

Three cannons rang out, shaking the court. A sound like this would only be fired during the Chinese New Year or other major festivals. Something must have happened, so there is no need to leave in a hurry. If you leave at this time, you will be most suspicious!

In order to ensure that nothing is wrong, if others can tolerate it, why can't you? If you have not done anything wrong, you will not be afraid of ghosts calling the door.

At this moment, Fu Ying suddenly stood up and said

"Everyone, listen carefully. I received a revelation from the gods last night to find out the whereabouts of the criminal." Fu Ying said.

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me and I looked at you, looking back and forth, but I still didn't know who Fu Ying was talking about?

"Don't be nervous, everyone. Now I am announcing that whoever wants to go out from here needs to touch the curtain first. This curtain was used by the deceased during his lifetime. If he wants to go out, he must touch it first. If nothing is wrong, he can leave.

Yes, if after touching it, he is swallowed by the curtain, the one who is swallowed is the criminal, and others can go away. The criminal is caught and swallowed by the curtain, just like a python swallowing an elephant. Do you all understand?

"Fu Ying continued.


"Okay, start now, touch the curtain in order from left to right. If you touch the curtain and it's okay, let it go. If there is something wrong, keep it. After interrogation, you will be thrown into prison to wait for beheading." Fu Yingyan said.

After finishing speaking, the Yamen came over to maintain order, and the police officers closely monitored those who touched the curtains, touching them one by one, so that everyone present could participate in this bizarre trial process.

There were two people in brightly dressed clothes who looked like they were from rich families, so they attracted the attention of the police.

The two people arrived in front of the curtain. You looked at me and I looked at you. Their movements were hesitant and slow. They looked at the curtain as if they were laughing. Their hands were trembling with fear. They were not obedient no matter what. They clearly wanted to turn left.

, but ended up going to the right. They obviously wanted to go to the right, but ended up going to the left. It was depressing. The important thing was that they didn’t dare to reach out to the curtain. The two of them saw this situation, and the curtain was trying to swallow people’s rhythm, so they didn’t stretch out their hands, but instead shrunk.

He turned back, fearing that his hands would be entangled in the curtains and the two of them would be swallowed alive into the belly of a snake like a snake swallowing a toad.

With fear in their hearts, the two men retracted their trembling hands. The captured man saw clearly and clearly. He immediately took action, shouted, knocked the two men to the ground, and tied them tightly on the spot.

The two shouted that they were wronged, but Fu Ying just ignored them.

When everyone saw that the criminal was caught, they felt relieved.

Fu Ying asked the rest to leave, and then began to interrogate the second criminal.

The second criminal has always refused to plead guilty. Fu Ying ordered a slap in the face. The second criminal has never been hit with a big slap in the court.

Generally speaking, dandy children have never experienced hardships, such as being disciplined by their husbands or their families. When they grow up, these are nothing to worry about. They have been pampered since childhood and are really scared when they encounter real swords and guns.

Before the fight even started, the two of them began to confess, telling the truth and not daring to hide anything.

It turned out that the second criminal had long since fallen in love with the tailor's daughter. Unfortunately, the tailor's family tradition was very strict and he supervised his daughter very strictly. The daughter was also obedient and would not open the door easily.

On the day of the incident, a salesman was selling goods while playing a drum. When he heard the sound of the drum, the tailor's daughter remembered that she had run out of thread and was knitting an overskirt. She needed to buy new thread, so she went downstairs and opened the shop.

She opened the door, looked at the thread, and agreed on the price. However, she didn’t have any money with her and needed to go back upstairs to get the money. The salesman followed him upstairs and found that she was the only one at home. He also saw that she was beautiful, with a graceful figure, and everyone was there.

Love, the salesman has been traveling all over the country for so many years, but he has never seen such a beautiful woman, so he became lustful and started to touch the woman.

The salesman's wife died three years ago. He was in his prime. He had been selling goods for a long time. He had many opportunities to get close to women, but few attracted him. This time he met the tailor's daughter, and he was attracted. He was a single man without a woman by his side for a long time.

, has become a barrel of gunpowder. As long as it encounters a tiny spark, it will cause disaster and is irreversible.

He wanted to do something evil, but the tailor's daughter saw that he was a pervert, so she resisted desperately. During the resistance, she bit off half of the salesman's tongue. The salesman was in unbearable pain and did not continue to commit the crime. He left her and ran away because

He was worried that if caught by the government, he would go to jail and there would be a lot of bad words spread. He simply left.

After he escaped, the tailor's daughter was crying upstairs. The young man saw that the door of the tailor's house was usually closed, but it was different today. Could it be that there was a tailor's daughter who was in love with youth? If so, it was exactly what he wanted. They thought

It was okay, so I slowly approached the tailor's house and found that no one was home, so I went upstairs.

After going upstairs, they found her crying non-stop. The two asked her, "Why are you crying?"

"There were bad guys just now."

"Where are the bad guys?"


"Then, why don't you report it to the official?"

"Wait until dad comes back."

"We are good people, come to see you and protect you!"

"You don't need protection. You can leave, or I will report it to the police. What you did is breaking into a house and molesting women." The tailor's daughter said angrily.

As soon as the two heard this, they looked at their daughter. She looked so pretty and charming, which aroused their sexual desire. They rushed forward, their bestiality aroused, and tortured their daughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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