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Chapter 57 Marrying a Dead Woman

Besides, Tong Dachen was frightened and fainted by the figure behind him. After a while, he was poured some soup into his mouth, and then he slowly woke up. When he looked at the people around him, he discovered Qiao Xiaoliu.

As soon as he saw Qiao Xiaoliu, he shouted: "Ghost, ghost!"

"Dachen, take a good look, I am Xiaoliu, I am still alive, I am not dead!" Qiao Xiaoliu said.

Tong Dachen rubbed his eyes and looked at the beauty in front of him. She could blink her eyes and open her mouth to speak. She also had a friendly smile, rosy lips, and a rosy face. Her skin was as moist and shiny as a cooked egg that had been peeled.

, such a beautiful woman looks like she has stepped down from the painting on the wall, or like a fairy falling from the sky, making people stunned.

"Are you really Xiaoliu? Isn't this a dream?" Tong Dachen still didn't believe his ears. He pulled his ears and found that they were normal, and he felt a slight pain.

Only then did he realize that this was not a dream, but a living reality. What puzzled him was that he watched Qiao Xiaoliu drink the poison. The smell of the poison was deeply irritating and made people dizzy when they smelled it.

It was also clearly seen that Qiao Xiaoliu drank the poison and smashed the blue and white porcelain bottle. The sound of the broken porcelain bottle was clear and crisp. The liquid remaining on the broken pieces of the porcelain bottle also exuded a strong pungent smell, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Dachen, from now on, my little Liuzi will be your woman, because I came back from the hell gate. The Lord of Hell didn't want me, and I didn't drink Po Meng's soup. When I came back, I just wanted to follow you all my life.

Never be separated. Don’t dislike me. I am your wife. No one should try to separate us. Do you know? There is only you and no one else in my heart." Xiao Liuyan said.

"That's great! Xiao Liuzi, that's great!" Tong Dachen said, looking very excited. He had never talked to a woman at such a close distance before, and his face turned red with embarrassment.

Fu Ying laughed loudly and said, "You two are finally reunited. We will never be separated again." Fu Ying said.

"Master, what is going on? Xiao Mingming saw Xiao Liu rolling on the ground and died, and Wu Zuo also performed an autopsy. How is he still alive?" Tong Dachen asked. His eyes were full of question marks.

Fu Ying took a look and thought that Tong Dachen was really interesting. He was as innocent as a child even though he was so big. No wonder he couldn't deal with these two guys Zhong Nianshang and Ai Cairen. Zhong Nianshang had been in business for many years and was as shrewd as a monkey. When he saw

Avoid danger and take advantage when you see an advantage. In short, you will never miss anything. Just like a thief, a thief will never miss anything. No matter where he goes, he will gain something.

Ai Cairen looks more like a monkey, short in stature, quick in movement, looking at things with his eyeballs rolling around. He works hard to make money without losing money. He is always thinking about maximizing his own interests, so that he will work harder.

Go and become smooth yourself, so that you can be more powerful. If you have money, you will have everything.

Both Zhong Nianshang and Ai Cairen believe that women can be bought and sold. As long as you have money, you don't have to worry about women. You can buy women for your own enjoyment. They regard women as their own tools. Use them when you think of them and throw them away when you are done with them.

It is covered with dust on the side, without management and care, until it rusts and breaks, no regrets.

"Hahaha, this is a strategy, it's really a wonderful plan. Only Grand Master Bu Huishu can come up with it. Of course, there are also his students. Even I can think of this aspect. The key is to look at people's hearts and human nature. If you know people's hearts, you can make judgments easily.

If you know human nature, you will know who is right and who is wrong. The key to this case lies in beauty. Everyone wants it, refuses to give in to each other, and each has his own reasons, so it is difficult to judge. You must know that the spirit of competition is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, because competition can bring

Interests, if there is no attraction and drive of interests, no one will participate in it and enjoy it. Because it is profitable, they will flock to it. Qiao Xiaoliu is beautiful, everyone wants it, and no one gives in. You know, Zhong Nianshang and Ai Cairen

They are all rich people. With money, they can buy women. They will not have real feelings for Qiao Xiaoliu. They just covet Qiao Xiaoliu's appearance. They are interested in the body, not in Qiao Xiaoliu's loyalty.

Love, because it only values ​​the body and doesn’t care about things other than the body. It feels that things other than the body are worthless, such as good conduct or love, so it only cares about the body. When the body does not exist, there is no love. There is no love.

There is no real happiness in love. It seems that you really love each other, not just for each other's body, but also for each other's character and attitude towards life. This is a good start. I hope you have a good life.

After all the hardships, happiness comes. After this incident, I understand each other better and understand the human heart. You must cherish the hard-won love. I believe you will do it," Fu Ying said.

After listening to these words, Tong Dachen was moved to tears. It seemed that Tong Dachen was tall and majestic, like a high mountain, but it was a beautiful and fragile mountain that was always crying. Compared with Qiao Xiaoliu, Qiao Xiaoliu

Liu Dao looked much calmer and stronger. It seemed that he was not celebrating the rest of his life after experiencing the calamity of life and death, but he was calm and composed after seeing through some people and things. If this pair of people were together, there might be a lot to be admired.

Dot's story.

"Master, I don't understand something, I hope you can give me some advice!" Tong Dachen said.

"Hahaha, I guessed that you have a question to ask. Did Qiao Xiaoliu fake his death? What did you give Qiao Xiaoliu to drink?" Fu Ying asked.

"Yes, yes, that's what I want to ask. What's going on?" Tong Dachen asked.

"Oh, the drink I gave Qiao Xiaoliu was not poison. The so-called poison was actually an anesthetic with some stimulating things added in it. It smelled like poison, but it was not. The purpose was to make Qiao Xiaoliu numb.

In the past, people were unconscious, so we can proceed to the next step. If Qiao Xiaoliu's existence is not conducive to the trial of the case, let Qiao Xiaoliu fake his death and the case will be solved immediately. If there are not crazy men in the world, there will be no resentful women.

Without crazy men and women, there wouldn't be many stories in the world." Fu Ying said.

"I understand, that's how it is! It's really high, high, high!" Tong Dachen said.

"Why is it so high? This is a crime-solving technique. It is not actually a case-solving, but also a kind of wisdom. It was taught to me by my teacher Bu Taishi. It requires careful observation to always find the key points of the problem. Find the key points.

I have a good idea." Fu Ying said.

"I'm very grateful to you, sir!" Tong Dachen said.

After saying that, Tong Dachen was about to kneel down to Fu Ying. Fu Ying quickly helped him up and said, "Let's live a good life with Qiao Xiaoliu!"

Qiao Xiaoliu also wanted to kneel down, but was also helped up by Fu Ying.

This pair of young people seemed to pay great attention to etiquette. Fu Ying thought to herself that it was a good thing that lovers would eventually get married, so that they could have a happy life for the rest of their lives. Considering that she was busy with official duties, she originally wanted to host the wedding for them, so she had to give up and let them

The local people were organizing their wedding together with the local security guards. Fu Ying followed the gift and sent blessings. At the same time, considering that Tong Dachen's parents had died, Qiao Xiaoliu also had his mother Liu Muchai left, so he took her over to support her.

Liu Mucai didn't expect to see her daughter again. She didn't expect that Tong Dachen was handsome, talented, and had a good heart. She was set to marry her, but something happened when she was young. He didn't despise her daughter and committed suicide by taking poison. Others despised her.

He could not avoid it, but he took the responsibility bravely and said that he would fulfill his responsibilities and obligations as a husband and take his daughter's body home for burial. Based on this, the first son-in-law's behavior is remarkable. The following one

Fat and thin, the fat man is middle-aged, about the same age as himself, and can be a father, but he is an old and cunning man. When he sees his daughter's body, he doesn't want it anymore and doesn't care. He is a mercenary villain. The thin man is the same.

A man with a monkey spirit doesn't suffer any loss. He looks wretched and ugly, but is picky and picky. At first glance, he looks like a gangster in the romantic field. I really don't trust my daughter when I leave him. Once he falls in love with doing bad things, it is difficult to look back. It's still Tong Dachen.


I never expected that I would be able to see my daughter resurrected in my lifetime, and that I would be able to see my daughter without going to the underworld myself. It was really a surprise.

It seems that all the hard work has finally come to an end. Liu Muchai thought to himself, after enduring most of his life, he has finally come to an end. Although his son-in-law Tong Dachen is poor, he is a good character. Whether he gets married or gets married, he gives Qiao Xiaoliu a sense of security. This is the problem. If you have money,

It is not necessarily safe, and having no money is not necessarily dangerous. Having no money may bring peace and stability, because no one will cause trouble and destroy the family.

Later, Liu Mucai died, and her experience proved that her greed for money almost took away her most beloved thing. Qiao Xiaoliu and Tong Dachen finally got married and lived together happily.

The child bride case came to an end and Fu Ying was about to rest when a letter came from the capital. Master Bu said that Fu Ying should go to Xinye to handle a child bride case.

Fu Ying received the letter and immediately replied. The letter clearly stated that she would go to Xinye County to handle the case on a certain date.

Fu Ying's plan to travel had to be cancelled, because the case involved many aspects and she could not afford to be careless.

When they arrived in Xinye, the county magistrate avoided it, knowing that Lao Hekou was designated to personally review the case and not to deal with it hastily.

Fu Ying took the file and read it carefully, feeling that there were many doubts.

The suspect's name is Tong Xiaomin.

He is Tong Dachen's distant cousin.

Because his family was poor, he was raised in his husband's family since he was a child.

Xiao Min's mother-in-law didn't like Xiao Min, and the person who also disliked Xiao Min was Xiao Min's sister-in-law. The sister-in-law was Xiao Min's husband's sister, named Xiao Xian.

Xiaoxian disliked Xiaomin and wanted to get rid of her quickly. In order to achieve her goal, she began to think of various ways to kill Xiaomin, but she felt that none of them would work.

If you throw yourself into a well, there is only one well in use in the village. If you throw yourself into a well, will you still be able to drink water? Besides, the other wells are all dry, and the wellheads are covered with big rocks. You can’t move them yourself, nor can you hire someone to move them.

It would be even more impossible to push Xiao Min to the bottom of the cliff. This is a plain with endless horizon. It would be almost exhausting to find the cliff. Before Xiao Min could be pushed to the bottom of the cliff, he would be exhausted from walking.

Using knives and scissors will not work. It is intentional killing of human life. If you catch it, you will die. There is nothing to discuss.

Hanging is not acceptable. It is said that death is ugly, and there may be ghosts on the body, which makes it impossible to live in the house. The tongue of the hanged ghost is very long. It is said that the tongue is uncomfortable when suffocating, and the tongue is stretched out due to the desperate breathing. After death, the tongue cannot be retracted.

gone back.

If you look for a tiger to kill you, you will be eaten before you can find the tiger that killed the person. You can't find a wolf either. Wolves will eat sheep and don't like people.

It is more dangerous to find crocodiles. There are really no suitable animals to hurt people.

If it is a snake spirit, Xiao Min can be buried in the snake's belly, and no one can see it. The snake needs a big snake. Where can I find it? It needs a big snake, but the big snake needs to practice. If it hurts someone, all the training will be invalid.


Is there any other method that is gentler and more effective? Oh, by the way, when I think about it, it’s poisoning.

What kind of poison should be administered?

Rat poison? Generally not, there are fake rat poisons. If it is not poisoned to death but is poisoned, it will be a disaster for people.

If Xiao Min is lucky, the poison will not kill her. If she is not lucky, she will die if there is real rat poison. After she dies, it will be over and done with. It cannot be too good. It is her bad luck. She will not be able to complain or blame her when she comes to the King of Hell. Otherwise,

, I won’t go if the King of Hell asks me to go. But I’m not afraid if I go. Xiao Min is so angry. Sooner or later, my mother will be so angry that she and I will die, and then she will be happy. Otherwise, she will die. As long as she dies, everyone will


Thinking like this, she came up with a vicious plan, which was to poison Xiao Min to death first, and then say that she accidentally ingested rat poison. This would work, and then she would say that she was the one who committed suicide because she couldn't think of it, and the people in the county government office

No, everyone is stupider than the other, and there is no one in Xiao Min's family to stand up for her, and no one will pay a lawyer to litigate the case for her.

With the red thorns in my eyes removed, I feel better.

Her plan was very careful and she didn't tell anyone. In order to reassure Xiao Min, she started to launch an offensive. She was so good to Xiao Min that Xiao Min felt that her sister-in-law seemed to be a different person.

Seeing the changes in her sister-in-law Xiaoxian, Xiao Min felt the warmth of life and felt very beautiful.

She was thinking about how lively it would be when the whole family got together in the future. Xiaoxian planned that once the plan was successful, her status in the family would soar, and she would be able to speak her words with integrity.

She was thinking about good things when someone walked past her door playing a peddler's drum.

She didn't shout, and waited until the salesman had gone far before she came out and quickly chased him.

Panting, she ran to the salesman and asked, "Is there any poison for rats?"

"No!" the salesman said as he looked Xiaoxian up and down.

"Really?" Xiaoxian asked.

"What are you doing to deceive you? Not really." The salesman said, shaking his head as if shaking his rattle. This may be a habit, a professional habit.

The salesman saw that this woman didn't look like a good person. If she was a good person, why was she still at home? She didn't look like a wife at first glance, she looked like a girl who couldn't get married. For many reasons, but the most important one was probably that she didn't understand the ways of the world.

It is most likely that you don’t have a kind heart, because if you don’t do good things, you will have a sad look on your face. If you are unhappy, you may hate people. If you hate people, you may harm others. If there is a life-threatening lawsuit, this is not a trivial matter. Everything is involved.

Be careful, be careful and nothing will happen.

This chapter has been completed!
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