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Chapter 1: There Are Floating Corpses in Mirror Lake

Xiangyang, late Yuan Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, Jinghu Lake.

This Jinghu Lake is both a pond and a lake, smaller than the lake and larger than the weir.

The lake was integrated with the defense system of Xiangyang City. The Yuan army could not defeat Xiangyang for a long time. Because the city was impregnable and the soldiers and civilians defending the city shared the same hatred, the Yuan army was defeated. It took a long time and nothing could be done.

One day, Old Man Tu led his cows to the lake to let them drink water. He found a big black fish floating at the mouth of the lake. He picked up a stone and threw it next to the black fish to see if it was dead or alive. If it was alive, he would run away, saying

Maybe they will give birth in the water plants, and if they are dead, they will not run away. He thought this way, and with a "dong" sound, it was not a fish, but the blurred face of a man was clearly visible. Oh my god! He was scared to death.

His calves were trembling. He held a bamboo stick with the lower end cracked and went straight to Liu, the landlord.

When Lao Liu heard this, he panicked. There was a murder case in his area, and he was to blame, so he hurried to see it.

He saw that there was indeed a floating corpse at the mouth of the lake. The floating corpses of both men and women were facing down. What should he do now? Is it suicide or homicide?

Lao Liu immediately went to find Bu Huishu, a well-known local litigation spokesperson.

Bu Huishu has been a spokesperson for more than 20 years and has never lost a lawsuit. He is the right person to choose.

"Dibao, why are you so panicked?" Bu Huishu asked.

"Unfortunately, a floating corpse was found on my property."



"That's right, Jinghukou is under your control."

"What can we do? What should we do?"

"What should I do? Report it to the official!" Bu Huishu said.

"How to draft this submission?" Di Bao asked, "I hope Mr. Bu can give me some advice and write the submission on my behalf."

"I need one thousand taels of silver."

"A request for one thousand for a submission? Too expensive, too expensive! My annual salary is not that much."

"That's fine. You can see for yourself!"

The landowner can't afford so much money, and he has none, so where can he get the money from? If you don't pay the money, this life lawsuit is a big deal. The death of a person is not a small matter. No matter how he died, spending money is unavoidable. To eliminate wealth and avoid disaster, it must be done

Hua, see if you can be accommodating. Thinking of this, the landowner asked: "I don't have that much money. Mr. Bu does good things, and the place has always been peaceful and peaceful. The more I am afraid of trouble, the more trouble comes. As for me, give me two hundred taels, and help me write how to do it."


"A paper submission looks light and fluffy, but it is valuable. If you give me eight hundred taels, it means that the surgery can be performed and the internal medicine will not care. You think about it yourself, and I will write it according to the eight hundred taels of submission. After writing it, you

How about reporting it to the official? As for whether there is a problem in the internal medicine department, I can't control it," Bu Huishu said.

"Okay, I'll pay you two hundred taels of silver, sir, please write it."

"Okay, wait a moment, it will be ready soon." Bu Huishu said, and there was a book boy assistant beside him, who was grinding ink, laying out paper, polishing the brush, raising his hand, and swiping it, then put down the brush and handed it to the local security guard to write a submission.

Author: "A male floating corpse was found at the entrance of Jinghu Lake in Xiangyang."

The local security guard took the submission and dug around in his pocket for a long time before taking out some Zou Baba's banknotes. He counted two hundred taels and handed them to Bu Huishu with a trembling hand. He returned home as if he had found a treasure.

Back home, the land guard felt uneasy. He couldn't sit or stand. The man's body was still floating in the water. People came and went looking at it, talking about it, and pointing around. The land guard thought to himself,

If you don't do anything, the cause of this man's death is unknown. If the higher-ups are to blame, the loss will be huge. For your own safety, you must be willing to let your child beat the wolf.

He tried his best to borrow 800 taels of silver, and then went to find the spokesperson of Divination Huishu again.

"If you want to find a lawyer, look for a big lawyer. The lawyer is the most famous. I have borrowed money from here and there to honor the lawyer. Please rewrite the petition so that I can rest assured. You must know that you will not meet a lawyer who is famous far and near.

There is no way to save someone. A murder happened here, it is really unavoidable, so I ask the lawyer to be merciful and write brilliantly. Saving one life with his pen is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Please accept this trivial thing." The land guard said,

He reluctantly took out the banknote. He had already prepared it, but when he took out the banknote, his hands were not very obedient.

Bu Huishu couldn't wait. He understood the difficulty and didn't rush it. He already had a plan in mind. What should come will definitely come, so there is no need to rush.

When the local security guard completely returned to normal, he handed all the banknotes to Bu Huishu, then withdrew his hand and stood aside respectfully.

Bu Huishu took the banknote and put it away, and asked coldly: "Where is the submission?"

The land security guard took out the petition he had just written and handed it to Bu Huishu.

Bu Huishu unfolded the submission, picked up a brush placed on the pen stand next to the inkstone, dipped it in some ink, turned the brush holder on the side of the inkstone to block the excess ink from the calligraphy, and drew a stroke on the submission, which was reflected in the mirror.

He pulled down the middle of the mouth in the mouth of Hukou, and the mouth turned into center. Then he handed the submission back to the district attorney and said: "It's done, take it to the official and make sure it's okay. You know, I won't lose."


When the local security guard saw the submission, there was not much difference from the previous submission, except that there was an extra vertical stroke. He thought to himself, this vertical stroke is eight hundred taels of silver! It seems that if you want to make money, you have to know how to write. This divination book must be profound.

If you know this, you won't be famous far and wide.

The local security guard accepted the report with suspicion and quickly reported it to the officials. The report stated that a male body was found floating in Jinghu Lake. The county government received the report and rushed to the scene quickly. After investigation and autopsy, it was found that the body was intact and there were no fatal injuries.

It was not a homicide. It was most likely that he fell into the water and died. So based on the report, the county government notified the local people to claim the body. After hearing the news, the family members of the deceased came to claim the body and took him home for burial.

The county government refused to file the case. Seeing that the matter had come to this, the family had no choice but to give up. There was no other way. They originally wanted to seek compensation from the land insurance company, but the county government had already closed the case and ignored it, allowing the land insurance company to escape the disaster.

The local security guard secretly exclaimed, this divination and book litigator is really awesome, one word is worth eight hundred taels of silver. He raises the price without counter-offering. It is so easy to make money. It seems that he still needs to write more. One word is worth a thousand gold. It is not a dream.

Divination Huishu easily earns one thousand taels of silver, it's a piece of cake.

I used to be a down-and-out scholar who failed in many trials and became a lawyer, redressing the grievances of others and fighting injustices. His reputation spread far and wide, and his reputation became bigger and bigger, just like Chinese medicine. The louder the reputation, the better the business.

He suffered too many looks from his eyes, could see through the world, was despised by others, was like a lost dog, was driven around everywhere, had to worry about the next meal, lived in poverty, was a down-and-out scholar, and didn't know where to go.

He is old, no matchmaker comes to his door, no one proposes marriage, the family has no money, only a thatched house, there is a fire, but he is still alive, the house is only in ruins, there is no shelter, he can only live in a ruined temple, speaking of which

Even though he is a scholar, he has not been able to get any honors, which is very miserable.

Before the temple was destroyed, it was worshiped by the Dragon King. There was a severe drought in the area, so the people built this temple to pray to the Dragon King for rain. As a result, they spent a lot of money to build a temple, but the Dragon King did not rain and did not show his spirits. The incense gradually decreased, and the temple also disappeared.

It was abandoned and in disrepair for a long time. Fortunately, when the Dragon King Temple was built, the craftsmen were in awe of the Dragon King. They were meticulous and conscientious. The temple was strong and durable, and the materials used were all high-quality goods. The Dragon King Temple was not afraid of wind and rain. As a result, the temple stood for five years.

It has not fallen down for a hundred years, but the roof is somewhat damaged, moss has grown on the walls, and there are weeds and wild flowers in the gaps between the stone steps.

Bu Huishu lives in a dilapidated temple and makes a living by selling calligraphy and paintings in the market. He is good at writing couplets and blessing characters. The closer the New Year is, the better his business will be.

There is no big money coming in, but small money can still be made. It is not a problem to make ends meet, and it can be enough for the time being. Business is usually quiet, and I teach a few students how to read by the way. The parents of the students give some food as tuition, and I can live on. I just live in a ruined temple.

, every time he is asked where he comes from and where he lives, he just prevaricates. Everyone knows it, but let him say it himself. For a family with a thatched house, it doesn't matter if they can recognize the words. Isn't it like living in a ruined temple? It's worse than growing crops.

Han people still have thatched houses to live in.

Fortunately, with the change of dynasties, the status of scholars has improved, and people have begun to pay attention to literacy. If you can read, you will be respected. Farmers let their children learn to read to avoid being cheated. It is also good for keeping accounts without drawing circles on the wall.

lock up.

Bu Huishu gradually became a scholar from all over the country, and some people came to ask students to learn how to read. Some students studied seriously, and some were not serious. Bu Huishu did not force him because he made little money.

He had enough to eat and money to spare, but he never thought of buying a house instead of books. He knew that no matter how strong the house was, it would collapse one day, so it was better to buy books. The house of knowledge was built in the brain, and it would not be afraid of wind and rain, and would not collapse.

, with knowledge comes money. As long as you don't mess around, you will live a peaceful life.

As the number of students in the village increased, the village raised funds to build a house and gave the teacher a field so that Bu Huishu could grow fruits, melons and vegetables for self-sufficiency while teaching the students. Bu Huishu didn't know how to farm, so he asked the parents of the students to help him.

There is no tuition fee for helping with farming. Of course, the parents of the students are willing to use their talents and get what they need.

This piece of land is the best piece of land in the village. Everyone has been fighting for it for many years, and there have been many fights. The day before yesterday was named Zhao, today is named Qian, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I don’t know who the name is. Because this field is good, everyone wants it.

As a result, it became the focus of conflicts. In order to calm the public anger, the village decided to give the field to the teacher. They knew very well that the field still belonged to the village, not to a certain family or individual, and it was temporarily managed by Bu Huishu.

Sure enough, this trick worked very well. Everyone was very happy because they didn't get it, and neither did others. Everyone felt that they were getting along harmoniously and happily, and they were very happy.

Bu Huishu just got fertile land, so he went down to take a look. He didn't know what to plant, and he was too embarrassed to ask the old hands in farming. The parents of those students were all experts, but the big boy couldn't read a word and could only touch and touch.

He didn't know how to hold a hoe handle but a pen stick, so he first went to the ground to fumble around.

This field has been idle for a long time, because everyone wanted it, but no one got it, so it was abandoned for a long time. The surrounding fields were cultivated several times, and crops grew every year, and when the weather was good, the harvest was abundant.

This good field is overgrown with weeds and flowers, and is so barren that it makes people cry.

He grows cucumbers, which are good, but he needs bamboo to build the structure. Where can he cut the bamboo? It’s not pleasant to ask for help.

He wants to grow beans, and also loofah, but also on a shelf, not on a shelf, what is it? Sorghum? Make wine? Make brooms? This good land would be wasted if you grow sorghum, and you can't grow miscellaneous grains. You can only grow vegetables.

What kind of vegetables to grow is a headache. It turns out that farming is more difficult than studying. In the world of adults, nothing is easy. He sighed like this. When he saw half of the earthen pot, he stood up and sighed. Half of the weeds were cut out of it.

I don’t know who threw the earthen jars over here. He felt that it would be better to teach. It’s really troublesome to put these broken jars in the wasteland. The scholar can’t tie the chicken with his hands, but he can fly with his feet. Look at me.

, this kick will definitely make the broken earthen jar break and fall, not break, but fly, it will be better to fly to someone else's field.

He saw it correctly, and sure enough he flew up and landed.

"Crash-" a dull echo.


With a shout, Bu Huishu suddenly screamed. His foot hurt from being kicked. He immediately squatted down in pain, picked up his foot, took off his shoes, and began to massage it non-stop.

While rubbing his feet, he accidentally discovered that there was a bright light shining in the cracks of the broken tiles. It turned out that it was not half of the earthen jar, but the whole earthen jar. Two-thirds of it was buried in the soil, and one third was exposed.

Outside, the top of the earthen jar that was kicked and smashed is the top, and the light is coming from the earthen jar.

He pulled away the fragments and found a shiny object at the bottom of the earthen jar. He took it out and saw that it was a silver ring with the word "Tu" engraved in the middle.

Being sensitive to words, Bu Huishu was overjoyed. This little thing actually had a word. What did this word mean? Let’s take it home first and then talk about it. No, wait a minute to see if he can put it on, so he tried on the silver ring.

, the result size is just right.

It's like it was tailor-made just for him.

Wait, let's see if there is anything else. This gadget is very strange. It can glow in dark places, but it doesn't glow when there is light.

He put on the silver ring and stretched out his hand. As expected, the silver ring shone at the bottom of the jar, like a torch. He could see clearly. There was nothing at the bottom of the jar. This is strange. Who buried this here? Why only use tiles?

What about a silver ring in a can? No matter what, this silver ring can shine like a luminous pearl, and it is made of silver. If there is no food in the future, it can be used as a pawn or in exchange for some food.

This is because he is afraid of being poor and hungry. He has no choice but to count what he finds as his own. Who asked him to give this field to him? He got this field because of nature. God is merciful and gave him a field and a room.

The house can be used to support oneself.

He put the fragments of the earthen jar back into the earthen jar. Such earthen jars are very common and are found in most farmers' homes. They are used to hold water in the fields. When they are tired from working, they drink the water in the jar to quench their thirst.

It can also be used to hold porridge, porridge and the like. If you don’t go home at noon, you can drink some porridge in the fields, eat some pancakes and pickles, and it can also make a meal.

Bu Huishu put the earthen jar as it was, found the lid of the jar, and closed it slightly. Maybe the student's parents would come to farm and throw the jar far away, so as not to affect the growth of vegetables.

This chapter has been completed!
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