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Chapter 73 Encountering No Suspect Case by Occasion

Besides, Cheng Hu was sleeping soundly when he suddenly heard someone banging on the door. The door of his house was already thin and could not withstand the banging. The sound was very loud. He got up immediately, then stood up and opened the door in confusion.

As soon as the door opened, good guy, a group of people in black came in. He shouted: "No, they are robbing!"

"If you are being robbed, report it to the police."

Cheng Hu saw that the person who spoke so forcefully knew that the person who came was not good. After a closer look, it turned out that they were all policemen and government servants. The leader asked: "You are barking, are you still barking?"

Cheng Hu lowered his head, holding a breath in his stomach, and then suddenly released it. The sound was so loud that everyone was startled and thought it was thunder.

This loud fart was extraordinary and different. It was Cheng Hu's way to welcome the businessman to his humble home.

This makes the tolerance very passive, but in this line of work, everyone has seen it, so there is no need to be surprised. That's it! You still have to arrest people, and you have to deal with stinky shit.

"Your name is Cheng Hu?"

"Yes. My name is Cheng Hu. I won't change my name in business or my surname." Cheng Hu said.

"You are quite brave! Come with us," the leader said.

"I didn't break the law, why should I follow you? Did I break the law? Do you have an official document to arrest me?" Cheng Hu asked.

He thought to himself, we can’t just arrest people randomly!

Besides, there is no crime, just arresting people at random is a crime.

"The paperwork, yes, yes. If you want the paperwork, the county magistrate has already prepared it. But this gentleman is different. He has long expected that you would come to do this. He has prepared the arrest warrant in advance. Do you want to see it?

"The leader of the team said, and then he raised the rolled-up official document in his hand.

"Forget it, I understand. There is no need to show me the official documents. I will go with you. Just don't hit me." Cheng Hu said.

"I won't hit you. Don't worry! As long as you cooperate."

"Cooperate and cooperate, as long as you don't hit me. Just do whatever you say."

"Where is your money?" asked the leader.

"What money?" Cheng Hu asked, confused at the time.

"The money you use to make money and kill people."

"It's unfair, it's unfair! It was something you said after you were drunk, it's not true."

"It's not true? Why is it such a coincidence? Where is the money?"

"The money is spent."

"How did you spend it?"

"I bought a piece of land."


"In the next village, there is the property of Zhang Laizi from Zhangge Village."


"Really, if you don't believe it, please see, here is the land sale contract." Cheng Hu said.

With that said, Cheng Hu took out a land contract from the bedside table and showed it to the leader. The leader looked at it carefully and said, "In this case, I will take this contract with you. You also need to go and go to the county government office."

Go clearly. We are only responsible for arresting people, and the trial is your business. Don’t blame us for disturbing you." The leader said, and then ordered Cheng Hu to be tied up and escorted to the county government office.

The county magistrate took a look and found that Cheng Hu was the kind of person who was timid and fearful of getting into trouble. He had to apply the Five Listening Principles. He found that although Cheng Hu had a problem with speaking freely, he was drunk at the time. An honest person can behave uninhibitedly even if he drinks too much.

, there are no gatekeepers to what they say, let alone those who usually talk in a nonchalant manner if they don’t drink.

The county magistrate asked: "How come your land deed is not in your name?"

"Master Qi, I have been wronged! That property contract was actually entrusted by someone to buy the property of Zhang Laizi from Zhangge Village. I was just helping to buy it on my behalf. Therefore, the name on the property contract does not belong to the villain, but to the villain's brother-in-law.

.Just because it was inconvenient for him, he entrusted the villain to buy the land." Cheng Hu said.

"That's it! Then, it's your brother-in-law's money, why do you say it was your robbery proceeds?"

"Sir, sir, I'm scared to death of even killing chickens, how can I seek wealth and murder? I really don't dare to do it. I just want to have the courage to brag after drinking. I really don't dare to do it," Cheng Hu said.


"Okay, you stay in the county office. Whether you are really wronged or falsely wronged will come to light in the future, and I will wait for further investigation by my official." The county magistrate said.

The county magistrate ordered him not to go to Beishan Dry Well for an autopsy, but to order him to stand by where he was, and all the government officials also went to the scene to wait for orders. Then he issued an announcement throughout the county, ordering all places to publicize to relevant people to collect the body.

The work went smoothly, and soon a woman came to claim the body.

The woman claimed to be the wife of the deceased. After hearing about the incident, she rushed to identify the body.

Seeing the headless body helplessly, she lost her opinion and said, "The clothes are quite similar."

"How are you sure it's your husband?"

"When the husband of the citizen girl went out, he brought one hundred taels of silver with him to use as capital for business. Unexpectedly, he encountered the devil Cheng Hu, who actually took away the money of the husband of the citizen girl and killed the husband of the citizen girl.

Jurchen is so miserable! I really want to eat Cheng Hu's flesh and drink Cheng Hu's blood. It's really so annoying. I also want Cheng Hu to be cut into pieces and executed by Ling Chi," the woman said.

"Okay, you go back first. The murderer has been caught. Don't worry, the trial will be held on another day. You go back first. The murderer is already in prison. The deceased, your husband, has no head yet. You go back and wait until your husband is found.

I will tell you to come over later. Do you understand?" the county magistrate said.

"Okay, sir, the daughter of the people is waiting for news at home. If there is any progress and the head of the husband of the people is found, the daughter of the people will be extremely grateful. It will be regarded as giving her husband a whole body so that he can be reincarnated in the future." The woman said.

"I already know it. Now, go to the woman's hometown and put up a notice, telling the neighbors to help find the head of the woman's husband. Those who find it will be rewarded heavily!" the county magistrate said.

After the instructions were given, all localities took active actions and found local heads. I heard that the bonuses were generous.

News soon came out that it was Niu Er from Zhangge Village who came to the county government to collect the reward.

Of course, he was full of confidence and believed that he would definitely get the reward.

Sure enough, he brought the head to the county magistrate. When he saw it, it really looked like the head of a dead body. Without looking carefully, he said it was the head of a dead body. The county magistrate was very satisfied and rewarded him with five thousand copper coins as promised.


The county magistrate's actions shocked the whole county.

Everyone was talking a lot, wondering what kind of medicine the county magistrate had in his gourd.

Niu Er received the bounty and was very happy. He said: "Thank you, master! Thank you, master!"

"Go ahead! However, I want to ask you, do you have a family?"

"Master Qi, I have not yet started a family because my family is poor."

"Do you want to start a family?" the county magistrate asked.

Niu Er looked around, blushed and said, "I think so!"

"Haha, this is normal. If you don't want to, it would be abnormal. Okay, I know, you can go down!"

Niu Er kowtowed his thanks and left the county government office.

Then, the county magistrate summoned the wife of the deceased. As soon as she arrived, the magistrate said: "Your husband's head has been found."

"Thank you, sir! I'm very grateful to you!"

"Do you have any children?"

When the woman heard this, she immediately lowered her head, feeling embarrassed and said, "The daughter of the common people has not yet had a child. It's just that her husband is not good at it. As a result, the daughter of the common people has not been pregnant for many years."

"So that's it! Are you sad that your husband died? He died an untimely death."

"No, his death is a relief."

"How do you put this? Is it painful for him to live?"

"Yes, it is always painful for him to live. He is always scolded by his uncle, saying that he is no good and has no ability, so he might as well die! It is painful every day."

"Then how do you know?"

"The girl is not deaf. His uncle taught him a lesson with a loud voice, and the girl heard it clearly."

"Is it because he has no children?"

"Minnu thinks there is a reason, because Minnu's parents-in-law have passed away, and they left with regrets because he did not have children and did not let his parents-in-law have grandchildren. This is the fundamental reason. It makes the family unpeaceful.


"Having children depends on God's will. Complaining and complaining will not solve the problem."

"Yes, this is God's will. Women are also suffering. Whose problem is it that they can't give birth to children? You have to ask God. If he is not good at that, women can't complain. This is also a harm to him. Also

He said some extreme words, but they were not malicious. The current situation is like this. He has been harmed by bad people. The women also hate the murderer. He is so cruel that he does not give him the whole body and prevents him from being reincarnated. This shows how vicious the murderer is."

the woman said.

"Have you ever checked it out?"

"I checked. The doctor said it was his problem, not the daughter's problem."

"Have you taken any medicine since then?"

"He took it. It's a medicine jar at home. He has been taking medicine all year round, but he never gets better. Our family is not rich, and we cannot afford such trouble."

"Then, what happened next?"

"Later, his uncle often visited him and brought him some delicious food. He comforted him and hoped that he would get better soon and help the Niu family continue their good life." The woman said.

"What happened next? What do you think of his uncle?"

"Speaking of this uncle, he is such a good man! He is handsome. Although he is said to be an uncle, he is actually a few years older than Minnu's husband. Because he is an elder, we all respect him. He often comes over to greet him, which is very touching.

!" said the woman.

"What happened next? Has your husband gotten better?"

"No, it's not a good idea," the woman said.

"What should we do?"

"It can only be taken care of slowly."

"How to recuperate?" the county magistrate asked.

"The doctor prescribed some tonics, herbs, and other aphrodisiacs and tonics," the woman said.

"Are there any other ingredients?"

"Yes, there are some powerful medicines that support lifting. Strictly speaking, they are health care products. In other aspects, supplementation is much stronger than treatment."

The county magistrate heard this and felt it was unreliable. So he asked: "Has your husband changed? Can he be replaced?"

"Still can't."

"Then what happened?" the county magistrate asked.

"Later on, he became more and more serious. He was completely useless and shrank. He himself was dying of pain and shame."

"Should we continue to take supplements?"

"It's no use."

"What's the use?"

"The doctor prescribed real herbal medicine again, not a tonic. You need to add a little arsenic in it."

When the county magistrate heard this, he immediately became vigilant. Arsenic is deadly, and if added improperly, it can kill people.

"Who went to grab this medicine?"

"It was my husband's uncle who went to arrest her. The women are women, so it's not convenient and they can't be exposed to the public. It's no problem for my uncle to go."

"Who's going to cook the medicine?"

"Of course the medicine that was captured was prepared by local women."

"How long will it last?"

When the woman heard this, she felt as if she had been hit by an electric shock. She trembled and her eyes widened in fear.

"Master, master, when the medicine was being boiled, the girl didn't know how long it would last. It was my uncle who was helping me."

"Are you making medicine together?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Are you just making medicine?" the county magistrate asked.

He saw that the woman was beautiful, with a face like a peach, and her figure was also graceful, slender and smooth. It would inevitably arouse some people's thoughts, especially normal men who have not been married for many years.

"Sir, we are just boiling medicine and not doing anything else."

Because there is no evidence, it is difficult for the county magistrate to pursue further inquiries.

"Tell me, how did your husband get better afterwards?" the county magistrate asked.

"After drinking pure Chinese herbal medicine, he gradually recovered. My uncle was very happy and asked him to go out to do business. He was also very willing to go out," the woman said.

"Is your uncle going out?"

"He doesn't go out."

"Do you want him to go out?"

"How old is he? Why don't you want him to go out?" the magistrate asked.

"He is over forty years old, but he is not very strong and it is difficult for him to go out. In order to fulfill his filial piety, don't the girls want him to stay in their hometown?"

"What's the age difference between him and you?"


"Your uncle."

"Twelve years apart."

"It seems that the idea of ​​filial piety is not valid."

"It's established, sir. He is about the same age as us, but he is weak and needs to be taken care of by his juniors. He has no juniors, only us. Can't we take care of him?"

"It's true to be filial, but I feel it's weird," the county magistrate said.

"Master, don't worry too much. The daughter and uncle are innocent and will never mess around. If they mess around, they will be hit by a carriage or beaten to death by lightning when they go out."

As soon as she finished speaking, a carriage sped past outside the Yamen, the horse neighed, followed by a burst of rolling thunder and rumble rolling across the sky, and then a flash of lightning split the sky.

The woman fell to the ground, fearing that she would be killed at this moment.

"Of course I am relieved. Now that the murderer has been caught, you can go ahead and get married while you are young. You are in your youth and have not yet had children. Take the time to have a baby. You will have someone to rely on when you are old. However, marriage is possible, but you must go through

Otherwise, no one will be allowed to get married, otherwise we will be dealt with in accordance with the law and will not be lenient," the county magistrate said.

"Okay, folk girls know that if you want to get married, you must first apply to the master." The woman said.

With that said, the woman retreated.

The county magistrate was about to return to his hometown when he suddenly heard someone playing drums outside.

The county magistrate let the drummer in, and when he saw it, it was none other than his uncle Niu'er.

"Who is kneeling?"

"Xiao Min Niu'er."

"Who to sue?"

"Why drumming?"

"To marry the wife of the deceased."

"That's very good! But I didn't issue an announcement. How did you get the news?" the county magistrate asked.

"The young one is waiting at the gate of the county government office, waiting for news. He heard the master's instructions."

"Very good! Very good! Come on, take it down for me and give it a good beating." The county magistrate pulled out the red sign and threw it on the ground. The police officers rushed forward and began to loosen the suspect's muscles and bones.

This chapter has been completed!
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